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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Establish Control Over Al-Qadam In Southern Damascus

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Government Forces Establish Control Over Al-Qadam In Southern Damascus

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The Syrina Arab Army (SAA) established control over the artea of al-Qadam in the southern countryside of Damascus after local militants had reached a reconciliation agreement with the government. Under the reached deal militants were allowed to evacuate with their families to the militant-held part of Idlib province.

Local militant groups were forced to reach the withdrawal agreement with Damascus after ISIS had expanded its offensive operations in the Yarmouk Camp and nearby areas. ISIS overrun a large part of their counterparts’ defenses and was rapidly expanding.

The SAA deployment in the area will likely allow to stop the expansion of the terrorist group in southern Damascus. Some pro-government sources even speculate that the Yarmouk Camp area will become a next target of SAA-led anti-terrorist operations after the Eastern Ghouta region is liberated.

UPDATE: According to pro-government sources, ISIS launched an attack in order to capture al-Qadam before government troops had been able to secure the entire area. Clashes are now ongoing there.

Government Forces Establish Control Over Al-Qadam In Southern Damascus

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Michał Hunicz

Other jihadi territories also should be seized in this way. Also, SF should start making its own maps, only these from Peto Lucem are equal.


Soon they will surrender Babbila and Yalda to the SAA. After that, it won’t be hard to expell ISIS.


Somehow I can’t escape the notion that ISIS did the dirty work for the Syrian government. Just like in Idlib.


dirty rats, dirty work


Yes they did but it’s their own wrong doing. Al-Qaeda (HTS) had a several factions in Idlib which shifted to ISIS when the SAA started it’s Idlib operation. You can’t blame the SAA for that?


How could I blame the SAA for skillfully exploiting a situation that presented itself?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Remember to think of them as different gangs and you will find they all actually fight over territory and money and no, ideals play nothing with people who don’t have a Koran.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

What are you talking about the deal was made in September 2017 just took 6 months to organize everything, wow some times you over think a situation.


good news after goutha oriental will be elimined yarkmouk!!


Some sources say that ISIS use this situation to gain some territory after militants leave and SAA didn’t enter jet.

Richard M

Sure, just like they did in the southeast part of the Idlibstan Cauldron. Did them no good other than a brief splash of Grey on Jihadmin’s Map.


Yes, and like you said before- it will be easier crush isis then ”green one” ..in this case west and USA wont crying all the time for suffering of Isis orcs


other than a brief splash of Grey on Jihadmin’s Map…. Lmfao ?




Southfront ,thanks for update , but i was first ;)

Richard M

Great news! Al Kadam’s surrender will quickly be followed by El Kabong’s! Then it will be all over for the Damascus area Orcs! :D


It is always nice to see this..OLD and NEW map: progress for just 1 year ….. beautiful !!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77ff192bf8c8758b77893491c44c319c542899f845ab87a93825797e27f52e92.jpg


Most progress has been against ISIS. That ISIS pocket inte Deir Ezzor/Homs desert is a nail to the eye! The SAA should focus on clearing Ghouta, Southern Damascus pocket and then a large scale advance in a bid to expell ISIS from the desert. This will free up alot of troops and the SAA can focus on northern Homs.


Don’t forget ”Area 55” around At Tanf.

You can call me Al

That comes last due to the Yanks …


Last is east of the river, the Yanks….

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Hama should be next next Southern Damascus

Rüdiger Preiss

Who cares about those ISIS rats in the desert. What are they gonna do there? Sit around, chew on some wild fennel and eat camel spiders & lizards for breakfast. Let them! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/135c990aecf7bc493cf7a3d47694456b076d4e0eb241fd82ad97b25699dd1bcd.jpg


You are ignoring that they have USA-Israel-NATO support, they are not alone. Never, under estimate your enemy.

Mehdi Ali

where from you get these maps please tell me the source


Map of Syria civil war: https://syria.liveuamap.com

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Some people Gif their maps and Petolucem does some good maps .

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