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Governemnt Troops Pressure ISIS East Of Golans, Enter More Settlements (Map)

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On July 26, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies liberated the village of Maziraa and the nearby dam east of the Golan Heights from ISIS, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria reported.

According to local sources, SAA units also entered into the village of Jillen south of Maziraa after brief clashes with terrorists. The town is still not fully secured. However, the SAA is going to establish a full control of the area soon.

Pro-governemnt sources say that the next target of the SAA advance is the villages of Tasil and Sahim Golan.

Governemnt Troops Pressure ISIS East Of Golans, Enter More Settlements (Map)

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All Muslim countries should immediately start joint military and civil projects with Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan without any delay. It does not necessary that they should be well experienced because any new project is start from scratch.


Muslims are not that stupid to act as source of wealth for Russia or China. Your economy is weakening and it is your own fault. They are not friends of the muslims they allowed Israel to shoot down syrian jet. They only follow their “interests” and nothing more. Stay away from russia or any other non muslim power in the middle east. Now our best bet is Turkey.


Are you Benjanyahu the European migrant?


Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians and Egyptians are ready to take revenge of their children in Palestine from US and Israel. Russia is also ready to support them because strong Middle East is security of Russia. No more blockade and barbarism on Palestinians can be tolerated.

Jasminko Grdic

This would be good but it+s not true. China will not make any stupid moves. and Russia are controlled by Jews

John Whitehot

says jews.


Russia and Israel both hate each other. The Lime water and Milk both look similar but taste is different.


Better not listen to this stupid propaganda and watch their actions it is clear and evident that Israel has strong influence over Russians.


Putin hate netanyahu more than a pig even Putin avoids to shake hand with this pig and use their own security guard to not allow this netanyahu pig close to Putin. I saw this situation in recent celebration in Russia.


Yes they hate each other (Putin refused to shake hand with him) https://youtu.be/5E2P45Ntg4I He even refused to invite him into victory day parade or watch this https://youtu.be/vuM–5P-sSo?t=5s


On the victory day parade when Netanyahu understood that Putin ignore him then he was so nervous.

S Melanson

I have noted many comments over the past few months that claim Putin is a Zionist puppet or at least, as you say, Israel exerts strong influence over Russia. So let us examine actions as you say. Indeed, actions speak louder than words.

If the foreign intervention into Syria is part of the Greater Israel Project (Yinon Plan), then Russian intervention in Syria on the side of Assad would not have been welcome by Israel and it is notable that the intervention took everyone by surprise. It would not have been possible for Putin to be a Zionist puppet while at the same time engage in a surprise intervention that would be unwelcome by Israel. And further, If one examines Russian actions since their intervention in Syria, it would suggest Israeli influence over Russia is quite limited, for example:

September 21, 2016 – Southfront reports on a Russian Kalibre Cruise Missile strike on a command centre in Aleppo killing at least 30 intelligence agents including Mossad. The Russian action was retaliation for a US ‘accidental’ bombing of Syrian troop positions that led to significant casualties, followed coincidently by an attack on the bombed positions by opposition forces (terrorists). At least 8 Mossad agents were killed.

Russia has been resistant to demands for regime change and have stood behind Assad to the displeasure of Israel.

With the Geneva talks going nowhere, Russia initiated the less ambitious but successful Astana initiative with Turkey and Iran. The result was a roadmap to reduce hostilities in jointly monitored deescalation zones. The success of the Astana initiative increased Russian prestige on the world stage as well as enhanced Iran’s standing by giving them a prominent place at the table. This was a diplomatic disaster for Israel.


And if ISIS is Israel why don’t they fight the root of the cause then? Tell me. It’s you who talked about killing the head instead of chopping of the tentacles? Then attack and fight Israel and do not make business with it. Yes the Russian propaganda is full of holes as their dumb followers.


Russia has offered to keep pro-Iranian forces in Syria about 100 kilometers from the border with Israel as part of an agreement with the United States and Israel to help guarantee Israel’s security, media are reporting. Russia and Iran have backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government throughout the war, which started with a crackdown on protests in 2011 and is estimated to have killed more than 400,000 of his people and displaced 11 million others.


Iranian army is every where and in every country even in US and UK.


Islamic State was a fake state created by US and UK for propaganda against Muslims which has been dismantled long time ago.


United states was a fake state created byt UK british imperialists.


Israel and Saudi Arabia are also ‘fake states created by British Imperialists ‘ :)


Not only USA and UK, the main undercover element is always ISRAEL.


Israelis are US proxies like ISIS.


The israhellI dream is turning into a nightmare. Now the Golan Heights will soon be a major topic for Syria to take back from the zionist pirates.This time the people of the world know that there is no difference between Isis and israhell, so they don’t have any moral or legitimate right to occupy any land.What nobody ever talks about is how the poor people of occupied Golan are suffering under the boot of zionism. They must be helped in any way possible.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes they must but first Syrians to my opinion must clear and secure their borders in idlip and afrin. Also is the matter with the occupied area the nato is holding they need to also go and then Golan may come to the picture. Other wise they open Pandora’s box for them.

This war bad as it may be made on good for Syria it created an army that s one of the best fighting machines in ME right now and as they win one area after the other will be even better. When all else is done then they have a very strong case that can back it up, even by force if they have to and want to.

Other wise opening direct conflict now with israel will be the worst move they can make and will backfire against them, destroying all they have achieve, up to now.


Then pack your bags and go fight for your opinions otherwise they are nothing but wild dreams. Yes the Syrian army is good at killing ISIS civilians thats all https://youtu.be/NfkbVNrWZCQ?t=1m1s But when you run into our defenses your tanks explode and your troops retreat with scream.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not my fight. But if you feel strongly about it then be my guest and instead been here wasting pixel space, go join your fellow scum.


You should know that women of the caliphate are not allowed to fight, only when the situation is very bad and they accept it on their own.

Promitheas Apollonious

no just suck c/*ck and be sex slaves. Did not know you are a woman.

Feudalism Victory

Kill em all and let god sort em out.


Let them be Israeli women and children. See/watch the “O..My God>>””” start.


How many innocent Israeli women and children have died? You can count them on one hand.


I agree and the Israelis will bait the Syrians and their allies increasingly in the coming battles to clear the Israeli borders of ISIS, in order to ‘ justify ‘ a devastating Israeli response .

Cool heads are needed by the SAA and allies as never before in their heroic Liberation of Syria and their response to Israeli provocations alongside those of the US Coalition of Terror , whose diabolical plans are being thwarted .

S Melanson

I expect cooler heads will prevail, they have come this far. But the time will come when it will be Israel’s turn.


Yes, that will be the last obstacle I would think and when Turkey has recognised the new status quo.

S Melanson

I meant this as a response to Dooda but you may find it of interest. So, will Turkey fall in line?

This is my fear as well. But perhaps a way can be found as happened in Apartheid South Africa, Cuban Missile Crisis and Ireland/UK. If both sides are pragmatic and sensitive to each side needing to save face, perhaps resources could be exploited jointly or other creative arrangements.


I would hope and IF Erdogan is even considering crossing the divide back to the US orbit the US would demand a very high price.

Let us hope that sanity will prevail and that the pre war boundaries with Turkey are respected.

S Melanson

Erdogan sees the US as stabbing him in the back by arming the Kurds and I cannot see any rapprochement any time soon.

On a more,positive note, there seems to be some rediscovery in the world of something called sanity. Keep going and it may be removed from the endangered species list.

I suggest listening to ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by the Beatles, Abbey Road Album.


Fingers crossed you are correct. Do the few sane Americans have the power to oust the lunatics and charlatans that have been embedded for many decades in government institutions though.

The venal and insane corporate oligarchs in the US would not be a problem if the Military was behind the removal of the lunatics all over the USA.

S Melanson

It involves more than a few sane Americans and the answer is yes, they have the power to do it. But if the cabal have their own ‘Samson Option’, a different tact may be required such as a mediator to prevent going off the cliff.

When the status quo is challenged and established power structures are being replaced with new, it is at times such as this that we face the greatest danger. But I am hopeful because there was a situation successfully mediated a few years ago that pulled us back from the brink – it was resolved for the most part under the radar but for those with a careful eye, they would notice some odd goings on.

As for the military, Trump moved quickly to secure backing of the military which was helped by the fact the Pentagon hated the Obama administration. Note the high number of military Trump surrounded himself with leading up to his inauguration was intended to insulate him from any coup attempt. However, the cabal have tremendous resources with which to cause trouble so we will have to see what happens.


About 15 years ago I read a fictional account of a US Civil War in the 21st century. It was available at the time as a free download on the Codoh website. The book was said to have been ‘censored ‘in the US . It was a good read and the conflict was essentially between the East and West Coast states and the Fly Over states.

The end result was victory for the Fly Over States but not before tactical nuclear missiles had been used. The Army and Police were mainly on the side of the East and West coast faction, with some units and local National Guard siding with the Fly Over States.

I cannot find the book anywhere now and I forget the actual title and author. The PC I used to view it is long gone to the PC scrapyard :)

S Melanson

I would like to find this book. What you describe almost happened and could still happen or worse. If there are any keywords or info you could provide remember it would help. By the way, listen to Mother from Pink Floyd the Wall, pat attention to the words


Israel will fight militarily and diplomatically to keep the Golan. Things are about to turn ugly for that resource rich piece of land. True, it was stolen from Syria and I can’t see that they would let it go back after all these years. I am afraid it will get ugly.

S Melanson

This is my fear as well. But perhaps a way can be found as happened in Apartheid South Africa, Cuban Missile Crisis and Ireland/UK. If both sides are pragmatic and sensitive to each side needing to save face, perhaps resources could be exploited jointly or other creative arrangements. Can always hope.

Feudalism Victory

Assad will trade golan for peace and power. Not officially but in practice.

Good for focusing the nation on the foreign enemy. He also has an actual nation forged in blood and fire now not just a result of foreign border drawing.

S Melanson

I think Assad is intent on regaining the Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Assad will first deal with restoring Syrian sovereignty over all territory lost since the foreign intervention regime change project began. Once that is done, Assad will turn his attention to Israel.

I posted above on this question as part of an assessment of Israeli influence on Russian policy – very little I concluded.

Promitheas Apollonious

you know what Assad is thinking seriously? Or are you his spoke person. You may offer your opinion, but only low mentality people always think, they know, what a leader will do or not do, especially one who have proven himself in the battlefield and did not go down to his knees. I listen many times Assad speaking and he is not afraid to speak his mind.

Feudalism Victory

I think I can make a fairly good approximation based on apparent goals and abilities.

I give him kudos for surviving but neither iran nor russia looks eager to fight that war so what choice does that give him? Team up with turkey? Cant see that working especially with them occupying large chunks of syria.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes and I respected that, but you still I dont think you or any one else can speak on behalf of a leader of country and say what he think, or what he do and this go for any individual also leader or not.

I also suggest to listen to some of his speeches, concerning turkey been on his homeland and you get a very good idea of what he plan to do. And another thing maybe Russia appears to play the jew game something I dont like and also be in some kind of partnership with turkey for known reasons, but one thing russians can not afford, is back down in the case of Syria.

Geo politically speaking they be out of ME so fast and permanently and they be losing also everything on the energy game, because this is the war in ME, what is all about. In short all they did in ME will be like never happen and uk/usrael will be getting back dominating everything, not preparing to lick their wounds and withdrawn. Beside losing also what ever they planing and want from Iran.

And russians up to now what ever they say they mean it so where do you base your conclusions.

Feudalism Victory


Is this reporting inaccurate?

S Melanson

It is accurate. But remember the 1974 agreement provides a framework for maintaining a ceasefire as per UN Resolutions 338/339 which incorporates in its text UN Resolution 242.

Putin wants the 1974 agreement to come into effect as it will restore peace on the Syrian contact line with Israel as had been the case for some thirty years until broken by the foreign intervention in Syria.

But the 1974 agreement is not an end in itself – like North and South Korea, Syria and Israel remain technically at war. Therefore, the purpose of the agreement is to provide a framework to prevent hostilities from breaking out while Syria and Israel negotiate implementation of Resolution 242 – return of the Golan – and formalize a peace treaty to end the state of war between the two countries.

Putin knows the negotiations over Golan will be difficult to say the least, but at least getting back to the relative calm that existed prior to 2011 is an attainable first step.

Feudalism Victory

Well exactly could take decades. Doesnt mean he has to continue fighting a major war after the 2011 proxy war.

Some guys think hell just go to war immediately which is not smart.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not as much as I know. But that is what russia and israel want, not what Syria wants so, lets leave time to tell us what will happen and is depending also from israels actions, in the coming months.


excellentes news!!

S Melanson

I paste below my response to a poster claiming Russia is greatly influenced by Israel. Given many comments that go so far as to claim Putin is a Zionist puppet, I thought it worthwhile to examine that with some rigour rooted in actions and facts. I welcome any comments or challenges to my conclusions.

—————————— I have noted many comments over the past few months that claim Putin is a Zionist puppet or at the very least, as you say, Israel exerts strong influence over Russia. You speak of the importance of actions, so let us examine actions.

If the foreign intervention into Syria is part of the Greater Israel Project (Yinon Plan), then Russian intervention in Syria on the side of Assad would be very unwelcome by Israel and it is notable that the intervention took everyone by surprise including Israel. It would not have been possible for Putin to be a Zionist puppet while at the same time engage in a surprise intervention that would be unwelcome by Israel. And further, If one examines Russian actions since their intervention in Syria, it would suggest Israeli influence over Russia is quite limited, for example:

September 21, 2016 – Southfront reports on a Russian Kalibre Cruise Missile strike on a command centre in Aleppo killing at least 30 intelligence agents including Mossad. The Russian action was retaliation for a US ‘accidental’ bombing of Syrian troop positions that led to significant casualties, followed coincidently by an attack on the bombed positions by opposition forces (terrorists). This was supposed to be a secret command post and the strike came with no advanced warning. The 3 Kalibre Cruise Missiles all hit the target, killing all inside, including at least 8 Mossad agents.

Russia has been resistant to demands for regime change and have stood behind Assad to the displeasure of Israel.

With the Geneva talks going nowhere, Russia initiated the less ambitious but successful Astana initiative with Turkey and Iran. The result was a roadmap to reduce hostilities in jointly monitored deescalation zones. The success of the Astana initiative increased Russian prestige on the world stage as well as enhanced Iran’s standing by giving them a prominent place at the table. This was a diplomatic disaster for Israel.

Russia has drawn a line regarding intervention in Syria – any attacks that put in danger Russian forces in Syria will be subject to Russian military retaliation. The Russian cruise missile strike on the intelligence post in Aleppo would serve as a good reminder of how effective Russian retaliation can be.

Russia has taken a more active role in Southern Syria by embedding Russian military police in liberated areas. This limits intervention options unless Israel is prepared to get into a fight with the Russians – clearly they do not and have so far intervened in a very limited way that has had no impact on the Syrian operations to clear militants in Southern Syria. What is happening is the militant held areas bordering the Israeli occupied Golan Heights are being cleared of terrorists, removing the buffer Israel enjoyed.

If Israel did demonstrate influence on Putin, it would be regarding Iran’s presence in Syria. However, even here Israel is not getting its way as Iran and Assad are intent on keeping an Iranian presence in Syria to safeguard her sovereignty and Russia is largely acquiescing to this state of affairs. Note Israel has rejected the Russian proposal of a 100km buffer zone that Iranian forces will not be permitted to deploy. To me, Putin is interested in ending hostilities, not appeasing Israel as a Zionist puppet.

Lastly, Putin’s statement that the 1974 agreement between Syria and Israel is to be strictly followed has deep repercussions. I have posted on this but will say here that the agreement in the context of other UN resolutions is a roadmap for the return of the Golan to Syria. In my opinion, Putin has accepted the fact that Syria is intent on retaking the Golan from Israel whether by peaceful or military means – with the expected help of Iran and Hezbollah. I am sure Israel understands this as well.

I do not see it as plausible that Putin is a Zionist puppet. I also view Israeli influence over Putin as quite limited. Israel has been taken by surprise several times by unexpected Russian actions and the surprises were for the most part, rather unpleasant.

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