A Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft is seen at the ILA Air Show in Berlin, Germany, April 25, 2018. (Reuters Photo)
The Hellenic Air Force will acquire F-35 stealth fighter jets which were meant to be delivered to Turkey, several Greek sources reported on October 27.
The Estia newspaper said the deal, which will see Greece accruing 20 F-35s including six meant for Turkey, was approved by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during his most recent visits to Athens. The first six fighter jets will be delivered in 2022.
The U.S. suspended Turkey’s F-35 contract last year after the Turkish military took delivery of Russian S-400 long-range air-defense missiles.
Earlier this month, the Turkish military conducted its first operational test of the S-400 air-defense system. The move, that was condemned by the NATO, was likely behind the U.S. decision to supply the Hellenic Air Force with F-35 fighter jets.
Greece is currently engaged in a political conflict with Turkey over maritime border in Eastern Mediterranean. The conflcit heated up in the last few weeks as Turkey resumed drilling in the region.
The fifth generation F-35 will grant the Hellenic Air Force an unquestionable advantage against the Turkish Air Force. Greece is also set to reinforce its air force with 18 French-made Dassault Rafale warplanes by 2022.
Greece maybe the new willing proxy and cannonfodder against Turkey. The Greeks will do anything for usury loans.
naaah Greeks will do it for free!!
Hilarious, Greeks don’t own their own country, which is a mere subsidiary of the EU globalist terrorist Ziocorporatocracy in Brussels but they’re going into MORE DEBT for the Fuckup-35. The ECB overlords in Frankfurt will be pleased.
Thats non of Your business unless You contribute.
lol jealous!!
Belive me bud,they are useless as tsipraki skilaki (period) Too weak + far too se’low:
they dont need speed…the have a different role
but china bought the port of piraeus after imf forced greece to sell its assets to outside corporations – eu thought, mistakenly, that these assets should be bought by eu-corpprations but the chinese scuppered any such notions in brussels.
Unbelievable how vindictive the US can be. I don’t know whether Greece should be pleased, because I’ve heard so much bad about the F35. The stealth better be good because that is about the only good thing about it.
Once you buy the latest toys of US you buy their simpathy also.
Ýerrrh, and when Your old clothe falls of, You run around naked too. Grerece only has ancient stuff, so they renew.
What a mess inside NATO. Implode.
US should not take side with any country and maintains the balance.
At some point everyone will have to take sides between Turkey and EU. Even Russia.
Turks has. For me they are very velcome to make a wall west of Instanbul too.
They dont apart from thinking Turks are more needed for us, then they are.
Good, NATO needs to implode. Or at the very least the tyrant Turkey needs to be kicked out.
A few of the F-35 planes won’t change the balance. Greece and Turkey are border countries. Missiles and artillery and air defense are much more important than 20 F-35s. Not to mention all the Turkish drones.
But Pompeo’s move would backfire. He will push Turkey away from NATO and he will acquire more Russian hardware. During the mean time, Erdogan will try to sabotage and hurt more US interests. The harms will far out-weight the goodwill Pompeo generated from this deal. Greece is already a very close ally and US won’t gain anything from this deal.
There is no need for Pompeo. Erdogan moves away from Nato very well.
Putting in Pompeo in this makes no sense.
Who cares,trump will win and the swiss/nazi deep state shan’t get their fekn ww3 war!
The deep state is made by You and even paited park. If You deny to learn things and do it again and again You only has Yourself to blame for the dark.
I see it here every day and now about Armenia, NK and Azarbaidian too. Some barking mad people has learned or think they have learned thigs which are lis of the worst kind. That includes among each other too.
Even westerns and with them about Jews too.
So if You are like that, You will remain in dark. So be it, but remeber to blame Yourslef for at least 90%and claen at least parts of that selfmade dirt away.
Even more then 90% of the weapons are ancint ones from the good old days by USSR. They are not for any WW3 and Your LSD prediction. But wqe can give them some nukes and see if they are as You assume.
Remember sunglasses, icecreme and maybee an umbrella too.
Your drones are not even turkish and i wonder what part would you assemble when the actual producers cut you off. SEAD is very effective particularly when you are in close range as it was demonstrated in karabach and lybia, not to mention from how salty you have become when US cut you off from f35 (maybe to your benefit long term) that you needed because of greek quite advance for your standards air defense systems (at least back then before s400 that must be noted are not protected/supported by serious sorter range air defense systems). Russians wont sell you the good stuff while you act as their regional competitors and not their lap dogs like with uncle sam till few years ago. (also with what money you will get them your economy is in the crapper too) And finally you seem to over estimate your actual geopolitical weight (to nato/us) that is already wasting away.
Agreed but there is a small detail….Turkey has almost 0 air defense compared to Greece..right?
one s-400 set ready for use and one in the bag for delivery shortly (?). should suffice to put a serious spaniard in the greeks works and put a big big dent in the greek economy.
not really! long range AA need medium and small range AA support…now they are like sitting ducks
Not with russian radar (neo-feminazi)
whatever, one thing you can bet the farm on and that is if it comes to more serious disagreement between the two, greece will be mince meat before they have time to say squat or duck!
Its true the relative well equipped f´grrek military forces are too old for something real.
Old was wisde enolugh to oust your infamous nazis outta mainlan greece in 221 days,dumbass!
Thats completly irrelevant for my reflexioens.
Let see if S-400 works on F-35…Greece have good pilot and Turkey should know by now how to use S-400 systems.
ohhh BTW WTF Southfront? I can smell salt….I mean both Turkey and Greece ordered F-35…Turkey is no longer part of F-35…Greece is next on the line…yeah no shit, you think American gonna wait and stop selling it? The title you guys put tho…LMFAO
White House moves forward with sale of F-35s to UAE
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/10/29/white-house-moves-forward-with-f-35-sale-to-uae Was those also meant for Turkey?
I think the 100 or so f35s trump peddled to japan after turkey was taken off the delivery-list were the ones turkey was supposed to receive and already had paid for, at least partially.
yeah and what use will they be for the uae – they will have to find pilots to fly them and that won’t be easy with the yankee-twats breathing down their necks and the jews in palestine sending groups of saboteurs to blow them sky high, blaming Iran.
177% Debt to GDP but can still buy junk planes. By the time LM has added on the extras the planes will add up to more than Greek GDP.
This could be shit load expensive for us do your sources mention what edition of this cluster fuck of an aircraft we get and at what unit price? Those things only worth it for its electronics/networking and the new advance weapons that come with them. If the stealth actually works i can only see them in a SEAD / EW / interception unit, the first two mission types are missing or are not up to date for us.
The [not so stealth] F35 strike fighter is the most expensive military program in the world with a total cost of more than $1 trillion. (see: The F-35 Amazingly Has Even More Problems Than We Thought by Michael Nunez Jan 17, 2017; Link: https://gizmodo.com/the-f-35-amazingly-has-even-more-problems-than-we-thoug-1791285476). Greece should have opted for the much cheaper/superior Russian Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jet. Greece is an economic basket case- completely broke, plagued with high unemployment and has subjected her population to brutal austerity measures while the financial elite have looted the country. This begs the obvious question, where is all of the money coming from to purchase these fancy fighter planes? Greece is a US vassal and does exactly what Washington orders. I very much doubt that 20 astronomically expensive (functional?) F-35 planes is going to have much of an impact on Greek military power.
Wasted $$$$ buying F-35.
Sources are lies,who’s gonna pay that incumbent ripp off company anyway,pyatt,assflogged or dumbzog.
This is news to me. What are those sources mentioned?