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Government Forces Continue Advancing In Southern Idlib, Western Aleppo After Liberation Of Maarat Al-Numan

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Government Forces Continue Advancing In Southern Idlib, Western Aleppo After Liberation Of Maarat Al-Numan


Units of the Syrian Army and its allies continued advancing in souther Idlib and western Aleppo after the liberation of the key town of Maarat al-Numan (located on the M5 highway).

It appears that forces of Hayat Tahir al-Sham (the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its Turkish-backed allies are in disarray amid the recent setbacks in Greater Idlib.

According to pro-government sources, government troops liberated a part of the Rashidin 5 neighborhood, the Khan Tuman farms and several other points in southwestern Aleppo.

Government Forces Continue Advancing In Southern Idlib, Western Aleppo After Liberation Of Maarat Al-Numan

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In southeastern Idlib, army units, led by the Tiger Forces, advanced west and southwest of Maarat al-Numan aiming to clear the entire countryside of he town from militants. According to local sources, the current main goal of the army is to clear the part of the M5 highway between Khan Shaykhun and Maarat al-Numan. The town of Saraqib is also a high priority target, but it’s unlikely that the army will advance towards it, while its rear in southeastern Idlib is not secured.

Government Forces Continue Advancing In Southern Idlib, Western Aleppo After Liberation Of Maarat Al-Numan

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“According to pro-government sources, government troops liberated the Rashidin 5 neighborhood, the Khan Tuman farms and several other points in southwestern Aleppo.”

SF, could you show a map of this operation?


https://twitter.com/souria4syrians https://english.iswnews.com/ https://syria.liveuamap.com/es

Xoli Xoli

Thanks to you brilliant people of this forum of debate and comments.


The top map shows the area, but it may not be the latest map. At upper right is the artillery base. This area was site of fierce engagements when the Jihadist rats where trying to break the encirclement of Aleppo. It’s great to see some movement on this front at long last! :)

Doctor Attitude's Wrestling

Man, the Syrian Arab Army has been on a role lately the past few days. Keep up the great work in liberating the rest of Idlib. Like they say in the Donbass Republics, “Victory or death” ??

Gary Sellars

I prefer Victory AND Death. Victory for the SAA, and curtains for the Wahabbi goat-rapers. :-)


The best option is just plain victory. Too many have died in Syria already; in fact, its a disgrace that any have died at all. Zionist should just plain F**K O** back to *ew York and leave everyone in the Middle East alone.

Tudor Miron

Good job SAA. Keep on rolling and liberating your land from US/UK/Israel irregular armed forces (Queda/Daesh and the rest of those rats).


They have made a bit more advances than shown in the map for current time. The reason for the rapid advance goes to Tiger forces. Simply the most feared and effective force in Syria.

Xoli Xoli

Time for LNA to send terrorists heads back to Erdogdig

Saddam Hussein

There isnt a clear good guy in Libya, unlike Syria where Assad is our guy.


good news from alep enfin! https://media0.giphy.com/media/tsgNNs93oIbwk/giphy.gif


Erdogan is the biggest bloody terrorist, together with CIA and Mossad


Erdo can relocate his terrorists to Libya and fire up a proxy war between NATO countries for a change :)


Biggest? No way, he is strictly small fry! Not even in the same ballpark as Mossad and CIA.


Keep up the good work, men

Sylvain Jeuland

Go West, shorten the frontline

Toni Liu

Yes and secure anything under M4 way to the turk post near saraqib

42 HSabbagh

Is it True The Tiger Forces have never lost a battle..


Is it True The Tiger Forces have never lost a battle..

Unfortunately not.

In the early days of the Terrorist onslaught the losses were heavy on behalf of Tiger forces. Very few of original members remain. Nearly all of the current members are new and have distinguished themselves in battle in other area’s. Wish it was that Tiger forces were ‘invincible’ but, they are in the thick of it most of the time and have paid a heavy price. I’m sure there will be many representatives and relative marching in the Immortal Legion marches when this war is finally over.

If I had the money I’d donate a single fruit tree to Syria for every Syrian that has been killed or maimed during this war… but I fear I’d never have the money to afford that. Still, it’s something we should all consider, a living memorial to every Syrian killed or harmed during this horrible chapter of Syria’s history.

42 HSabbagh

Thanks for the feedback . They do seem invisible. Regarding your idea.. it’s unfortunate some gulf countries n others poured 100s millions to help topple Assad and bring misery.imagine they use their money for Good. I dunno just a thought


The pin point airstrikes are devastating to the terrorists. They have three choices when faced with a combined arms advance after getting hammered with airstrikes. Retreat, surrender or die.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All we need to do now is to open up another front in the west, the SAA could then push the terrorists from both sides at once, attack the town Al Ankawi [Al Enkawi] in Hama via the SAA OB post in northern Hama, and create a pincer action that will not only help with the fighting [by dividing forces], it’ll also help funnell the terrorists north. The absence of anything but minimal close air support for both the Aleppo and Idlib offensives is also quite revealing, In Idlib it’s possibly due to the lack of much resistance there, but in Aleppo there’s not much chance that’s the case, civilian casualties may be more of a concern. The west of southern Idlib should be a cakewalk for the SAA, even most of what’s left of Hama should be relatively easy to liberate, just the very northern tip of Hama will be different, that may be a bit more difficult. Good to see the 4th making up for yesterday’s hiccup, the 1 KM2 recovered in Aleppo is worth about 5 km2 in Idlib, so they’re not doing so badly today, quite well in fact, and hopefully nothing changes. After yesterday’s little respite from the fighting I was beginning to worry, I have my own separate concerns but there have also been rumors that the 4th divisions assault is just a diversionary tactic, and possibly it is a tactic to help the 25th in Idlib, but with all the ordinance dropped over the last few days I’m a little suspicious that’s the case, otherwise it’s been a very expensive diversionary tactic.


Looking over at the Syria active maps today – all I can say is “WOW WEE”, Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies are winning winning winning tremendously !!! I’m sending lots of prayers – “THE POWER IS WITH YOU”

I’ll post this because the contents of this statement are telling !!!

Jan. 28, 2020 – TFSA says Ankara operations room warned them in Khan Tuman that Syrian gov will attack in next 2 days based on agreements between Turkey and Syria. TFSA will have no support from Turkey to repel attacks. “But there’s no one left to fight, other than foreign jihadis with no hope.”


Iraqi Note: Iraq could care less that the U.S. stopped delivery of weapons and F16 fighter jets to Iraqi military. Iraq can buy their required needs from Russia and China.

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