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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Encircling ISIS-held Town Of Maadan In Southern Raqqah (Map Update)

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Pro-government forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces, have liberated the villages Jabir, Numaysah, Khamisiyah and Wadi Susah near the ISIS-held town of Maadan in the southern part of the province of Raqqah.

Government forces are attempting to cut ISIS terrorists in Maadan off from the rest of the ISIS force in the province prior to launching a direct storm of the town.

The similar strategy has been repeatedly implemented by the Syrian army and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in their operations against ISIS across the country.

Government Forces Encircling ISIS-held Town Of Maadan In Southern Raqqah (Map Update)

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Cross the Euphrates river and continue to block SDF from going south. Then, connect with PMU in north Iraq.

Then, It’s over. All ISIS territory will be for SAA.

Wahid Algiers

Crossing of Euphrates I would do when DE City is liberated. There you have 10.000 SRG and others waiting to see something different, e. g. the fine eastern side of Euphrates.


It would take too much time to liberate DE. Better stop the advance of SDF. These ISIS fighters are going nowhere.

Wahid Algiers

The SDF forces are too busy with Raqqa. And it is necessary to avoid any conflicts with their fucken air support names USAF. The kurds are no real fighters, can’ t use high technical military equipment. So they won’ t be a serious enemy if they decide to fight the SAA. First of all Russia has to talk to the US that syrian troops will cross the Euphrates amd Russia will support them by air.. Otherwise the US could drop bombs on them when ever they want. Remember, Russia only declared to survey the western part of the river.

Leonardo Watch

Show your true colors huh you don’t care about defeating ISIS at all.

Bio_ Hazard

Deir Ezzor will be months long battle to liberate the city like Aleppo, It’s better to reach the government held part of the city and push towards the other side to the airport, secure the area and push east to block the SDF and start cutting ISIS oil revenue. Just a few blocks is needed to push to the airport , if both forces push together it will be faster.

Dustil schmit

Going beyond the river when there are two others cities that need to be liberated is real smart. When no other cities that ISIS holds on other side of river by the way.

Bio_ Hazard

Secure the borders then Slaughter the rats that are trapped inside.

Justin Ryan

I think they will be tied down in DEz! Whats more important to ISIS is the oil and gas fields! DEz is 80% SAA territory anyway! Merely reaching DEz is the goal, not liberating it!

But those Gas and oil fields. These are what ISIS truly want! If the SAA allow the SDF to take them, theSAA cannot take them back, because US forces will protect them! u have to take those Fields FIRST!

Graeme Rymill

Cross the Euphrates how? Is the SAA carrying pontoon bridges with it? Repair the destroyed bridge north of Maadan? How long would that take and where would the materials come form to do it? You can cross in small boats of course but how do you resupply an army using small boats. The SAA would need a lot of helicopters. It is possible but you would only succeed in delaying the SAA offensive for months whilst you sorted all these problems out.


SDF crosses the river. So, SAA can do it too.

Graeme Rymill

The SDF crossed the Euphrates by boat and by US helicopters to take Tabqa and the dam. Once they captured the dam road links were easily reestablished. No need to build a bridge. It was an operation of limited scope and limited time before normal road based resupply would begin again. The SDF fought as light infantry at Tabqa….very few heavy weapons… relying on US airpower and US artillery still on the other side of the river.

An SAA operation to secure the northern side of the Euphrates is a huge operation in comparison.The SAA would need to get armoured vehicles, artillery and technicals over the river for a mobile campaign against ISIS and to effectively block the SDF. Does it have the transport helicopters spare to carry out a major logistical effort day after day, week after week? I suspect its transport helicopters are already heavily used to keep the pressure on ISIS across the huge areas still being contested. How quickly can the SAA put a 150 metre pontoon bridge across the Euphrates? Is the equipment available or has it been captured years ago or is it rotting in a military warehouse somewhere? It certainly wouldn’t have been a priority item in recent years. Still nothing is impossible. Perhaps the Russians could help with bridging equipment and combat engineers.

In any case, as Wahid Algiers states, the SDF are too busy with Raqqa.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They relied heavily on the US persuading ISIS to leave the region , they sent SOF from multiple countries before the SDF were even sent in. First SOF in Taqba were Canadians and cleared out the area with no loss of life in order to establish the beach head and secure the area. The SDF has not been any major part of the Taqba operations but a small bit player. They waited along with other US advisers until the area was secured by NATO SOF .

Dustil schmit

Proves you don’t really care about civilians only land like some selfish self centered a hole.

ajay prasad

What do you suggest Just give everything up let the ISIS and Al qaeda takeover and Impose sharia?

Dustil schmit

I suggest going after Deir ezzor city to save the city and people not go out of your way blocking someone who is fighting same guy you are fighting common sense please?

ajay prasad

Yo that’s what they are doing,AmongsT the Multiple axis approach Al suknah last stronghold is already liberated,Madaan will be soon..About SDF weren’t this the same group that said..We wouldn’t sacrifice no more men of ours,Assad needs to fight his own war And stuck to defence..U turned with US Interests,Common sense ?? USA will be kicked out of the region,Already faced an Embarassment through Al qaeda proxies..

ajay prasad

There are also reports of Joint operations of SAA and SDF on the east of Euphrates,Time will tell.

Justin Ryan

Totally agree!

Joe Doe

I don’t see on the map that the Maadan is ENCIRCLED. ENCIRCLING is 360 degree around the city, not just from two sides.

SAA should full ENCIRCLING the city and continue to Deir Ezzor. SAA could try take some point in the city, if ISIS does not strongly resists, but if ISIS resists, I would not wanted trying full liberated the city. Example will be As-Sukhnah, SAA is struggling liberated and have full control of the city for almost week. Maadan is 10 times bigger then As-Sukhnah.

Deir Ezzor is more important strategically than Maadan.


I think they meant to say that the SAA is trying to encircle, not that they have done it already.

Regarding Maadan, the thing about Suknah was that it was nor fully encircled and ISIS could withdraw whenever they want, this way, ISIS minimize the causualties. In Maadan, if the town is fully encircled, they would not last 2 weeks and that is why they will withdraw from the town before it is encircled.

Wahid Algiers

I guess too that ISIS will withdraw through the last corridor leaving booby traps because Maadan is fully useless to defend.



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northerntruthseeker .

If the only bridges across the Euphrates River at Maadan are seized or destroyed, then with no escape across the Euphrates, “encirclement” will happen if the SAA is able to cut off the escape route to the east…

And yes, it is useless to storm Maadan… It is better to cut if off from any resupplies and basically let the US mercenaries aka “ISIS” in the city starve to death or be forced to surrender….

Joe Doe

There have to be full “encirclement” to prevent ISIS from the river which is water, food, prevent reinforcement, rearmament and etc..In time some ISIS will give up and maybe even switch sides. Partial “encirclement” will not due the job

Graeme Rymill

Are you confusing Maadan with Mayadin?

Al-sukhnah had a population in 2004 of 16,173 Maadan in the same census had just 8,663 Mayadin in the 2004 census had 44,028

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is much smaller than As Soukhna , what you are thinking is Ma’adin which is further East of Deir ez zoir , with the Euphrates at the back of them they will be cut off from any supply from ISIS.

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