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Government Troops Enter Rastan And Talbisah Towns In Northern Homs (Map)

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Government Troops Enter Rastan And Talbisah Towns In Northern Homs (Map)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies entered into the towns of Rastan and Talbisah in the northern Homs pocket on May 16, the Hezbollah media wing in Syria reported.

According to the report, government forces were able to re-establish control of these towns following the withdrawal of militants from there in the framework of the previously reached agreement.

Earlier, the SAA entered about 30 villages in the eastern part of the pocket after militants had also withdrawn from there.

A western part of the pocket still remains in the hands of militants. However, this part of the pocket will also be taken by the SAA as soon as the militants’ withdrawal is finished.

Government Troops Enter Rastan And Talbisah Towns In Northern Homs (Map)

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Michał Hunicz

Then send Tigers to Aleppo, they need to recapture its countryside. Some units previously placed to launch an offensive on Jisr Al-Shugur are already positioned in Aleppo. According to Al-Masdar News.

Don't read butthurt replies

I want to see the Tigers forces take Golan Heights soon.


That won’t happen.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have Israel jumping scared and the final master stroke will be played as the US Congress show their continued arrogance as they did in Jerusalem, hope you all rot in hell soon!

EU is using a blocking law on the books which prohibits US sanctions being imposed, they hate the US bullying as soon more countries turn its back on the US game and match will happen.


If it was really true that Assad gets his jollies from killing Syrians, then none of these managed withdrawals of militant opposition fighters would be necessary. He could simply command everyone involved to bomb and shell the area until not a cockroach still survived.

It’s obvious to all but the blue-pill-takers that Syria and allies are doing all that they can to AVOID killing fellow Syrians, particularly civilians. Apparently if you keep writing (or saying) “Assad’s murderous regime” or “Assad is killing his own people” often enough, you start to believe it, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Promitheas Apollonious

only the brainwashed clones believe what mass misinformation media is reporting and servants of the system.


Agreed. How can those clones be enlightened? It’s all very well to gloat in the knowledge that we’re not that stupid, but how can we convert the brainwashed to the ranks of the enlightened?

Promitheas Apollonious

you know what is the hardest two tasks to achieve in life?

One to awaken ones who pretend they are asleep.

The second to comprehend that are actually people, who in full consciousness, not only promote but support with their lives this genocidal as*holes that blood bathed the world for so many centuries and call it their patriotic duty.

You can call me Al

Glue their bllx back on, rip them away from the MSM, prise their eyes up + give them a slap to wake up. Job done.


Propganda and false info comes from all sides not just the western media..don’t get ur info from one source

Promitheas Apollonious

I am sure you trying to say something. Try again with out assuming.

You can call me Al

hahaha – a bit harsh !!?

Promitheas Apollonious

not harsh just honest. Many posters here have the bad habit to judge others based on their own short comings and it is getting somewhat tiring. I have a lot of respect to people who speak their mind with out assuming what others are thinking.


The MSM is one source! They all repeat the same lie over and over, often using the exact same talking point.


But… there are hundreds of thousands political prisoners rotting in jails without trial.. and no most of them never held a gun…look up Assads jails especially around damascus what these people endure is worse than death.. so yeah Assad is a bloody dictator no matter how u twist it.. and not I’m not a jew illuminate agent.


You watch too much CNN, CBS, FOX. Go to Damascus and give us some evidence of what your are talking about.


There are witnesses… you just have to look them up.. sadly pro-government media will just deny it and say these people are paid actors used by the amnesty int. Or prisoners without borders or whatever… and most people here will believe them because they think they are free from the western propoganda but now get their daily fix from pro russian propoganda instead

You can call me Al

Send us links please.



Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Amnesty International the biggest scam running on the face of this planet! Remember them well and who was bankrolling them back as far as the 80’s had my fill of those scam artists and their phoney documents of evidence.


Pretty much as lame as saying, Well Obama won the Noble Peace Prize, or FDA approved. It’s a lying dog. Bury the body deep or the infections will spread.


https://youtu.be/eQni3qn6GIU here is another


Next you will be telling us how you personally know all the White Helmets and how sad when you left. You moaned, “It was so sad I had to leave my buddies behinds.”


White helmets were the scum of society before civil war now they deal with dollars and euros


He’d probably have to travel in a freight container, those plane passenger doors are only so wide.


Aye. I’m fully willing to accept that Assad is a dictator, and that his secret police doesn’t treat its captives that well. But he seems hardly of the kind of dictator that is a Hollywood cardboard villain of the ‘I’m cold, throw another child on the fire as I twirl my moustache in glee. And then shoot my lieutenant to show what an utter unpredictable ruthless dick I am.’ variety. Also, who says he has hundreds of thousands of political prisoners in jail? Do you have any idea how much it would cost to feed that many? Especially in a war torn country like that? A few thousand? Tenthousand at the most? That I can buy. But by now there’s like thousands upon thousands of former Jihadis and ‘moderate opposition’ fighters who have accepted the amnesty offers and who now walk freely in Assad’s Syria. These were people who took up arms against him and who now walk free. And then I’m supposed to believe that he still keeps a 100.000 in jail who said bad things about him?

But suppose he did all that. Suppose he also gets his jollies from occasionally dropping some poison gas on his people. Is it A: up to the West to do something about that and remove him from power? And B: who will replace him? All the signs so far point that the Jihadis will be just as bad on anyone who disagrees with them. And while Assad justs wants you to shut up while he lines his pockets, these Jihadis also want to control the way you live and think. After all, to them you must also be a good Muslim. THEIR brand of being a good Muslim. Which will be hell on Earth to anyone who is not a Sunni Muslim. Like the Shia Muslims, all the various Muslim sects, and all the various Christian sects still in Syria. The fall of Saddam in Iraq, another evil dictator according to the West, has accomplished what 1400 years of Islamic rule could not do, utterly destroy the various Christian communities that still lived in Iraq. So two men driven by strong Christian faith, George Bush and Tony Blair have brought down utter destruction on any non-Muslim minority and then some in Iraq.


At least 100k prisoners held in inhumane conditions, u better believe it.. assad is a dictator and his father was as bad as him. Syrian prisons are a fate worse than death and i personally know a person who was jailed in seydnaya prison close to damscus I’m not making stuff up

You can call me Al

2,000,000 prisoners in the US in prisons / boot camps working as slave labour for the corporations.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Sadanaya was a total fabricated lie and those that ended up dead there were mostly SAA soldiers and prisoners who fought your Jihadi Islamic Wahhabi Brethren!


A little hint, when a person says, repeatedly, things like; believe me, I’m not making stuff up. It’s like when a used car sales says, I’m gonna be honest with you. We ain’t buying what you selling boy!

Brother Ma

Well said. I could not have done a better job myself!


Assad has said that if the people of Syria want someone else as President he would step down. And the point is, the USA has no right whatsoever to dictate to Syria who should be their President. Or to Venezuela, for that matter. The CIA practice of regime change and imposing their choice of dictator is a lot of the reason why Iran is the way that it is. The Shah of Iran was a British and American puppet.

It’s up to Syrians to sort out Assad, and perhaps other Arab countries have some say in it, but the USA, France, UK and Germany have no right to make that choice for them. It’s also not their place to dictate how the Syrians hold elections. It’s not as if American elections are squeaky clean and fair. Remove the log in your own eye before you attempt to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye, isn’t it?

I don’t like Assad. Putin doesn’t even hide his disdain for Assad. I doubt that most Syrians really like the Assad family, but right now, the mess that has been created by Israel and the USA and their partners in war crimes is a more urgent problem for Syria than electing a new President or prosecuting Assad for being a ruthless dictator. Or even a benign dictator. Basically for being a dictator who is not Washington-approved.


True.. Assad is feared not loved by syrians

You can call me Al

WRONG – have you been there and talked to the locals ?, I HAVE.


I come from syria… believe me. I am not an extremist or killer i am just sick of people defending that pig or his people. His leadership only brought corruption hunger and oppression. one of my family members ended up in one of the prisons he told me the details i am telling you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes and he broke the law not because he was doing such benevolent work, as for corruption and starving and oppressed people show me where they aren’t any and I will call you on it. So don’t even think there are any as everyone can give you horror stories worse than the next.


Wow… I’m gonna summerise your claims: Assad is better than trump, a lots of countries live under oppression and starvation so it’s normal and syrians should accept it,there are no political prisoners in seydnaya and all claims of torture and mistreatment is a lie, amnesty and human rights watch is less credible than you and all witnesses they have shown never been to regimes prisons and are paid actors, you deny my own experiences as a syrian and deny that my family member who was imprisoned without a trail for a year exists. And elections were free and credible and all syrians like it when they lick the boots of loyalist thugs… all of that without any source of proof. just wanted to show how stupid your comments looked like when i read them and I’m not going to bother repeat myself, some people just don’t have an open mind and can’t accept anything that contradict with thier views even with a mountain of evidence

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Please no reference to groups I left for them failing to live up to their claims as both groups are neither independent of Big Government influence. Problem with their alleged Mountain of evidence it has been successfully disputed as nothing more than clever propaganda, learn something about legal dispute of evidence before you open your mouth , just as the same mountain of evidence the OPCW uses as it’s from unreliable sources, goes to a court of law and it becomes dispute and invalid for use. Evidence requires real independent and non biased collection something a child like you fails to understand.

When you cry about personal experiences you also overlook mine with both these groups and others who have been part of them,so who is being ignorant of those facts here. Now corruption World Wide is actually quite common something you know even less about than Syria. Court systems across the world neither run smoothly or efficiently in Canada and the US like most western countries can see 2 year trial delays nothing new there, but they can get released for a slow legal process that’s a norm other countries in Africa it can be several years. The witnesses are mostly put up with promises of large settlements if they give their testimony a certain way,been there done that before, for these groups. So hate to destroy your reality but hey that is the world and its modus operandi could go into greater detail but that would require days to explain.


Hahah where’s your unbiased evidence that support your claims? Kiddo, it’s time to learn that unbiased evidence doesn’t exist in politcs, both sides say what benefits or what they think is right and it is not necessarily true, a logical person can however annalyse that huge sum of info and try figure out the truth. I guess your extensive contact with diffrent non-western or russian news sites outweights my personal experiences or any other witnesses who actually lived and experienced what i am talking about… sure very unbiased of you.


We have our personal experiences too numb nuts. You are a liar!


Assmas documentary don’t count


You don’t think. If a document is so powerful it must be scrubbed from the internet, than it is a threat to the NWO.

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You just proved my point you are basing everything on lies was hoping you would do that as it seemed easy to manipulate you into typing this. have seen more eyewitness accounts contrary to yours and they are still there and you are not Abu Jihadi Nom de Guerre!


Please don’t refer to witnesses from inside syria haha, they just are not big fans of disappearing of the face of earth! they won’t say what they really think about that peice of shit assad. Ever since we were young we were always taught to never speak of politics or matters about president, questioning assad results in a slap on your mouth even if a child says these stuff… there was and always will be fear of opposing the regime.. in 2011 before jihadists received their weaponshipments, most people rose up wanting a change… i was thinking how ridiculous and stupid they were when they first did.. (i was loyalist then) but after seeing what assad is capable of to keep himself in power my eyes were finally open.. unfortunately it’s too late to hope for a syria without oppression and corruption because assad is here to stay now… what pissess me off that people here thinking he’s “the good guy* after everything that happened.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are proof that you Muslim Brotherhood/CIAR should be removed from the world as it is a true terrorist front. Keep your lies coming you are proving my point even further with your dissonance and obfuscations and fallacies.


Your story of being an Oppressed Syrian sounds like a lie. You seem like a somewhat sophisticated paid troll. Tell us your opinion of the White Helmets. Tell us what you think of Eva Bartlett. Who pays you? A subsidiary of Sorus, Clintons, the Khazars?

I will give you a mountain of evidence. A drone shot video in Aleppo showing thousands of people walking out of liberated East Aleppo to a warm meal and an interview with a well known Syrian reporter. They all said the same thing, the terrorists raped, killed, enslaved and starved us. Thanks God for Assad, the SAA and Putin.


I’m not a jihadist and i don’t care about them, i just want democracy and prosperity for my country. Asaad’s regime is corrupt and has to go. Honest good people must take over. To be honest if a syrian reporter comes to me and asked about my views about assad i would sure say same as those people lol would’nt want to disappear and end up in some prison tortured 24/7 ?


The exact response I expected. Well you are learning, and you didn’t say believe me. As for your implying that even reading an article about a woman shows me to be less of a man, clears any doubt about your true beliefs. So you want democracy eh? Sorry laughing so hard it’s ruining my typing. Well as has been pointed out to you the US imprisons more people than any other country in the world. If convicted of a felony a person loses their right to vote. In some states this is permanent. In 2008 5.85 million American’s could not vote due to these laws. Now we could talk about the felony possession of marijuana, but I am getting bored. What country would you say has the best example of democracy? If you say the US or Canada we are done.

You can call me Al

You are a Yank, or Israeli.

You can call me Al

PS I take that back – are you the fat bloke in Coventry that the UK pays with his farcical troll site – SOHR ?


Nope don’t believe you!


I don’t care, no go get ur info from asmaas documentary ?

You can call me Al

Liar, liar, pants are on fire.

Sorry I had to speak at your IQ level. Go and irritate people elsewhere will you please. However I would rather hear some decent comments from you.

Brother Ma

It wont have a future with your yankistani proxies either! It is not as if Iraq,Afghanistan or Libya has prospered under yankistani-chosen rulers is it?


Corrupt leaders or jihadists will not lead the nation to prosperity..

Brother Ma

Well with that statement i can agree with you!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The tale of two Presidents: Trump is a joke he can’t go in public without guards, Assad he travels out in public without guards. Trump isn’t very articulate, uses meme phrases in discussions, an atrocious public speaker tends to ramble, he is very brash and tweets too much, Assad extremely articulate uses logic and facts to win a discussion, great public speaker and concise doesn’t ramble,he is very humble and listens to the people. Trump hated by many in the US and the world, Assad loved by many in Syria and the World. Trump needs an army in a war zone ,Assad needs a few guards in a war zone.

Now you only hate Assad because of what his father did and that is why you live in the US and only know what you were told. Such a sad little tribal sectarian you happen to be go on hating as it’s all pathetic sectarian scum are good for be good goyim now.


Their future without Assad would look like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Viet Nam, Yugoslavia. Or would they rather look like Crimea with a brand new 19 KM long bridge?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Don’t agree with some of what you have said, Putin can’t stand Bibi either he has disdain for most but he is cordial, and he stays out of Israel and Iran squabble. The Pahlavi scum have always been bad for any region wanna be kings appointed by Britain.

Truth about Syrian elections they had no fraud like we have here but still an electoral system that works on eliminating tribalism is what the US wants to impose in the Middle East, but they are tired and want secularism even in Iraq. Elections in the west are so corrupt even Canada, it’s Clown wants the same system as the US but limiting the other parties spending while allowing the leading party to unlimited. The Bill is called C-76 really disturbing in how they only want one party to benefit from it.

One thing is too many fail to realize that President Assad is loved by the people but has been no dictator even by western standards , that actually falls on Western and Middle East Monarchies ,Turkey and African Countries. The CIA has been running so many operations in the Middle East and Europe they should call themselves Doctors Without Borders and Scruples.


Hahah no faud in syria but in Canada the elections are rigged hahahh funny af

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just fact they still have over 3-4 million dead voters on registration and I see dead people voting you try to clean it up as an Election Officer you are fired. These things happen everywhere and don’t think there is any honesty in western elections.




how many millions sit in US prisons ? how many people are in prison for being black skinned?

so every US president is a Brutal bloody dictator?


Ur funny… usa prisons and syrian prisons can’t be compared. Syrian prisons take starvation, systemic torture and not giving a fuck about the life of the prisoners to a whole new level. Prisoners there are there after a 5 minute millitary trail without any chance of defending themselves or getting a lawyer. Secondly the “balck skinned people” u speak of are trialled in civil court not millitary court so they got fair trial and 98% of them deserve to be there. Like it or not USA’s democracy is better than syrian and russian democracy… at least when it involves the rights and freedoms of their people.

You can call me Al

Fuck it, you are either fruit cake, troll or Yank (that cannot admit his Countries failings). I give up with you.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Both! I agree!


Or all 3 and more!



Brother Ma

Who cares! Even if true ,this one USA benefit is a drop in the oceans of its many failings and current lies. Who cares when it gives its own citizens fair trials, when it bombs other people to death and gives not a fig for their rights.

You need to have a serious look at your values and priorities.

You can call me Al

Where are you finding this information, give me one media outlet, or more if you want, or explain to many of us your reasoning.


My word and the link i sent, u can dig deeper cuz i have no time searching for links


There is a video interview of the Asma Assad done by Vanity Fair, 2011? Rose of the Desert. Bashar’s wife. He was in a lot of the scenes too. I watched it. Several times. Ever since then I simply can not believe anything bad that is written about them. The video has been scrubbed from the Internet. The person who had glowing praise in 2011 has renounced all her testimony.

This demonization of a countries leaders is an old trick. I would say this. Fine, the guy is an a hole, kill him and all his supporters. But no they kill everyone and destroy everything.

Look at the way the Japanese were dehumanized during WW II. Yet now they are one of the best western allies. Do you really think the people of Japan are that much different than they were 80 years ago?

So bottom line, just because you repeat something a hundred thousand times, does not make it true.


*Watches a documentry about assads wife* -> everything §âm said is false. Sure ?


Well go see for yourself what truth looks like. https://www.sott.net/article/264587-A-Rose-in-the-Desert-e Asma-Al-Assad-Lady-Diana-of-the-Middle-East

northerntruthseeker .

Absolutely… Assad is wanting to SAVE innocent people including so many Syrian civilians..

And it flies in the face of the constant lie put out by the Jew spew media that Assad is a “murderer” and “butcher”…. The evidence is always completely different!


More good news are coming. SAA and their allies are true heroes. Kick the as*ses of US gan*gsters.


NOt way, first, Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia forces must show that they are capable to recover Al Tanf area (US-terrorists), Afrain-IDLIB area (Turkey-terrorists), and North-East Euphrates river part area (USA-Kurds puppets). Yes, there are a lot of fights in the future. War is not over until it is over.


Soon you will hear good news.


Liberation of highway Aleppo-Damascus is the final goal of this episode on the north…

Feudalism Victory

So what broke the militants? Who stopped supporting them?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No one, just that they are running out of bodies for this war not many radicals left whom want to die either.

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