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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Capture Bir Qassab Area In Eastern Damascus Desert

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Syrian government forces have captured the Bir Qassab area in the eastern Damascus desrt, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

According to the report, the advance was made after a series of firefights with US-backed militants in the area.

Government forces steadly drive US-backed forces from the eastern Damascus desert. According to some experts, the goal of this effort is to isolate US-led coalition troops and their allied militant units in the border area near the US military facilities of At Tanf and Al Zqur.

Government Forces Capture Bir Qassab Area In Eastern Damascus Desert

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Colin Oskapy

Find the NATO terrorists’ tunnels.


Colin Oskapy They come in via straight through roads with no checkpoints, no intelligence reporting, no monitoring, no resistance.

Example, 4500 terrorists came in from Iraq straight through from Raqqa to Palmyra.in December 2016 because of straight through road, no checkpoints, no intelligence reporting, no monitoring, no resistance.

Alex Black

They didnt come through raqqa, they went through deir ezzor, and the eastern desert. some reinforcement also came from raqqa, but now that resafa is gone, that will no longer happen.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The 4500 came along the Northern Road along the Euphrates to Raqqa and the US was jamming all radio signals to prevent any communication by Iraq and Syria in noticing this large convoy in order to stop it .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Thank you for the detailed information.


Alex Black Fortunately the Terra Cotta Woolpuller / warrior has detailed facts.

Alex Black

If its true, it confirms the Russian narrative, and creates further need to isolate the SDF.


Alex Black Reality has to be faced.

Russia is slowly milking and bleeding both Syria and Iran dry.

Russia gives zero Air Defence Protection to the Syrian Military. Any Russian weaponry or equipment given has to be paid for in hard US$s by Iran.

SDF is getting US led “Terror Axis” finance, training, weaponry, logistics and most important Air Defence Protection.

Any approach by the Syrian Military or Air Force against SDF will result in a deadly response attack by the US led “Terror Axis”


What u talking about man, Russia is ground pounding jihad is day and night in syria



Well the results speak for themselves.

Russia: IS – Islamic State is still in place after 25,000+++ Air Bombing Sorties by the Russian Air Group in Syria.

US Led Terror Axis: After 75,000++ air sorties by the US led “Terror Axis” UK, France, NATO, Turks, Arabs, etc., with precision guided missiles, IS are still in place, trained, armed and logistics supplied from the “Terror Axis” countries.

Think about it, the same battles are being fought over and over, Homs v1 2014, Homs v2 2017, Palmyra v1 2015, Palmyra v2 2017, Al Tanf v1, Al Tanf v2, etc etc.

Area or areas of Aleppo just got overrun last week.

Since Jan 2017 after the Tillerson Putin meeting, Russian help has been reduced.


Well regardless u gotta admit that even with the less Russia. Airstrikes they have had much much more effect on IS compared to america strikes. But air support can only take u so far,u need a good army on the ground to take and hold territory, that is when air power is most helpful :))



Between October 2015 to December 2016, Russia stepped in and was doing a good job of clearing out anti Syrian government groups in order to prevent the fall of the Assad government and building of the Saudi pipeline.

You need to understand Putin has no real interest in Syria apart from preventing the Saudi pipeline.

Meanwhile lives are lost, injured, infrastructure destroyed and the economy trashed.


sure but they are still doing massive airstrikes now, and the alternative is letting the terrorists take over which is surely not an option russia/syria has in mind


Thegr8rambino Agreed

Che Guevara

The same battles are fought in Syria because the IS terrorists are allowed to escape and regroup, instead of being killed. They need to be surrounded and killed.


Che Guevara

So people have to ask themselves is this a coincidence or is it deliberate?

Back in late 2015, the BBC was announcing the fall of IS and the possible return of many Jihadists to the UK and other countries. This has not happened, IS are still loose in Syria.

Neither Russia or the US led “Terror Axis” countries are effective in dealing with IS after 100,000 combined air sorties.

Wahid Algiers

Does anybody know how many of these US-trained rats were drilled in Jordan? I read something about 4.500-5.000 traitors.


According to BBC, the goal was to train 15k “rebels” or jihadis. But that goal failed and they trained 5k or so.

Wahid Algiers

Thank you for your response.


@Inc2Get Still 5K too many.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are running low on FSA troops the quality is bad , seeing way too many fake videos now .


Hahahaha good, the goal is to make them and their supporters extinct :)))

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