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Good Tradition: Oil Tankers Of Turkish-Linked Smugglers Continue To Blow In Northern Syria

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In a development that has already become a good tradition for northern Syria, oil tankers of Turkish-linked smugglers were once again blown up as a result of some ‘mysterious strike’.

Pro-militant sources claim that this time ‘fighters for democracy’ were able to find a part of the Tochka tactical ballistic missile close to the village of Tahrin – the area where the incident took place.

It should be noted that in previous cases, pro-militant sources were blaming ‘unidentified warplanes and drones’ for carrying out the strikes. Therefore, we see a particular shift in the narrative. Or these ‘mysterious forces’ just opted to test some new approach in sending gifts to the Turkish-linked democracy lovers.

Good Tradition: Oil Tankers Of Turkish-Linked Smugglers Continue To Blow In Northern Syria

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Good Tradition: Oil Tankers Of Turkish-Linked Smugglers Continue To Blow In Northern Syria

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Hasbara Hunter

I really wonder who would do such a thing…



Russian interference again perhaps?


They are not Russians …..

Jens Holm

They have reasons too…


I am as shocked as you are, HH :) What is the world coming to when Syrian oil that is first stolen by the US government is ‘neutralised’ :) just as the Turkish smugglers of ( Erdogan Stolen Oil Imports Inc ) were about to cross the Syrian border into Turkey :)

NATO gangsters are just doing what gangsters do, and in a democratic way.

Hasbara Hunter

Dönmeh Erdogan’s Pipeline Dreams turn into Pipeline Nightmares….


There will come a day when President Putin will demand of Erdo that he:- ‘ Put this in your pipe and smoke it’ I think. :) I hope so anyway.

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

Blas de Lezo

I wonder if those now not guarded oil installations will be next.


They should be.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikan/ISIS drivers smoking crack carelessly once again


Who ever it was, great job and plz continue

Servet Köseoğlu

Ups..Tochka missile exchange for one-two 1994 model Iveco Truck..This night free falafels ? for desperate Saa ??

Kenny Jones ™

Next time it will hit your occupation base

Servet Köseoğlu

shud-up bombastic dreamer..ı was counting oil-money ? ??


Can’t get paid if the oil tankers are blown away.

Servet Köseoğlu

1-2 strike in 3 weeks …roflmao…you are biased and you dont have credibility typical-cheap propagandist far from reality…you will never give 0,0001 credits even Turkey does excellent things..keep it up..south-front is board-walk empire of your mentality.Thanks that syria physically is dissolved and every day their resources is draining and all you can do is writing/ignoring facts to satisfy your ego.What a pity.


That is your conjectural opinion, I am not sneaky, nor racist. If truth hurts you…..I can’t help that.

Servet Köseoğlu

yes you are…holding double standardts…it is a fact and rofl there is no way you and your crew can hurt me.Upvoting each other-licking each other with 7-8 people with its alt-account there you go..thats all you can do….lmao…worry not dear ı will not bother to write in this russian based cheap-propaganda forum where farbat is the king…money beggers.


I do not have double standards, have no crew, or try to hurt you. It was Luna who called Iran a shithole and asked me why I supported Iran, claiming atrocities and such. Talking about atrocities, I visited the sins of the Turkish forefathers in the Armenian genocide ….and he shut up.

And you call me a sneaky racist for unveiling what the young turks led by Talat pasha did to the Armenian population in Anatolia who lived side by side with the Turks. Circassian tribes fought a war against Tsarist Russia for about 100 years. The consequences of war are not always pleasant, the Russians were heavy handed.

The disturbing thing is that you failed to acknowledge the sins of you fore fathers, and instead you end up defending their actions.

I got nothing against Turks as people…..even though I am Armenian.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont believe that you are Armeinan.No ı am calling you sneaky racist for another reason which ı will not reveal because ı really lost appetite to south-front.Armenian case, as an average Turkish citizen ı can never do,change anything.Very complicated chain of events resulted with tragedy for both sides actually.İn real-life where ı live in Turkey Armenians are working -runing business and ı am fine with them,naturally talented people.Believe it or not but ı cried 3-4 times when ı listened Levon Minassian duduk.

This forum is plagued by stupid people, propagandists who dont give credit even you supply evidence and ı dont intend to write here anymore or 1-2 comment in a week maybe so its all your man.Perfect place for your kind.


“”” ı dont believe that you are Armeinan.””” Believe as you wish. My grandparents family members died in that genocide.


Just another successful Syrian Police Operation against the Thieving Terrorist Plaque.

Kenny Jones ™

Nice Tochkas


The convoys are not large enough to facilitate Russian air strikes on these thieves, Tochkas and loitering munitions seem to be doing a good job anonymously.


They are not smugglers they are thieves.


I was being polite :)

Thieves hafe feelings you know.


Yes and their corporations have soul


My boots have a sole as well.

Just Me

Oil theft is no longer fun. Erdogan family business is going into red. 30 tankers up in smoke and driver shortage.


This oil theft is on a greater scale than the Iran-Contra guns for drugs scam run by CIA, Eliott Abrams and Oliver North. US is now funding the entire destabilization of Syria and Iraq by stealing their oil in coordination with Turkey and ISIS. The oil is stolen by CIA contractors and then Erdogan’s son Bilal and family members sell it to line their pockets by taking a 10% cut, while the CIA takes the rest to fund the Salafist terrorist groups who keep morphing under different names. The new CIA head, Bill Burns has openly acknowledged that US is in Syria just to protect “its oil interests”.

Proud Hindu

Burnt desert rats?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“In a development that has already become a good tradition for northern Syria”.

It has indeed. That looks to be a very widespread area that the fires are burning through as well as being incredibly intense, so this looks like a very successful strike for just one missile, that’s if the last image is actually related to the strike, hopefully it is.


Ah yes traditions,good huh!

Lone Ranger

The Mossad doesnt like competition it seems…

Potato Man

It would be nice if someone start hitting those Kurds fukers that are stealing Syrian oil as well.


I owe that one to you P-Man. There is no worst scum in the face of the earth than one who sells his welcoming host country inhabitants, the ones who never exercised genocide on them, to wolves. I wouldn’t hesitate one bit to beat the shit out such kind.

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