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Government Forces Repel Another Militant Attack On Jarjnaz, Capture Armoured Vehicle (Photos)

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Government Forces Repel Another Militant Attack On Jarjnaz, Capture Armoured Vehicle (Photos)

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On December 25, the Syrian Army repelled another attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham on the town of Jarjnaz in southern Idlib. According to photos released online, government forces captured at least one armoured vehicle belonging to militants.

The situation on the frontline near Jarjnaz remains tense with the Syrian Army is preparing to develop its operation and storm the militant stronghold of Maarat al-Numan.

Government Forces Repel Another Militant Attack On Jarjnaz, Capture Armoured Vehicle (Photos)

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Government Forces Repel Another Militant Attack On Jarjnaz, Capture Armoured Vehicle (Photos)

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ISIS must ask from Eleon Musk compensation for illegal copy of their original designs.



Concrete Mike


Jacob Wohl

the butcher regime committing war crimes on Christmas. And they complain when the IDF strike IRGC mullah terrorists around Christmas? Give me a break

Wolfgang Wolf

did you have no morning shit today?)))) poor ukrainian gay )

Jacob Wohl

Not Ukrainian…I’m an American, although my ancestry is Ukrainian/German and Ashkenazi Jewish

Hasbara Hunter

Jacob “The Nose” Wohl you are a little Criminal…Terrrozing Women & Children…you have made a deal with the Mossad to escape prison & thus became a HasbaRat with multiple accounts…









Azriel Herskowitz

Those accusations are completely void of any truth and you know it.


A Jew walks in to a wall with a boner. What hits first? His nose


Fucken die Jew ;}

John Wallace

People are not charged for no reason.. Where there is smoke there is fire . and you know it.

Azriel Herskowitz

Stop lying John, Jacob is innocent.

John Wallace

How do YOU Know he is innocent. Yes HOW ???. You have continually showed YOU LIE so why should anyone believe a word you say. So instead of accusing me of lying how about YOU explain how exactly you know he is innocent. Can’t do that ? then just fuck off you lying piece of shit.


u used ur second account to answer? and used both to upvote your comment? what a pathetic looser!


Azriel Herskowitz is Jacob Wohl’s second trolling account. Jacob your nose just grew by another few inches.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Tell them the truth Mustafa, you’re actually Turkish and work for Erdogan’s propaganda department, and you’ve got a very important job to do on SF.


Death to the Jews ;}

Jacob Wohl

Get lost, antisemite

John Wallace

What does antisemite mean. People seem to use it a lot when they get comments they don’t like. Is it supposed to be some magical potion that immediately wipes the slate clean. As it appears you are nothing but a conman and a scam artist why would anyone listen to a word you say. Cooked your own goose. When you go for a holiday soon remember to take lots of lubricant , better than soap , or none , as a pretty boy like you is going to need it.

Jacob Wohl

Ok, keep on saying nonsense, old man.

John Wallace

I have said enough it seems , young boy.. Have a nice day..

Zarko Ciric

Jacob mother fucker Wohl i pee and shit on your fake state, apartheid occupators motherfuckers and war mongers and criminals,for your information,Christmas is celebrating everywere in Syria where are government troops,together with muslims idiot,and your fake state attack Syria on Christmas every year.You can send a drones like a cowards, or shot hostile missiles by violating Lebanese airspace,nothing more.You are brave against unarmed Palestinian kids and woman.I wonder why Daesh or Nusra”angels”never attack fake state,Assad is not a butcher,Zionists are the biggest butchers and evil on the earth.Death to Zionists servent and fake state.

42 HSabbagh

Don’t even start . Israel is on a different level of psycho. Funny you use a bad situation- to justify Israel as anything but evil.

Hasbara Hunter

Hey Jacob there you are you little Women-terrorizing criminal….I’ve heard that you are a Convict and that you had to chose between Jail & Working for the Mossad is that right?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Muslims and Jews don’t celebrate Christmas, and Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in January, so who’s ruining Christmas for people who don’t even celebrate it, or even the ones who celebrate it in 2 weeks time, no one is. And it’s your boss Erdogan who’s actually committing the war crimes in both Syria and Iraq, not Assad.

Ricky Miller

You mean the “regime” that responded to the killing of police officers and the importation and arming of foreign jihadi street gangs with state violence? Any state would do the same and it’s for propaganda value that you label them as butchers. Give us all a break and see things for what they actually are as opposed to what certain powers that be want you to see, falsely.


Merry Christmas you Jew fucker


Why were gentiles invented? Somebody has to pay retail.


Did you hear about the Jewish troll? His name was Rumpled Foreskin.


Did you hear about the new tires, Firestein? They not only stop on a dime, they also pick it up!


What aren’t Jews in the Boy Scouts? Their parents refuse to send them to a camp.


A Jew walks in to a wall with a boner. What hits first? His nose


Jacob your nose just grew by 10 inches. Why do u keep doing this to yourself ? Why do you support terrorist suicide bombers who hate Jews ? In Iran there is a large Jewish population with their own synagogues. You could go visit Damascus if you wanted to but if u went to areas controlled by “moderate” rebels I can guarantee that they would chop your head off just for being Jewish.

Jacob Wohl


John Wallace

Why , do they upset you.. I don’t think it was a joke , more like calling you Pinocchio


LOL make me little boy

Jacob Wohl

Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends, Christian IDF soldiers, and Christians in Israel!

Fog of War

How nice of you. Ever here about this ?

– Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them –




Hasbara Hunter

Happy Chanoeka Cunt…it might be your last…

Ricky Miller

The Syrian government and Hezbollah both defended Christian villages in Syria. It’s Israel, the Gulf States, the UK and the USA which armed and funded the jihadis who attacked them. Know your facts.

Jacob Wohl

The IDF will hopefully send a nice Christmas gift to the Butcher Assad Regime, maybe some Delilah Missiles :-]


You’ve got mail. Tiger spam for Jacob Liarwitz: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb1cad519b12d736c71e64d1031516a7898a3cc801b40a2bf6187e3540c877fe.jpg


The so called ‘armoured vehicle ‘ in the photo resembles that of a vehicle I saw on a documentary that was being used by civilians in the Congo last week. At first I thought it was a British Landrover but the bodywork looked heavier around the wheel arches and doors.

The so called armoured vehicle that the SAA captured has crude flat panels of steel affixed to the same Landrover style body.

I wonder who makes it :)


I have already blocked you, your posts are too angry and far from constructive ones, bye …

John Wallace

That only blocks you from seeing his posts which does nothing to him so he won’t care.

Jacob Wohl

block me again, antisemite

Jacob Wohl

IDF already sent some Christmas gifts to the IRGC mullah proxies in eastern Syria today :-]

Rhodium 10

Accord pro Jews webs like SOHR…..last day 3 Delilah cruise missile were intercepted..and only fall Debris of one of them!..the airstrike vs Aqraba failed!


When will you smash the SAA in Idlib with your nasal nose, soap bar?

Azriel Herskowitz

5 more mullah backed Shia terrorists were taken out today in Abu Kamal by a drone in a successful IDF mission. IDF is always watching these terrorists and they will be taken out wherever they are.

Rhodium 10

accord pro jews…they have attacked Abu kamal 1000 times….Damascus airport 500 times..Mezzeh airport around 400 times..Al Kiswa(IRGC base) over 1500 times….the air defense system of Syria have been destroyed over 100 times….


Its yet another Israeli ‘miracle’ :)

In layman’s language, ‘ A steaming pile of Israeli horse shit’.


You’ve got mail. Tiger spam for Jacob Liarwitz :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bb1cad519b12d736c71e64d1031516a7898a3cc801b40a2bf6187e3540c877fe.jpg

Derek Johnson

So have you https://twitter.com/ynms79797979/status/1208735336391741445?s=21But Southfront wont admit it – please give your condolences to their families.

Zarko Ciric

Proud Zionist and moderate rebbel supporter?You Zionists are cancer of the earth!As i saw your comment Saa will be stop at Marat al Numan by help of Zionists drones what an shitty comment hahaha

Hasbara Hunter

There we have Eppy Stein the Balloon-Blowing Pedo-Clown Again…I really hoped you had choked in a Matzah today….

John Wallace

Surprised he hasn’t choked on Iron Zion’s big balls already..


Who was the most well known Jewish cook? Hitler!


There are reports that Turkey begged Russia for a new ceasefire.


There should only be a ceasefire in Idlib when ALL the Turkish and NATO proxies are either dead,maimed or on their way to Western Europe, together with their families who wish to follow the terrorists.

Derek Johnson

There are reports tiger forces killed https://twitter.com/ynms79797979/status/1208735336391741445?s=21 But Southfront wont admit it – please give your condolences to their families.

Hasbara Hunter

Brave Men & Women gave their Blood in the War in Syria…. and thus made the True Evil of the AngloZioNazi Empire Visible for the rest of the World…I Honour these Men & Women…

Syrians & their Allies Crushed The AngloZioNazis

George King

Actually there has been announcements of 40 SAA KIA. As we know the Tiger Forces are the main attack force in the latest advance in Ildib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They still are, but demanding is a better word to use, and since Russian airstrikes have virtually stopped altogether for the last 2 days, we may be already experiencing one now, so we may in fact only be waiting for Assad and the SAA/SAAF to comply to it, but hopefully they don’t.


A new ceasefire would be really frustrating, I really hope it won’t be implemented.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s my hope too, but don’t get your hopes up, it’s looking pretty bad from what I can see so far.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s a report from SANA I find very interesting,

“Hasaka, SANA-In the framework of the Turkish regime’s role in supporting terrorism in countries of the region, Turkish occupation forces withdrew groups of terrorist organizations, affiliated to them, from Hasaka northern countryside to transport them to Libya. SANA reporter quoted civil sources as saying that the Turkish occupation forces continue withdrawing mercenaries from Ras al-Ayn city in Hasaka northern countryside, nearly 60 one terrorist from each group in average, expecting to dispatching them to Libya through Turkish territories.”

With the escalating hostilities in Idlib over the last week I would’ve thought Erdogan would be sending those fighters to Idlib instead of Libya. So why’s he so confident that he doesn’t need to relocate them to Idlib to support the rebels/terrorists who’ve been losing there, isn’t that where he should be sending reinforcements, not to Libya to start another new military campaign, 6 in total, wow. Ceasefire is the only reason I can think of. And the fact he’s depleting his force’s in North Eastern Syria also shows he has confidence in the 2 agreements he has with Russia and the US, because he’s not afraid that depleting his forces there may leave him vulnerable, so he must have some rock solid assurances. I have a bad feeling.


Yes, Turkey has at least 10 000 fighters under DIRECT command, grouped into their so-called “Syrian National Army ” (no less than 30 jihadi gangs on the payroll) elements of which can be deployed into Libya at any time – foolishly the LNA has extended time for Turkey to set up active ops in Tripoli and Misrata to re-inforce with men and equipment to prop up the GNA Islamic gangsters. Any sort of ceasefire/halt to SAA offensive in Idlib just gives Turkey another opportunity to strengthen their positions across occupied northern Syria,

Hasbara Hunter

ALL Headchopping Parasites belong to the AngloZioNazis….Erdogan is a Crypto-Jew….just like Hitler…

Divide et Impera

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

SAA has become top notch experts at repelling rat counterattacks, and i really hope they dont agree to any new ceasefires, unless it will benefit SAA

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