Pro-government forces have recaptured 3 more border posts from US-backed militants at the Syrian-Jordanian border.
According to pro-government sources, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 5th Assault Corps and other pro-government formations have seized the border posts of 170, 171 and 172.
In late August, government troops captured the border posts of 165, 166, 167, 168 and 169.
With these advances, the SAA established control over a large part of the Jordanian border and is now progressing towards the US-held garrison at at-Tanf.
how far apart are they 50m or 1000m? any map to point them out?
Seconding this. There hasn’t been a good map on southern Syria in a while now
They are normally approx 6-700m from each other you can see the pretty well on wikimapia going to the border area – just without numbers… http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=33.159828&lon=38.286667&z=13&m=b&search=Ruwaished
Maps please!