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Govt Forces, Russian Warplanes Eliminate 800 ISIS Fighters And High Number Of Equipment In Euphrates River Valley

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Govt Forces, Russian Warplanes Eliminate 800 ISIS Fighters And High Number Of Equipment In Euphrates River Valley

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, has destroyed the most battle-tested and well-armed unit of ISIS in the Euphrates River valley, the  Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Sunday.

According to the statement, over 800 ISIS members, 13 battle tanks, 39 pickup trucks armed with large-caliber machine guns and 9 mortars and artillery guns have been destroyed during the clashes in the Ghanem al-Ali village area near the Euphrates River.

On August 27, 2017, the government forces’ units have annihilated Daesh’s [ISIS] most battle-tested and well-armed group with massive support of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Euphrates River valley near thecity of Ghanem al-Ali,” the ministry said. “Currently, a grouping of Syrian government troops is rapidly carrying out an offensive along the eastern shore of the Euphrates River, moving toward Deir Ezzor. The goal is to unblock this city and destroy the last stronghold of Daesh in Syria.”

Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that the SAA made large gains against ISIS in central Syria and announced that the lifting of the ISIS siege from Deir Ezzor was one of the main priorities of the ongoing operations.

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That much for the presumptive ISIS counterattack along the Euphrates River, ending in utter destruction. Maybe it was a trap to get ISIS come out in force in the open, thinking they could link with SDF, exposing equipment and manpower to relentless aerial bombing.

Jon Hellevig

Yes, a lot of panick on that. Al-masdar News, which is reliable for the facts on ground, is anyway especially susceptible to all that bulshit about “humongous ISIS counterattack” as the wrote yesterday. ISIS does not anymore have any capacity for anything humongous. I think Al-masdar reporters are shellshocked


It seems lately there has been a subtle ISIS propaganda over exaggerating their exploits and capabilities.

Solomon Krupacek

why do you attack AMN? they wrote facts. big losses suffered the saa.

Tudor Miron

If those were big losses than how would you call Daesh losses?

Solomon Krupacek


Tudor Miron

Try harder :)


AMN likes to say “massive” a lot, but not usually “humongous” :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem with some journalism schools teaching that all these superlatives to be used in their headlines as grabbers for the readers to actually get interested in reading the article.

Solomon Krupacek

all right, leithfader loves imperrisve words :) like strategic, key town/mountain, …

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Devastating is more accurate , had warned against the possible folly of such an action by the Coalition advisers doing this, but it does shorten the war for SAA now and makes their advances easier. The people are rising up in these regions and the Daesh in this region are running scared. The Daesh in Idlib will be next big terrorist group to face extermination in the region.

Jon Hellevig

I did not attack AMN, I just criticized them for panicking, and for publishing ISIS exagerated claims on SAA losses. In a recent article they said in title that ISIS made a “Humongous attack” and that SAA lost 100. But in the same article they said that according to SAA sources the losses were like 10. I think there is all reason to criticize such reporting. Feel the nuances. Don’t be black and white

Graeme Rymill

Feel the nuances? Feel the bullshit! It was an humongous attack because it was a big attack. The ISIS losses that the Russians listed are evidence of that. The AMN article didn’t mention SAA casualties only that the attack “is so far making significant gains” which was true but no longer is. See: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-isis-launches-humongous-offensive-south-raqqa-makes-major-gains/

Jon Hellevig

In an another article the same day they had in the heading the figure of 100 casualties according to ISIS sources. That’s what they should not do. And it was not a “humongous” attack it was a big concentrated attack, 1/100 of the attacks that SAA has been doing all over the country in the last few months. Everybody must keep the right perspective on what is going on

Jon Hellevig

The reversal of the fortunes within one day just shows it was not “humongous” and that there was no reason for the panick

Graeme Rymill

One day! The ISIS attack as evidenced by the AMN “humongous” article occurred sometime on the 24 August – 4 days ago. Try and keep up please… this is simple stuff.

Jon Hellevig

1. From 24. to now there are 3 days :) 2. The reversal of the fortunes happened within about 36 hours, the reports were out yesterday

Graeme Rymill

So now it isn’t one day it is three days? It is three days only if you don’t count the 24th… the day the initial ISIS attack occurred. In other words the day of the “humongous” attack you originally complained was an exaggeration. That is the day you are discounting? lol… you are talking rubbish.

Jon Hellevig

I chose to end the discussion here when I see that I would need to even try to teach you the basic arithmetics. The positive side is you seem to be able to write, but I am not so sure about your reading skills. All the best and good luck in your future maths classes

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Have had the same experience with him in that regard of reading and math problem is reports are generally not accurate. Many here forget it needs corroboration from others to find the missing parts as we all see reports only have different aspects of the situation.

Graeme Rymill

Is he your twin brother Woolpuller?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just another person who can make astute observations from the various data and information available.

The past 72 hours has seen a huge reversal and 100’s of Daesh dead there were no survivors in the pocket and when they advanced from as Sukhna none on the front survived the advance.

They over reached is Daesh and are paying for it every place has been recaptured and even T2 is now being surrounded and outflanked the first time in since 2014 the SAA has managed to do this there.

This was just poor operational planning and an overconfidence in their proxies in the region and they are all starting to realize the actual capabilities of the SAA. Their training and combat doctrine is continuing to get better as this conflict progresses .


An Tiger force member admitted to 300+ SAA killed, mostly untrained tribal forces. AMN has reasons for being panicked.


Link it or shut up!

Solomon Krupacek

lost more then 100. :(

the newest article:


jason sixx

Fuck off zionist hasbara jihadi lover troll faggot

Solomon Krupacek


Richard M

Don’t be wishy washy, Jason. Tell us how you really feel. :D

Graeme Rymill

“800 ISIS members, 13 battle tanks, 39 pickup trucks armed with large-caliber machine guns and 9 mortars and artillery guns have been destroyed”. What is your definition of humongous? Not enough in this list? It seems humongous enough to me.


In the Syrian context that is a large force. This war is not being waged by Desert Storm sized formations at army corps level, but more at battalion and company levels.


Well they apparently were able to do something that killed about 50 SAA fighters. Making an assumption that the latter knew they were close to the enemy and weren’t all sleeping.


This could have been a US engineered move, whereby ISIS linked with SDF, allowing SDF to drain Racca of ISIS fighters, SDF claiming victory and being available for the next land grab.

Graeme Rymill

Or perhaps it was what AMN suggests:

“Sources are saying that ISIS took advan[tage] of two factors to achieve this strategic outcome.

First, the jihadist faction mustered the necessary manpower for the offensive by absorbing ISIS forces that had just recently retreated from eastern Hama and eastern Homs. Second, the terrorist groupook advantage of the departure of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite Tiger Forces from the front in southern Raqqa to the fronts in eastern Homs and eastern Hama, which left only pro-government tribal fighters and standard SAA units to defend the areas now under attack by ISIS.”

No conspiracy theory necessary…


The Russians are involved in planning these deployments, they were fully aware that tribal forces did not have fighting experience, and SAA thin line could be overwhelmed if not properly supported. I still stand by what I said, US could have provided ISIS with the intelligence and wishfully thought that ISIS would reach the immediate proximity of the SDF lines, allowing a flow of ISIS fighters from Racca to head south and reinforce the Madaan – Deir Ezzor axis, giving Racca to the SDF. Whatever ISIS forces are left in the area will be cut off by the Tiger and 5th legion forces moving east.


yea sure, isis hoped to “link up with SDF”. Im glad that we have jesus here.

Trustin Judeau

https://twitter.com/CivilWarMap/status/901785541045256192 – Good news . Unfortunately a lot of missing and killed tribal fighters


This is expected since this is a war, the important point is to win this war (remesber WWII Russia-Germany fights).

Tudor Miron

Yes, they are losses in the ranks of tribal militias but they died for liberation of their Motherland and I think that Syria will remember them. Their families and relatives do feel pain but I think they also feel gratitude to those that lost their lifes in this buttle.

Jon Hellevig

Seems it was a trap

Cheryl Brandon

Lovely; I love it when Mossad’s boys get taken out! Lovely; Well done SAA/Iraqi soldiers!


Seems like the Russians are exaggerating big time. 800 soldires, 13 tanks and 49 technicals is quite a big force in Syrian war terms… I could believe that if they are taking in terms of the last two months, but time-frame stated in the article is only one day – 27 August.


Why is it exaggeration? They caught several ISIS columns in the open and destroyed them. Live with the facts.


These are facts, not believes. ISIS right now requires of the direct intervention of Israel, Saudis or USA for they to survive.

Graeme Rymill

OK here’s the timeline: 24 August successful ISIS attack 25 August fighting to and fro 26 August fighting to and fro 27 August successful SAA counterattack

Russians exaggerating ISIS losses? Maybe..still a big ISIS attack.. the biggest since the SAA started down the Euphrates river valley. To attack successfully ISIS has to concentrate and expose themselves to airstrikes and inevitably sustain losses and then more ISIS losses in the SAA counterattack.

Joe Doe

Looks like SAA Tiger force is only one in SYria army that can makes a difference in front lines. I hope Assad will arm this unit with the most advance military hardware. As seeing SAA TIger Force has no habits to leave military hardware and run.

Even SAA Tiger Force gain respect, but the fields officers still need improve its intelligence gathering and tactical and strategic planning


Is that the Pentagon line?

Tudor Miron

How they can do it any better than this? We were trying to tell you that this is nothing more than tactical retreat https://southfront.org/syrian-army-retreats-from-4-more-villages-under-isis-pressure-in-southern-raqqah-reports/ and many was ridiculing us for “cheap excuses”. What I see is SAA sucked Daesh into attacking tribal forces. That’s their (Daesh) intelligence that didn’t work properly. To me it’s a perfect example of proper military planning and executing the plan. I have a feeling that Russian MOD was very much involved, considering that providing massive air support is not done without sufficient planning.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is the Sons of Raqqawi are only tribal forces and are not real soldiers , the Fire brigade only had Tigers part of them as they were made of various other military units. Even the NDF were pulled from there , which was part of the fire brigade that went to the area. Syria has many capable units , just that the Tigers get all the press. The 5th corps of volunteers , 4th mech, NDF ,800th elite, QSF, etc. are part of the these groupings with the Tigers and on their own. The SAA hs a great military that is vastly becoming effective and efficient one.

Maj Dan

The Russians are teaching SAA to play chess.


They’re teaching the US and all its lickspittles too. ;o)

Tudor Miron

I remember all those that were shitting on SAA/RuAF in this article https://southfront.org/syrian-army-retreats-from-4-more-villages-under-isis-pressure-in-southern-raqqah-reports/ Now they are telling us about exaggerations…


Time for SAA to reinforce and rearm DeZ.


Lately, Russian MOD started playing the fake news game IMHO. 800 IS dead in a span of 24 h would be a real bloodbath and I’d expect a lot of footage of it on line. Don’t forget that according to Russian MOD T2 airfield was liberated 4 weeks ago. They should stop with the BS – we have western MSM for that. Just publish solid info – good or bad. This war is as much a war on truth as an aggression on Syria. Start publishing BS and you lost the half of the war already. And in the end – I secretly wish I was wrong and that, while I write this, 800+ IS stiffs are indeed floating down the Euphrates…


The ISIS news agency admitted that the Russians delivered 100 air strikes, 8 casualties per strike for a relatively massed enemy is believeable, considering SAA and tribal forces delivered some firepower as well.


Not a chance in hell. If you know RuAF tactics, they go for the assets, often completely avoiding enemy formations. I still have to see footage where they target manpower out in the open. The true story is that inexperienced Air-Force Academy soldiers were left to safe guard south Raqqa, while Tigrs/RuSOF were theatrically re-positioned to east Hama. Dash then steam rolled through south Raqqa, killing over 300 saa, as per the senior Tigr commander whose men collected the bodies of the fallen men.


What kind of nonsense is “going for the assets and avoiding enemy formations”. You think ISIS is fielding hundreds of tanks and other vehicles an any given deployment in open terrain? The tanks and the technicals that were destroyed involved destroying infantry formations, later mopped up by helicopter gunships with their 30mm guns and antipersonell munitions. The true story is the Russian and Syrian high command knew exactly what hey were doing when they deployed the Tiger forces on the Resafa – Sukhna axis, leaving the eastern flank weakened.

Graeme Rymill

Not 24 hours. The ISIS attack took place on 24 August. These ISIS losses could have happened anytime over a 4 day period. There is nothing in the article to indicate the losses only occurred during today’s counterattack.


“On August 27, 2017, the government forces’ units have annihilated Daesh’s [ISIS] most battle-tested and well-armed group with massive support of the Russian Aerospace Forces in the Euphrates River valley near the city of Ghanem al-Ali,” the ministry said.” – Syrian MOD says 24 hours, not me. I am 100% pro Syrian and 100% anti BS propaganda – that’s all…


You are assuming they meant 24 hours. Notice the wording “units HAVE annihilated” not “units annihilated” For certain the excerpt should have been better written.


Agreed, these English translations (yes they are translations) are not made by lawyers. Wrong words get used all the time.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txUueJt5dY0 800 KIA “last weekend” according to Russian MOD…


Prove that it’s BS


I don’t know if the numbers are accurate or not. What I do know is that there is advanced heavy weaponry in theater that is more than capable of easily killing 800 enemy in a few days. And that the Syrian government coalition has been planning and preparing for this advance along the river for a long time.

And if the regime change Jew servants want to stop the government coalition from simply going around the civilian villages along the river bank and driving through the desert all of the way to DE. Then they have to come out into the death zones for Jew servant extermination. To die for Israel and their Jew masters that have abandoned them to horrible deaths.


Likely you are correct and 800 killed is propaganda. I do not doubt at all some were killed but I would not be surprised if a correction of a zero is required.

Volker Burkert

I don’t think it is a fake news game. I rather think the Russians have started playing the end game in Syria. Part of that is to demoralize the ISIS trash and this way limit casualties among their own and among friendly forces.


Don’t get me wrong. Closing Resafa-Suknah axis was a calculated risk and SAA knew there was going to be a counter attack in south Raqqa. In addition, I think that the troops left to guard that part of the front had the order to withdraw from the villages but to defend the high ground to the south in order to facilitate the SAA counter attack. What I found incredible is 800 dead ISIL – that’s a lot of bodies and some videos should be already on line. And we haven’t seen one yet.

Tudor Miron

May I ask for a link where RuMod said that T2 was liberated 4 weeks ago? I just don’t remember such report.

Solomon Krupacek

it was. check back alone


https://southfront.org/russian-mod-syrian-army-liberated-t2-pumping-station-deployed-in-26km-from-al-bukamal/ Here…

Tudor Miron



Stupid from these terrorists to go out like this in the open, they had better stayed entrenched in their rat-holes. Nice thing, this will make the liberation of Deir Eizor the less difficult.


There are almost no civilian human shields off of the river bank. The regime change Jew slaves are sitting ducks for accurate long range weapons away from the river. By the time the government coalition ground forces reach their positions, most of the Jew slaves fighting for the Jew world order are dead.


Here are the whole truth.



may they burn in hell for all iternity


Gongrats for the strike!


The Lebanese front fighters are being ‘bussed’ down to Deir ez Zor. if they don’t meet with some kind of airborne accident en route, they should be showing-up to fight Assad’s forces. If the US doesn’t evacuate them first.

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