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MARCH 2025

Government Forces Liberated Jarjnaz. Road On Maarat Al-Numan Is Opened

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Government Forces Liberated Jarjnaz. Road On Maarat Al-Numan Is Opened

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In the evening of December 23, the Syrian Army and its allies liberated the town of Jarjnaz and several nearby points thus encircling the Turkish observation post near Surman and opening a corridor to advance on Maarat al-Numan.

According to pro-government sources, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other militant groups are right now negotiating a surrender of Maarat al-Numan to the Damascus government and the reopening of the M5 highway in an attempt to stop the further army advance by ‘diplomatic measures’. Taking into account that words and promises of the al-Qaeda-linked “moderate opposition” do not worth a dump, it’s unlikely that such a deal will be made.

In the near future, government forces will likely consolidate their gains in southern Idlib and push to liberate the town of Maarat al-Numan by force. This will become an important step in clearing the entire southern Idlib from the terrorist threat.


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This is starting to look like the beginning of the end of these FUKUS proxies Headchopping Vermin as the Tigers and the 5th Corps smash their way through their defensive lines. Maarat Al Numan next on the list. Hope the Rats desert their alleged stronghold..Tiger Forces and the 5th Corps need a rest after this very difficult battle to re-group and to re-generate themselves.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No they don’t need a break, they need to go even harder now, when you have the enemy on the run you chase them until the enemy’s back where they belong, and then you happily slaughter them on their home soil [only kidding]. I’m not being harsh on the SAA either, they’re all heroes [except for the FSA conscripts], I say it because they actually did very little fighting and don’t really need a rest, this was just a warmup for them, now they’re all pumped up and ready to go, and hopefully ready to start kicking even more Jihadi butts. Morales high on one side but depleted on the other, another good reason to continue even if the SAA was really exhausted and battle worn, but they’re not, all they need is enough time to resupply and set up secure logistics routes, and hopefully they don’t even fully secure the towns they take, or worse still de mine them, just keep pushing the assault for as long as they can, SECURELY though, not leave themselves open to counter attack in the process.

Karen Bartlett

The reason General Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson won all his battles is because he never stopped pressing his advantage when the enemy began to retreat. He continued to chase them, while other Generals would sometimes give up and let them escape.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully Assad follows his example and doesn’t stop until his army’s right at the Turkish border.

northerntruthseeker .

There should be NO respite after seizing Maarat Al Numan… The SAA must turn northwards and seize the key city of Saraqib and with the fall of that centre the entire southern part of Idlib’s resistance will collapse….

Basically, victory for the good guys, the SAA and their Russian/Arabic/Iranian allies is at hand… The only way now that the criminals in FUKUS AND the psycho state of Israel can save their fraud ‘terrorists’ in Idlib is to attempt another one of their patented and trademarked “chemical weapons” attacks to try to get the Jew spew media to scream that “Assad has gassed his own people” going once more…

John Wallace

The tactical withdrawl by the terrorist seems to be working well so far. Their attempted negotiations for surrender is another part of their cunning plan to appear to be defeated. The Turkish OP’s are doing their job , observing the obliteration of the rabid dogs pretending to be humans that once surrounded them . Soon they will be able to sleep well in the beds safe in the knowledge they are now surrounded by the SAA..

You can call me Al

Bomb or send a missile to the OP then.


Tovarich Lavrov was on Yerevan TV interview and made it clear that Russia and Its allies will not stop until the complete “sovereignty of Syrian Arab Republic is restored and the rights of its people to live in safety ensured”. In other words Russia and Iran will not stop supporting the SAA onslaught. The Turkish position in Syria is untenable now as its OP’s are besieged or by-passed. The SAA tactics are reminiscent of the Red Army dash to Berlin in 1945, when it by passed Nazi fortified positions to get to Berlin first with minimal casualties. The Turkish units in Idlib are in penny pockets and can not really fight the SAA which has the momentum and air superiority with Russian Federation aerospace forces totally dominating the skies. Even the Zionists give the SU-35 a wide berth..


The Turks were never in Idlib to fight against the SAA, More to hinder any future SAA advance by having Turkish troops occupy strategic positions. Kinda like how UN peacekeeping troops were employed during the war in Bosnia. With the implied treat that if the SAA were to attack these Turkish troops Turkey would retaliate. They were a kind of tripwire bluff that Ankara hoped with allow it to militarily back Al Qaida, without openly saying it of course. Of course the SAA did not attack these OP’s and as it turned out can easily go around them. Leaving them now as expensive Turkish holiday resorts on Syrian soil.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Working well for whom? For Syria, the SAA (and Tiger forces) or for the terrorists? Kind of a sarcastic comment? Went over my head if so. I’d like to know your angle if otherwise. How is this working to the terrorists advantage?

John Wallace

Try sarcasm directed at Troll Azruiel Megahertwz and his stupid comment about the terrorists tactical withdrawl..

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Ah! lol


Turkey is in a bind as its plan to annex parts of Syria has failed, the Russians and Iranians are on the same page and an unstable and flaky Erdogan has now set his eyes on Libyan and Mediterranean oil and gas, against a potential coalition of Egypt, UAE, Greece and a not so-partisan Russia. Turkey is a weak state that will drag NATO into a very messy situation if it lands troops in Libya which will be hard to sustain with air and sea vulnerable supply lines. Turkey is already embroiled in a losing war in Syria and will need allies, the only probable ones are Iranians and Russia. But for that to happen it has to get out of Syria and disarm the Wahhabi headchoppers who are being squeezed hard by the SAA and its allies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well said.


Go for Idlib city. dont stop … Dont stop…


I hope SAA-Russia do not make any negotiation with terrorists, and demand total surrender or face death.

Ricky Miller

I agree. I would certainly make no deal that didn’t include a healthy five kilometer retreat of all jihadis from Aleppo’s Western outskirts. The idea of a deal for just one city on the M5 highway is unpalatable too without an ironclad agreement that the Turkish armed forces will directly themselves deploy in large enough numbers to forcibly reopen the entire highway. Personally I’d just keep going, keep the war of movement while you’ve got it. You don’t have to conquer everything just yet as encirclements work just fine too.

Karen Bartlett

Not only five kilometers, sir. 200 kilometers or dead.

Karen Bartlett

I don’t think they will. The Syrian gov’t has only granted reconciliation to “moderate” rebels who were Syrian-born. These have been put to work rebuilding bombed homes and infrastructure in cities the terrorists had attacked. (Eva K. Bartlett, an independent journalist who has traveled several times to Syria, on YouTube has videos about this.)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

are you related to her?

Karen Bartlett

No, she is Canadian. I am American (American Indian- Shawnee/Cherokee, Irish and English.) It’s just a common name among countries settled by the British.


Are you related to the Bartlett Pear? Just kidding Karen :)

Concrete Mike

Lmao!!! Into the egg nog deja are we??

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

cool :)


“Bartlett is one of the thousands of new names that the Norman Conquest of 1066 brought to England. It comes from the personal name Bartholomew, and in its altered form is a baptismal name meaning Bartholomew.”


Jabbar Abbo


Rhodium 10

As we seen Tiger forces attacks like pack of wolves( from some directions) and bite like Tigers!

Azriel Herskowitz

It was a tactical withdraw. Rebels preparing major defense at Maarat Al-Numan! Butcher regime will be repelled!

Black Waters

“Butcher regime”- Are you talking about Israel?

Dušan Mirić

This troll resembles Hitler’s rhetoric about retreat of Wermacht because they were “dragging Red Army to be destroyed on German soil”

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha exactly


Yes, otherwise it is not possible to understand the word here.

John Wallace

Trouble is they dropped their weapons and are running north past Maarat Al-Numan. Another part of their cunning plan I see. You really are just a stupid joke .


Dunkirk was also a tactical withdrawal. LOL Flag spam for Jacob Liarwitz: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bfb02fa32d9814038af6c41e03d60869ae1d35ea1594c74b8368b793b1bcc7f2.jpg

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yeah, pity Hitler was so kind and forgiving to the Brits and French then. Even if he had them all mowed down, wouldn’t compare to what the Red Army had lost in that war. The US (and West, UK, Poland, lol) talking about sacrifices and being the victors of WWII and all.


Not sure about your first sentence? At the time Russia was not involved in the war. Priority was to retrieve the troops back to Britain from the French disaster and prevent operation Sea Lion. Many sacrificed during WW2.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

True. I have no sympathy for the Nazis whatsoever. Was a bit tongue in cheek comment I made. Hitler thought someday Britain would come around to his thinking and become allies. His mistake.


The French retreat from Moscow was also ‘tactical’, PZIVJ :)

Concrete Mike



So, as a Jew, you are rooting for violent, jihadist Muslims?

Icarus Tanović

He is Zionist.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

So other side of the Wahabbi/Salafist coin?

Icarus Tanović

Well said.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Seriously, how can you cheer on these psychopath terrorist Wahabbis? Unless you are one and the same, on the same team all along?

Gary Sellars

Fucking dirty terror-supporting kyke.

You won;t be laughing when it is Zionistans turn to be pacified.


This is so funny!

Hasbara Hunter

That you still dare to show your ugly face in here…Eppy Stein the Pedo-Clown….where’s your Criminal Women-Terrorizing HasbaRat buddy Jacob Wohlski?


Al-Ghadfah and Tal Manis are liberated now!!


GO SAA! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d3687c90c3a042453305d7bca12dcd4428035c560f8eef2132a5146a8522633c.jpg


Is there a source for this? This is great news!

Ricky Miller

SANA. Within the last few hours.


This source for example.https://twitter.com/ynms79797979 liveuamap also reported this and when even this site does it, then it must be true.


All i see is: Erdogan loosing in Syria Erdogan loosing in Libya Erdogan loosing at Aegean Erdogan loosing at Cyprus Erdogan loosing at Albania and FYROM Erdogan Loosing at Constantinople is there another Coup coming or it will be civil war for Turkey?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Which means he’s becoming increasingly desperate and unpredictable. You could’ve also said, Erdogan losing the dream of EU membership, Erdogan losing his calls for NATO help,

“is there another Coup coming or it will be civil war for Turkey?”

I’d say an equal 50/50 chance of either scenario, and both scenarios will be getting outside backing from the US and the EU.

Hasbara Hunter

Erdogan orchestrated that Gülen-Coup probably himself…”a Gift of God”…..


Turkish casualty toll is also very high and since Kurds and Alevi Shia are almost half the population and not really committed to Turkey, the cannon fodder pool for Erdogan is shrinking daily and Russia and Syria both know that quite well. Erdogan is overplaying a weak hand of a wild joker and bound to lose.

Rhodium 10

Terrorist will die for nothing!..they only are useful to Israel!..not even to Saudi sheikhs as they have problems with Turks and Qataries!…therefore terrorist have no chance to survive if they wish to fight and be a Israeli useful fools!

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha the devil’s are divided among themselves ciao idilb hts sultanate


The Saudi’s may well relocate the Wahabi gangs to Yemen and the Syrian oilfields ,dressed in Saudi uniforms.


Things are moving fast and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham are in mass retreat from the countryside around Maarat al-Numan, ensuring the latter will be liberated in 1-3 days. Follow Canthama on Twitter for regular updates on the SAA & allies advance in south-east Idlib (and possibly western Aleppo soon).


Meanwhile, Israel bombards Damascus, in the only hope of ruining his Christmas.


“Taking into account that words and promises of the al-Qaeda-linked “moderate opposition” do not worth a dump, it’s unlikely that such a deal will be made”

Hahaha well said!! Saw Maarat Al-Numan on the tele today. Its deserted, the rats have fled to their Turk masters. So it will be easy prey my guess. Well done SAA. Don’t stop now, keep pushing!


Let the good times roll.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabi unstopable pigs now wants negotiations. They’re so very cunning, and after halting SAA operations would reverse all gains. It is obvious.

Doctor Attitude's Wrestling

Assad, surround that base with the Turkish toenail ?

42 HSabbagh

Did the Turks leave the observation post?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No they’re reinforcing it.


Well, as someone have said, the offensive have to come by east.

Gary Sellars

Again we see the recurring theme. Jihadist rats mobilise their forces and launch an attack on SAA ines. They advance while taking heavy casualties and the SAAF and Russians pound them from the air. Their attack stalls, gets rolled back, and the SAA follows up with its own push and develops a full fledged offensive.

Kill the Wahabbi vermin. Kill them ALL.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yes! And how to have any sympathy (or compassion) for them? Nothing but evil and terror in their wake. There is no place for them in society anywhere.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s an interesting article from Turkish media, it describes the SAA’s military actions from a different perspective. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/80-000-syrian-migrants-marching-to-turkey-says-erdogan-150169

“More than 80,000 migrants from Syria’s Idlib have started to migrate toward the Turkish border, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Dec. 22. In such a case, Turkey will not bear all alone the burden of this migration,” Erdoğan said, speaking at an event in Dolmabahçe0 Palace in Istanbul. Erdoğan said that Turkey along with Russia is making all-out efforts to end the attacks in Idlib. In this regard, he said, Ankara will send a delegation for discussions to Moscow on Dec. 23. We will determine the steps we will take according to the results,” he added. In September 2018, Turkey and Russia agreed to turn Idlib into a de-escalation zone in which acts of aggression are expressly prohibited. Since then, more than 1,300 civilians have been killed in attacks by the regime and Russian forces in the de-escalation zone as the cease-fire continues to be violated. If aggression by the regime and its allies continues, Turkey and the Europe face the risk of another refugee influx. Over a million Syrians have moved near the Turkish border following intense attacks.”

In other words Erdogan’s mighty peeved off with Putin’s failure to support him lately. Turkey sent the delegation to Moscow on the 23rd to ask for help stopping the SAA advance, but today is the 24th and the SAA are still attacking the terrorists with no let up, so hopefully the discussions went badly for the Turks. And I wonder what this really means, “Erdoğan said that Turkey along with Russia is making all-out efforts to end the attacks in Idlib”, Does it mean, 1, The Turks will offer a compromise giving back certain areas to end the assault and then go back to a status quo situation, 2, The Turks will let the SAA and Russia eliminate the designated terrorists in return for sparing the LEGAL opposition, and then leave the moderate opposition in control of the vacated areas, 3, The Turks will let the SAA and Russia eliminate the designated terrorists in return for sparing the LEGAL opposition, and then let the SAA and Russia take control of the vacated areas, 4, And the worst one of all, the Turks and Russia impose another Astana brokered ceasefire to stop all military actions. 5, Hopefully this is what happens but I doubt it will, Putin finally says NO to Erdogan and tells him he’s had more than enough chances to resolve the problem but hasn’t, so this time the Russians and SAA are going to do it their way.

I’m pretty sure the war for Idlib won’t be a hard fought war with every inch of territory being continually contested and fought over, the way I see it the opposition defences will just collapse once the conflict reaches a critical tipping point, and the article I linked is exactly what the tipping point will be. When Turkey’s border is finally swamped by displaced people, Turkey will no longer be able to support any of the factions still willing to fight, because for one they’ll be too busy coping with the genuine refugees arriving on their doorsteps [possibly over a million], but just as importantly, trying to work out what they’re going to do with 10 to 15 thousand foreign Jihadists. I have to admit Erdogan’s really good at what he does, he has 5 ongoing military operations that have been going quite well for him, 1, Operation Steel, Iraq May 1995, Operation Hammer, Operation Dawn, and still going strong in its latest version Operation Sun, 2, Operation Euphrates shield, Syria August 2016, 3, Idlib De-escalation Control Force activities, Syria October 2017 4, Operation Olive Branch, Syria January 2018, 5, Operation Peace Spring, Syria October 2019, So I’m in no doubt he’s at the very least a very capable military commander, his achievements all attest to that, but there does come a point where no matter how good you, are or have been, circumstances change, a point where Erdogan finally realizes he’s bitten off just a little more than he can chew, and I think the millions of refugees and thousands of foreign terrorists are about to get stuck in Erdogan’s throat. The SAA doesn’t need to win back every inch of Idlib, the opposition could collapse with only a third of Idlib back under SAA control, all they really need is the Turkish border to break, and attacking certain strategic areas can help facilitate the Turkish borders collapse, eg Highways and major production centres. GO SAA and SAAF, and go Russia too, this is how you win the war, not with those horrible ceasefires that do nothing but prolong the suffering.

John Wallace

Wasn’t the original agreement for a deescalation zone with OP’s from Russia, Turkey and Iran to observe and enforce a no combat situation. The SAA complied but Turkey failed to get HTS and others too abide by the agreement. Hence this is why the SAA are attacking HTS and associated groups . The other groups in northern Idlib that agreed to stop fighting in other areas and were bused to Idlib are as far as I know abiding by their non aggression agreement with Assad. They are not being attacked and there appears to be no reason too attack them at present. As long as they continue their non aggression they will most likely meet and agree to a certain amount of self determination within Idlib and co exist as part of Syria. I think that was part of the agreement when they lay down their arms , apart from personal small arms , and agreed not to fight Assad any more.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The first Astana agreement was intended to do exactly what you said and more, but so have the subsequent 13 other Astana agreements they’ve made since then. 1, enforce a de-escalation zone and facilitate a political solution using the framework of resolution 2254. 2, have all designated terrorist groups removed from the de-escalation zone [30 km], with only the moderate opposition remaining where they were. 3, remove all heavy weapons from the de-escalation zone and no combat initiated by the moderate opposition. 4, Facilitation of humanitarian aid to vital areas and routes out of the conflict zone for civilians. But since we’re up to Astana agreement number 14 you’re probably aware they haven’t worked at very well for the SAA [not at all]. And the first OB post near Murak was erected before the first agreement was even signed, and not to mention Erdogan built 4 illegal OB posts as well as the 8 legal ones Putin agreed to.

And as far as I’m aware there never was and never has been a non aggression pact between the SAA and the FSA, at least not until they were defeated in Daraa and Quneitra. All the groups bused to Idlib/Aleppo before the Darra/Quneitra campaign refused to agree to reconciliation terms, but were still allowed to go to Idlib/Aleppo anyway just to minimise civilian casualties, but they’re ALL still fighting the SAA now. There were 25,000 defeated FSA fighters conscripted into the SAA after the Darra/Quneitra campaign, but they’ve proven to be totally disloyal. Between oct and dec last year at least 3 or possibly 4 of those groups defected back to the FSA during fighting in Idlib with some even turning on the SAA during fighting. Assad was sending them into combat in their own militia units and lost several hundred that way, but this year they’re being integrated into existing SAA units before they’re sent into battle as cannon fodder, minimising the chance they can easily defect back to the terrorists. Most of the bottom two thirds of Idlib has already agreed to reconciliation with the Syrian government, and that was by May last year, who knows how many towns and militias have also agreed to reconcile since then, the terrorists started killing anyone talking to the government in May last year so no info has been released since then, but I’ll bet a lot have already reconciled.

John Wallace

Thanks for that. A lot as I thought but I didn’t know the ex FSA were in such numbers and taking such a hit which is of course no good for morale. No wonder some are defecting. W can hope that next year things improve especially in Idlib but I suspect the US will push to cause biger problems.. Anyway the situation is much better than a few years ago..

Karen Bartlett

I think the “Syrian refugees” would be families of terrorists, not honest Syrians. Regular Syrian civilians will head for further in Syria or stay in Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s mostly the case but there’ll still be some pro Assad refugees that will have to go to Turkey, depending in their locality and their access to humanitarian routes out of the conflict zone, some of them may actually be safer heading to Turkey, instead of heading to SAA territory as they’d prefer to.

Hasbara Hunter

What the f*ck is that Turkish Observation Post still doin’ there? Hey Erdogan tell your Observationists to pack their Gear & Buzz offf!

Liberal guy

Ya that’ what am thinking also

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah there is not much to observe anyway any longer…just a couple of friggin birds….Vultures feeding on some rotting carcasses…

Liberal guy

So end of ottoman empire 2.0 dreams our friend iron zion won’t be happy by this

Hasbara Hunter

Dönmeh Erdogan can have his Headchopping “Brothers” back…preferable vacuum sealed…

Liberal guy

Ya i just want their left flank marat Al numan to be broked as soon as possible

Hasbara Hunter

And cut the supply line…

Concrete Mike

Im pretty sure iron isnt very fond of turkey.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Observing the end of Erdogan’s dreams of a new Ottoman empire.

Ricky Miller

Playing cards, ordering pizza and couch surfing on the X-box


Tactical retreat continues all the way to Turkey!

Liberal guy

Where are there turk ughiers Chinese and Caucasian brothers? They form there most elite units

Willing Conscience (The Truths

All up north near the Turkish border, Latakia and north western Idlib, so Jisr ash Shugur will be a tough nut to crack, that’s if the SAA does have to crack it at all. But it’s looking like they might not have to anymore, not if the refugees from the southern areas are stampeding through their township on their way to the Turkish border, the Uighurs and Chechens might start stampeding with them and leave long before the SAA arrive.

Karen Bartlett

Yay! Go, SAA and Tiger Forces, also Russia! God is with you!

Rafik Chauhan

After Marta al numan SAA next target should be saraqib bcuz it’s her important city and also it will cut M4 highway supply line for jihadist to jisr al sugur. and also they will surround and cut another city between marat numan and sarqib on M5 highway.


Even before taking Maarat al-Numan, SAA may have the option of turning right east of highway M5. The farm terrain there looks rather open for that move. :)


Hmm…where do the jihadists least expect an attack…?


In London ? :)


hahaha isn’t it Coventry yer thinking of Florian?


Coventry is a grim place to visit, I agree. Much of the city has been ‘enriched’ and now resembles the third world with bossy neo-liberal overtones.

Happy Christmas :)


And to you brother

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