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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Kill 75 ISIS Members During Clashes In Al-Suwayda

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Government Forces Kill 75 ISIS Members During Clashes In Al-Suwayda

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On July 26, the governor of al-Suwayda, Amer al-Ashi told the Syrian Sham FM radio station that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and local fighters killed more than 75 fighters of ISIS while repelling the terrorist group attack on the eastern al-Suwayda countryside a day earlier.

Al-Ashi also confirmed that the villages of Shbeiki, Shureihi, Rami and Duma, which were captured by ISIS during the attack, are now fully secured. However, he noted that many civilians are still missing.

“We need some time to verify the issue of missing civilians, they may have been kidnapped or run away to safe areas,” al-Ashi told Sham FM.

Earlier, the RT TV revealed that the death toll of the terrorist attacks in al-Suwayda has risen to 215, including women and children. The Russian news TV channel added that 180 others were injured, some of them are critical condition.

Currently, the thousands of SAA soldiers and local fighters are massing in the eastern al-Suwayda countryside in preparation to launch an offensive on the hideout of the terrorist group in the desert area between Damascus and al-Suwayda.

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Make sure theyre dead Isis have a nasty habit of zombie return!!


Dear disbelievers and people of the west: Sharia has been misunderstood because of its incomplete application by regimes such as Saudi Arabia, which does behead murderers and cut off thieves’ hands. The problem, is that when places like Saudi Arabia just implement the penal code, and don’t provide the social and economic justice of the Sharia—the whole package—like the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham provided. They simply engender hatred toward the Sharia. That whole package, would include free housing, food, and clothing for all, though of course anyone who wished to enrich himself with work could do so.

Mattias Dahlström

But not for kaffirs.


Smoke’m Out…Give’m a taste of the Hell they are Going to.. these Rat-Like-Creatures should perish in their Hide-Outs…Either by Thirst or by Shelling…cut off or poison them waterholes..Strychnine works good to get rid of Vermin


If only Tigrica could be sent in pieces to his god as well. :)

I have had to do the next best thing and block his inane comments here Merijn :)


Leave Tigrica alone, you have to be patient and we will see the ISIS people learning from their past and past mistakes. I don’t support violence or killing people and they were psychopats in the ranks of muslims but now they are paying more attention to who joins the state and who not. Maybe it is good that the radical islamists were killed and the moderate ISIS survived. Bright future is ahead us, the goal is to establish shariah not to dominate whole world now. Another ISIS bus arrived in Idlib :) https://youtu.be/EkS3kKOmYWE?t=1m20s

Promitheas Apollonious

Assad: White Helmets Who Refuse to Lay Down Arms to Be Liquidated as Terrorists


You know that some white helmets members are now in idlib with ISIS? They don’t need to lay down arms because most of them don’t have any: https://i.imgur.com/6gCVyod.png

Promitheas Apollonious

yes hasbara what ever you say. Plenty of evidence as to who they are and what they are, I am not going to argue what is common knowledge, with you.


Hasbara, hasBARA, hasbara, has-bara what the hell are you people smoking here? Do you know anything else? You talk like underdeveloped child. Really leave us alone.

Promitheas Apollonious

unlike you that you so brilliant, that you put the amoebas cousins of yours, to shame.


Hasbaras… IsraHell pays Terrorist-Students to infiltrate Forums..I thought these folks would be smart but they are not so very smart…Hasbaras are Traitors…they try to fool Goyim… but us Goyims are not easily Fooled… https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israel-setting-covert-units-tweet-facebook-government-propaganda


Never heard about that nice to know.


Send that link to your friends so that they know…. Hasbaras are a Threat to Freedom of speech….but always pretty easy to recognize….

Muja Suria

Hello Tigrica, I swear by God victory is coming to the Sunni people first and to the Syrian people secondly and the children and the women of the Sunni world honorable and proud that we are Arabs and Muslims. The human traffickers will leave to Iran and Russia and will join the evil. Russians and Iran May Allah have mercy on your dust.


Hi, now I believe in God more than ever, the situation slowly unfolded from total disaster to possible victory, subhanallah. The evil is dead and good people are still alive. We will rebuild this place one day into paradise on earth :)

Muja Suria

God is returning to Syria. Some people have been left speechless. Come to Skype i tell you something.


:):) http://www.aymennjawad.org/2018/07/this-brotherhood-new-nasheed-from-islamic-state


IsraHell is Numbero Uno in Human & Organ Trafficking…

Muja Suria

I am from Idlib and I am with you, sister of Shahid. My family still lives there.


They already established Sharia in Wahhabistan… there is plenty of room for Sharia-Loving Folks…come join us in Wahhabistan all you ISIS folks… together we will chop a lot of heads…take your Friends from London too… they will luv it up there.. Bin Salman will give you a new Knife as Welcome-Gift…


Not Saudi Arabia is very different, the Saudi Wahhabism is not islamic but jewish. They are greedy money hungry warmongers. I like 60% of ISIS not the rest. Now we have to take the 60% and turn it into 100% to establish real khilafa following the Qur’an close as possible and limiting the violence to absolute minimum.


Sharia or not People first got to learn to be Respectful towards eachother…Assad’s got to change… Iran has to Change… Saudi Arabia has to Change, Afghanistan has to change, Iraq has to Change…Much of their Behaviour comes from the Threats & Ruthless Slaughter the West always imposed on these Countries… so People Change in the Course of 40 Years… if a Majority of the People in one of those countries want Sharia fine by me… as long as it is their choice… Don’t Try to Export it because it will lead to Trouble..BIG TROUBLE…a Headscarf for women I can understand that… as long as it is not forced but by Personal Choice..


The true muslims respect and love each other. The majority thinking is always wrong, this way there are always some people hurt. Exactly this way West impose their ideology upon us because they think they are the majority, the failed US democracy exports are nice example of this – millions of muslims dead. Yes exporting sharia to west is stupid because the west is very incompatible. I live in the west and i see it. There should be option to live in the land of the muslims or in the land of disbelief and people will decide where they want to live.


The U.S. is the Biggest Massmurderer in Recent History…no doubt about that…


No they not, only the punishments but not the rest im reposting my top comment: Sharia has been misunderstood because of its incomplete application by regimes such as Saudi Arabia, which does behead murderers and cut off thieves’ hands. The problem, is that when places like Saudi Arabia just implement the penal code, and don’t provide the social and economic justice of the Sharia—the whole package. They simply engender hatred toward the Sharia. That whole package, would include free housing, food, and clothing for all, though of course anyone who wished to enrich himself with work could do so. The message of the Qur’an is to love each other, help the poor and punish the wrongdoers and live happy lives until the end times – The day of judgement.


I ain’t against any Book nor Message of being nice to your neighbours or helping the poor… Free Housing, Sharing Food & Punish ALL Wrongdoers Equal and with Justice…Most of the Time it goes Wrong with the interpretation of Books or messages… That is the Problem…


Yes we need to stop the opressive greedy psychopaths from gaining power thats all. It is always the hardest task.


Also the Common People can add a lot… https://youtu.be/wjGTmCkU9U8 If this is a consequence of interpretation… then folks got to learn something… simple…I think in the End Peoples get the Government they deserve…and that can Go with a lot of Bloodshed… the Dutch History is a Violent One…much Bloodshed…and perhaps more to come…


Sad but this happens everywhere, people are accused for what they haven’t done sometimes by mistake. And were punished by death in US, France or other progressive countries.


The Church Burned Witches, Tortured People for Confessions, Converted or Beheaded them, Ungutted them, Hung them, Quartered them, Breaking at the wheel was a favourite passtime for them Bishops… and the Whole Village came to watch… because there wasn’t TV in those days…

Igor Dano

To the hell with islam odeology, to the hell with os abraham religions. All three have to be eliminated.


Yes kill the radicals, but leave the moderate one alone. They have right to live in their own state, it is called self determinitation – the power or ability to make a decision for oneself without influence from outside. There is no islamic equivalent of the Muslim state. Jews have own Jewish state but Muslims are struggling to establish their own Islamic state. Is Assad that power hungry that he will not allow one place of his territory to be under rule of the Muslims? Under the non-secular laws? And to allow people to choose what they like? People from Europe will return and live there peacefully, he will solve more problems at once. Not every problem can be solved by bullet, tell it to Assasd and his crimminal father. Many wealthy sheikhs from Qatar said they will provide all they wealth to the muslims to rebuild and establish modern Islamic state unique in the world (If accepted by the rest).


You dream. Syria will get rid of all terrorists (hard and moderated). Idlib area is just the place where all moderated terrorists will die.


No you cannot just kill people with different opinion, we have own rights too. There are plans for special status for Idlib Governorate it will be official part of Syrian territory but with own laws and army, a official Islamic status. Don’t be scared of the flag it means no violence. https://i.imgur.com/XYYmdGT.png


Jews soon lose the State of IsraHell… Mr. Satanyahu is preparing his Followers for a Mass Suicide; Samson-Style….He will watch the happening live on TV.. together with the Mengele Family in Argentina…Qatar & Saudi Wahhabia are the Place for Extremist Talmudic Takfiri Salafist Wahhabi Headchoppers to be…so they already have their Caliphate…the ones in Syria are Dead Men… they are going to be slaughtered…

Igor Dano

Modern islamic world is something , what exists since 1500 years. Take all your modern tenology, cell phones, cars planes, dental equipment, surgery tools, computer tomograph, magnetic resonance,, take your electric power plants and go back to the sand desert of ME.

Stupido, you are not able to produce anything. Without white culture, you would be dead today, starved. The only thing you can, is produce children and kill otherpeople. To the hell wi islam.


While in Idlib islamic armies are being rebuilded https://youtu.be/rtkEFMaamns


United muslims from Nusra, HTS, JTS, ISIS etc… They are deradicalized muslims now.


They are terrorists and must be eliminated, point.

You can call me Al

Listen this is just in on syria.livemap.

“A top Kurdish official has signalled the SDF/YPG fighters could join any future offensive of Assad/Iranian/Russian forces against rebels holding Idlib province bordering Turkey, and cooperate more widely against Turkey, which has sent forces into an arc of Syria’s northwest.”

Hey guys, I actually hoped for that earlier today in a post on here. BUT, I am never right, so keep an eye out on developments.


Rebels recieved supply of hi-tech anti-aircraft missile systems ye Turkey is the helper of all truthful muslims.


Thanks for that Al. It sounds promising .

New Israel is Muslim

That is what their handler jewamerica ok’ed. Erdogan is standing up to the jews more than Iran, so the zionist kurds are being told by their handlers to punish Erdogan and side with Assad. Which shows you the zionists weak position in Northern Middle East.

The Southern Middle East all worship the jew, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia. And that is where the jew recruits ISIS and Al CIAda members.


Your brain is heavily damaged if you were serious in your comment. :]

Promitheas Apollonious

recreational drugs and few shekels always does this to the brainless. Humor him.

You can call me Al

Shall we try and convert it (him ?) into a normal person ?.


Normal according to what standards? Considering islamic standards you are not normal.

Promitheas Apollonious

you believe in miracles?

You can call me Al

Well, sometimes.

You can call me Al


Yes I have suddenly turned into a faggot.


Funny how differently people think here, i can say he is 100% right.

Feudalism Victory

You have no idea isis witch.

TRUMP 2020.


What about peace? Stop hating each other.

Feudalism Victory

Too many terrorist attacks for that. The constant attacks on western culture is intolerable. Holier than thou bullshit bullying threats to kill anyone who disagrees forget it.

Isis and its idealogy needs to be thoroughly defeated discredited and then forgotten a brief blip onto something better.


I agree but west is for blame on that too. You attacked and bombed muslim countries like nothing happened for example Iraq million deaths for what? I simply don’t care about western culture until they mess with us. Leave us alone and we will leave you too. Yes the ISIS was stupid and dumb to threat everybody on earth with killing i don’t know what some of the folks were thinking. But now there is new Caliphate on sight much better and humanne. The idea crystalized into something beautiful without that much violence. The idea is to drive all disbelievers of the small land and educate future children to be good muslims so there will be peace all around. No apostates or kuffar will be allowed to live in the country only with special vacation visa for limited time period. Check recent videos https://youtu.be/EkS3kKOmYWE?t=1m28s https://youtu.be/QVR6YPgjVqA https://youtu.be/A0nQ0NfPWTI?t=39s

Feudalism Victory

Um yea nice and peaceful drive them all into one spot and force them to convert until theres no non muslims left by what kidnapping the children and pitting them against their parents?

Ill pass.

Your menfolk failed you they have nothing for your children. As a woman and maybe a mother you should find a better husband Just dont look around syria many of the menfolk are dead there.


Everybody will win, Assad will win, Europe will win and the Muslims will win. There is little catch, Assad needs to be sane and not the good old bloodthirsty butcher and murderer bombing them all.


The Middle East should be able to Freely Develop their own Course in the Future.. Not Dictated by a Few of the Elite but by the Muslims themselves….This Torturing & Oppressing People in the Middle East should come to an End… agreed


Yes but there should be small region dedicated to those more radical or orthodox muslims dressinig up like in the times of the prophet and following everything in the books. With freedom to leave it for those who want to live in more liberal islamic countries or places.


Buy a piece of land and start a Community? Christians did that a lot of times…


Why buy something what was stolen from us? And how can we establish islamic laws on bought land if it is still owned by the secular government?


All the Land is from Goverments…Or you Simply overthrow that Government… become the Emperor, King or Sultan of that Country…we have another problem… we are not allowed on Certain Lands or we Have to pay to cross that land… or park our car…just because the Government says so…


I know, the Hafiz Assad simply took power and turned into secular course which many muslims disliked but still accepted. Still but no dictator can steal land from the people who live there for hunreds of years only because he took power.


People were picked off the streets and tortured without a good reason… this was also Syria before the War… I hope that Syria becomes a Great Country after this Horrendous War… Started By the U.S. IsraHell, UK, Turkey, NATO, Wahhabistan, France & Many Many Others…Shame on these Foreign Invader Traitors that Lied to their Populations.. Their Leaders should be convicted & Hung For it


How about IsraHell? They stole Your Country…Ashke ZioNazis stole it from the Semites

Feudalism Victory

Saudi arabia jordan and egypt all act as though subservient to israel. I dont how or why but they act to support israel.

Wahhabbi do contribute to isis recruiting I think and the sdf is making some overtures to assad.

His comments arent crazy.

You can call me Al

Are you OK, do you need help ?.

You can call me Al

Could I order 2 x Kebabs and chips please.


Better care about your own countries, greedy british locusts. There are Christian states in Europe which lost their own identity because they failed to defend themselves. Now they are rotten all from inside


Our 1% Elites are Rotten to the Core… 85% is just Dumbass Sheeples… 10% knows what’s going on and Growing…


Baron Von DonkeyBasher is Chief Editor up there.. he is Minister of Propaganda…the Liveuamap-Goebbels so to speak…


Smoke, no fire or fight a b d they still want to be incharge.


It looks like that this terrorists attack came from Al-Tanaf area, that is, USA contolled area. After geting rid of terrorists in Jordan-Golan border, I thins, it its better to get rid of Al-Tanaf area first, before going to Adlib.


Adlib WILL STAY A DEAL WAS MADE DEAL WITH IT https://youtu.be/1rlOzRomrXY?t=1m42s Both sides benefit, whole world benefits.


It is true what my friends told me, it is true what dawa al haq told us before it was shut down by the secret services. They were all right, there is bright future ahead us. Thank you brave muslims in Assad army who warned the Muslims ahead of attacks, thank you Turkey the protector of the Muslims, thank you all people with heart in the right place, thank you people who lost their lives so our dream may one day become reality. Thank you brilliant Saddam’s Army generals of the Islamic caliphate. You contributed all to this. We canno’t return our dead friens back but they are watching us from jannah with smile on their lips.








There you Go Filthy Goebbels-Loving-Disqus…


I saw a video in Scotland were the farmers go out of there peat bogs with pitchforks and turn it over and let the dogs kill the rats that come out of the holes. This is kind of what the Syrian Army is doing to Isis now.

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