Originally appeared at ZeroHedge
Greece sealed its key land Kastanies border crossing with Turkey Friday after Ankara declared it’s allowing refugees to flee Idlib and on to Europe for at least 72 hours, in response to Syrian-Russian airstrikes killing 33 Turkish troops Thursday.
Germany’s Bild newspaper reported Friday that Greece is taking further emergency measures to prevent Erdogan from effectively “opening the gates” on new waves of refugee and migrant hordes seeking entry to the EU, noting the country “completely closed off its borders with Turkey: not just for refugees, but for EVERYONE.”
The newspaper said 50 naval ships, likely most of them small patrol vessels, have been deployed by the Hellenic Navy to ensure those coming out of Turkey don’t get through.
Citing a top Greek government official, Bild reported further this will include air support.
“According to BILD information, the government sent 50 warships to the Greek islands to protect the EU’s external borders,” the German tabloid said. “Ten helicopters are also supposed to secure the transitions to Turkey on land.”
Greece’s Ekathimerini newspaper said military commandos were being sent to key crossings following an emergency meeting of key government officials Friday to deal with the crisis:
Patrols along the land and river border in northeastern Evros have been bolstered since Friday morning, when the first large groups of migrants began to arrive following an announcement on Thursday night by a Turkish government official saying that Ankara would no longer try to prevent Syrians fleeing war in their country from attempting the crossing to the European Union.
The army has also dispatched two commando units to help the Hellenic Police guards at the border, and particularly to patrol the more dangerous sections of the Evros River.
Turkish TVs broadcast footages showing migrants are boarding boats off Turkish coast, departing to Greek islands pic.twitter.com/YLMEM1lCMk
— Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) February 28, 2020
And The Guardian reported further early Friday: “Hundreds of Syrian refugees in Turkey have begun preparing to travel towards the country’s borders with Greece and Bulgaria after Ankara’s sudden decision to no longer impede their passage to Europe.”
“Turkish police, coastguard and border security officials were ordered to stand down overnight on Thursday, Turkish officials briefed reporters,” the report added.

As European officials mull whether this is but more of Erdogan’s threats or perhaps an early “taste” of what’s to come, or whether the flood has begun, Bulgaria has begun taking extra security action as well, bolstering patrols along border areas with Turkey
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis vowed that “no illegal entries into Greece will be tolerated” – noting greatly tightened security along the EU’s external borders.
#Turkish official tv tell 3.5 million #Syrian refuges how to go to #Europe pic.twitter.com/sQHyj6ReWi
— Ibrahim Hamidi (@ibrahimhamidi) February 28, 2020
Turkey’s communications director Fahrettin Altun had earlier said Turkey had “no choice” but to relax border controls after its pleas for greater European help in assisting with the over 3 million refugees on its territory went unheeded.
However, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu sought to downplay new reports of Turkey encouraging refugees exit toward Europe, saying Turkey’s policy hasn’t changed. But footage coming out of Turkey and the Greece-Turkey main crossing throughout Friday speaks otherwise.
it’s all right after all europe and the EU are complicit in the ‘wars’ in north africa and syria and the attack on Iran so if one consequence is an influx of refuges from syria, libya and so on they will have to accept it, try to quell the stream is one thing but to stop it, doubt that is possible. and this new stream of refuges will bleed europe and the EU dry,
Two thirds of electors are responsible of our French governements. I think, we will be capable to handle them by hardening laws year by year.
France is owned by Jews and Goldman Sachs, where do you think the midget Macron worked before?
I don’t see the contradiction with my previous comment.
What is this Jeuland, more austerity for the French people to accommodate more tyranny on the French populace? It is obvious that you have misspelled your own name with a u instead of an e and that you are a zionist wannabe. I suggest you get yourself a megaphone and placard with your view and stand on a corner in Paris, the Des Gilets Jaunes may just offer another opinion. I would be careful as the goyem know!
I don’t see the goal of your comment actually: blaming someone you don’t know the ideas without logical fondement? Wise and clever
thats a very simple explanation of things. Its the nwo and zionist agendas explanation. The western world is bad ,because of the colonies and wars,so now its time to pay them back by forcing them to feed all the third world ,thus becoming slaves. are you out of your mind? Africa was and will always be a jungle .warlords ,corruption etc. the west has helped by throwing billions to Africa to vacinate childrenbuild infastructure etc. result.? the average life expectancy has sky rocketed. the debt is paid dude. now its up to them to continue!
bla bla miss the tangible facts of life so dream on about africa and debt and what not.
bla bla? ‘tangible facts of life’…. these are your arguments?
Greece needs to start laying landmines and start machine-gunning those that make it through them .
Turkey helped make those rapefugees and now can house and feed them. Any problems ? Ship the overflow to Paris ,Washington,Berlin,London and Tel-Aviv,but not to the rest of Europe.
You broke it, you pay for it…and shut up whilst doing it!
Greece govt is not independent in it’s decisions. Kinda catch 33 from EU bureaucracy.
Is that so?
Do you really think that Greece could vetoed Turkey support in case if USA had a desire to mess up with Syrians? At my point Greece was named by big guys as veto voter. Nothing personal.
Harry you are realist. Touche. I just posted below on similar lines.
Greece is actually owned by Goldman Sachs and Jew banks that bankrupted the Greek people.
Nice. Real nice.
Landmines and mowing civilians down with heavy machine guns.
This way of thinking of yours puts you right at home with HTS and their ilk.
The false narrative that refugees are rapists is unsubstantiated.
In all European towns, cities etc, more women get raped during drunken European New Year’s Eve parties by ethnic Europeans than all the rapes in all of Europe attributed to refugees icombined by astronomical diffrences.
And, btw, EU has alot of blood on its hands when it comes to the direct, unnecessary human suffering of Africans and Middle Easterners at the hands of very facist , very racist, very supremacist European Gov. for centuries. Now its time to pay back. The tab is on the table. Cheers.
We can send them to your home if you like them so much, send us your address, its easy to do immigration policy in others people backs. And nope, most rapists and heavy crime is done by illegal migrants, at least in my country, we have all the statistics from the official police report.
I would take in as many as I could , but Trump wont let them in.
Statistics show, that white people commit the most atrocities and atrocious crimes against humanity globally.
Your just someone who has nothing better do but to be racist.
” Racism is a poison ” Hon. Angela Merkel
Ah here we go again, using the cliche “racist” word. Yeah I want to defend my country from the orks so yes I am racist and proud of it.
First nope, whites do not commit the most crimes, go look Latin America and Africa, second what I said about statistics in my country is from the official police report, 4/5 heavy crime(murder, rape) is committed by illegal immigrants, we never had to such extent heavy crime 15 years ago. Third, I really doubt if would take any immigrants, even if Trump let them in you wouldn’t, but in either case I don’t care what you would do, we don’t want them here and we will do whatever is necessary to stop them. In contrary with US, Greece and Europe in general are not countries made by migrants like yours, we are ethnic nations and we want to keep it that way, we were here for thousands of years before US, stick with your multiculturalism we don’t care.
He’s just amoebae talking from he’s ass
Spare me the social justice warrior techniques. I read statistics as well and the crimes skyrocketed after the rapefugees came in . Rapefugees are per capita responsible for much more crime of all sorts than native Europeans. In addition , ninety percent of rapefugees are still on welfare after five years in Europe.
As for payback ,save that for some Average Joe who doesn’t know history. I have studied History all my life and know well the travails of all peoples under Islam and conquering by Moslems since 660AD.
Your just an ignorant racist hate junkie at this point .
Who brought you Europeans the ‘ Age of Enlightenment ‘ when you Europeans were so backwards you were recycling your feces?
Who brought you the ‘ Renaissance ‘ ?
You Europeans launched 11 violent ‘ Crusades ‘ . And the first time you were actually able take Jerusalem , you killed everything . Women were raped on a grand scale, then some one hundred thousand civilians executed.
Inherent killers and rapists. Nothing has changed.
Why dont you Europeans pay reparations for pillaging Africa and violently seizing it resources for centuries. No , all the ass kissing on that end , all the Jew blowjobs is reserved for Jews, who now lead you Europeans by the tail. No backbone.
Btw black on black violence and at this point Muslim on Muslim is out of the charts compared to other form of violence.but I guess you’re a democrat supporting American bastard. Ps Mugabe fucked Zimbabwe people way more than the whites did before. Ask me how I know. But nah….too much energy already spent for a idiot like you. BTw o love Africa and the majority of its people. Go Now.
Ignore the 15 yo troll he’s ass talks
I agree. He should go back to his video games and porn
You’re such a FOOL. I was talking about YOU but you’re too dumb to know….
Some of these arseholes are just punks who have no understanding of the value of human life. These morons think that killing women and children is somehow great. What a bunch of losers, let’s see how they would feel if someone killed their pathetic families who gave them this kind of sick mentality. It is quite shameful at any level.
And they are blaming Israeli soldiers for guning palestinian teenagers but they would do that too.
There is a big difference here bob, Greece didn’t steal from anyone their land, Greece do not bomb any civilians or foreign countries like Israel does.
You are shame for humanity, Vas. Most Israelis are better humans than you.
Look in the mirror first bob, I have nothing to shame about, my conscience is clean.
And I still support the things I said.
It’s clean because you are just a keyboard cowboy.
Says the keyboard orc.
Greece just a transit
So what if it is, who told that Europe must flood with orcs from all around the world, Europe has an identity that you will never understand Mr murican, we are not a made up countries from migrants all around the world like US and we don’t want to replace our indigenous population with orcs.
Take your fake quilt elsewhere you shithead. I personally was not apart of any of what crap you say of neither was the elite of my country,Don’t give a fuck if UK Germany etc drowns in immigrants keep out of mine…also for your info in Greece the overwhelming crime comes from scumbags from abroad,be it Georgian Albanian Afghan Marocain or Pakistan .
Shut up. No one here likes you.
greece signed the treaty agains land mines
That was treason by the EU fed governments.
Greece is small tiny country of 9 million people with a declining and ageing population indebted to the EU and Jew banks, do you really think it can challenge its masters? you kids really need to know how the world works, it is quite harsh and getting worse. I am getting older now but see total collapse coming.
Greece is a country of 11 million Greeks(not counting the migrants), yes its population its ageing as most Europe and west in general, but there are trying few things right now to increase it(I wont go into details now).
The economy is rising again with one of the largest growth rate in Europe almost 3% and has on of the largest and strongest conventional armies in NATO, larger even of that of UK, France etc. Greece survived for more than 4.000 years under way worst situations, it will not collapse not now, not ever.
I don’t think it will collapse but the Jew banks have a chokehold on the country. The population as on right now is 10,473,455 and the birth rate 1.34% so that will be a problem as the Turkeys are pushing 83 million.
Its 10.7 million(not that matters) and yes as I said its ageing, thats why new policies have implemented some months now in order to boost the birth rate, like 2k euro for every child born, tax benefits, more allowances etc, will see how it goes. As for Turkey, yes is has 83 mil, but a large part(at least 20 mil) are kurds, and another 15+ mil of other ethnicities, they have huge minorities which don’t like each other so much, plus way more enemies than Greece all around them that share way bigger borders.
I was talking to a Alevi Shia from Turkey who fixes my car sometimes, he hates the mongols as much as the Kurds do and so does every other minority. That is why it would be sensible if Greece built bridges with the disgruntled Turks. Erdogan is only liked by the religious freaks. Turkey is much weaker than most realize, and its military is not that good, I served on a secondment with their airforce in the 80’s and they are totally inept and made clumsy mistakes. The Hellenic Airforce like I have posted before is smaller but much better trained.
I agree to what you said, as for the Hellenic Air-Force is barely smaller than Turkey in pure numbers(around 240 vs 290 fighters) but as you said much better trained, plus Greece has one of the most dense air defences in the west with Patriot PAC 3, S-300, Improved Hawk III, Tor-M1, OSA-AKM, Crotale NG without counting MANPADS.
They have almost the double the number of F-16 (both C/D versions and some are really old) and in F-4E you are about even, however your Mirage 2000 are more versatile. If a fair fight you guys can give them a bloody nose.
Yes they have more F-16s(155 vs 240) but we have also 44 M2000 together with F-16s, which that gives an edge because M2000 especially the M2000-5Mk2 version is unknown to them, but the F-16 since Greece has it too we know all there is about it and their weakness plus right now 84 F-16s from the 155 are under way to be upgrade to the blk 70/72 Viper version.
From what Greek pilots said in many exercises, the combination M2000-5Mk2 and MICA missile is superior to F-16/AMRAAM, Greece has large stock of both in large quantities so they know better, generally speaking MICA EM/IIR (Greece has both versions) is consider better from AMRAAM C5/C7 which both Turkey and Greece have, range is pretty much the same but MICA has better sensor which has way better chances to resist jamming(AMRAAM has got problem here) and it is more manoeuvrable.
One real problem is the dismemberment of native defence industry thanks to the fuckers who govern Greece,and the idiotic laws making development and setting up new investments in that sector basically nonvaible. Thanks also to external masters.
Greece used to have large areas with anti-personnel and anti-tank(still has those) minefields in the Greeco-Turkish borders till up few years, but they remove all the anti-personnel mines under the EU/UN laws few years ago, that was a big mistake, they must lay them down again.
Killing civilians is the lowest of the low from a professional soldiers point of view. What Greece should really be doing is helping Syria and its allies. Its veto at the NATO faggots meeting was very helpful and now follow it up with concrete action.
I totally disagree, if there not is any other solution to prevent waves after waves to stop them from crossing the borders, lethal force is required, tear gas first, warning shots after and still if all that doesn’t stop them then its game on. Its a survival thing, them or us, this country which has stood here for thousands of years, a country that fought and survived thousands of wars and in which our ancestors split their blood so the next generations like mine can walk free and roaming in the internet safe and sound, this country will not be invaded and conquered by foreigners without firing a bullet. Greece its not responsible for what is happening in Syria, Greece didn’t send troops, arms or trained any terrorists, neither tried to change any legit gov in any country.
Enough is enough, those countries that started this mess, if they want them, they can take them, we are not going to replace the local population with illegal migrants.
They are humans and victims of the pig Erdogan, killing civilians is a crime and no decent human being can do that. Only the Nazis, Americunts and Zionists are such depraved examples. I am sure you have never been in combat or understand that killing even a soldier is very disturbing choice. It is easy to sow hatred on the internet but some of us have evolved.
I did my serve in the army and I saw how Turkey behaves, fortunately there was no need to shoot someone but I will not hesitate to do it and fight in order to protect my country, as my ancestors did before me. I don’t blame all the migrants, some indeed are families but still not my problem, I wont take all the burden in my back just because someone else wanted to play with fire. So far the situation in the Evros river(which the Greeco-Turkish borders split) there are more than 18k illegals waiting to cross and Sultan Erdogan said little earlier that by midnight they will be more than 30k, turkish authorities without any hesitation admitting that they using the migrants and they send them on purpose to flood Greece and Europe in general, thats pretty much a declaration of war. From what we hear in the news and from the Greek gov, already has mobilize its army, marines and special forces and armoured divisions to block the paths, even using weapons if its absolute necessary to stop them.
I know what you are saying, I dislike the Turks at all levels, but killing civilians no matter who they are is simply moral perversion at worst. The Nazis occupied your country and did kill civilians, the Turks are no different, but let’s keep perspective. It is European governments like UK, France, Germany and Belgium that turned a blind eye or actively supported the Wahhabi terrorists and Turkey is the biggest bastard that exploited these mostly uneducated Sunni Syrian villagers. You know I went to Syria is 2009, it was doing quite well, they were assembling Iranian Samand cars, tractors and were almost a middle income country. Damascus was quite liberal and secular and then the Saudis, Turkeys and Emiratis wanted a Sunni Wahhabi government and destabilized a good country and suited the Jews too. The biggest scum in the region are Turkey and Zionists and they are working hand in hand.
As I have not visited any middle Eastern countries, through many videos one thing that really struck me was the development that was taking place in Syria prior to the war. Countless multy -storie buildings most of them unfinished and fields of olive trees. It is shockingly obvious to me that someone didn’t like this and someone else wanted to grab it(“rebels”)
There is a middle ground between welcoming migrants and shooting down unarmed people. Unfortunately in western Europe it’s about as politically viable as the latter option, and that is the approach that Russia takes. Simply don’t coddle them; no free money, no free housing, no welcoming committees, no bending over backwards for accomodations. It works pretty good, but western Europe is politically and spiritually diseased, and currently incapable of effective resistance. Individual patriots who resist with violence against the migrants and the policies of “their” malfeasant NATO regimes at this time will simply be throwing away their lives.
Big mistake then, idiots! Who removes landmines on a border with Turks! Only idiots and enslaved and ensnared debtors!
I agree, Greece did a big mistake signing the Ottawa Treaty, Greece removed around 25,000 anti-personnel mines by the year 2010, most of them in the Greeco-Turkish borders.
Before they remove them, they were many dozen deaths from those who tried to cross the borders despite the fact of the warning signs in many languages, the reality is that those anti-personnel mines did had a good effect against illegal immigration.
Greece should be sending commandos to fight alongside SAA, Russia, Iran, Armenia and allied militias and to kill as many Turkeys as possible. Gunning down civilians is not very brave or ethical and only Zionists and headchopper low lives commit that sort of barbarity. The bastard Erdogan created this mess and the Turkeys should pay for it.
I am considered progressive and a Humanist by almost all who meet me. Only here am I called a fascist and racist by usually Turk ,headchopper or Libtard commentators.
Most refugees to Turkey from Syria are Islamists who are at best Muslim brotherhood types and at worst al Nusra headchoppers. This has been demonstrated many times by many investigative journalists. It is so common that even mainstream media now mention it ,now that their pets are on the run. . Most refugees are fit military age men who would be better staying home in any case rather than with us.
I’m sorry ,but Erdogan and Sunni Islamist leaders have weaponised rapefugees and the scales are now falling from many people’s eyes.
No country owes refugees a home. In fact by convention , Turkey is the fist place they have landed so under law Turkey must deal with them. All the more so ,as Turkey was very much involved in causing them to be refugees.
You broke it , you pay for it ,AKP and Erdogan ,not Greece ,Bulgaria or Europe in general!
That may be true, but killing defenceless women and children is the lowest of the low. We live in the 21st century and hopefully some of us have evolved. If every nation state acted with such callous disregard for humanity we all might as well live on trees and eat each other. I am sorry to say that I have seen a lot of human depravity but no professional soldier ever gloats about taking life, let alone killing civilians. Only sick perverts or video game junkies probably have that bent. The real problem is Turkeys government and to hurt Erdogan boycott everything Turkish and support Syria. That is that is the way to bring him down, not killing his victims.
You know I am not so sure that Erdogan’s (post-Idlibistan) migrant wave should really be considered his victims. Most likely, it would consist of HtS fighters and their families. If you were a Turk, would you want these people in Turkiye?
Of course some blameless people are going to be caught up in this also.
That is true, but killing women and children is not on. I have no problem with Greeks or anyone vetting the men as the Saudis and Emiratis had opened up their jails to the worst headchoppers, rapists and criminals. But if we all started acting as the Turkeys and their headchoppers then we are no different. I remember as a young officer we taught courses on ethical conduct and under no circumstances it is justified to kill unarmed people. The Greeks or anyone should separate the fighting age men and then vet them or even recruit them.
Totally wrong. Turkey, Russia, Syria, China and Iran are playing the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, perfectly.
Erdogan will be sending many millions of Covid virus refugees to Europe at the request of China in retaliation for Israel ordering its USSA slaves to release it in China, nad this will be to bring down and over throw the the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, occupation governments there. I bet we will see the zio collaborators, Merkel, Makaroni etc flee for ther lives to the USSA or Israel. World war is breaking out started by Israel and it lord its lord Satan with their biological warfare attack on China.
Erdogan did go along with the overthrow of Syria orw of it until the Zio death squads came for him. All those in Turkey who still support the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship, will now lose all credibility when they don’t come to Turkeys aid which will solidify Erdogan’s rule .
I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel. Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy. Facts:
If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.
Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil adn gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid. Putin is fighting fire with oil literally. I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!! Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krag-4DDkqI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBS0OWGUidc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF_iorX_MAw https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/dadb7a89-63f4-4e34-8720-743fc8fb6ab9 https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a45b0a12-a206-46ca-86c0-8a942667eaa9 Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil and gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran. Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again! Turks will be bringing those bags of money to the bank, a non Jewish bank and they won’t be using zio dollars and they will be buying gold. Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter? Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid.
Hopefully they actually turn them back, instead of just acting like a taxi service.
I would prefer if it was taxi service directly to the Berlin.
Yep, since the Chinese are not flying to Germany, perhaps Merkel can have Lufthansa fly the Syrian refugees directly from Turkey. It is a win-win for all.
Metamorphosis in action: freedom fighters-jihadists- militants-terrorists- refugees and their families. Full cycle.
Europe gets what they deserve
Yes, but it would be a “fair” game to send some to hell aviv and new york.
I reckon Israel isn’t much bothered by illegal immigrants – they’d get shot
Indeed, most EU governments actually facilitated terrorism in Syria and actively recruited “Jihadis” to sow mayhem. Imagine if they had attacked the Jews, it would have ended in a nano-second.
Let NATO swallow the shiiit it created in Syria, open up the sewer president Er?an, no one is crying for your Islamic state refugees. Wuhan has the final solution if you want a quick solution
Do not put all NATO members in the same fate, only US, US, France, Germany did this shit in Syria, most other European/western countries have nothing to do with that, send those rapists into those countries that started this mess, aka Turkey, US, UK, France etc.
YES!!! Thank you Greece!!!!
The real question is, why did NOT they this in 2015???
Dear Turkish communications director, have your terrorist sympathiser-in-chief stop destroying Syrian towns and cities. The refugees can then return home. It’s not rocket science. After a while when things have calmed down, the Syrian people can get around to discussing reparations for the damage caused and the oil stolen, along with most of northern Syria’s public infrastructure, farm and factory equipment. Your admin has also broken International law by invading a sovereign democratic nation and assisting terrorism which is killing innocent civilians and causing the very problem you seem so keen to pass onto europe
The reality: Turkey invades Syria, causes millions of refugees and then expects the international community to pay for the refugees! Western leaders may be spineless and corrupt, but they ain’t stupid.
Israel is deeply saddened.
Illegal immigration is not a human right and when it is on mass ordered by an enemy terrorist state, must be stopped by any means necessary.
Greece should dump any that do get through, off of the shore of Turkish occupied Northern Cyprus.
Turkey is been distracted by this saraqib debacle meanwhile the SAA gains territory in other surrounding areas. Nice! Then when saraqib is an isolated pocket the SAA can flatten the whole area. Roasted turkey and BBQ’ED jihad. Dinner anyone?
The Turkeys will not be able to hold on to Saraqib. Three Russian ships loaded with weapons just crossed the Bosporus.
Thot Greece suddenly has the spine to sent its army fight Turkey to take back Cyprus.
Its time all Turkey neighbors should join hands dismember Turkey into 5 states, ruled by Syria, Russia, Greece, Egypt & Libya for peace. All Kurds with YPG can be expelled to either France where their HQ is located, or live with their master US-Israel.
Indeed, I pointed that out a few days ago. If the Greek military had good strategic planners, they should help the Syrians and also start a campaign in Turkish occupied Cyprus. The Turkeys are exposed. Actually, the Greeks would make better allies of Russia and Iran and should get out of NATO.
Military men are ok,politician wise Greece sucks hard.
Greece would do that if had domestic weapon industry. We use mostly American weapons that have kill switch. Richard Holbrook at Imia crisis told Pangalos ”you may had tactical advantage but we would ensure that your harpoon would not hit any turkish ship” .
That’s how Argentina lost its Falkland war after British got Ronald Reagon to force France disclosed its killer switch code of harpoon.
yep. You cant be independent if your weaponry is depended on others.
Apart from conspiracy theories do you have source? Harpoon is American why is France involved?
Harpoon is just aname, not trade mark of US, its France torpedo(anti vessel) that Argentina bought and had successfully sunk UK largest warships. This is openly published in news during Falkland war, not conspiracy. It said Margaret Thatcher called Reagon for help after British warships were sunk. Then Argentina lost its anti vessel ability, and France also stop supply ammunition.
The “harpoon” was an anti ship missile made by USA. The Exocet on the other hand IS a a/ s missile made in France. Argentina had purchased 4 before the war. Margie was pleading France not sell more. 3 or more were fired towards UK ships. Make what you will at that. Later reports state that France was giving technical support under the table. I’m waiting on the “killer switch code”part
You may be correct. This incidence was quite many yrs, and news tend to mislead at time. But friend foe identification beacon is a normal built in function for lethal missiles, including all SAM & anti-vessel to avoid accidence. Not killer switch.
But Maggie did asked Reagon help to pressure France stop supply Argentina, and likely to release its sensitive missile identification code. That’s why US was needed to interfere directly.
Hungary and Greece will be remembered as guardians of Europe, doing the job that the diseased corrupt governments of western Europe are too weak to do.
Actually it will be remembered as “Covid” or “Corona” :)
I am from Greece so listen. 90% of these ”refugees” are Pakistani,Afghan,Algerian,Somalian and other Magreb nationalities .They are not Syrians. And they are all 20-35 years old.
Turkey does hybrid war at Greece last years,escalating month by month. They will send drilling ship out of Crete in a few months. I hope we sink it and whole Turkish fleet.
Good luck with that mate , the Greek economy is bankrupt and Greece has been raped by the EU , you have nothing left to fight anyone with
yea there is so much anger here. It must be burst in right direction
Hopefully, Greece and Hungary boost an alliance, we share a lot in common. I’ve been noticing in Hungarian media lately rightful frustration of Erdogan’s illegal dumping of migrants to Europe, in addition to criticising his war in Syria. I’ve heard that too that most of them are not even Syrians. 80,000+ migrants on the way, and they’ll no doubt try to get through Greece, Serbia, and Hungary to reach places like Germany and Sweden. Much like in 2015. Szijjarto has been recently communicating with Déndiasz, lot of great details here. It’s in Hungarian, but can easily be translated:
it would be nice for an alliance but the total of ”Greek” politicians are declared globalists whom dont recognise the terms of nation and homeland . Erdogan sends here the worst of them ,most are pakistani afghan and africans and man were in Turkish prisons
Greek soldiers already opened fire to prevent illegal crossing.