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MARCH 2025

UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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Mariupol remains one of the main battlefields in Ukraine. Fierce fighting continues in the city in the main hotspots, including the seaport area, the Azovstal facilities and the Ilyich factory. The besieged remnants of the AFU units realize their desperate situation. Some of them surrender to the Russian and DPR armies, while others try to break out of the trap in Mariupol.

On the night of April 12, the Ukrainian military attempted to break out of the Ilyich plant in Mariupol. They put Russian identification marks on a convoy of more than 30 combat vehicles and tried to escape to the north, towards Mangush. All the movements of the AFU were under the close air control of the Russian drones. Thus, the breakthrough attempt was thwarted by air strikes and artillery. According to the former DPR Security Minister Oleksandr Khodakovskyy, some of the Ukrainian soldiers scattered around.

“A group of Ukrainian servicemen numbering up to 100 people in armored vehicles tried to fight their way out of the factory. Three Ukrainian tanks, five infantry fighting vehicles, seven vehicles and up to 50 personnel were destroyed. 42 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their weapons and surrendered” – according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The roads leading to the city from the north are currently blocked by Russian troops to prevent the escape of the AFU servicemen.

UPD: A video was published showing the surrender


According to the local sources, the attempt was carried out by the servicemen of the 36th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces blocked in the industrial zone of the Azovmash. Before the operation, an appeal was published on their official Facebook account. They reported an acute shortage of ammunition, which they faced, accusing Kiev military officials of their abandonment.

” The infantry all died and the gunners, anti-aircraft gunners, signalmen, drivers and cooks are leading the shooting battles. Even the orchestra.” – the appeal reads.

Russian military sources shared documents of a high-ranking Ukrainian marine officer, Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Rostislav Lomtev, who served as a deputy of the 36th brigade. He was reportedly captured by the DPR fighters in Mariupol.

UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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On April 12, the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, stated that the port of Mariupol was liberated by the forces of the DPR Armed Forces and had passed under the control of the republic. The nearby areas are being mopped up.

In Mariupol, the last points of resistance remain on the territory of the Azovstal facility. Remaining forces of the Ukrainian army are being pushed out the coastal area and the Ilyich plant.


According to the estimates by the DPR officials, between 1,500 and 3,000 Ukrainian fighters are still hiding at the Azovstal. So far, the cumulative number of fighters in the seaport area is unknown. According to the DPR military, a grouping of 20,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been surrounded in Mariupol since early March, while figures provided by the Ukrainian side were slightly different, about 14,500 soldiers. The AFU use the underground passages of the Azovstal facilities built in Soviet times as a shelter.

Militiamen from the DPR work on the territory of Mariupol to secure evacuation of civilians from Mariupol. Civilians are transported with BRM-1K reconnaissance vehicles.

UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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UPDATED: Gradual Transition Of Mariupol From AFU To DPR

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As a result, Mariupol is almost completely under the DPR control. The Azovstal plan remains the last pocket of resistance. Storming the fortress of Ukrainian nationalists may take a long time, but time is one of the most valuable resources for the advancing Russian and DPR forces.

On April 11, Eduard Basurin said that there is no point in storming the underground fortifications of Azovstal in Mariupol, since it will be very difficult to take control over the underground facilities and the Russian army, as well as the LDPR, may suffer significant losses. The Russian side does not want to sacrifice its military. Instead, according to Basurin, it is possible to “turn to the chemical troops.”

“At the moment, we need to deal with the blocking of this plant, find all the exits and entrances, it is possible to do this. And after that, I think we should turn to the chemical troops, who will find a way to smoke moles out of their holes,” he said.

As a result, Azov fighters immediately claimed that Russian drone dropped some chemical weapons at the Azovstal. Zelensky and the MSM traditionally spread the fake news, crying of another inhumane action of the Russian aggressors. The Media have already assured that zarin was used against civilians in Mariupol.

In fact, these statements have nothing to do with reality.

Bassurin has already denied the use of any chemical weapon in the Azovstal. He added that, as he had already mentioned, the use of the man-portable disposable rocket-assisted flamethrower RPO-A Shmel by assault groups is already a time-tested tactics of fighting in similar conditions.

On April 11, he only supposed the involvement of chemical troops in the mop up operation. At the same time, the use of legal chemical weapons seems to be a beneficial option for the DPR. Without violating the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, DPR and Russian forces could use tear gas, which is used by the police in all countries of the world. Such a tactics would save the large industrial facility, save lives of Russian and DPR servicemen, as well as lives of Ukrainian nationalists, as there are non-lethal legal chemical weapons.


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Just a matter of time untill we find out which countries have military ‘advisors’ present and how many NATO personell were trapped in the Azovstal facility. And it’ll be interesting to see how many of them exit the building horizontally or vertically

G2 man

Indeed, the Ukrainian Nazis, rapists, perverts and drug addicts worse nightmare is about to come true.


Aleksandr Dvornikov: New Russian general described tougher than nails to oversee anti-Nazification Drive in Ukraine

Dubbed the soldier of Russia and the victor of Aleppo and Grozny, Colonel General Dvornikov, was honoured with a Hero of Russia medal in 2016 for his distinguished and illustrious military service to the Motherland.

Affectionately called Sasha by fellow officers, at 60 he has risen to the top of the Red Army by sheer dint of courage and doggedness. The Kremlin on Monday confirmed that Colonel General Dvornikov has been appointed as the supreme commander of Russia’s forces in Ukraine. His remarkable military career dates back to officer school in the Soviet Army in 1982 and a stint as a company commander in Afghanistan and post USSR Dvornikov commanded a Russian motor rifle division that stormed Grozny, the capital of the de-facto independent southern Russian province of Chechnya, in late 1999 and early 2000.

In 2015, President Putin personally put Dvornikov at the helm of Russia’s forces in war-torn Syria.

Dvornikov saved Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s administration from crumbling and took over the battle for Aleppo, a terrorist stronghold.

He seems to have used blunt firepower tactics based on Soviet military doctrine and is known to lead from the front which is typical of most Russian officers, and is personally popular amongst enlisted men and conscripts alike.

Nothing stops him. He sticks to the old Soviet and then Russian approach – if there are forces, they have to be concentrated and used to destroy everything,” fellow general Romanenko commented after being passed over for promotion. Though resentful, even superceded rival officers respect Dvornikov’s fearless drive and tenacity. A retired Soviet general described him as “the right hammer for the job”

Dvornikov rapidly moved to his new headquarters in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, the operation Z active commend post.

Dvornikov still acquired a profound knowledge of Ukraine and was responsible for forming the Eighth Guards Combined Army, a reincarnation of the WWII famous Red Army victorious military force. The reappearance of the ubiquitous Soviet hammer and sickle on Red Army tanks and vehicles is no coincidence, the Russians soldiers seem to showing their respect to their new supreme commander.

Dvornikov is said to have masterminded the 2019 incident in the Sea of Azov, a shallow body of water northeast of annexed Crimea, when Russian ships blocked and seized three Ukrainian navy ships that tried to enter the sea. Moscow captured 24 Ukrainian sailors who were ultimately held in Russia for almost 10 months.

As a result, the European Union blacklisted Dvornikov and seven other Russian generals and officials in 2019. Dvornikov just laughed off the EU blacklist according to his friends, and used typical Russian stoic profanity to describe the cosmetic EU blacklisting.

In Syria, Dvornikov quickly established good relations with President Assad and the SAA as well as the equally tenacious Iranians and Hezbollah who are providing the bulk of the manpower in earlier days and depended on Russian airpower. In Ukraine, he is expected to use similar tactics and methodically implement long term Russian goals, firstly liberating Don Bas and consolidating Russian achievements. His first move has been to dig in and disperse forces over a large front in several pincers intended too trap the bulk of Ukrainian forces and annihilate them. Early results are promising in Mariupol as the trapped Azov Nazis are begging to be saved as the Russian noose tightens.

kogda mi byli na voinye

thank you for your comment

jens holm

Dvornikov is a murder of the worst kind. He represent the regime well. DNA might show Kadyrov is his cousin.

Its probatly his idea the Homs desert has to be bombarded until it obeys.

jens holm

We seee the results in Syria. Half of the population is not even in the country. 500.000 are dead.

Assads hardly hasfull control of the landmass.

Syria never has had so many desperate criminals as a permanent job.

Ghost of Trust

The Syrian President and the SAA control ALL of the Syrian major cities and population centers. Syria is a country of three major ancient cities in a direct line from Aleppo to Lakatia to Damascus. These are ancient eastern Mediterranean cities that were in contests between the Hellenic and Persian Empires. Meanwhile, the NATO backed Muslim Brotherhood and various foriegn Salafist militants are either out in holes in the central deserts, or contained in the backwater of far north Idlib, hard up against Turkey, with no strategic capacity to impact Damascus. Assad remains in power and the Syrian state institutions are intact, despite the best efforts of US-NATO-Gulf-States and ALL their combined resources for a decade! That is remarkable Syrian resilience – and remarkable failure on part of US-NATO-Gulf-States. Of course, Russia, and to lesser extent Iran, are major stakeholders in making this Syrian victory happen since 2015. Read ’em and weep, US-NATO-Gulf-State bitches!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Trust

Yeah yeah, the biggest rapist is Putin. Everyone knows he fucked his own daughter. Perv!

Ghost of Trust

Whoa. projection much?? Democrat USA. Both the Clinton’s, Horny Bill and Dyke Hills on the Epstein “Lolita Express” to Pedo Island, and who knows who else. Then Obama the well documented bender, aggressively pushing gay and trans BS into mainstream and public school education. Now Biden the hair sniffing, girl/woman clutching, old fart, whose son Hunter is a coke addled, whore addicted, degenerate. Democrat infused and Deep State run USA IS perv central.

Note: Manstein of the Wehrmacht was a complete whiner, who post 1945 tried to lay ALL the blame for his personal failings as both a General and field tactician on the doorstep of Hitler. Manstein could never just man-up and accept the responsibility for his own failings and limitations. That is likely why you identify with him.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Trust

Speak for yourself,you pathedic lieing evil ungodly low life degenerate homosexual wishfull stinker,only because your ungodly globohomo incestry always will be losers do that crap! YOUR THE GLOBOHOMO PERV,FEKN LIEING PIECE O SHT YOU GOING DOWN P00F! https://t.me/intelslava/25017


Which countries? The usual suspects. All of the natostan bitches, australia, canada, japan.

jens holm

Even their dogs and cats are there.

Ghost of Trust

Neo-Con run NATO’s usual Dogs of War mercenaries. Yes, correct.


To be more accurate,all whom glorify sodomite askenazi/gayto/wokey dumbfkd debt economies! those three represent the cowards of the century along with usa/uk/eugeddons genocide ops!


Also looking forward to that ! The capture of foreign NATO “advisors”

jens holm

Putin was there i his camouflage uniform and even had to kill a few to get out.

They were well paid and some even smoked same kind of cigars as him.

Florian Geyer

When the NATO ‘advisors’ surrender in Mariupol it will be a day to rejoice. It will be yet another nail in the zionist One World Government plan.

Perhaps a worthy testbed for an ethnically targeted bio weapon could be tested by the Khazars :)

James Brown

Yes, but as was case in east Aleppo, when Syrian Army liberated it, and embedded French special forces mine specialists got caught, how much ransom will NATO pay to get them back? On the hush-hush and via diplomatic back-channels of course. Don’t want the western public knowing NATO are teaching terrorists and neo-Nazi’s how to build and deploy explosive devices! Assuming they survive to be captured, what is NATO SF prisoners value in this context? Enough exchange value for a quiet drop in some anti-Russian sanctions?! Russia can play hardball. Because, if NATO abandons any captured special forces in Mariupol, they will have big trouble getting the same commitment from their SF in future adventurist wars.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
jens holm

Well John Brownie. You are a stinker.

The reorganistion of the Ukra military forces hs been in open contract almost since it began. So all who cares know USA and UK do it and what they do too.

We have many pictures and videos and many each year. YOUR KIND EVEN USE THEM AS PROPAGANDA.

We also for years has known those Nazis in a big and a small group only are a little more then 1 brigade of more then 20.

So You are the ones, which hide how few nazis there are. Putin lie about it naming public elected PMs as nazis look a likes. Zelensky is a nazilike shuld be removed as well.

Ghost of Trust

When the now trapped NATO SF get captured in Mariupol, Russia can offer them up to NATO for a ransom – to quietly drop some sanctions. Otherwise, let the DNP boys have them for keeps. DNP will be happy to try them as saboteurs and war criminals in own war crimes tribunals. Then, let’s see how keen NATO SF are to repeat the project of getting into these covert conflicts with Russia. Keep it real, Jenny Homo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Trust

I agree, trade them in exchange for dropping some sanctions. It’s best to be pragmatic.


Not worth it in Russias case,more to be gained by smashing nato for good!


elenskys judean/askenazi,same crud who got expelled everywhere in history,like you!

jens holm

You has to learn about moderne guerilla infantery. You should. they use deep defence and opportunisme. That of course is improvice detonations by own bombs and fx Molotov coctails.

By that they spread random death and destruction very well. They also are added antitank missiles and hit those their trucks and groups of old fashioned infantery.

By that Russians got exhaused around Kiev.

But You of corse think artillery and ballistics from long distance is more sober hitting railwaysstaions, hospitals, TV toers and like that.

We know much more about everything there then You do. The newest source are the many mobile phones and androids by the refugees, which we try to settle here.

And it makes us angry. ANGRY.


Yes, General Jenny (Danish LGBT Forces), obviously you know EVERYTHING about modern warfare. However, I did miss it first time around, so can you kindly repeat the exact name and number of divisions you currently command? Much obliged.

Last edited 2 years ago by AssyriaRising
Florian Geyer

It’s time for the Western Public to know the truth about the US/UK support of world terrorism and that all NATO troops in Ukraine are aiding training terror gangs.

jens holm

There we go again.

Tommy L

Got a question: Who is to blame for the awful intel on Ukraine before Operation Z? This is not a troll post, I am not stirring shit up, or at least not trying to.

But this question can’t be asked in Russia, however someone with better information gathering skills can shine some light on why the head of the FSB fucked up so bad? And why is he still alive? lex talionis

If you sell your country out, you should get punished accordingly. Falsifying information that gets the sons of Russia killed is a heinous crime that can not be excused. Why is no one pushing for his immediate termination? lex talionis What sort of low life scum sells his own country out when he is occupying such a patriotically imperative spot in its survival?

even amateurs where able to spy on Ukraine and the US players efficiently…so did he really sell Russia out?

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy L

You are ignoring the obvious. NATO has been involved in the war crimes in Ukraine since 2014. This has been a war with NATO FOR 8 YEARS.




Hopefully all horizontal.


“Exit the building horizontally” , I feel that the expression “partir les pieds devant” in french would be more precise. Even “kick the bucket” could be a good alternative. Just an idea.

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

De-nazification in progress.

Ashok Varma

Russia ran a current account surplus of $58.2 billion in the first three months of 2022, up from $22.5 billion in the same period last year, central bank data showed on Monday. Russian economy is stronger than ever, so every country should be sanctioned for success. No wonder even Modi said “what is is US fuss about sanctions”?

Lukashenko also dismissed the impact of sanctions: “Why an earth are we getting so worried about these sanctions?” he said.

After week of silence, President Putin says Russia will achieve ‘noble’ aims in Ukraine


Putin visits Russian Far East Speaks to workers at Cosmodrome Russia to achieve ‘noble’ war aims – Putin Russia too big and powerful and cannot be isolated – Putin

State television showed Putin visiting the Vostochny space base in Russia’s Far East, accompanied by his ally, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, to mark the anniversary of the Soviet success in launching the first manned space flight.

Asked by Russian space agency workers if the operation in Ukraine would achieve its goals, Putin said: “Absolutely. I don’t have any doubt at all.”

“Its goals are absolutely clear and noble,” Putin said. “We didn’t have a choice. It was the right decision.”

President Putin also laughed off western sanctions as a sick joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
jens holm

We will see if Your sanction repair will be enough. I dont think so.

Vlad the Impaler

The numbers don’t lie, faggot. The Ruble has recovered, gas prices in Russia have actually gone down, there is a surplus of food and their economy is better than ever. Meanwhile, you western Eurofaggots are running around like headless chicken because you know that if Russia cuts off the gas, your economy will collapse and Eastern Europe would rebel.

These, you worthless, sub-human German faggot, are the last days of the European Union, the end of your 4th Reich project. Like everything you Germans ever did, the EU is a failure, dead on the moment of its inception and kept going in a zombie-like state by German deception and fraud (the only things your worthless race is actually good at).


All correct except that the EU was not a German project but that of the USA.




I know so! By the way whats to repair if your low iq ilks did a mighty fine job helping Putin,fkn drr’err

Last edited 2 years ago by WORLD LAUGHS AT NATOS COWARDNESS

Yep and its getting much stronger by the hour,day,week even months,no going back now,no way siree!


Yep. Time to bring in the exterminators and be done with the azov infestation.


The Russian armed forces will destroy the Nazis.

G2 man

As I said on February 24th, there is no doubt that Russia will win and destroy the Kiev Nazi criminal regime. President Putin was right all along and has picked the best man for the noble venture.

In 2016, two years after Kremlin-backed separatists took up arms against Ukraine in the southeastern provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, Putin put Dvornikov in charge of Russia’s Southern Military District.

This post includes annexed Crimea and Russian bases in the separatist Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia – and boasts thousands of battle-tested service members. Now given a free rein Dvornikov will quickly implement the liberation of Don Bas, destruction of Nazi terrorists and then consolidate hard fought gains. The next logical move will be to move on Odessa and link up with Russian forces in Transnistria. Russia already has a motorized division there. Ukraine has practically ceased to exist as it has no economy or access to the sea.


They have a nobel tradition of destroying nazis. After the job is done in UKraine, let’s continue with just the UK

Ashok Varma

The racist backstabbing British are equally bad as their Nazi cousins. Britain is pure evil, just ask any Indian. They stole $45 trillion from US and killed millions.


The lies from the British media and government are so bad that they even use provably fake images and stories… as a Brit I am ashamed of my country’s government and those in positions of trust….

Vlad the Impaler

Its in your culture, I’m afraid. Your country had a chance to become something better when Cromwell kicked out the aristocracy, but you idiots had to go and put the king back on the throne and throw away your future. Oh, well…

Florian Geyer

In the UK it’s the kosher nazi’s who are the problem. Boris is one of them.

Timmy Temperance

I rather envisioned Zelensky as a puppet on the arm of NATO. But sometimes it seems that it may be Zelensky’s arm holding the puppet. He says there are gas attacks, NATO politicans and MSM say there are gas attacks. He says that a baby hospital has been targeted and civilians massacred, NATO repeats. I do wonder what would actually happen if Russia used cluster munitions or sarin. NATO keep trumping that chemical weapons use is a red-line. Would they send troops to Ukraine? I doubt it. If they did that then a nuclear war would surely result.


Pentagon is already in charge in Banderastan and are spearheading the entire nazi-operation. All else is smoke and mirrors… Watch this French journalist spell it out: https://www.bitchute.com/video/P6M4c4ENB2iw/


NATO troops are already in Ukraine. With no air cover and they are screwed.


Great to see nato wenkers deal with a real situation much akin to how serbs where back then, justice will be served indeed as justice gets done on a daily basis,better late than never(period)


NATO is Elensky’s puppet, this is obvious. Dude orders around European leaders and legislators like his children. ”We shall know who is with us and who are cowards” (paraphrased).


You know the story of the boy who cried wolf, right?

Erdogan, câine de circ

The already well-established “chemical attack” is so old-fashioned that I myself am embarrassed to keep hearing it …


dératisation ahahahaha

hans raus

Map looks not very different than map from 2014. Russian army is big joke. Let ukrainian bleed russians out then nato will enter andd will finish job. Forcing russian terrorist and child rapists to run away from kiev region was just first step ;) hooah

Putin's Balls of STEEL teabagging hans

Still babbling your Nazi babble. No one is listening, now fuck off and Die! You’re losing, Hahaha……


Okay expert

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Hans are you still butthurt that the Russians destroyed your nazi ancestors in WW2?

kogda mi byli na voinye

wow what an expert…


Yes a genius it figured out a way to attain revenge for the absolute flogging 80 years ago,and came up with a revolutionary neo concept defined as fucking the whole world up for everybody so to finally get its little toy mystery prize from its german monsato cereal boxes over there,for sure!


Ask your nazi boyfriends quaking in the belly of the Azovstal.


They must have got him. https://t.me/intelslava/25017

Billy Bob

Seriously, you sound like a dumb Kraut. No wonder you Nazis were dumb enough to invade Russia, the biggest country on earth? LOL


Guess your nick “Hans raus” is more of a oxymoron … guess your “kind” is more “hans rein” ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Loras

Begone sprag mouth,you have no power whatsoever (period) have no heart you have no say of reicht!


Would not be easier just find all the exits and seal them and then forget it :)


there is a underground nuclear research facility in mariupol, hillibilis wanted to build a nuclear weapon within 10 days. but we came

Lone Ranger

I read about it in Russian news. Nazis also wanted to start an offensive from Mariupol to conquer Russia. But Russians are clever and much stronger!

Erdogan, câine de circ

Fuckraine’s neighbors should be grateful to Russia … the Zio-Nazi regime in Fuckraine is evil to the core

Ashok Varma

The whole non-Anglo Zionist world is grateful for the noble and decisive actions of Shiri Putin (Sir Putin). The racist Eurotrash Nazis who abused Indians and Russians must be roasted like chicken Kiev. JAI RUS! JAI PUTIN!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma

De-nazification in progress

hunter bidé lab pork !

Nato pedos terrorists rats are f offffffff zellinsky is smoking heroine in the ass !!!!


Just pump water into the underground system and flush the NAZIs out.


Whether that is actually feasible or not, you get full points for adaptive thinking. A formidable psychological tactic at the very least.


I got another idea,well you know how russians can build all kinds of huge sht right? Maybe they can build a humongous electric eel or something like that (scarey music) then on the other side simply sign its life away say 30 years of slavery but not released earlier than 60,send them to the far east and develop the area,seens they were in it to also ruin the worlds economy?

James Brown

First video : DPR tank vs AUF/Asov sniper firing point. High explosive tank rounds from around hundred metres is going to be massive velocity impact and shock-wave inside a five storey built up structure, with multiple reinforced concrete floors containing and compounding the blast This is what the wrong end of a tank looks like in close combat.

Last edited 2 years ago by James Brown
Muhammad your Prophet

I like the part where Ukranian forces destroyed the Russian forces around Kiev long before the Putin cockroaches were supposed to capture Mariupol in two days. That was like a month ago.


Man, that would have been awesome if it had occurred in reality instead of just the delusions of Ukrotards! Oh, well, maybe somewhere in the multiverse that actually took place. Meanwhile, in our reality, the Russians gave the failed Ukrainian CIA program an opportunity to lay down arms and spare the country, which was refused by Krusty the Klown of Kiev and his handlers, and so the Russians left Kiev and got down to the unfortunate business of rolling up the stillborn Banderpite ethnic cleansing Joint Force Operation.


Can’t you pour a gasoline tankers worth of petrol into the underground tunnels. That should get some reaction, to be sure.


It could destroy the industry, which is to be preserved for the economy of the DPR. It would also erase the possible evidence of biolabs in those tunnels, which has been denounced recently (agnostic on whether real or not).


Watching the evil angloZionaZi empire of shit’s fascist aspirations getting flushed down the toilet in Mariupol as each and every Al CIAduh owned aZov turd gets clipped. Mother Russia is destroying the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and the not so great Satan’s reign of terror on humanity. Next up the civil war reloaded in Slumville proper as USSA goes down in flames. These are great times to witness and whatever pain the garbage in Washing town and the neocohen ruling filth receives is well deserved.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo

The Russian soldier has always been a coward. Just remember how many of those fuckers were captured in WW2. There is no difference today. They just run when it gets too hot in the kitchen. Lol


They run after seeing the enemy, like chicken


So confused that they ran all the way to Berlin in 1945 and stayed for almost fifty years. While the Banderpites ran away to Canada.


Learn history, Scooby. Without the help of the USA, Russians would be speaking German now


What are you talking about using tear-gas? These ain’t civilians. Use Sarin and kill them fools inside those tunnels.


Pump lpg and liquid oxygen from trucks into the bunker entrances and ventilations, then ignie…. bastards kaboom!!! Or want you these high value assets going out alive with all evidence?


Am 23. Oktober 2002 wurde im Moskauer Dubrowka-Theater eine Geiselnahme mit Hilfe eines Gases beendet. Leider starben 130 der 800 Geiseln. Dieses Gas wäre doch die ideale Lösung!

Das Ausräuchern würde ein qualvolles Sterben hervorrufen.

Irgendwann müssen denen aber auch die Vorräte ausgehen.


Just use a bunker buster bombing. No mercy.


Torture them like how they tortured Russian POW. To the depts of hell with these scum. Only fire can cleanse such filth.


Yeah, obviously they are counting on becoming captured, hence nonsense about cooks, drivers, etc. Probably in fear for their lives. Still, they showed courage and should be spared. It will pay off in the long run.


Guard the entrances and start pumping it full of water. They’ll come out.

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