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MARCH 2025

Government Troops Capture ISIS Coin Machines In Deir Ezzor Province (Photos, Video)

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The Syrian Arab Army has seized coin machines used by ISIS to produce own coins in the village of Al-Hasrat in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, the Syrian Defense Ministry reported on March 13.

The ministry also released a video showing machines and coins seized in the area. According to the video, the machines had been likely produced in Turkey and then trafficed into Syria.

Government Troops Capture ISIS Coin Machines In Deir Ezzor Province (Photos, Video)

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Government Troops Capture ISIS Coin Machines In Deir Ezzor Province (Photos, Video)

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Government Troops Capture ISIS Coin Machines In Deir Ezzor Province (Photos, Video)

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Government Troops Capture ISIS Coin Machines In Deir Ezzor Province (Photos, Video)

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Power and money.


Power gives you money and money gives you power.

Pave Way IV

Paveway: Terrorist Fish Market bubble wrap source located. Not sure what a Turkish fish market has to do with ISIS coins, but dial the coordinates in let the Tomahawks fly! CENTCOM: We can’t – I think those are MI6 or DGSE guys and Turkey’s still in NATO. If they were CIA, we might. Just kidding. We’re actually protecting the fish market ‘asset’ just like we protect all our ISIS assets. Gotta go – there’s going to be a chemical weapon attack in Ghouta soon. Uh, I mean there might be. Potentially… by Assad. That guy’s gotta go. President Bibi.. uh, Trump said so.



Jackpot!! whooohoo!!! ?


Just a little toy machine gift from the rothschild banksters

Alice Barnes

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Feudalism Victory

Collectors item


what is from Turkey ? the coins machine or the service after sales?


The machine is from Turkey. You have the phone. You can even call. XD. But, nobody will phone because everyone has forgotten ISIS because ISIS was only a excuse to destroy Syria. Now, you are seeing the real goal of ISIS.


nobody will call..


Hum.. can these machines stamp coin out of AK-47 spent cases?

Toni Liu

From the coin color seems yes cause the coin had sama color as usual ak 47 spent case


One more evidence that Turkey have been supporting the terrorists ….always, and it will continue giving support to terrorists. Lately, Turkey is doing business with terrorists buying Syria industry parts.

Gary Sellars

Sell ISIS coins as curios… I’ll buy a few.

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