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Government Forces Enter Zaizoun And Tal Shihab In Southwestern Daraa (Map Update)

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Syrian government forces have entered the villages of Zaizoun and Tal Shihab in the southwestern countryside of the southern city of Daraa, the country’s state-run media SANA said on July 9.

According to the report, army troops have entered the town in the framework of their efforts to secure the countryside of Daraa, particularly the borders with Jordan.

Last weekend, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies retook the town of Khrab al-Shahm and the air defense base southwest of the city. Thus, army troops cut off militants in the southern countryside of Daraa from their counterparts in the area northwest of Daraa, near the contact line with the area controlled by Israel.

The situation in southern Syria is rapidly developing and militant groups have little chances to oppose the SAA advance.

Government Forces Enter Zaizoun And Tal Shihab In Southwestern Daraa (Map Update)

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Daraa looks to be completely cut off now. Now the Jihadist will have to surrender or get on the bus to their Idlib paradise. :)

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

Kilafah BaQiya Idlib https://twitter.com/PeaceisMust777/status/985611541692276738

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

Idlib is actually a sweet place to live in there is sharia enforced on the streets of most districts https://i.imgur.com/7UND2NQ.jpg


Please post many such pics and statements, the more the merrier.

That way Western politicians can no longer claim there is such a thing as ‘moderate opposition’ to Assad. And the sooner the SAA will be allowed to kick you fuckers out. Like they did last year, when the SAA took a full third of glorious sweet sharia enforced Idlib from you losers. And it was only the Turks who kept them from taking it all.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

Fuck off


Actually bad idea to pull it down… now we all see how quickly you realized your own stupidty. With some luck there is possibility to recover the images. https://lifehacker.com/385883/resurrect-images-from-my-web-browser-cache


Only fuck off? Where is that glorious ISIS spirit that saw people crucified, quartered, burnt alive, being trampled over with tanks? Who once proudly proclaimed they where at war with the world and would take it over. And what of it now? Hiding like rats in a desert and telling people just to fuck off?

Color me unimpressed.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

I deleted it to protect my people you terrible fool.Our enemies are using evrything we post against us in their bloody propaganda you fight like cowards. Come to Idlib and we will shoot you and put your heads on sticks near every road as warning for those who try it again.

Gregory Casey

One BIG BOMB is enough to deal with all of you or perhaps you will all prefer to have your heads stuck on fence-posts across the desert?? A permanent reminder to the world of the crass stupidity of those who adhere to the Rule of IS ……. all so lovingly created in Langley and in Whitehall and in the Elysee Palace


Not even your CIA and Mossad handlers are stupid enough to go to Idlib. That’s why they sit in safety while they use ‘useful idiots’ like you to do their bidding instead. I’ll leave it to our Russian, Syrian and Iranian friends to give you a big farewell sendoff. Preferably in the shape of high explosive ordnance. Which is far more mercy then you ever showed to your enemies. Or the poor people that ended up under your rule.


now you’re bleating like the worst sort of talmudist.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

This is the Islamic state in Idlib, YES THERE ARE MODERATE MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE EVEN THE ISIS SOLDIERS NOW https://youtu.be/sTxvdBA2XXI?t=35s


“Fine weapons are ill-omened tools. They are hated. Therefore the old Tao ignores them. At home, honour the left. In war, honor the right. Good omens honour the left. Bad omens honour the right. The lieutenant on the left, The general on the right As in funeral ceremonies. Weapons are ill-omened, Not proper instruments. When their use can’t be avoided, Calm restraint is best. Don’t think they are beautiful. Those who think they are beautiful Rejoice in killing people. Those who rejoice in killing people Cannot achieve their purpose in this world. When many people are killed We feel sorrow and grief. A great victory Is a funeral ceremony. ” Tao Te Ching

Gregory Casey

Interesting is it not that there is a complete absence of WOMAN in the pieces of propaganda from Idlib

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Where are they green busing them next as Khaled Army is being sent here next , many several dozen died in Latakia in an attack did they get their Gotes or sorry is that goats!!

Oscar Silva Martinez

I see dead people!!!


I can smell them from a great distance these guys just really need to take bath at least once in their life

Gregory Casey

A Bath of Fire might be a very good idea :)


The sight and smell of you is a constant reminder of our darkest days you bastards.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

You too bastard

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Flip that flag upside down and have a couple of turds on it and it reminds me of all of you!!

Edit: Upside down ISIS flag becomes the symbol of “Peace” you should get the picture after that.

khilafah BaQiya Bi iz nil LaH

And to those who left their struggle in the way of God, shame on you. You exchanged what is considered to be a best deed in Islam for the life of the miserable in the land of kufr where idols are worshipped. You think the kuffar will accept you as one of them? You really think that being a coward and traitor is a solution? Die in your rage https://i.imgur.com/agcuiIi.png

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

‘Well I thought I saw a Puddy Tat!! I did ! I did see a Puddy Tat”!!


SAA now making a dash up the border behind Muzayrib. This is latest pix from front line. :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48db98ab1c15cd76bb9690bb7089bdb74a3fbe166fe5a31b691f60906c7ee2ae.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Border is already cleared they are prepping for Wailid Army aka ISIS in Yarmouk Basin, they took everything from Nassib crossing and Kharab al Sham to crossing at Daraa-Athma road and met up from the West which took 27 checkpoints.


More maps for the Map God!

It will be interesting to see what will happen next after Daraa is secured. My guess, a halt to operations for rest, regroup and Russian mediators to convince as many FSA headchoppers to get rid of Al Nusra and take the reconciliation deal. Probably even more mediation then we would like as any fighting in Western Daraa would be close to the Israeli contact line. And Israel has a long history of using any stray round that comes too close to the Golan Heights as an excuse to attack the SAA.

Wise Gandalf

In each article another map. You should unite yourself.


I just saw Jihadmap, and it showed that the SAA had advanced west of Daraa city along the border all the way to the ISIS enclave. Which means that not only is Daraa city cut off from the other Jihadists in Western Daraa, those in turn are now also cut off from Jordan.

Promitheas Apollonious

They seem to be moving very fast. Obviously no real resistance.

Gregory Casey

And a REAL WELCOME being extended to them by the ordinary People!!

leon mc pilibin

The joker in the pack is the child killers idf,who are raging that their isis head chopper zionist buddies are all going to hell.So they will be scrambling about looking for any excuse to start war with syria,of course that their american puppets must fight and die for them in.


Now they will have to go over the Jordanian border when they start ruining…

Pave Way IV

No more chance of the moderate head-choppers crossing to the Jordanian border – the SAA has advanced to the Hayt Valley (Yarmouk River). The little pocket of green is just the rebel-held village of Hayt, which is surrounded by ISIS-held territory on three sides. South of Hayt is the Yarmouk Valley. Even if they could cross it, the SAA would be waiting for them in Zaizoun.

ISIS can’t go south across the Yarmouk Valley anywhere, even across the dam. Valley walls are too steep and no river crossings. Which is why Israel is getting nervous. When the Tigers close in, ISIS can only go west – towards Israel – to escape. I strongly encourage that escape plan by ISIS. It’s your only hope, head-choppers. Keep going until you hit Haifa. Good luck!

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fe2bdcc3d7b654d438cb1b09fa6d08e282222a7956a29287b34fd86513904307.png https://twitter.com/PetoLucem/status/1016390306424553473


GREAT news, thanks! I’m sure that the others that are waiting for Tigers and SAA attack are already shitless scared ! Tigers are eating them alive ! Incredible how fast they advance !


Jordan deserves those pricks


Agree. And they know that. That explains all Jordanian army on their own border.



Kell McBanned

Petros new one.



Well. maybe people must agree about the kind of map they are going to present. Some maps show that whole Jordan border already occupied by SAA, some maps show ISIS pocket in Deir Ezzor area, other maps do not show this. This map shows long Syria-Jordan border occupied by terrorists rather than SAA. So,….

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