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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Captured Large Number Of Weapons, Some Israeli-made, In Liberated Areas Of Deir Ezzor (Video)

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Government Forces Captured Large Number Of Weapons, Some Israeli-made, In Liberated Areas Of Deir Ezzor (Video)

A screenshot from the video

The Syrian media has released a video showing a new batch of weapons and ammunition, some Israeli-made, captured by government forces in the liberated areas of the province of Deir Ezzor.

According to reports, the weapons were discovered and seized at the villages of al-Saiyal and Hasarat in the countryisde of the city of al-Bukamal.

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That Guy

They even use breach explosives. Wow!.


What is breach explosives?


Bombs used to clear doors or to make new ones from a wall.


I got it thank you.


Yeah. Next time get the terrorist some nice attack dogs too as a freebies.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

very nice :))) SAA is gonna be well supplied with all they need from all these finds for sure :))


This is very great achievement of Syrian coalition army to expose the US, EU states and Israel that their nations have again elected butchers in democracy. Again these findings indicate that US, EU states and Israel are the main terrorist headquarters in our world. They create hates and wars in the world. There is no problem with other countries but the serious problem is with the US, EU and Israel.


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Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Agree 100% and they must be stopped



Please Sign the letter to the world leaders and also share it. We demand for the release of Ahed Tamimi and all Palestinian children wrongly held in military prisons. The international community must put an end to the detention and ill-treatment of children in these prisons. Enough is enough.

Father: Basem Al-Tamimi —————————————————————————————————————————–


Thanks for the link, I don’t tweet but my wife does and has sent it on it’s way.


Thank you.


Putin: We support a democratic Syria and Iraq free from the influence of any other party or power. ——————


Some weapons were israeli made, that means the vast majority were not.

Would it not be interesting to know where the vast majority of the weapons came from?

My guess : Russia, China, Turkey and maybe some frrom elsewhere.

You can call me Al

I would guess old USSR, supplied by The Ukraine + eastern European nations.


Check out Rob’s link below..

You can call me Al





“.. where the vast majority of the weapons came from?”

The US procures these Russian weapons from former USSR members, now independent states controlled by the US, to give to it’s proxies in places like Syria (along with Israel), a reason to shout ‘Russian weapons’ when it suits their propaganda campaign.

Hide Behind

The vast # of weaponry and ammo is produced in Balkans,(primarily Bulgaria) although a lot of the Irak AK weapons were from Poland. Part of US trade agreements to nations who aid Empire building is in form of lowering restrictions upon arms and ammo markets in States. TURKEY, ISRAEL Old Yugo Republics, the and last few years as US built up its presence in Phillipines we now see floods of their weapons and ammo on the cheap here. There were some manufacturing of Soviet era small arms of low quality in Africa, Egypt. NOTE: When US wanted Ethiopia to invade Somalia they loaned them millions thinking they would buy US; instead they Bought , Brit, Iranian and N. KOREAN.. Many nations have “wink wink” firms move arms and ammo into US conflict zones, Brits and Dutch are notorious for this. American based arms makers are actually foreign owned, giving US multiple nations to choose from for clandestine operations. When N. FRONT in Afghanistan headed South they did so with Russian supplied Arms, refurbished older tanks, trucks fuels, with American, British, Canadian advisors. Russia leased its huge cargo planes to US so they could move their heavy armor and fuel faster. SO arms trade comes from nation states but usually through false front firms, US has VIA corpirations, Corporations that come when needed and end when not.

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