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MARCH 2025

Greece To Expand Its Border Wall With Turkey

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Greece To Expand Its Border Wall With Turkey

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On October 19th, Greece government said that it has finalized plans to extend a wall along its northeast border with Turkey.

This is necessary over concerns hat migrants may try to stage mass crossings into the country and the wider EU.

Government spokesman Stelios Petsas said that 26 kilometers of wall would be added to an existing 10-kilometer section in a 63-million-euro ($74 million) project due to be completed by the end of April 2021.

This appears also necessary because there was an escalation that occurred at the border earlier in 2020 after Turkey said it would no longer prevent migrants trying to reach the EU, and tens of thousands tried to cross into Greece.

Turkey pushed the migrants, and even went as far as trying to tear down the border fence to let them into Greece. This was all more than likely done in order for the EU to turn a blindside to what it was doing in Syria’s Idlib, as well as in other locations such as Libya.

The two countries are also at odds over energy rights in the eastern Mediterranean in a dispute that has triggered a dangerous military buildup in the region and fears of conflict.

Four Greek construction companies have been selected to build the new wall and upgrade the existing section of fencing, running along or close to the Evros River, which forms much of the border between the two countries.

The wall will be made using galvanized square steel tubes and concrete foundations, according to Greece’s public order ministry.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the border region on Saturday after a test installation of a section of the new wall.

The number of migrants and refugees traveling from Turkey to Greece fell sharply this year during the pandemic and after the border standoff prompted tougher border policing. Turkey has accused Greece of illegally pushing back migrants reaching its islands in the eastern Aegean Sea, a charge that Athens denies.

Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees worldwide, at nearly 4 million people, mostly from Syria, according to the UN Refugee Agency.


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Great Khan

hahaha now GAYREEK fool hide behind wall, but HAROP drone come from sky…..


yes , but only when you use playstation and keyboard front of your outdated pc from Mongolia

Great Khan

Your family as stupid..hahahhaa https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fdbb0ff96edd55bd8813595c2499a2045491ba8485334263bb823494424af579.jpg


trust me , with you low genetics you cant get laid even with these fat 1/10 girls ;)

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

More Karamanians.


so much butthurt on this mongoloid orc

Great Khan



your family? nice!

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer



good move , keep backward mongoloids away , 3rd ape belong to 3rd world

Karamanids Khan

The Mongols you humiliate are smarter than the Greeks :))))) ahahahas

6th place Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Mongolia is ranked at the 6th place out of 80 countries by average national intelligence quotient IQ (101) according to the studies conducted by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology and Tatu Vanhanen, Finnish Professor of political science.

Europe hates America

Yes you turks are that smart that u have to work in switzerland and germany for 10€ per hour to watch how the kebab is spinning around. Always funny to see how delusional u isis turks are ?

Europe hates America


Karamanids Khan


Greek cowards can no longer go beyond 6 miles. The end :)))))))))))))))))))))


not only kebab , they doing great job with cleaning streets here. Everybody is needed , no offence.

Europe hates America

They even work at burger king and mcdonalds and I know they enjoying to put bacon on my burger


mongols ? thats why they still dont have accces to toilet inside of their house ? ………..finnnish politicaly correct study you wanted to say. What will be next ? Congolese IQ higher than averange European ? please , give me a break.

Europe hates America

They don’t need toilets. Turks cleaning their isis asses with their left hand

Karamanids Khan

Hahahh, Loser :))))))))))))

Europe hates America

Why so butthurt isis turk? Does it hurts u, when turks telling me how strong and proud they’re until i interrupt them telling ya to stfu and work faster and to put more meat in my kebab ? or some of u working here at mcdonalds and putting me some bacon on my burger. Proud isis turks

Karamanids Khan

Greek cowards 6 miles across the sea If they cross we will hunt them like chickens. https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1318509860665892865

Europe hates America

Yes u have many turks at kfc here they’re the best in hunting chickens

Karamanids Khan

Look what I’m saying. YOU CAN’T GO. If you dare, pass it. Don’t come to me with puns.:)))))))))


lol moronic mongol. Beyond 6 n.m. is international waters, everyone can go and we both have ships already there and many other countries as well. The same as we go just outside your own 6 n.m. and u cant do shit.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Karamanli, if I scratch you I will probably find some force-converted Greek . How does that make you feel?

Also why do you gloat when the Karamanids used the Seal of Solomon in their flags. Are you partly Donmeh as well?

Great Khan

Turkey brother top 10 economy and military power, Gayreek live on Alemania money and beggar ….who smarter now monkey man….hahhahaha


how many breads did you buy today? lol

Great Khan

???????????? hahahha you speakie monkesey….

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Why doyou lie or are you stupid? You have lived off foreign money worse than Greece ever did. You lived off grants from the Eu,Soros and Qatar and still doto this day.


Seems that you are the only one butthurt here , hip hop queen.

We both know that the only time you eat some kebab is when you get yr immigrant allowance from the swiss state and feed yr hungry ass over there.

Europe hates America

U turks have the best social media warriors. Hard af, keep on fighting until u have to turn ur kebab machine on ??


Hip hop queen , these political threads are a bit over humiliated immigrants like you trying to make a living in Switzerland with immigrant allowance. Why dont you try to deal with yr inferiority complex in some sub culture hip hop forums where you call everyone a ” hoe” or a’ n*gg*r’ , instead of making a clown out of yrself here ?

Great Khan

Hahhaha we shit on Nazi fools instead….

Europe hates America

U working for the nazis and make them good kebabs ?

Great Khan

now we make Kebab of Armeni losers hahahaha


and we feed your toy soldiers to swine


nope , you clean their shit on daily basis . You too drunk to understand but what i can expect from mongol who got genetics of alcoholism from nature ? ;)


LOL , looking at yr comnents, even my dog has higher IQ than you. They guy is presenting you a source , so why dont you try to debunk him with yrs instead of pulling some BS out of yr ass ?


according on Dr. Adrian Owen from Canadian university’s Brain and Mind Institute :There is no such thing as a single measure of IQ or a measure of general intelligence . Is known that IQ have very small impact how people perform in their life. IQ myth has been debunked long time ago by many studys. Please dont eat you dog , you can give him to me , i will provide better life for him.

Great Khan



Dont spam this place with there is no such a thing called IQ BS , it only proves yr lack of IQ, nothing else.

And feed yr hungry ass beffore begging pets from others , because as far as I can understand from yr hollow comments , you even can not clean streets with such ignorance and lack of witt.


at least my country is not banana republic ,what about turkey ? majority of population want to travel to EU for better life ;) at the moment you re the one who can clean streets for me , just face facts


those are mongoloid Turks we make fun of not real mongols…real mongols were good fighters and noble…not like you usless orcs!!

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Correct ,Turks were the slave Subtribe to the Mongols and Avars.

Europe hates America

Good one. Keep the isis turks away from europe. Only thing they can do here is making us some kebab. Retarded folk

Servet Köseoğlu

Dig tunnels deeper and make networks…They can’t discover entry points anyway that will lead to branches that will lead to other tunnels. So it may be one access point it will be able to spider out to other locations from that point.To test the oxygen level, as well as the gases there are lots of cheap all-in use methods.Don’t even use the 10″ miter saw or abrasive chop-saw to cut galvanized steel,its very expensive and noisy. Europe’s freedom-speech,west values,endless Eu funds waiting for you..:)))

Great Khan

Make balloons and fly over fence, Gayreek just stupid…hahahha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Make balloons you muppet, 650 million Christians await to watch ye bastards fall to the ground in flames.

Great Khan

hahhaa no Christian in Euarabia….more Muslim come every day hahahhaha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How much do you give to the superior race for arms?

Be good little Turds now, and Putin might sell you some jets that your shite race can’t make for yourselves.

HA HA HA HA, as you goatfuckers say.


Last time we looked Putin was trying to sell these jets , just like S-400 , not the way round. Sweetie , aren’ t Russians christians ? Why they are selling out their other Christian brothers ?

May be they dont give a fuck .. May be only morons like you still believe that ‘650 mio Christians ” BS.

Great Khan

Russia 20% Muslim, in 2050 Muslim majority if Russia survive, hahahahaa

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Thats because the Russians do not genocide them.

The Turds do that, to small nations, but kiss Russian ass for centuries.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They sell you the export version you muppet, they just summon the Dog and tell him to pipe down, and he does.

They blew the shit out of your bases in Idlib, and then you went on patrol, like the good vassals you are.


Sweetie , how and what you know about the export version ? Do you think TAF is fill with uneducated morons like you who can not differ a dummy from a real thing ? Where did you had the idea that export version is worthless ?

Thats only how you delude yrself. LOL

And being a vasssal , look around and see how many people claiming that Putin bowed to Erdogan on NK issue.

Go and play in sandbox , kid.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Erdogan said no ceasefire, Putin said ceasefire, and Erdogan said jack shit since then.

He must be stuck up a goat somewhere, no one’s heard from him since Putin barked. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Russian export is useless against Russia.

They sold it to you to get you sanctioned by the US, and you fell for it.

Losers, and goatfuckers. lol

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Same reason you killed fellow moslems in Syria and Libya. Also of Laz and Kurds.


Lets say we believe in equity of religions, so we dont differ much . A traitor is always a traitor whatever his religioıus beliefs may be. And lets read from time to time , Laz people are respected contractors and businessman here , not speaking about the fcat that more than 40% of governors and most Turkish politicians are from Turkish Black Sea coast.

So lets do not speak about things we dont now please.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

My dear Sencer, you have the irritating habit of jumping to conclusions with me and it is very distatesful. What makes you think you know more of the Laz people than I do? Of course the Laz are contractors and businessmen. They are the last of the Christian people to be Islamicised. What ? Did you think the Laz arrived from heaven already Moslem? Did you think the Laz are only in Turkey and living as Turks? Did you not know MANY Laz live in the Diaspora as their Forefathers did …as Christians.

I know very well of Erdogan and his Rumca /Laz cabinet . All Janissaries and /or forced converts probably like yourself.

So please don’t jump to conclusions . How did you think many Moslem Cherkess got to Jordan? On a Magic Carpet? They were massacred by Kemal Attaturk ,a Donmeh .Tell me ,are all Turks with an education ,brash and “all-knowing” as you?

So as usual , I will allow you the last word as I dont have the time to necessarily respond to EVERY one of your responses to my posts.

Europe hates America

Yes, to clean our shit ? and u proud of that


A bigger percentage of these ‘650 mio christians’ are not interested in yr BS sweetie.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Don’t be relying on BS, 90% of us are sick to death of your shite, why aren’t you trying your balloon and tunnelling then?

Keep sweetie for your goat.


That must be the reason why Germany, Spain, Italy , Malta showed you the middle finger yesterday while you begged for an arms embergo to TR .

Sweetie ,.. BTW , I like that word a lot. It baits sexually insecure ones so fast , guess who is the last one jumped to that bait.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Who is “you’?

Canada told you goatfuckers to buy your own drones, France, Germany all stopped selling to you, the US sanctions you, that’s some middle finger.

You Turds always talk sex online, cos your shitty prophet fucked kids, and you do as the prophet did.

Great Khan

You very angry GAYrese goat boy hahahaha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You very smelly, but what else would you be living with your goat.

I can get a woman anytime I want, but your prophet only allows you to fuck goats, and your children. You muppets get told you have forty virgins waiting for you when you die for erDOGan, when foreign troops have been riding them for as long as Christian armies have had bases in your nation.


”You” is the same people you were speaking on behalf of ,sweetie , those ‘ 650 million christians ‘ who you thought you were representing . Ring a bell now ?

Canada stopped selling lenses , we are not buying drones from them ignoramus. The deal with Germany still goes on , and we produce 70% of what we use.

The worlds speaks about sex btw , statistically p0rn sites are most visited sites on net: But we can not expect a fakkot like you who still worships a Middle eastern , jewish born , circumsized pansy carpenter , can we ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Canada sells you tech for drones, or used to until last week when they told you to FO. Germany stopped selling weapons to you long ago, they used to sell you shitty old tanks they didn’t use due to being obsolete. You buy jets from the Christian USA, tanks from Christian Germany, and drone tech from Canada, and you whore yourselves with Israel.

Not one Turkish weapon that isn’t converted from Christian weapons. Every weapon you bought from us, was blessed before going to you by priests, lol.


Canada sells lenses , ignoramus.We also produce them ourselves , but the we need more than we produce. Not the tech . What does ‘selling tech’ means btw ?

If we are buying or bought these guns from you ( 650 miilion Christians ) , why the hell they are selling while you bark here a small christian poddle , sweetie ?

Why yr ‘Christian’ Russian brothers are telling that they can replace any supply chain from ‘Christian west’ if we ask them to ?

Who told you that these guns were blessed by priests before they were sent ? Was it yr local priest while he was fondling yr legs during last sunday mass ?

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

But you didn’t deny mohammed was a pedophile and corpse-fucker? Why laugh at circumcision ? You are circumcised as well. Why was he a pansy?


But you did not deny tht Jose was a Middle Eastern , jewish born, circumsized carpenter. He was surrounded by 11 hairy men and a hooker. Thats does not look good to me , what do you think about it ?

Why you are asking me if I am circumsized or not btw , have a daughter or what ?

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Mostly sold-out dogs. Nothjng new of their Elites. Of all Europeans I would rely on the Yugoslavs ,Greeks and Bulgarians for fighting jihadomoslems.


Thats how you try to attach an importance to your trivial nations , bro. Yugoslavs , freeks and bulgarians have always been the toys of western ewuropeans , unimportant and easy to spend pawns. A fact that we both know.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Unlike you I face facts. These nations are very much aware they are pawns used by greater powers in Europe. The problem is hat you won’t admit you are exactly the same.

Do you think anyone would care for the stinky ,jihadi Saudis if it wasn’t for their oil? Turks are the same. You have been mollycoddled by the great powers because of your strategic importance and position .Once ,Russia ,Iran and China build their Belt /Rail initiatives through Continental Asia ,Turkey will become a backwater and your suitors will kick you to the kerb.

Learn to face facts and not let it affect your machismo. It is refreshing and liberating. I assure you.

Putin Apologist

Liberate Constantinople, kick the Turks completely off the European continent and use the Aegean sea as your wall.

Great Khan

hahahaha please come and try soon……

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia, Britain, France and Greece have all defeated you, Russia 12 times.

Be a good Turd and Putin might NOT make you sit under Catherines statue again.

Shouldn’t you be on patrol with your betters, Russia? lol

Great Khan

Why brave GAYrese monkey not go help Armeni loser? only talk horseshit on internet? hahahaha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why aren’t you fighting for your old empire? The one that Britain, France and Russia took?


Great Khan

No need hahahaha


rightiswrong rightiswrong

No need as you surrendered, and will never fight Russia again. Nor France, Britain or the US.

Where are the Ottomans today? Put in their graves by Arabs, led by one Brit. Ha Ha

Great Khan


rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Nazis worked with your lot bozo, you allied with them, so they would let you open kebab shops.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You post other nations troops, as your own are peasant soldiers who lose wars, and thousands of square miles of territory.



why do you want greeks to be gay so badly? is that why turkey is always accosting the poor greeks? you are trying to do homo things to them? the greeks are not gay despite the turkrat advances for a thousand years, please mass suicide or go home to tel aviv

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When are you going to take back Crimea?

Armenia is still there, no goatfuckers dare invade Armenia.


Can u tell us the story about Baltacı Mehmet Pasha and that Catherine ?

Can you also let us know about 12 defeats as well ?

Or are these pulling all these our of your ass again ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Read a book, not the WHORONE.

You’re well used to pulling out of a goats ass.


Let us read the same book again ..

Catherina —

”Some contemporaries, such as Voltaire in his book Peter the Great, reported that Mehmet Pasha was involved in an affair with future-Empress Catherine I of Russia, then the consort of Peter.[5] Surrounded by overwhelming numbers of Turkish troops, Catherine suggested before surrendering, that her jewels and those of the other women be used in an effort to bribe Baltacı Mehmet Pasha into allowing a retreat.”


Catherina opened her legs wide so that she could save Russia.

Now do you also want to discuss tehse 12 wars , ignoramus ?

Why you christian bigots are such big liars ?

Great Khan

Not only liars but also gay…with own flag…hahahhaa


rightiswrong rightiswrong

You love gays, and being gay is the reason why you do.

You won’t ride a female goat, as your prophet wants them all for himself.

Ha Ha

Great Khan

But you have parade hahahhaa


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Trust you to be watching, but you can’t get a visa, we have too many kebab shops as it is.

You parade the goats until you get a visa boy.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Please tell us that male gay sex was legalised by Ottoman Turkey. As one of the first places ,if not the first places. Did you know that or are you hiding it. ?


Bro , do you want to talk about athenian boy lovers and barracks of thebes ?

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Why would i be ashamed. Anyone who knows history knows of that. It wasn’t a problem in Ancient Greece yet it is a problem in Islam and Christianity ,so Khan is either a fool or a denialist. In any case ,those gayreeks were the best fighters of the time who faced off and won agains the Persians who were the Turk -Hordes of the Day.


Good for you , then.

Go ahead , I am all ears.


He is probably talking about you and your daddy in hammam ?


Do you dream of men in Hamams and put a snmiling emogy afterwards , you pervert ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So when are your military taking over Crimea, Armenia, Dagestan, Chechnya?

Dream on, and keep the kebabs turning.


I never told such a thing , sweetie.

Is that how you try to run away when you can not support yr arguments about Catherine and those ” 12 wars ”

LOL what a big losers you christian bigots are .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Catherine took Crimea, the Caucuses were all taken from you, the Balkans taken from you.

No wonder you don’t like to talk about your losing military. Even the Arabs beat you, Egyptians have forced you out of Libya.


Mr Ignoramus , catherina spreaded her legs wide open for Russia , to Baltacı Mehmet Pasha . How noble she is LOL. BTW you even dont know which Katherina you are speaking about

England lost his empire , France , germany and Russia did. No big deal . No worries.

BTW , sweetire , TAF is still in Libya controlling a big percentage of Libya , but of course wanking is free especially for the ignorant ones like you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Britain took your empire and handed it out to the Arabs, as did France. Russia still has Crimea, and will always have it, lol loser.


Bitain is just an island now . LOL. Empires come and go sweetie , no worries . Nothing lasts forever. But small people like you still feel the pain of those days and thats priceless. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And still they put their troops in Constantinople, as did the French and Greeks.

How many times did you end the British Empire? How many times did you end the French Empire?

We know that Russia took and retains all your former territories from Armenia up to Crimea, the Serbs and Bulgarians pushed you out of the Balkans, what a history of losing you keep mentioning.


Ignoramus , It is the 1st world war that fimished British Empire and French Empire. They could not stand their losees as well.

We dont have French or British troops here in Istanbul as well , you uneducated little boy.

We had 16 empires till now , all rose and fall with in the history . Nothing to be worried about . And look where we are now , we dont know and we dont care about you , but you are desperately trying to tell us who we are . LOL thats out legacy , minions like you burning for revenge.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Britain, USA and the Soviets won the war, the Second World War you ignorant little goatlover.

We took our revenge you loser, we took away the lands you infected by going to, and cleansed them.

No Turds in Crimea boy.


1st world war , or the second one ? which war sweetie ? You seem to be confused . LOL

And speaking about getting yr revenge , now we are talking g you little , uneducated , damaged boy.

You will never get yr revenge from us , that slavery will live in yr memories foever. learn to live it.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You simpleton, the Soviet Union wasn’t in WW1.

That’s what fucking goats does for you, make you even more stupid than the goats who stay with you.


Exactly ignoramus , thats the reason I did not mention Soviets in my previous comment and asked you which war you were talking about .

Learn to read first and then comprehend , goat obsessed peasant.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s because your stupid, the SU weren’t there before most of the wars you lost to the Tsars, and they had no need to fight with your backward nation.

You offered no threat silly boy.

It’s you who love goats, that’s why you keep attacking poor areas, for their goats. Libya, Artsakh, Idlib.


Sweetie , you completely lost it. First you mention WW2 , then jump to WW1 then you talk about some 12 wars all won by Russians , then speak about Katherine without knowing that which one is being mentioned , then blabber sth about Soviets , then speak about Black Sea fleet and crimea

Are you a retard , or simply pretending to be one just because you can not post a sound reply lol.

Isnt NK the backgarden of yr Russian masters , boy ? Why they are watching whats is going on there without moving a finger ? What is wrong with them ,baby ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You lost so many wars, it’s hard to keep up just how many nations defeated you.

Keep reminding us though, Arabs, Iranians, Egyptians, Russians, French, British, Greeks, Syrians.

I’m not Russian you muppet, the Russians aren’t welcome in Yerevan, by Pashin. His friends are in DC and Wall Street. Artsakh is not in the CSTO neither, though Russia has warned that it will defend its CSTO fellow member Armenia.

Which is why the erDOGan has gone very, very quiet.


LOL , lost so many wars , won so many wars , rose and fall . Just like all empires of the past.

But my little clown , in order to build an empire you have to defeat a lot of people , and thats what you can not explain here.

BTW , I did not tell you were Russian . I told them that you were pushing Russian propaganda . I simply asked you where were you from , which you could not reply so far. No worries though , we already knew from the beginning that you wre a coward barking net , nothing else.

Why yr Christian Russian friends do not protect ‘the first christian nation of the world ” , can yr priest explain that ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We don’t live in the past, we live in a time when turkey can’t win a war, can’t win against Kurds in Turkey, and you are now a vassal state of Russia.

Keep buying weapons from the nation who trounced you, pay your dues boy.


If you were not living in past you nwould not be barking here so much sweetie.

Why Christian Russia is watching a muslim country bombing shit out of a christian country ? Does it hurt you ? LOL.

Why you can not reply to any of my questions and revert with the same BS over and over again ? Why do you hide yr ethnicity ? are you ashamed ? are you a minion ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How much do you pay for goats?


Always cheaper than yr slaved kin , goat f*cker.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Very good rates she offers, all to put bread on your table.


Liked the painting ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You love painting little children in your room, we know.

Good little boy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey sweetie, how’s your goat doing?

I hear your wife is going to eat him, watch out.


Nice , we traded it with yr grandmother some centuries ago , love. Thats the reason you are screaming in pain here since hours after losing all the arguments, minion.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

My grandad tried your whores before, all they want is up the ass, so they can save face, lol.


All yr granddad could do was to watch yr grand mom sucking some Turkish diacks in some harems for 400 yers , love. Swallow it and move on .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Yes, Turkish delights were his favourite, whores.

You could get a dozen for a goat he said. lol


Did you like the painting , greek pesant ? The one named ”greek sodomizing a goat ” ?

Retarded ape.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Retarded apes are what you date Spencer, when the goats have been eaten.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Britain has a sovereign territory in Cyprus boy. America has a sovereign base in Incirlik.

How many bases do you have in the Pacific AtlanticNorth Sea?

You keep pointing out how even little Britain still has more power and territory than you, what a muppet.


Britain has no sovereign territory in Turkish part of Cyprus , Boy. It is in the greek part , ignoramus , but keep posting and show us what a moron you are.

Next time do not claim about any bases in Istanbul , uneducated clown.

The base in incirlik is a NATO base – Now if NATO is a christian club , with 650 million christians as you have claimed , then show the balls to leave TR out.

We have bases in red sea , mediterranean , arabian gulf , adriatic . Not enough for you sweetie ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No bases near Britain or France, even though they march about the Atlantic bases in your country, lol.

Turkey begged to join NATO, otherwise the Soviets would have swallowed you up.

So sweetie, Christian soldiers are based in your land, but you don’t get to send your troops to our lands.

Vassal state you live in, boy.


Do you have a proof about that begging part , or is that what your priest told you again .

Look what I will tell you , sweetie ; With the same NATO weapons we got yr from christian friends , were are openly bombing another christian nation in front of Christian Russia . It hurts you a lot , doesnt it ?

Thats what I can tell openly while you even can not dare to tell where you are from . LOL . Thats what differs us from you , cowardice . And that the reason you wont be able to do a shit about it.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why would a priest know anything about NATO?

They’re not Mullahs ffs, that’s your game. I can’t read the rest of the page, couldn’t be arsed, heard it all day from you.

Same old bollox.


Sweetie,you were the one speaking about some priests blesssing some weapons. But of course I understand you , if you wrote so much BS , you even dont remember your own trivial posts.

On the contrary , i read yr posts with joy . Inferiority complex of a minion who is ashamed of his own kind is sad , but also amusing.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Inferiority is what you feel when you watch Europeans on TV, so suck on that for a while.

Better than what your Dad gave you to suck, lol.


Inferiority is yr middle name , 400 years under ottomans now slave of Germans. Little thief.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You never got a middle name, nor a last one.

Take your pick starting from A to Z, it could start with any of them.


Of course you dont hyave any , you are a plain moron , what other names you shud have , you cheap shallow piece of greek shit.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You piece of shit, you have the brains of a goat, after you beheaded it, lol.

Practise practise, you retarded cocksucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turks and Galicians are the same people, cocksuckers.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey Spencer, Frank, how’s your little daughter doing in Baku, where she works the night shift servicing the oil workers?

She still doing two for the price of one?

Dirty slag.


Did you watch yr christian brothers in NK flying like goats ? Why dont you go and help them you little bible pig ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How’s your sisters pussy?

It got a right rollicking last night.


Classical uneducated goat fucker. When smashed starts with mom jokes.

Bible clown.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Cos your Mom is a slapper of biblical proportions?

You’re a cracker Spencer.


Still mom jokes. Uneducated , low class, low IQ goat fucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Still your Mom jokes, despite her hard life, good for her.

Why didn’t you get a job?

No work at the rehab centre for you Spencer, not with that Christian name, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s what you put on your Grinder page sweetie pie.


Low class, low IQ , uneducated peasant who thinks that Galitians live / lived in Crimea ,LOL. This is what happens when they stick a bible in yr ass, you confuse it with a history book.LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Not Galitians you muppet, Galicians. lol

You poor turd, can’t even spell, lol.


At least Galatians and Criema makes sense sweetie . You claimed Galicians were in Crimea. I can not believe it , you are the epitome of stupidity , goat fucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Criema makes no sense, unless you were stuck up your goats ass so hard, you couldn’t think straight.

And you never think straight, sweetie pie, lol.


Sure Galatians ( oops Galicians ) and Crimea makes sense to you , dont they uneducated ‘ straight thinking” goat fucker.

May be yoıu shud stop harrasing yr goat and take that bible out of your ass.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You praise Russia, your conqueror.

Good little turkey, lol.


Where did you have that idea , sweetie ? Bible deep in yr ass twhispers to you from time to time ? ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Bibi deep in your ass?

You suck them also, does the goat know?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sweetie pie, Crimea is Russian, they took it from the goatfuckers 300 years ago. lol


Peasant , Crimea has never been Turkish . It was Tatar Khanate, why you are still barking ?

But But .. What happened to the ‘Galicians” who were living there’ , illiterate goat fucker ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Galicians do not live in Crimea you ill educated clown, why don’t you know that.

Illiterate goat lovers know nothing.

How’s your sisters snatch? lol


Then next time pay attention to what you post, you clown. Otherwise someone may come here and mock you for a whole week while you try to cover your ignorance with some 5th grade mom jokes.

İlliterate twat .LOL. Did you also learn which Catherine lived when ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

She lived where she wanted to, what could your fading regime do about it, lol.

She took what she wanted from the turkeys, still galling to you, lol.


LOL , what ? seems that you are writing with yr ass again ,sweetie. Nevermind though . After all I am posting to an uneducated goat fucker like you who could only understand which Catherine opened her legs wide and which one did not only after a week , LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You want a sweet ass?

Did you tell the goat that, means more to him than me.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Crimea was never Turkish, we know sweetie pie.

Russia told you so, lol.


Sweetie , Russia watches from a distance while we vaporize yr christian brothers. And all you can do is to wank here on some slav lands which russia got back 300 years ago.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

There you go again, talking of wanting.

We know Russia crushed you, and you live thanks to their indifference, what’s new?

Once a Russian vassal, always a Russian vassal sweetie pie.


In yr dreams sweetie. Although I like orthodox poodles like you from some shithole country who can only bark behind some others legs , yr russian boyfiends can only watch as we bomb NK . But you can always wank with some imaginery victories so that may be we can forget yr own slavery under our boots ,goat fucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You dream of living in the West?

No chance, we sent our goats to Jamaica, great curried goat over there.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

When are you calling to Bibi again, you could bring over a mane to cover his silver streak, he looks like a granny ffs.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia kicked your ass every time little loser, and it fucks you up, great. Humiliation is something you live with for 400 years now, you miserable goat lover, lol.

Send the Dog to Russia, where he will get his new orders, good little turkey, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You still all messed up knowing how the Russians managed to lose two empires in a hundred years, and still keep you as vassals throughout all that time?

ROTFFL, be good little turkey for the Bear Abdullard, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Brits are in Cyprus, there is only one island called Cyprus.

Incirlik is another base where British forces party, they won’t let you in to the EU ffs.

And still you service their movements.


LOL. Keep on bullshitting to cover yr ignorance. If there is only one cyprus , go and enter the Turkish part walking from the border freely.

British forces do not exists there in incirlik ignoramus, they dont have a base in Istanbul as you claimed as well.

But on the other hand what can I expect from an ignoble coward like you who is afraid to confess the shithole he comes from LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many sisters of yours are on the game today?

12 of your half sisters are at it.


I dont have any sisters , but ı know some of your f*cking for a sandwich over there . Tell her I will buy her two for double penetration.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You know your sisters as well as you knew of your dad then.

Not much other than he was a marine, poor little you.


Whom I know is your family , sub saharan ape. They were sucking Turkish diack for centuries , swallow it and move on .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sucking a Turkish delifght is what we call your Mom, a slag who works cheap.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What would you know about family, your own is full of whores and goatfuckers, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I can see why you would deny your sisters, but they admit you are their half brother, they don’t know the other half, lol.

Your sisters are devout muzzles who adore pork sausages up their snatch.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You mean Syrians are still in Libya, as Turkey can’t afford to take them back.

Catherine the Great tore your shitty empire apart, and took Crimea, along with other Ottoman territories.

You need to read a book NOT written by Turds, the ones the rest of the world read. The books that tell how Russia forced you back to Anatolia.


Sweetie , who told you that there are still Syrians in Libya and they can not be taken back due to financial reasons ? Your local priest ?

The fall of Ottoman emipre is 1923 , while Katherina died in 1796. Rest of the world knows these and read these facts , not yr uneducated desperate BS.

Where they breed moron like you dear ? Where are you from , boy ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You think you only lost Crimea in WW2!

You moron, the Black Sea Fleet recently celebrated 300 years of their foundation in Crimea.

Stop reading the Whoron, and try reading a book that doesn’t mention flying to Jerusalem in one night, nearly 1500 years ago. It was not a rocket, but drugs he was on.


I did not tell you such a thing sweetie. You mixed everything, because you dont have the education or brains to follow what I am posting . You created that Crimean story , I never mentioned it . You are posting something and then replying to your own stupidity.

I am not interested with yr cheap russian propaganda about Black sea fleet or whatsoever. LOL , you moron.

So instead of reading about that guy flying to Jarusalem , shall I read about that BS about the son of God who came back to life after being killed on a cross ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Oh yes you did!

That’s what you said.



LOL Thats hyow you reply when you lose all the arguments , sweetie.

Another coward ashamed of its roots. Thats what you are LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How is you goat today, you must have been celebrating his birthday last night, given the squealing that was going on.



Better than yr mom , the whore was squealing like a pig yesterday with her legs wide open . ‘lol’

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your mom is that bad, truly.

Cheap though.


Greek with a peanut brain , reverts with another mom .

Brainless POS

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turks with a brain, unknown to humanity. How many STDs did you get from fucking your Mom.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Reverted your Mom, to a christian,

She now says Jesus is the boss, and she gives him a rebate for being the true prophet.

Jesus forgives the whores, lucky for her. lol

cechas vodobenikov

u reveal an inferiority complex—amusing

Ishyrion Av

Like always, turk animals only think at spreading legs. They forgot how they were spread in Moscow, last time erogan was there.


Orthodox bigot , I quoted you a passage from wiki. If you did not like it , go cry at them ,why you are disturbing me with yr BS ?

Ishyrion Av

This is the problem with uneducated people, who take their info from wikipedia. There is a different between information and knowledge, and you just made it clear for everybody. Not everyone with the name Mohammad is a pedophile, for example.


Of course educated people like you get their info from the Bible , which rightfully states that earth was created 6000 years ago.

There is of course a huge difference between information and knowledge , and not everyone called Jose is circumsized jewish homo either. Thank you for enlightening us.

Ishyrion Av

Hmm, pedophile lover speaks. PS. If you would study some Physics (of course, this is not important in Turkistan), you would find out that it is possible that the earth is 8000 years old. Depends on the hypothesis.


Hmm I have no religious beliefs , biggot. But the thing you wrote made me laugh with my ass.

Thisis actually you wrote

”PS. If you would study some Physics (of course, this is not important in Turkistan), you would find out that it is possible that the earth is 8000 years old.”

Dude , this is a print screen material . People like you must be banned from parenting , voting and posting . Seriously. Sorry.

Ishyrion Av

Stupid turk till the end.


Bigot , you are the one claiming that the World was created 8000 years ago and even mentioned about some physical evidence proving that . At least show the decency to shut the fuck up now.


Ishyrion Av

I mentioned about Physics proof, not physical evidence. I maintain my appreciation towards you: you are an idiot.

Ishyrion Av

Of course you laugh with your ass, little monkey!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I have nothing against goats, it’s your nation who rapes them that deserve the vitriol.


LOL , I have nothing against you as well , sweetie. I am just trying to educate an ignorant here who is obsessed with kids and speaks about zoophilia when he is trrashed in a political thread.

Now run to mama , boy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It’s your race that has the problem of fucking kids, head chopping and riding goats.

We just kill you and take apart your lands boy.


We are not a race kid , we are a nation . first acknowledge that. Second , dont try to push me that crap about f*cking kids or head chopping You peasants were doing these for centuries, you were tearing people apart in inquisition courts , whatever you are selling go sell elsewhere , will you ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I was never in an inquisition court, nor have I ever chopped off anyone’s head for talking about religion.

That’s your world, a medieval fantasy world you live in.

A goat is a Turks best friend.


Boy , the death toll of yr screwed christianity is way over Islams , If our small world is unaware of this fact , it is yr problem , not mine.

And looking at yr anger and hatred , I am quite sure that your grand pops had been our best friends in past , but not some goats ..

Once again , where are you from kid , are you ashamed to tell us ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Christians have indeed killed many, but we didn’t rape them and behead them, and post it on social media or phone their families and mock their dead soldiers.

My family have never been to Turkey, the place is full of lice, and queers.


LOL . So christians did not rape anyone or behead them. Fucking moron . Russians raped all berlin in 1945, they raped almost everyone they could see in Poland during 1945.

The germans who were running nazi camps torturing people and killing them viciously were of christian faith, sweetie.

I did not ask you where yr family has been boy , I asked you where are you from . Are you too scared to reply ? Is confessing harder than spewing hollow threats on net ?

Just like ı guessed , another uneducated ignorant coward on net.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

According to you, the truth is that was the Gallicians and the Tatars.

Solved that for you.


Go and read from time to time, sweetie.

Do you know who the gallicians are btw ? Ignorant clown.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Do the Galicians fuck you too?



Galicians are a Celtic-Romance ethnic group, closely related to the Portuguese people. They have nothing do with Crimea , uneducated ape. Take that bible out of yr ass when you are talking , you sound muffled.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How much is bread in your vill?


In Istanbul you mean , where we got from you i, raped all of you and sent you back to some rock barren peninsula called greece now.

Cheap it is , almost as cheap as you , moron.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

In Constantinople, whores are as cheap as chips. Your Mom is such a cheap slag who loves sucking Christian cocks.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I fucked your sisters, whatcha going to do about it goatfucker?

Post another threat? Get on your donkey cart and try to break through the pen holding you and your goats in?

LOL at you sucker.

cechas vodobenikov

an unfortunate retaliation resulting from the nazi/pole invasion

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Those were all territories you lost in wars, not forgetting Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia.

From the Ottoman Empire, to a turkey.


And your point is ?

Still running way and trying to divert the discussion from that Katherine and ’12 wars’ BS you posted ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Catherines wars took Crimea, what Russian territory do you now hold, or ever?


Sweetie , let russians keep their lands , lucky for them LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They don’t need your permission sweetie pie, they shit on you.

For 300 years, lol.


But you keep bragging on it , as if I told you something about it.

You create your own straw man and then attack to it as if I created that , thats what happens when you are not furnished enough to defend yrself in an argument ,sweetie.

Next time dont insist on something if you have no idea about , ok ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You can’t stop telling me about it, that’s what you’re paid to do.

Makes a change from sending your wife out to service, and gives you some free time with the goat.


I can not stop it because it is so much fun . I simply imagine you blushing turning to red and purple after I remind you how we bomb the shit out of yr christian brothers while all you can do is to post here desperately and bark as we both know what I tell you is absolutely true

Boy , why christian russians watch as we bomb yr christian brothers n into oblivion ? Can you tell, sweetie ? What happened to Orthodox brotherhood ?

cechas vodobenikov

u demonstrate yourself to be crude and shallow! Armenians are both anti-semitic and Russophobic; Russians are neutral

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Isn’t it fun, watching us Europeans on TV living without goats in our houses.

You be a good peasant boy, go and suck your daily amount.


Yes quite fun to watch you thieves selling yr asses to pay what you have stolen from the Germans . How much you have stolen from the Germans as a proud greek today , goat lover ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Yes you did admit your Mom is a slapper.

Good little boy.


I called you a thief , grow some balls and say something you little ignoble greek clown.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I stole your pocket money when I was fucking your sisters, lol.

Whatcha going to do about it, lol.

Suck my balls cocksucker. Like you do with your brother.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You called me a thief, when I call your Mom a whore who sucks Christian balls all day long, then has a pork sausage stuffed up her box, what are you gonna do about that?

Besides buy a pack of pork sausages, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I told you your Mom, sisters and daughters are slags and cheap whores, whatcha going to do about it you goatfucker?

Apart from posting your useless shite about the whores and goats you fuck? lol you pussy.


You are nothing but a little greek peasant barking while running away , do you think what you say worths anything, boy ? Do you think you can near me in real life ?

You are a brainless POS who do not know who Galatians are , because the only book you have read so far is the Bible , uneducated goat f*ker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you shat yourself when they asked you to go, we know coward.

That’s why you wear a yellow star, lol.


Yellow star ? LOL goat fucker believes that everyone who fucks illiterate ass is a jew. Uneducated peasant.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Yellow star it is for you then, peasant.

How’s your sisters, lol.


Low IQ ignoramus thinks that he can win an argument with sister and mom insults.

Go find a new argument , go read yr bible , learn who galicians are goat fucking pea brain peasant

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You insult your Mom and sisters?

We know sweetie pie, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I won the argument, and would win against a goatfucker like you all day, sweetie pie.

You turds are toooo easy, lol.


You dont have argument , goat fucker. You are a moron who believe that Galicians lived in Crimea I had dogs more clever than you in past.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You fuck your dog to!

I feel like Jerry Springer hearing your confessions.

The Confessions of a Goat Abuser, by Spencer the Goatfucker.


LOL , here comes a Jerry Springer fan, just like I guessed. I am sure that you and yr goat also joined the show, sweetie.

Low class , uneducated peasant.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I knew you were on it, that episode with the goats was you!

Did you get the visa to travel on account of you being a serviceman’s offspring?

It was either Marine Corp, or Airforce.


Seems that too much Jerry springer and that diack yr priest stucked deep in yr throat during the sunday mass is causing some to hallucinations, goat fucker. May be you should leave that shithole orthodog country and your goats behind to find boyfriend from military , because you seem to be obsessed with man in uniforms, fakkot. LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You went on to often, as you kept on buggering the goat, they don’t like that stateside.

How’s the goat doing now?

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Seeing as though you love a story why don’t you tell us about Kemal Attaturk being gay and a pedophile .


Are you trying to tell me that the one who screwed you and erased you from all Anatolia was gay ? So sad for you , mate.

Meantime , do you know who is Zozo Dalmas ?

”Zozo Dalmas was one of the first Greek divas. She started her career in the Greek city of Salonika back in the 1920s and she soon became an important actress and well-known operetta singer. One night Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the famous founder of the Turkish Republic and its first President, happened to be in the audience and immediately fell in love with her. He courted her with flowers and gifts and they soon became a couple. Kemal spent a lot of money to please Zozo but the truth is she was more interested in the man than his power and wealth. Once she took a pair of scissors and cut-off the picture of Kemal’s face out of each and every Turkish banknote that he dared given her because as she told him “it is the only thing worth keeping out of this stuff!!”.

And that was another sad story . LOL

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

So you didn’t know he was gay and a pedophile.


Do you have a serious source other than the one you are stting on right now ? Or just trying to get the revenge of a humiliating defeat with trivia ..

Ishyrion Av

Oh, because your ass was beaten, now you invent romantic stories with the winner, right? Next thing you’ll say will be you gave up in purpose!


Once again , go cry at wikipedia. I am not the one who ”invented ” it .. Voltaire did it. Quit crying please.

Ishyrion Av

That’s why you are uneducated. Because you learn from Wikipedia.


At least I have a source , and it is not written by some ancient priests. Lucky me.


Again, you brainless idiot, it was a fantasy story created by Voltaire 50 years later, nothing else. Almost as quoting marquis de Sade lol. And it wasn’t Catherine the Great you clueless retard. We already established you know shit.

But let’s read the same book again, real history not some turkish eunuch fantasies. Russo-Turkish War 1768–1774 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1787–1792 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1806–1812 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829 Russian victory Crimean War 1853–1856 Allied victory (Before basically entire Europe intervened Russia utterly crushed Turkish fleet, and even with full western support Turks still lost in Caucasus) Russo-Turkish War 1877–1878 Russian victory

World War I (again Turks were utterly crushed during the Caucasus campaign)

So yeah in the last 200+ years Turds were defeated again and again and again… losing war after war after war… not to mention losing battle after battle after battle….


Again, you turdish idiot, it was a fantasy story created by Voltaire 50 years later, nothing else. Almost as quoting marquis de Sade lol. And it wasn’t Catherine the Great, we’ve already established you know shit.

But let us read the same book again, real history not your eunuch fantasies. Russo-Turkish War 1768–1774 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1787–1792 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1806–1812 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829 Russian victory Crimean War 1853–1856 Allied victory (Before basically entire Europe intervened Russia utterly crushed Turkish fleet, and even with full western support Turks still lost in Caucasus) Russo-Turkish War 1877–1878 Russian victory

World War I (again Turks were utterly crushed during the Caucasus campaign)


Sencer: “The problem here is the distorted truth. Is yr excuse above enough to forget the facts and believe every half assed semi truth written on net ?” Also Sencer: quoting sex-fantasy stories with zero historical evidence again and again. ? Voltaire ‘reported’ nothing, he was 15-16 years old back in 1711. and I doubt he ever even visited Russia. He repeated some juicy gossip 50 years later, that’s all. Almost as quoting marquis de Sade lol. It’s more reliable that Mehmed the Conqueror and so many other turkish sultans loved little boys…


I quoted a a text from wiki, if you did not like it go and protest them , why you are trying to disturb me with yr BS and trying to ratinoalize yr stupidity with same foolish mathematical calculations ?

If you have interest in small boys , you can go back to barracks of Thebes then , no worries. But what is more strange is yr desperate attempt to post about Mehmet the Conquerer and MDS as if these people prove Voltaire wrong . What is the relevance btw ?

What you have read must have hurt you a lot . LOL.

cechas vodobenikov

don’t be so stupid–wiki “iron rule of oligarchy” is funded by CIA, demonstrated by both US and German researchers


i mean its quite easy to just google it i just did the ottomans have been victorious 3 out of 12 times while the Russians have been victorious 7 out of 12 and the other 2 wars are indecicive or ended with a truce. While it may not be 12 times its sertannly nothing to push away since 7 out of 10 in this case is alot better then 3 out of 10.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The one time they were on the winning side, was thanks to British and French troops doing the real fighting. They never got back Crimea, and never will.

And Erdogan today hopes that Galicia can win it for him, how desperate is that!


True. thats the fact. The problem here is the distorted truth. Is yr excuse above enough to forget the facts and believe every half assed semi truth written on net ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you agree that you lost, good Turd.

Have a kebab for yourself, and keep the lettuce for your goat, he deserves it.


Lost what , sweetie ? The guy told the truth 12 wars in total , 7 looses 3 wins and 2 even. You were claiming about 12 lost wars. He can google and find the truth while you try to push BS you heard from here and there .

Arent you bored of making a clown of yourself with all that ignorance ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Im making a clown of you, who now admits Russia wins the majority of wars with you, while you claim a victory that Britain and France won, with your lot supplying the waiters for their officers.


Someone who reads all these posts from beginning till end can see how many times you are trashed , how many times you claimed things you had no idea about and how many times you tried to divert the discussion when you are asked to prove yr claims.

Now yr comment claiming 12 russian victories is sitll pending above , go and erase it , clown. Go find excuses for the victories you did not even know.

But please stay around , it is not so easy to find a such an uneducated clown around like you l:

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you now realise that you don’t ever stand a chance of winning a war against Russia, and will be good and quiet, like your Sultana hiding away since Putin told him off.

I hear he’s expecting another coup, things are unravelling quickly, lol.


LOL putin watches TR bomb NK , while clowns like you try to hide behind him and try to rant behind Russians.

The worst part is you even can not disclose yr ethnicity because you are a miniom , barking behind someone elses legs.

Boy , why small piglets like you have nothing to be proud of in their own history and try to express theirselves via the Russians ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Putin watched while Russian jets bombed shit out of Turks in Idlib.

Loser, your Mom is a right slag.


And now he watches us to bomb us their christian brother in NK , while all you do is to watch , cry and caress yr goat .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They’re DCs buddies, no bother for Putin.

You bomb mountain areas, you don’t touch Armenia little girl.

ErDOGan has his orders, has been nice and docile all week.

Kiss kiss sweetie pie.


LOL , you little hhelpless , desperate greek dog. Go and watch how yr christian brothers are flying like pigs on the wing. Watching is all you can do , and act as if nothing wrong . Little fool .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you agree that you lost all the wars with Russia, very good boy.

Go play with your goat.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You just love pigs, and eating them.

Pig muncher, lol. Whatcha going to do about it pussy?



I love pigs of course , especially those christian pigs flying under our bombs . Go save them , goat f*king greek peasant.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We know you love pigs, Porky.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It must be killing you to write in English, seeing how they both saved your ass, and beat you in your own lands. lol

I bet you can sing in Russian also, like a good Turk does. You have to keep their tourists happy after all.


Now you are licking British ass ? While you can not even disclose yr identity out of shame , you are trying to win an argument by pushing some others in front of you . You are a sad story , boy .Thats what happens when yr history is full of defeats against us .

We dont speak russian btw , but I am quite sure that yr conquered kin still remembers a few words from their past. LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Of course you speak Russian, you are taught it for surrendering and pleading to be fed.


Do you seriosly want us to learn russian just because a minion like you asks us to ?

We know the truth dont we, boy ? Your kin used to speak Turkish and now you speak russian . From one master to another during centuries. Nothing changes when you minions are involved.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı dont understand these fanatics..when we were in our prime,they were living under Golden Horde hegemonia…They were the ones who were always allied with the other empires against us ex:Habsburgs aka German Tribes,british,France….The only succesful thing they could do was Crimea which was only access For Russians to Black sea..still Crimea is deadly critical for them..


There a lot like him here, he spoke speaking about Crimea out of nowhere, started mentioning Galatians and Tatars . he is jumping from one branch to another and tries to change the subject whenever he is trashed.

Servet Köseoğlu

Afaıu these fanatics has multiple accounts and changing their alias..ı blocked 7-8 accounts but they are re-spawning again and again..The only thing they want to hear is ”yes,russians you are always superior stuff” but Russians remember we never lived under someones hegemonia..By the way,ı am keeping low-profile so ı wont engage any pointless long discussions anymore with these cowards…Ps:Perhaps fanatism in Russia and majority of lacking free-thinking is the main reason which explains Why Usa and China is leading the world now with their Mega gdp’s..oh wait a minute Us empire is crumbling:))


Yeah, we all must be GRU agents or something (in your delusional reality)… unlike you, Sencer, gypsygreek, aces, Great Khan, you are totally not fanatics, turkish trolls with multiple accounts and multiple personality disorder.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı have only one account..did ı tell you that you are all Gru agents????what kind of info can Russian agent can collect here:))..be serious and logical at least xD..


Rafale , you fucktard , you are neither a GRU agent nor a good poster. You are just a plain moron , please dont overestimate yourself.


Shiteater, your daddy is a plain moron – and your boyfriend, go play with him instead of spamming rubbish. We already established you are the dumbest imbecile on this site by far, utterly clueless and equally butthurt little bitch with no arguments and no brain.


Fucktard, why you are so obsessed with daddies, boyfriends, and all that sopa stories.

Childhood trauma ? Was it an uncle ?


Shiteater, I’m sure it was your uncle and your grandpa and his donkey… all turkish traditions. Nothing else to talk with you brainless moron, except to piss on your ugly face and laugh at you brainless monkey. Because you hate smileys, they make you more angry and frustrated, here’s another one ?


Fucktard , you have such a vivid imiagination . Look – with in the last hour you spew yr fantasies about incest , soaps , naked men , yr uncle , daddies, your boy friends and egg plants. You started with spamming about Russo Turkish wars , then Catherine I and II , and then some half assed history bits and pieces, but you endced with homosexuality which seems to be yr field of expertise.

Nice emogies btw , I always see them when the other poster loses it and starts posting smiling faces while ‘it ‘ writes 3000 wors essays to express ”its ”anger and despreration. It clearly proves me that the otherside has lost itself , its control and jumping in anger.

You came here with bits and pieces from history and now you are what you are . A clown , a gopnik . LOL.


Blah, blah, more angry garbage and worthless diarrhea from your filthy mouth… tbh it’s kinda of boring to read that moronic gibberish you spam in desperation and frustration. That’s why here is another one for you monkey ? Now swallow, and return for more ?


Angry? LOL , no. You could not understand what hit you yet , you are an amusement. Nothing more nothing less

Rafael, fucktard, why don’t you simply confess that you are a fakkot dreaming about men and let it go ? Because it smirks from each comment of yours.

What did you dream about while you were adding that eggplant to your last comment, can you tell me the motives that urged you to find an eggplant emogy and place it in yr comment?

Can you write another 3000-word comment to express yr suppressed homosexuality and anger?


Monkey, I’ll just give you another banana ? Swallow and return for more! ?


You can not spend any second without thinking about bananas , ist that true , clown ? Looking at yr gay tendencies and yr strange posts about naked men , I think you already have a few up in yr ass. LOL..


Bitch, I never said anything about “naked” men, that’s between you and your daddy in hammam. I post bananas because you are a monkey. What else, you don’t know history, you refuse to talk about politics, nothing for you except bananas. Stop fantasizing about my ass, the only thing you get from there – is my shit for your mouth. Perfect for your banana split!

p.s. here you are: ?


Aww, that little scared poodle now understod that his homesexual tendencies are visible and heads for damage control. Sweetie, that train left that station as well All yr comments are full o fevidences proving yr perverted orientation.

after all what can we expect from a poodle who talks big on net , but in fact is nothing but a basement dweller lacking balls to answer a simple question being afraid of the consequences.

Sweetie , you are not a man, stop pretending to be one. And stop talking about yr ass, go get yr bananas and do whatever you like with them down in yr basement where you hide.


Blah, blah, more angry garbage and worthless diarrhea from your filthy mouth… tbh it’s kinda of boring to read that moronic gay gibberish you spam in desperation and frustration. Go to hammam to relax with your daddy and uncle, perhaps they’ll bring a donkey or two. Until then, here is another one for you monkey ? Now swallow, and return for more


Everyone reading that comment of yours can see who is gay and who has gay tendencies. Tell me about that uncle who pushed you to sit on his lap when you were a kid , clown .

Go and find a boyfriend instead of getting whacked here weirdo , you will feel fine . LOL.


“Everyone reading that comment of yours can see who is gay”

Yes: you. ?

Hahaha it’s just too easy crushing you like a bug every time. Bugs are actually more intelligent…


In yr dreams, pervert.

This has been a hard night for you -Hopefully, you learned something. Don’t jump into a conversation without knowing who is who and who is talking about what. Is that a deal , peasant?

Now tell me clown , where are you from .. Go ahead.


“where are you from”? bitch, you are really obsessed with me, falling in love or something?? You sick, sick little Turd. Next you’ll ask for my pics, huh?? Want to see my banana in colour… damn! Screw you bitch, I’m not interested, I’m fucking/raping you virtually only. I’m sure you are lonely, but just accept it: you are not my type. Stop begging me!


Cut the crap, you little coward. Just As I guessed, of course, you won’t be able to tell, you can just bark from the shadows. Little butthurt minion is ashamed of its nationality. LOL.


Hahaha that’s probably the dumbest and lamest trolling tactics ever: I demand to tell me where are you from! And then someone say: fuck you, you can’t demand anything. And then the dumb troll like you says: you are afraid to tell me! You are not brave as me (with name like Sencer)

You are really desperate… stupid and desperate.


Trolling ?

Lol scared little dog , we have only one reality here . And that is ; you are a coward barking from the shadows. Because you are another minion speaking behind others legs

Are you so ashamed of yourself ,little scared poodle ? You are someone who can not look into others poeples eyes in real life , arent you ?


Shiteater, you lonely, pathetic little loser bitch from some turkish basement, with no shame or brain, stop projecting your miserable life story. No one cares. I don’t care where do you live, who raped you when you was a little girl, are you sick, hungry, did you ate enough donkey manure for breakfast… Sorry to disappoint you: no one cares whether you live or die. Yes, it is trolling you dumb piece of shit. Pathetic trolling… you are a failure even as a troll. Waste of time and oxygen.


Little poodle , why you cant tell us where you are from but keep posting desperate and butthurt messages ? . Why you are insisting to live in an imaginery world of imaginery and childish insults instead of coming here and defending yr nationality like a man ?

Are you a man or a joke , coward .. What are you ?


Little bitch, you are a joke without a punchline…a sad joke actually… black humor ya know. If you really believe that you can interrogate me, or anyone here – then you are an idiot. If that’s some moronic trolling tactics, then you are idiot again. So you are a definitely an idiot. My nationality, my address, my dick-pics, none of this is your concern. I can’t believe you are so gay to even ask me. I can share my personal info with some hot girl. But you homo? No way! You can keep begging me, little lonely monkey. But the only banana you’ll get is this one:?


Little poodle , when you will man up ? I am not interested in yr pics address and all that BS , sweetie.

I just wanna know why you minions keep hiding yr ethnicities while you bark like dogs from where you hide. We know the reply , dont we ? Because you are not be able to defend yrself once this information is disclosed.

Lol , you are not a man , but a poodle. – Live with it.


Bitch, you are just a turd that keeps clogging my toilet. Live with it. Or just die. Who gives a fuck.


Go ahead , poodle . Try to make us believe that you are not a basement dwelling coward . Do you seriously call you a man in that shithole you are living sweetie?


Brainless bitch, you are imitating stealing and imitating my words again LOL, I told you a few times – you are a pathetic sissy loser living in a shitole basement, farting all day long in your basement. You are nothing, a failure even as a troll. A turd with a computer. And you’ll die like a lonely loser in your filthy basement, in your piss and feces, afraid and alone as always… no one will even notice you died, same rotten stench as always….


Little poodle , noone steals your words or whatsoever , quit trying to convince me that you have some importance or have some comments to be stolen

After all we both know that you are a man wannabe basement dweller , talking big on net but hiding like a small and scared rat against realities . You are shaking like a puppy left in rain when it comes tom reply a simple question about yr nationality which will prove who you are and what you are standing for.

Now , go and look at my comments , they are open . I am not afraid to tell who I am and what I stand for , and look where you are standing – you are hiding yrself like rat. Honesty and coutarage sweetie , that what differs a man from a rat like you. Comprende ?


Hahaha trying to convince you? How many times I have to repeat: I piss on you. I don’t give a fuck if you are crying or dying. You are not even a monkey, even monkeys have standards that you do not posses. Turkrat, a worm from Erdogans rectum, cockroach, whatever mutant creature: you make foolish remarks that even little kids would laugh at. you are nothing more then a pathetic lonely loser trying to impress someone here, then crying when your stupidity was exposed. That’s why you spam garbage for hours, to hide that you know shit about history. Me? I just laugh, but to be honest, you are just way too boring now. You repeat your worthless BS because you don;t know what else to say, you even steal and repeat my words, then I have to repeat something I said a few times already… no challenge destroying a ruin like you. Kicking a dead mule/donkey ?

Now you are even stalking my profile? Obsessed freak. You have nothing to hide? Just your name, your address, but hey you’re one of 80mil Turks, that one with english name. LOL Miserable little bitch.


Sweetie, you are nothing but a coward who can not post a simple reply being afraid of its consequences. You hide in shadows and act as if you are a man, but we know that you are just a coward trying to act like a man.

Moreover, you are writing here for the last 5 hours – First, you lost all the arguments ( they were sort of a joke anyway ) and now you are still trying to run away with cheap insults to save yr worn out ass.

Sencer is my real name, you poodle. It is a Turkish name. My comments are open, I don’t hide what I am and who I am, I answer all questions about my ethnicity and defend what I claim on the contrary to you.

Sorry I don’t get lessons of manhood from a coward who does nothing other than hiding like a small scared rat When you become a real man, grow balls, when you learn face others openly telling what they are and you are, please don’t hesitate to address me again. because in my eyes, , you are nothing but a clown, a small scared poodle dwelling in some basement.

You are not a man , sweetie , not even close.

BTW you shud fuck off when I told you to do so. Now its too late for you. LOL.


Yeah bitch, your real name, probably some legendary turkic donkey or your daddy was american GI from Incirlik, blah, blah, whatever… your ass must get jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth.

btw I piss on you and your real name whatever it is. Enjoy it, it must be salty as your tears HAHAHA

Oh, it’s too late for me now, Turkoisis jihadist homo is interested in my manhood, balls, banana. LOL No really, do you feel bloated after taking so much bananas? Here’s another one: ?


Calm down sweetie, you will have a cardiac arrest. My dad is not a GI from somewhere, But at least, on the contrary to you, I know who he is.

And again on the contrary to you, I don’t need to express myself with canned laughters , childish emogies , and I don’t hide in the shadows like a rat, love.

Take my advice you little scared poodle. Grow some balls, learn to act like a man, so that you won’t have to bark on net with cliches like ‘ Turkosis jihadists’ to save yr coward ass trying to hide what you actually are.

Once again , comprende ?


Sorry bitch, I can’t stop laughing at you. Ha ha. See? You are one of the most amusing oddities here: a devolved, brainless monkey trying to communicate and write with a keyboard hahaha (sorry I laugh again) ?

“I don’t need to express myself with canned laughters” you only use LOL, “I don’t hide in the shadows like a rat” no you hide in donkey’s butthole like a worm. “childish emogies” Awww you really, really hate them… that’s why I’ll keep using them, until you have a cardiac arrest very soon. you already had a stroke, all your blood vessels in the brain ruptured and bled from anger and hysteria… Not that you have much brain, just a pile of manure, but hey. So you calm down and drink some cold water -> ?

“Love”? “Sweetie”? Sod off homo!


Yes little poodle , although it is always amusing to watch you desperately strugling to explain and justify yrself , watching yr salty tears are getting a bit boring. Sweetie , you are a coward without any national identiy on net with obvious sexual insecurities. That exactly the reason why you are being offended by these words, even you have doubts about yr sexual orientation . You are a closet homo.

Your cowardice and homosexual tendencies are not something that can be hidden under some childish insults like ‘ about donkey butholes / village donkeys ‘ , and some emogies. These are the desperate efforts of a rat trying to look tough when ‘it’ can not answer real questions

So when you are planning to grow some balls , quit being ashamed of real identity and try to be a real man ? LOL I suppose never. You dont have what it takes, love. .


Looks like you are really dead now. Rest in piss ?

Just to conclude /as your epitaph: at no point in your rambling, incoherent responses, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. You’re just repeating yourself, babbling away on an endless, deluded loop that nobody is bothering to read properly, never mind actually take seriously. You are a total retard, and nobody cares what you have to say. You are nothing.

Hope you meet Mehmed in hell, he likes little boys like you ?


Little poodle ,calm down . Take it easy , but next time please dont speak about the things you have no idea about . Let me recap our story with you so far ;

The Clown : There were 12 Russian victories in Russo / Ottoman wars

Me : No

The Clown : Yes there were , here they are (the moron is able to post 7 Russian victories only )

Me : Where are the other ones then ?

The Clown : Yr daddy , hammams , soap , little boys..

Me : Here is a link about Baltacı Mehmet Pasha and Catherine

The Clown : Voltaire was a Liar. He was 15 when he wrote that. He was a child . Then he repeated the same when he was 50 , he was a dotard then . Wikipedia is fake, I know better . Marquis de Sade , Mehmet the Conquerer , the brother of Vlad Tepes proves me that I am right . I hate you.

Me : I am not the one telling that , go send an email to Wiki then

The Clown : No I wont Catherine was a laundry washer , she was unimportant figure.

Me : Catherine was an Russian Empress and wife of one of the most important figures in Russian history , Peter the Great.

The Clown : No no you are a liar , you dont know which Catherine you are talking about , village donkeys , some emogies , some bananas , followed by lots of buthurt childish insults.

End of part one , That is yr ‘ victory’ sweetie. Thats what you are . Shall we continue you little scared stateless monkey ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

He is an absolute prick, as if he could find us on a map, lol.

He only wants to know where you are from so he can send his hit team to you. I’m sure you have heard of all the SF readers being mysteriously raped and murdered worldwide, it’s headline news.

Watch out, Sencers about.

So is Jeremy Beadle, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You get so butthurt, about ethnicity, don’t you?

And we know and laugh at you being so butthurt you prick. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are as gay as a Turk ffs.

You love white men, you adore our ass you little tranny. lol

cechas vodobenikov

leadership is normative; the most fanaticism observed at SF appears to be Turk.


Cecheas ,love , you guys are f the biggest fanatics here.Look your retarded friend called Rafael could not stand to see a single and simple claim from Voltaire and began spamming BS . Then started cursing when I slapped his stupidity right into his face. Why are you all like this ?

cechas vodobenikov

I suggest you look in your mirror—stop projecting


Hahaha sencer you pathetic little butthurt bitch, utterly exposed and humiliated, now you can’t just stop crying… I pissed right into your face, but looks like you beg for more? Definitely a masochist like all Turds. Ok, on you knees and take some more: there is no ‘claim’ from Voltaire, it’s a claim from Wiki. How stupid you are if you can’t tell the difference? Literally your every reply is more and more retarded (how’s that even possible). But that’s not even the issue here, just your lame attempt to divert attention from your idiocy: my point was you didn’t know the difference between Catherine I and II. You don’t. Then you stared cursing and repeating ‘fuck off, fuck off’ (like I give a fuck) because you are angry, frustrated and completely butthurt. I’m just laughing ?


Clown , if you dont give a fuck then why you are barking here like a wounded pupy and trying to express yrself with some childish emogies ?

While you are posting all those juvenile videos , why you cant show me how and where and how I confused Catherine I and II ? why you cant show me that although you repat the same thing like a retarded parrot ?.

It is a claim from Voltaire against a counter claim from a moron like you , OMG whom we will believe you or Voltaire. LOL. A normal man would say , ‘ Lol Voltaire expressed his views but I dont it reflects the truths’ But morons like you chose jumping in anger and start posting irelevant stupidity about even Marquis de Sade. Why you are like this , boy ?

You guys always end like that -Step one / you appear as if you found a gem , Step two / you get trashed, Step Three / You can not reply any of the questions and begin repating the same trivia over and over trying to suffocate the argument , Step Four / You startg bloshing and beging cursing start posting emogies Step five / You disappear for a long time.


Shiteater, but I already told you: I enjoy to humiliate you, and laugh at your idiocy…. you bark like a butthurt bitch – because you are a butthurt bitch, now you even follow me like a bitch, begging for more of my attention! “You disappear for a long time” Hahaha did you miss me? I though you died from shame (or/and a brain disease). I know it’s a privilege for you to be humiliated by me, but c’mon there is other things in life, not just pissing on you every minute. First you are butthurt about WIki, then about Youtube, now you are crying because of emogies?? Oh, sorry. Sencer=? his comments=? ??? Are you gonna cry some more now?

“It is a claim from Voltaire” no it’s not, it’s a claim from Wiki, you braindead drooling imbecile. Claim how Turks are corrupted and easy to bribe. de Sade is just there to look how retarded you are, better than your moronic rambling about Thebes (or Catherine in general, nothing you posted here is remotely relevant or remotely intelligent. You dare to talk about irrelevant posting. LOOOOOL Your miserable existence is irrelevant. What questions, you delusional, lying piece of shit? You failed to meaningfully answer absolutely any of my comments. You repeat total nonsense and worthless garbage about Voltaire (you don’t even know who is Voltaire you brainless imbecile). So I treat you like you deserve: like a dumb, masochist bitch.

Here is another smiley for you: ?


Fucktard , now you are writing 3000 word messages to me full of emogies and butthurt trivia ? So sad.. Now did you understand how you jumped into the bait and made a clown out of yoıu .Next time read , you moron.

BTW , are you trying to tell that wiki is lying about Voltaire but you know the truth. ?

Where do they breed clowns like you ? In which circus exactly ?


Shiteater, I’m trying to tell you are a brainless and shameless imbecile who post garbage and pathetic excuses all the time. But then you can’t comprehend even that. Because you can’t even present an argument, I will do it for you. Wiki said: “Some contemporaries, such as Voltaire in his book Peter the Great, reported” “reported (ad) having been formally or officially announced or described. described or talked of, but not verified or confirmed.” I’m saying that’s something that wasn’t proven, not by Wiki, not by Voltaire and I said why. You failed to reply completely, because you don’t know who was Voltaire, instead making pathetic excuses and even more retarded questions (already answered 100 times but you just ignore facts and spam lies and bullshit). Wiki doesn’t link Voltaire either, they link this (5) Stanley Hochman (1984). McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama: An International Reference Work in 5 Volumes You didn’t even bother to read, did you? You just posting random crap from net (to quote your own BS). Another proof how incredibly stupid you really are. Utterly worthless troll (and failing even as a troll).

But why would I even trying to explain why Wikipedia is not perfect, why Voltaire didn’t know much about russian history or whatever, to such a stupid little imbecile like you. You have to admit you don’t know the difference between Catherine I and II. Then you just go and die. And rest in – ?


Fucktard , nice to see that you moved from some stupid age calcutions to attempting to discredit by trying to interpret what is written there. Yr new argument goes as ‘ hey look this is reporting means , and look at the source , Stanley Hochman claims Voltaire wrote this ” You try to discredit the source by obscuring it while you can not prove the opposite. Oldest gamne in the book, if ypou can not prove the contrary , defame the source. LOL.

And further furnish it with sentences like , ‘but Voltaire didnt know much about Russian history.” LOL fucking clown.

And unbelivably yoıu still dare to tell me I confused Catherine I and II while you can not tell a single word for previous post., and you can not explain why I told your retarded friend that he even did not know which Catherine I was speaking of.

LoL eep on monkeying around though , always nice to see clowns like you trying to keep their heads above the water.


Shiteater, not died yet? Pity… your head is waaaay below the water (*water in toilet). Time to someone flush you little turd. But you know what, dumb bitch. Fuck you. No, seriously – fuck you. I gave you not one but 10 arguments why are so stupid and why your BS is utterly debunked. And you said what? Nothing whatsoever. Farting like your donkey granpa…. Fact is: you LOST after first reply when I proved you don’t know who was Catherine I. Fact. Then I proved how many wars Turkey lost vs Russia. Fact. Then I proved how you laughable you are complaining about posting random BS and ‘half truths’ while you do the same (actually only you). Fact, definitely. Serious discussion was over back then, all these other comments are just for fun and LOLs. Yet your butthurt bleeding ego forced you to make a fool of yourself even more, again and again, so you keep spamming bs, cheap lies, hallucinations, excuses, more excuses… wasting time and oxygen. Stubborn like a donkey, you are ready to stay 3 days here and repeat how you are not a complete retard. But even you know that you are…. Yeah, it was funny to laugh at you, but now you are like some stale cheap comedy season 11., no one even watch that boring shite anymore. Everyone else saw how stupid and worthless you were long time ago, only your alter-accounts upvotes your comments. You’re just a boring little turd, Turd. There is no point throwing pearls before swine; I doubt someone is crazy to read all of this, and we both know you LOST. Badly. Almost as Turks against Suvorov or Kutuzov LOL. But keep lying, while dying…

p.s. almost forgot, hopefully this one is not too difficult for you to comprehend – Sencer ?❤?


Fucktard , here are your facts

First you tried to debunk what Wiki claimed by using some strange calculations about the age of Voltaire. After I made a complete clown out of you , you tried to defame the source with some pathetic interprations of the source that wiki used.

Then you tried to blabber some stupidty about catherine I and II , but could not say a word about the post which I told your retarded compatriot that he did not know anything about which catherine I was mentioning. because you simply do not have enough brains to read and comprehend the flood of the posts.

Then we all laughed to your that irrelevant stupidities of yours which you involved Mehmet the Conquerer and Marquis de Sade trying to prove yr point about Voltaire. But it was amusing to see you at work , after all everyone likes clowns.

Then you posted come copy paste BS about Turko Russo wars without knowing that I was talking to someone who claimed 12 Russian victories , you jumped into the conversation without knowing what was being discussed and pounded yr chest like a retarded ape. You copy pasted some BS from here and there which was quite far from proving those 12 victories yr friend was claiming .

Then you posted some trivia about hamams,soaps ,eggplants , bananas , sugar daddies , boy friends as if someone is interested with yr homöosexual tendencies here.

Then you posted a few long and hollow comments with zero content , in which you jumped with anger and tried to express yr desperation with some childish emogies and some 3rd grade insuts which proved us that yr IQ is not bigger than the shoe size of an adolescent.

Then you claimed with I had some sub accounts upvoting myself , as if I give a fuck who upvotes or down votes me. LOL. Thats what happens when yr ego overrides your knowledge . You begin writing imaginery stories to mend yr broken ego.

You started with bits and pieces of history you copy pasted here , and finished with cheap insults , juvenile YT videos and some strange posts which conveyed yr hidden homosexuallity. We both knew that yr real self , which is nothing but a low class , undereducated , ego ridden homeseuxal clown would manifest itself sooner or şlater . And it did , no surprises here.

This our chronolgy with you so far , thats what I see when I read all the comments from the beginning. Did I miss something ?

But I have to admit that it is always nice to have some cheap and desperate clowns around you who amuse me and everybody around . But dont jump to into a conversation next time without understanding what is being spoken there if you dont want to find yourself so trashed and miserable , deal ?


Speaking about 3000 words messages, how ironic… Sorry to tell you this, you pathetic brainless monkey, but whatever moronic crap you spam it won’t make you feel better: it’s truly sad that you spend last two hours writing some delusional nonsense and lame excuses, and no one will ever read any of that garbage. Certainly not me LOL. What, you feel even more miserable? Poor, poor little dog… I almost feel sorry for you. No, I’m not actually ?

Hey, but at least have a banana ?


Aww, is that you all you could reply, clown ?

This is the chronology of our exchanges with you , not some anger ridden stupidty like your pathetic posts , lover boy.

Did you see yr shortcomings and why I make fun of you all the time now?

Now , gopnik , tell me where are you from . Lets see if you if you are another coward barking from shadows..


Don’t be so sad little bitch and don’t cry so much (again). It must be heartbreaking, all your effort for nothing. Story of your loser life I’m sure… Still, you got more than you deserved. My every word, every letter is worth than everything you wrote in your entire miserable experience. It’s a privilege for you to be humiliated by me. The best moment of your life…. You need to say ‘thanks daddy’. And say ‘please’ for more humiliation!

For example, this smiley is more powerful than your 300000 words: ?

All your words are: ?

See, I don’t need to write anymore. It’s that easy raping you…


The reason you dont write is simple you little scared dog . Because you can not.

Thats the reason you are trying to suffocate the posts with BS . You are nothing but a former minion ashamed of its identity. Too many of you here , small scared poodles barking from the shadows .

What are you scared of boy ? Why you all are so ignoble , so faceless and so afraid ? Are you afraid that I will futher mock you and throw you from one wall to another?

Come one little dog , dont be so shy LOL.


Shiteater, you miserable little loser bitch, you are afraid your entire loser life, trembling in your basement, but no one cares for your phobias and complexes…. I’m “trying to suffocate the post with BS”? Hahaha you selfprojecting, delusional psycho, everything you write here, absolutely everything is total BULLSHIT. Worthless monkey gibberish, every last word.. I mean, just read this comment of yours, it’s so stupid, not even kids write that rubbish. I debunked your nonsense long time ago, now I just keep pissing into your face… and you always return for more.

here: ?


Are you still afraid , poodle ? Lost yr balls ?

Are you still talking big from where you hide but keep barking from a distance ? Question is very simple why you are so scared ?

Why you guys are always like this , minion ? What do you call yourself ? Because you are obviously not man.


” Why Usa and China is leading the world now with their Mega gdp’s..oh wait a minute Us empire is crumbling:))”

The US and China lead the world … because the two Zion factions / groups … one supports the US and the other China. So simple. Russia overthrew/dissolved the Khazar Jewish state and that is why it will never lead the world.


” .when we were in our prime,they were living under Golden Horde hegemonia”..

Exactly the Golden Horde …. a term that describes the Mongol and Turkish tribes that invaded through the Caucasus in Eastern and Central Europe during the first decades of the 13th century. I’m glad you admit to yourself that you are Mongols. You are a panspermia of nomadic races of common Mongolian and Turkish descent under common leadership. This mixture is often referred to as Tatars, from the ancient Mongolian tribe Tata.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı missed you:))))


I had to deal with very important issues….I know my comments are not like the others! Hahaha

Servet Köseoğlu

ı missed you:)))

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How much does your Mom charge for visiting Marines?


Have no idea , ask yrs. After all it is yr profession to suck diacks as we have seen through out the history. Roman , Turkish and now German . You know how each tastes. Tell us which one you liked best.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And so you admit you lost to Russia, Greece, Britain, France etc etc etc.

Good little dog.


They are our enemies , and yr masters . They still own your ass , if they tell you to jump , all you ask is ‘ How high’ ? Slave.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your ass is sold, we know.

Good little boy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I made your sisters eat pork sausages after I fucked them silly, and they loved pork, said all you goatfuckers should be on the ham.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Whatcha going to do about it pussy?

Nothing, apart from post bollox.

Your sister is a slag, like your Mom and daughter. lol


I am sitting on Constantinople , Smryna while you are asking me what to do , brainless goat fucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are shitting yourself?

Take it easy Musthaveashit, have a KitKat. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Shitting yourself on the Vodka, Smirnoff is how educated people spell it of course.

You need the drink, to live with what you sell your kids for, lol.

Watcha going do pussy boy, eat a hamburger.


LOL , goat fucker knows who to spell Smirnoff , so consderis itself ‘educated’

But moron still believes that Galatians lived in Crimea. Fuckinn retard.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Galicians live in Galicia you clown, Russians live in Crimea ffs.

Everyone knows that, especially the muppets who were defeated there, lol.


Uneducated peasant , next time dont claim that they lived in Criema then . Go read yr bible

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russians live in Crimea, Galicians live in Galicia, simples.

Go quote what the Man mumbled to you, lol. Sweetie pie getting all upset, good.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fuckinn retard!?

You can’t even spell the word, you fucking retard. lol


You get what you deserve , do you think an unimportant, illiterate peasant like you deservse attention ?

Galicians in crimea. LOL Uneducated goat fucker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russians in Crimea, for over 300 years.

It’s been that long since you left, the air is fresh, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your ill educated grammar is falling apart Spencer, either new batteries, or buy foreign, lol.


What is the relation between batteries , grammar and something foreign , pea brain peasant ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ask your Mom Spencer, her dildo was made in Turkey ffs. Same as your translator, lol.

What’s your goats name, Abdul or Musthaveashit? lol


You can not spend a signle second without thinking dildoes and goats , can you pervert ortodog ? You became everyones goat here with that ignorance . Galatians , Galicians , fucking illiteratre moron. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why you mentioning sticking your Moms dildo up your goats ass?

You depraved suntan.


Suntan ? Mr ”grammar” why dont you take that bible out of your ass and dildo out of your mouth , it seems that they went quite deep.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You got a suntan reading the bible you say!

Good little turkey.


Again you sound muffled , swetie ? What is the reason ? The dildo in yr mouth or the bible in yr ass ? Both ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You love a bible in your ass when fucking your goat!

You love Jesus, one of your prophets buddies.

So what?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hey Spencer, how much does your Mom charge for group sex?



Brainless peasant still thinks that mom jokes are effective on grown ups. That happens only yr kindergarden , uneducated orthodog .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You still fall for them though sweetie pie.

How’s your Moms snatch today son! lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Is that Erdogan’s brother, Orthodog?

Has he a bad back, from stooping down to goats?

Sweetie pie, you couldn’t make it up, lol.


LOL sweetie , you are the one who cud not make up. Who is Erdogans brother , ignoramus you completely lost it. And that Erdo screwing you so bad in NK. All you can do is to watch and bark like a small pupy.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Cud is what cows chew goatfucker.

Just how stupid are you, north of north.


As stupid as some one who claims that Galicians were natives in Crimea ?

As uneducated as a moron like you who believes that Crimeans are a race ? No way sweetie , move on.. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Stupid is what Spencer does.

Good little turkey, lol.


Galicians in Crimea , huh. Hopeless , uneducated twat . LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you are, but that’s what being a Turk does for you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I got your attention goatfucker.

You just can’t stay away from my insults.

Kinky git you are, still wearing your Moms stockings as well.

Good girl sweetie pie.


You are dying for attention , arent you goat fucker ?

I am just having fun with you like an afternoon snack. LOL Your ignorance amuses me , bible clown.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You love the attention goatfucker, otherwise no one would post with you.

I’m just being Christian talking to poor folk from poor countries. lol pauper.


Come here , I will give you some attention ,uneducated attention whore.

Orthodog clown , you belong to that poor folk from one of these Othodog countries. Just let it go , lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Orthogan is the crippled brother of Erdodog then, I didn’t know that.

How’s your snatch Spencer?


Well sweetie, seems that you are out of arguments. . Above comment even exceeds yr regular level of stupidity . Take one of your goats and hug yr lover till you sleep , orthodog.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You never had an argument, you still love that goat. Spencer, you’re a cracker, lol.


You Turds are licking british ass for 200 years… they saved you in 1829. in 1853. in 1878. in 1913…. “Thats what happens when yr history is full of defeats” lol how ironic you talk about history of defeats, while losing war after war against Russia. Not just ironic, extremely stupid actually.

Servet Köseoğlu

we battled with them countless times…Russians alllied with them as well ..when things go awkward you also demanded help from them:))) there is nothing wrong about it…


5-6 of major western powers gathered and defeated a dying Ottoman Eempire. Hurray, how great of them .LOL

Servet Köseoğlu

ahahaha….thats true…credits to Britain here such foxy diplomacy..every time they managed to get the upper-hand:)))

cechas vodobenikov

it is bad history to claim that empires are defeated; all empires suicide—they defeat themselves, whether Rome, ottoman, British or Russian


Sweetie , Ottoman Empire began to collapse after the 2nd siege of Vienna , which Habsburgs took the upper hand afterwards. Empires rise and fall , just like the same British Empire mention above , which is long gone by now.

But what retards like you can not understand is , how those empires rise. So how can you explain me thatone of the biggest empires of history which lasted about 800 years has more defeats s in its history than its victories.

Please do , because I am really bored and fed up with morons like you who gather like flies when someone posts something about Russia.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You agreed, you lost.

Get over it. LOSER


Ignoramus , hope you have learned somnething today and wont speak about the things you have no idea about in future. get lost now.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So good of you to acknowledge your betters.;

You enjoy the pork sausages your Mom got from the Marines.


You seem to be obsessed with Marines . Did any of them stuck a sausage into yr mouth while you were an infant ? Because it seems that you liked it a lot .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many?

She is a busy mom. lo0l


Sinjce when you are interested in women , goat loving greek POS ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your mom has a moustache ffs, she was just a slapper we banged for fun.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m not interested in your sisters and mom, I just fucked them as cheap whores, while eating pork sausages. All the women you know are prostitutes, that’s how your Mom put bread on your table boy.

Whatcha going to do about it Turkey? lol You will do nothing other than write a stern warning ffs, you little pussy.


Ignorance? You Turdish moron says don’t even know the difference between Catherine I and Catherine II LOL You are not just ignorant, you are retarded.

p.s Russo-Turkish War 1768–1774 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1787–1792 Russian victory Russo-Turkish War 1806–1812 Russian victory Treaty of Bucharest (1812): Russia annexes Bessarabia Russo-Turkish War 1828–1829 Russian victory Crimean War 1853–1856 Allied victory (Before basically entire Europe intervened Russia utterly crushed Turkish fleet, and even with full western support Turks still lost in Caucasus) Russo-Turkish War 1877–1878 Russian victory

World War I (again Turks were utterly crushed during the Caucasus campaign)

So yeah in the last 200+ years Turds were defeated again and again and again… losing war after war after war… not to mention losing battle after battle after battle….

Servet Köseoğlu

so whats the deal here?After 1683 Great turkish war aka Vienna Siege we already lost almost every war(lots of reasons) even to Bulgarians,Greeks etc…


Yes ignorance exactly , you clown . Thats what I meant to that ignorant friend of yrs , I never confused Catherine 1 and 2 with each other. It was your friend who could not notice whom I was speaking about.

And another moron like you comes here after some simple googling and copy pastes BS here without reading all the posts , and acts as if ‘ it ‘ found a gem.

And this shallow moron tries to explain me how a dying empire was crushed by ‘all the west” as if it was something hard.



Yeah, it is unbelievable how stupid you are, you brainless turdish imbecile: it’s obvious what he said and what you replied, your pathetic excuses are even more laughable. Oh, now it’s a ‘dying empire’? your brain is dying (actually, it’s dead already), Byzantine empire wasn’t dying? “moron comes here after some simple googling and copy pastes BS here , and acts as if ‘ it ‘ found a gem.” again, you are perfectly describing yourself you brainless fool – you are the one who is copy/pasting some retarded BS about Catherine again and again all over this comment section, like some ‘ultimate argument’, evidence of something ‘important’… evidence of your stupidity actually.


LOL here the quality speaks. Another butthurt clown posting meaningless blabbering after ‘it” reads something ‘it’ did not like.

Go and cry elsewhere ignorant fucktard., I am not here to watch another moron having a cardiac arrest

cechas vodobenikov

waste of effort–little Spencer too insecure


cechas , love , are you and that fucktard called raphael related somwhow ? Just curious.

cechas vodobenikov

related to u I suspect–your interactions amuse


Cechas , love , Stalinskaya or Moskovskaya ? Shot glasses or directly from the bottle ?


Shiteater, homo, you swallow directly from ErDogan’s butthole ?


Lol you dumb, butthurt fagbitch are so obsessed with me you are bothering other people while begging for banana… sick turkish homo like your sultans…. try this ‘gypsy’ who upvotes your every comment, definitely your boyfriend…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We are all interested in you loving white Christian ass, and your desperation to lick ass. lol

You smelly turd. lol


Fucking moron , illiterate POS.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Oooooh, Spencer is all upset, smelly turd din’t have his goat last night, his nephew came over and took the spot.



Still illiterate , still ‘mom ‘ , sister jokes. neducated moron go and elarn who galatians are.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You call your nephew your sister!

Is that how you get hard, lol. Sweetie pie, you all confused, and retarded.


Is there any bible clown here who still can post a few comments without mom or sister in it when provoked ?

Do you uneducated peasants think that sister and mom jokes are effective ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

It gets you going sweetie pie.

Mama issues much? lol


Bible issues hurt you too much ? Run to mama goat fucker she is the only woman you can get with that education and IQ level . LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You have bible issues Spencer, comes from wanting to be white and European, like Ataturk.

Try bleach, like most of you do.

Your Mom pours it all over her snatch, after you go there.


LOL white european . Hahahaha . Fucking clown.

Go and try bleach on yr own face peasant , may be you will get the tone of my balls.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Keep your balls in your pocket Spencer, the Russians removed them from your lot, lol.

How many goats have you done?


I can only put the back after taking the out of your mouth , goat lover. Yr beloved Russians ( and you ) are busy watching us fucking yr brothers in the backyard of Russia , othodog.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You put the back back, whatever.

Back back is what the goats dread you saying though, lol.

How’s your goats snatch?


The guy whom I was replying was talking about 12 Russian victoires, So what is going on here with all that BS you posted, is he lying or you are nothing but a moron jumping into a conversation on without understanding anything .

Let me guess ; both . LOL.


Hey moron, you replied that comment 5 hours ago! Meanwhile we exchanged 50 comments /me brutally destroying you again and again, and you losing battle after battle, reply after reply…. now for whatever imbecilic reason, you reply that one again?? LOL indeed. No really, you are below idiocy.

Poor shiteater, like a chicken without head… you’re are lost in space and time ?

(and in Erdogans’ rectum)


Rafi , you clown , is there a rule here stating that I can not reply to any comment whenever when I want , and how many times I want ? Who put that rule , people even more stupid then you ? What happened , cant you reply ?

Fucktard , you only destroyed yrself, you are even not aware the position you are in .


Shiteater, haha you mad bitch, you are totally insane, not just totally stupid, but really psychotic. “is there a rule here stating that I can not reply to any comment whenever when I want , and how many times I want” are you fucking serious you braindead imbecile? Nah you can spam 1000 comments here every day, why not, you have no brain, nor shame, nor life of any sort obviously… talk with yourself, all day long, spam retarded nonsense until you die alone in that shithole of yours. Or until someone actually ban you, because yeah, there are rules against spamming and trolling. Pity that SF rarely enforce them.


Little scared dog , nice try. But this will not change the fact that you are another coward acting tough on net but hide in shadows when reality kicks in .

You are a sad story boy , a story of shame and cowardice. And when you are caught from your tail you are begging help from admin of SF. Another sign of cowardice.

Where are you from boy , is that so bad ?? LOOL.


Scared? HAHAHA of what you pathetic, sissy gay bitch? Of you? Hide in shadows? Wtf? You delusional, psychotic imbecile. Now you just post random crap. Now tell me your real name and address you coward! No? You are coward! Coward I say. See how dumb you are… beyond belief.

You hide in Erdogans butthole. You should die there.


Forget erdogan , and forget politics . That train has already left , little poodle. You lost that chance , sweetie. We are discussing yr credibility here now.

The problem here is while posters from TR do not hide their identities and you can post almost every kind of BS against them , you hide in shadows and hide yourself against any arguments that may be directed to you. Thats exactly the reason you are hiding like a rat… A fact that we both know.

Why dont you man up and quit being a miserable clown minion ? Do you call yourself a man ? Because yourather look a scared little dog.. LOL


Bitch, you are not hiding like a rat because you said you are from Turkey? Oh, you are Sancer from Turkey, brave little rat LOL

“Forget erdogan , and forget politics .” And talk about what, about you, and how lonely and desperate you are, right? Bitch you are too homo even for turkish standard. This is not a dating site, and you are not my TYPE, how many times I have to repeat! I can say whatever country I want, but why would I? Because you’re interested? Who gives a fuck? “sweetie”? Now you are interested in my “balls”? You know what, that is scary ?

Dammit, I’m talking for 5 hours with some real turkish homo! I feel so dirty now…


Still trying to divert the question ? still afraid to reply ?

Do you call yrself a man ? LOL. Dont ..

You are not a man , sweetie. You are a joke, a scared poodle . it took me a while to analyze you , but it is plain and simple now.Anyhow it was already obvious from yr sexually insecure messages.


Boooooring…. Little bitch, you are not a poodle, poodle are actually very brave dogs, you are too stupid to know anything. You are a puddle of goo. “Minions”? says Erdogan’s eunuch. “But keep begging , nice to watch you cry ” Now you literally repeating my words, I said it 10 times at least… you have absolutely nothing to say, worthless farting from your pathetic lonely turkish homo mouth. LOOOL I don’t need admins to defend from you, who the fuck are you, pathetic sissy bitch? I crushed you like a cockroach 5 hours ago, literally every reply, and I keep raping you, brutally destroying every trace of your dignity. The problem is: you have no dignity. You are a brainless monkey troll with a single digit IQ and some serious mental problems.


Look here , a coward who hides like a rat speaks about t dignity. And moreover , that man wanabe coward still thinks that he has lines to be stolen.

That man wannabe little scared poodle hides loike a small rats , and speaks about manhood as well . What a comedy.

Where are your balls , poodle ? Up in yr ass ?

Rafi , you little basement dweller , why do you lick russian ass here while you are not even a Russian yourself ? Why you try to act like a man , whıle we both know that you are nothıng but a coward trying to talk big on net ? why are you hiding yrrself , are you scared of the world * Did they damage you in past sweetie ?


Boooooring…. Little bitch, your comprehension to understand the most basic of things is just one of the most ridiculous and mind blowing stupid I’ve ever seen. You are “a coward who hides like a rat speaks about t dignity.” you are hiding in Erdogan’s butthole, we all know that. You are utterly pathetic, crying, lonely homo who just repeats the same mindless, worthless drivel on an endless loop.

You bitch don’t want to admit to yourself that you’re really just a common cretin, with nothing new or interesting to say, and nobody really listening in any case. You are deeply pathetic and thoroughly insignificant.


Empty , childish and 3rd class insults hanging in the air while the reality still lingers

Coward poodle still can’t answer a simple question as he tries to dodge the question trying to save the day as usual.

Do you think that the above crap will change the fact that you are nothing but a minion ashamed of its identity? Simple as that. Rest is nothing but bedtime stories from basement dweller trying to act tough. LOL.

You are already done, sweetie. Nothing can hide your cowardice, you already lost it the moment you dodged the question and proved that you have things you are ashamed of.


Describing your own pathetic trolling, except even children are smarter than you are. Only incredibly dumb trolls pretending they asked some retarded question, then insist that someone has to answer them (if they do, they ask another retarded question). L A M E. I can play the same game, it’s fuking boring. And you never answered anything. Nor I care for you answers at this point, I just piss on you. Is it so difficult for you to understand? I’m mocking you you sad little creature. I’m not defending anything, I’m not attacking your nationality, I don’t talk about Turkey humiliating defeats anymore.. I just feeding you with bananas. Here: ?

Try to understand, even if you are a complete retard: I won’t ever reply your retarded gay questions. I don’t give a flying fuck about your questions. My identity is for my friends, girls, people I care. Not for some random turkish homo. Your identity? No one cares. You’re just a worm, hiding behind a fake english name and some shitty avatar, probably Mehmed the Gay or some other ottoman sodomite.


Sweetie , still trying to save yr ass with some banana argument ?

Let me explain it as simple as possible so that even a moron like you can comprehend.

I dont give a flying or non flying fuck to yr identity. What I am asking you is yr nationality , and thats what you can not reply being afraid of the consequences. What you can do is to dramatize yourself as if I am asking yr actual identity or some personal details , LOL that how you try to save your ass. Cheap games of a little rat .

You are not mocking anyone , sweetie . You re just trying to explain yourself with yr repeated trivia and yr emogies. You are a sad case now ,basement dweller . Now you understand how we slaved you and your likes since centuries ? You lack balls , boy. Thats yr problem

Try to act like a man though , your insecurities realy amuse me while we both know that you are not a öan indeed , you are not even close as I pfdeviously told you . LOL.


LOL Bitch, just stop talking. you’re embarrassing yourself even more. I don’t give a fuck what are you asking/begging for, you are here to be used as a toilet, not to demand anything. You open your mouth – I piss on you. Then repeat.

No really, how hard is it for ur three brain cells to comprehend that your posts are retarded ? You’re not even arguing any points, not even trolling. Just pathetic repeating something that was stupid the first time you said. Delirious hallucinations. Get out of your basement and get off the meth, if it’s not too late. To be honest – I don’t even read 2/3 of your frustrated garbage, it’s just too stupid. I just give you a banana, and you return for another, you mentally deficient gorilla.

Yeah, here it is: ?


“Distorted truth”, “believe every half assed semi truth written on net” – alahahaha you are the one who keeps spamming sex-fantasy stories with zero historical evidence. Again, it’s not even ironic how stupid you are….


i do not care what he says most ppl on this sight are delusional and lie alot i have been around since the very start of it. Anyway my point is that even tho he is wrong on the numbre his claim of turks not fairing too well against Russians is a fact.


‘Even thought he is wrong ” is the key here. This is the fact. Stop there.

Rest is yr personal comment , yr personal opinion . Not the fact.

0 out of 12 is 0%, while 3 out of 10 is 30%.

Can you see the diffrerence , and the cost of a lie now ?


my opinion is based on facts and yea he is worng but idc about his comment what i care about is the fact that 30%<70% thats what matters. But yes indeed he lied and that was quite a dumb lie since anyone can google this.

Ishyrion Av

You forgot to mention that anyway, ottomans wanted to conquer the Europe itself. And they were stop at the Danube by small nations for 800 years. Very bitter swallow for turds.


not exactly the ottomans wheir not able to go inside europe cuz of the great powers that be at the time.

Ishyrion Av

They didn’t really clashed with those powers. Except some epic wars with Austro-Hungarian empire – some they won (and Hungary became an otoman province), some they lost (like Vienna battle).


Austro hungary and Russian had been the main powers they fought.

cechas vodobenikov

“indecisive” is a victory when the aggressor fails, e.g. the amerikan/canadian war—an effective victory for Canada


Actually, you moron pulled that laughable, retarded story directly from your ass (no difference between your ass and mouth anyway)

And it wasn’t ‘that’ Catherine, Catherine from that story is not Catherine the Great (II) you retarded imbecile. Catherine I was Peter the Great lover, she rule for 1-2 years and was totally irrelevant.


Did I tell you which Catherine i was mentioning you, fucktard ? You are replying to your own stroersi and trying to rant out of them.

Was she the wife of Peter the great or not ?

So one of the greatest figures of Russian history shared the same wife with an Ottoman pasha ? True or false ?

Good. Fuck off now.


U mad now dumb bitch? LOL No need to be angry just because your ignorance and sheer idiocy is exposed. “True or false ?” False of course, there is zero proof of that idiotic story… also Peter fucked whores all over Europe, so what? That girl was a polish peasant, she even worked as a ‘washerwoman’ for soldiers, she probably fucked half of russian army, so what? See, how your ‘logic’ is below idiocy, you dumb fuckin shithead.

Now go play with your daddy in turkish bath, he need a soap ?


Fucktard, does the above BS of yrs change the fact that she was the wife of one of the most important figures in Russian history? Does this change the fact that she was Russian Empress for 2 nyears

And if you are so much interested with men with soap , go and post some in some gay forums, fakkot wft you are doing hyere ?


Shiteater, the only fact here you are a brainded imbecile who spams retarded garbage, have no historical knowledge at all, repeat pathetic excuses and basically troll this thread with total nonsense.

“wft you are doing hyere ?” Me? I just exposing your idiocy, publicly humiliate you, and laugh at you occasionally. Like now: ha ha ha.


Clown , what you proved here so far ? You tried to show a Russian Empress who was married to one of the greatest figures in Russian history as an unimportant figure , then you blabbered something about hamams , then tried to debunk Voltaire by posting some stupidity about Marquis de Sade and Mehmet the Conquerer.

You made a clown out of yourseff moron , but you are still desperately trying post yr moronic BS and continue to be some public amusement . so why dont you get that shitty YT videos and fuck off ?


Shiteater, I proved many things so far: first that you are an idiot who don’t know the difference between Catherine I and Catherine the Great (you don’t know anything about either, already proven too many times). Second, that you are an idiot who complains about ‘distorted truth and believing every half assed semi truth written on net” while you are the one who believes in every nonsense written on net. Not just you are an idiot, you are a hypocrite as well. Third, you are an idiot who complains about me quoting wiki, but at the same time you are proud to quote wiki! Haha. Fourth, you love to talk about ancient greek homosexuality, but you are butthurt about Mehmed and his gay relationships. I can go on, about russo-turkish wars etc, but that’s waaaaay too intellectual for a braindead cretin like yourself. But if you insist on Youtube, here is another one just for you ErDogan’s little eunuch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIGWBOuAMl8&ab_channel=NorwegianBaron

Now go eat goats shit and die.


Fucktard , you and that childish YT videos do not prove anything. What you could do is to jump in anger and try to debunk Voltaire claiming that he was a child with irrelevant stupidity about Marquis de Sade and Mehmet the Conquerer. LOL who gives a fuc kif he had guy relations or what you ignoramus , you know his name after 500 years and you still try to investigate him on net. Anyhow your sexual arientation was obvious when you mentioned about hamams , and men with soap. Food for thought.

Go and show me where I mixed Catherine I and Catherine II . You jumped into a discussion with anger without reading it in full, made a clown out of yourself and still trring to keep yr head above the water repating the same thing like a retarded parrot.

Anyhow the best part was where you tried to defame a Russian Empress as if we did not know that the whore was married to Peter the Great , why you cant say a single word about it , clown ?

BTW , I dont remember complaining about wiki either , you are either dyslectic or a complete moron . I would vote for the latter. LOL.


Shiteater, you are both dyslectic and a complete moron. Hahaha Keep repeating already debunked lies and spamming feces from your filthy mouth but the fact is: you never presented Voltaire’s claim about anything. Only Wiki claim that he reported something (how Turks are corrupted and easy to bribe). It’s kinda amusing to watch you squirm like a worm, trying to find more and more ridiculous excuses ?

“I dont remember complaining about wiki either” yeah, your monkey brain is definitely dead. You don’t remember anything… This is what you said: “you comes here after some simple googling and copy pastes BS here” just after I posted list of russo-turkish wars (which is infinitely more relevant than your idiotic nonsense about Catherine and Thebes and whatever idiocy, everything you posted here, literally your every word is 100% crap).

About Catherine, do I really need to repeat one more time because you are both blind, braindead and shameless? Ok. he said: “under Catherines statue again’ (Cathrine II) you said: “that Catherine”. LOL. Let’s hear more lame excuses now, ‘I don’t remember, blame wiki, blah, blah’, you miserable brainless pile of manure. No, really just go die and rest in piss.


Fucktard , I lost a valuable 5 seconds for reading about that butthurt comments of yours.

It was yr friend who did not mention which Catherine it was , and I played with him using his stupidity and ignorance. Then I mocked him and told him that he didn’t even know which Catherine he was talking about .. And look another moron , namely you , jumped to the bait.Learn to read in full you clown .LOL And you are posting juvenile YT videos to me without understanding it in full. , I can not believe how dull you morons are.

Please also let me know where I complained about Wiki , fucktard . I mention copy pasting – How yr peanut brain associated copy pasting with complaining from wiki ?

Please tell me so that can understand how the brain of a moron works . LOL.


Fucktard, I gave you a wikilink. Like a good dog, you went and fetched how old Voltaire was when ho wrote that, at what age he repeated it. You dug it and you did not like what you found.

And now you are trying to debunk Voltaire saying that he also wrote a few things about Turks. So do you expect me to change my mind after seeing what he wrote about Turks, or what he wrote about Turks would discredit his opinions about Catherine LOL? Arent you a desperate clown..

Show me where I mentioned about wiki when I told you that you were copy-pasting. LOL.

Go ahead, I am always amused to see a monkey jumping in anger and desperation trying to express itself and trying to create evidence to cover the stupidity it posted.

Ishyrion Av

You didn’t say because you didn’t know. Maybe now you are more educated. Which I doubt.


So things I dont tell represent my ignorance , not the ones I tell. Strong argument . Brilliant. Nice education . Bible ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you don’t like to talk about the woman who beat you turkeys like your Mom does! lol

A woman beat your smelly ass, and today your mock sultana sits beneath her statue, taking his orders from Putin.

You become a relevant nation, when you build your own weapons, and your lot buys from all the superior states.


Did you learn which Catherine it was , uneducated goat fucker ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Catherine the scourge of Turkey, why you thinking of your aunt catty the slapper!


Which one , uneducated bible peasant . Did you finally understand nwhich one I was mentining about ,goat fucker ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The one who wiped you from the map of course sweetie pie, who else.

The Sultana never kept women about, only kids. lol


You still could not learn after a week , could you ? Thats what happens when an illiterate peasant like you tries to comment on net..

Did you learn which Christina opened her legs to Ottoman Pasha ? Just like your christian kin did for centuries, pea brain minion .

Tell us about the Galicians living in Crimea uneducated , goat fucker . LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How’s your sisters snatch, or snatches? Sweetie pie should lay off the sisters, me 2 u know.


When you dont have an argument and you are thick as a brick , you think that your sister / mom jones are effective . LOL. Peasant.

Sweetie , kids like you cant even look at womens eyes in real life.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You love your goat, we know. Then you love your sisters, then your nephews.

Surely you must be bragging a little, 24 hrs in a day you know.


Here comes another nephew , sister joke from a Jery Springer fan. Very effective , OMG what what do to .. .LOL. illiterate goat fucker

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How’s your sisters snatch Spencer?

Wide and well known, lol.


Same comment from the goat lover , how many times god knows. And the uneducated moron still thinks that sister momy comments are effective. Only in yr kinder garden sweetie. LOL

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your comments to your goat are interesting though.

I bet you don’t talk politics with him sweetie pie. lol

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Did you learn about all the wars she won, lol.

She shat on your men, women and children.

Like all white christians do, lol.


Get lost illiterate twat, suck yr priest or sth. Go beg Russia to save yr chrtian brothers

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Russia will swat any attack on Armenia little turd, which is why Erdogan now begs for a seat at the Russian table, lol.

Go crawl Erdo, crawl. LOL


Kubatlı is falling into Azarbaijani hands as you bark here, goat fucker. Why your christian Russian friends are still watching ? Is that the reason you are crying here ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Why are you crying?

Tell me sweetie pie. Did your goat run away, or did your Mom eat him, lol.


Kubatlı .. makes you cry like a bitch , sweetie , doesnt it ? Why yr christian Russian brothers can not help you ? Are they dealing with Galacians in Criema , ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Tears of joy, like you have when your goat comes home, touching Spencer.

Tears of happiness when your Mom brings home trinkets from the Marines, lol.


OMG , another mom joke from the ‘ I have no argument left ”goat fucker. Very impressive and very effective..

Where is ‘ yo mama is so fat’ jokes , low IQ peasant ? Left it at Springer show ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What argument do you have to support your sex with goats?

Like father like son is your answer Spencer. lol


My argument is based on yr ignorance and stupidty, goat fucker. After all I am having fun with an uneducated moron like you could only understand which Catherine ı was speaking about only a wek later. LOL

Galicians , I am still laughing after a week. .. What a moron you are .

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What argument is that sweetie?

The one with your sexuality? You qualify as tranny, don’t worry sweetie pie.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We laugh at Galicians also, a shower of Nazi loving retards.

We also laugh at you, who thinks Turkey is a big nation, lol.

Having a toilet in every house is an aspiration of Turkeys, ever since the Russians started scaring the shit out of you.

Another 100 years should do it, lol.

Антон С

Brilliant marshal Suvorov (60 victories in battles with no losses) and admiral Ushakov achieved many glorious victories. They conquered northern shore of Black sea and Crimea for Russia in the end of 19th century and called it Novorossia. Cities of new lands were named in greek style as remembrance of greek colonies here and connection with the East Roman empire which was spiritual ancestor (via the Orthodox Church) of Russia. Simferopol(-is), Sevastopol (Sebastopolis in greek manner), Melitopol and so on.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Does any one care? Catherine was known as a very sexual woman with many lovers . It doesnt take away from her greatness as a leader or what she achieved.

Ishyrion Av

Indeed, Putin was brilliant :) Poor erdogan didn’t even understood where he was sitting…

Servet Köseoğlu

in their little dreams and forums they can liberate even Washington by upvoting each-other xD….Watching Hagia-Sophia from Tv should be enough for them:)))

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

It was done before and will be done again.Why do you think Erdogan wants to build a canal West of Constantinople?


send them back to saudi arabia or to tel aviv

Europe hates America

????? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0c21b27159b0cd561e3d651ba03e22f9a2a749382c125e76216be759e3d78660.png


too many mongoloid orcs here are butthurt… they got their ass kicked some months ago on the border and it still hurts i see…


400 pleats on skirts on evzones , representing 400 years of slavery under Ottomans .. Thats what I call buthurt , LOL

Do you want me to lead you some greek sites in which they confess how you are all losing this ‘ immigrant wars’ , sweetie ? That will suit you fine while you are pounding yr chest like an ape here.


you stuck in middle age my friend. You always talking about things that happend long time ago . I guees you have nothing to offer to world thats why you still live in the past , its called inferiority complex , .BTW i like to read your turk vs greek fights ;)


So lets learn the world from someone who calls himself a ‘ white’ male while he places an almost brown guy in his pp , brags about girls to hide his inferiority complex as if someone cares in a political thread, does not have any argument other than ‘Mongolid ‘, to present , and who is afraid to disclose his nationality , but appears out of nowhere when greece is being criticized or being insulted.

This place becoming a kinder garden thanks to shallow morons like you .


said the guy with an orc with mustache for portrait

Great Khan

Gayreek woman have mustache hahahha

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That was your Mom, with lipstick covering her moustache.



1/ I am not the one trying to rant with a ‘while male’ nick , speaking about genetics , how tall I am , and how I can take girls. Thats yr shallow greek friend called white male. Thats what happens when you carry a peanut instead of a brain.

I can be white as snow , yellow as yolk or black as coal , what matters is what I tell , and this yr shallow comrades must learn before posting here.

2/ That PP is Alp Arslan , the guy who screwed Emperor Romanos IV in 1072. Go and learn yr own history first

Great Khan

Only history GAYRESE “man” know is wrong hole hahahahaha and woman look like man….


i know who he is…still he looks like an orc with mustache…sorry!! you guys are ugly…only the Greek ones that think that are turks are good looking in your country…but dont despair you Greek wannabe Turks are like 80% or the pop lol!


Do they really tell you that 80% of this country is greek wannabe ? Is that how they convince you over there ? How sad ,lol. How did you found out that the non ugly ones were greek origined ? .

But dont despair , when you live under ottoman yoke for 400 years , you of course need some bed time stories to mend yr broken ego .LOL


dude use your brain…turks are dark skinned and have eyes like easterns like mongols…thats why we call them mongoloid…you fake turks are white skined and look like Greeks…just use your brain…u are a bastardised race…no real race…sorry for you


My Greek friend , Turks in Anatolia are a nation not a race , just like US , France and Australia . So lets leave that YT history prepared by some youngsters which you base yr ” facts ” upon .

When it comes to Greece , its a bit different than what you claim as well. Even ancients greeks were a mixed race thats the reason they had different racial appearances.

I will not speak about how you were dilluted after 400 years of dominion and created yrselves a fake national identity to create a national unity in 1821. Todays greeks are former ottoman folk , who carry the genetical heritage of the empire . Nothing to do with the ancient ones . Thats the reason you can not create anything since last 1550 years ,because you have no relation with yr acclaimed past.

A sad story which you have to accept and move on.


wow…how many weed dis you smoke again? 400 year of dominion and u didnt manage to do shit…we were the masters in your pathetic empire managing all the trade and economy and you little turks were working like slaves for us(btw Turk in the ottoman empire was an insult lol)…in your “empire” till you could not take it anymore and started the progroms and the massacares in Smyrna and Constantinople…thats why now you are left with only fake turks that produce nothing other than potatoes and tomatoes…a 3rd world country that will never join EU.


Doulos , you know how it goes. First you invade , then you f*ck.

Live with yr dream of purity while your women served in harems for centuries and you still have 400 pleats on skirts of yr soldiers. We did not become the 18th biggest economy on world by selling tomatoes , while you still serve tables on some beaches to make a living producing nothing but hot air.

Speaking about 3rd world countries , how does it feels to be a german colony and be buttboys of EU rpoudly serving tables of some elder germans who massacred you during ww2 ?

Your country is a Mickey Mouse circus producing nothing , but living charities , gimmies , pleases and handouts – You are a colony moron , who do you think you all are ?


dude in your country you have to buy 2 breads to hand in bags in the street cause people dont have to eat…what are you talking? you economy is nothing….i can come with my salary and buy any haouse in constantinople i want now…lol


Dear , why dont you go and pay your salaries to yr women who are screwing for a Big Mac over there ?


Your ”economy’ is based on stealing from germans , cooking the books, planting fake olive trees for EU incentives , and serving the table in sumber time.

A decent house in Istanbul starts from USD 150K. Prices go upto USD 100 Million in Bhosphorus . So whatever you are selling , pls sell elsewhere because you look funny when you are speaking about things you have no idea about.


lol…man you are so delusional…just come visit Greece and i bet you wont return to turkey! for now go buy 2 breads so you master can make more palaces little slave

rightiswrong rightiswrong

What would you know about decent housing, you live in a shed next to the boathouse.

You can’t be far away from your lover, goat number one.


”NGOs estimate that there are 15,000 people in the Attica region, which includes Athens, where homelessness is concentrated”


Decent housing , lol – Thats the reason your women suck for a sandwich , goat f*ker.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

NGO’s call to your village, we know peasant.

Lover boy



what arguments you talking about ? you are the one who crying about facts that i am white or i wrote something about girls , wtf is wrong with that ? you lack of girls or what ? coz you like to talk about this all of the time ;) yes, its kinder garden. 90% people here pretending that they have idea about geopolitics. Their knolegde based only on youtube movies and propaganda from both sides of conflict. All real decisions are made during closed doors meetings between sides and no twitter keyboard warrior will here it for next 5 or 10 years ;) all official statements that public opinion can hear is just diplomatic BS and have nothing to do with reality .BTW look theory is just fact based on statistics , white tall caucasian male is seen as attractive genes provider , Just facts . Dont call me shallow , you like to talk about rape , killing and other stuff so who is shallow my dear ?

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

We are called Philhellenes . It means we like the Greeks .Read your history ,real books from outside some jihadi madrassah an you will see many political greats of many countries were so.


I call you morons. Because Philhellenism is an ideology but not an ethnicity , while you minion monkeys are a bunch of cowards trying to hide yr ethnicities which you are ashamed of.

So lets quit trying to decorate BS with some fancy words, ok ?

cechas vodobenikov

stop projecting


dude go hang some bread for your poor ppl and let your president build another palace with your money ok?…the only butthurt in 2020 are the ppl of Turkey…i feel sorry for you… how many breads did u buy today?

Great Khan

Gayrese the Bangladesh of Europe….even smaller economy ahahahhahaa

Антон С

Their GDP per capita is higher than yours.

Europe hates America

??? ok ok turks I’ll stop now ???? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fde1f60cfa39a9054877045b7d4d16f58c17ed0b843453b101bfe7d89c8f0512.jpg


This is what Syria should do when they can,complete with tank traps and mine fields,when turkey can act like a civilized Country again maybe there will be no need for it.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

The stupid greeks pulled out all their minefields and tanktraps from the Evros border about twenty years ago? How stupid was that!


greece must defend its goats from border raids because the turks keep impregnating them which produces jewish children

Great Khan



hahahaha…best comment so far!!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3fc4e8ad5f77b196dba8c1832bf63441d9d71aa7d53f91fa546380b2c5eb6d38.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad740f6cc2872105f6b468de0f85477259b063b95481f4e195c63db2abbda8ca.jpg

Great Khan

Charlie Chaplin ????? Great Khan see movie in yurt,,,hahahaha


charlie chaplin used your dirty rat grandfathers as cannon fodder in stalingrad, it was amazing

Great Khan




Антон С

Commander of storm troopers (SA) Ernst Röhm was a pervert.


yes he was and he was terminated

Антон С

Not for that. He was rival in political struggle. But he was high-ranked nazist.


keep the gay turk rats out of europe https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/077a980b353d20edccafbe3c578a63bd1049d46403862e5e319fcd15690808c8.jpg

Great Khan



khan has an obsession with huge german cocks

rightiswrong rightiswrong

One of them could be his Dad.

Or it could have been a Russian, French or Greek who did it.

The guy should get a medal for touching his Mom, her moustache is bristling like a hedgehog.


this is how real men looks like you short skinnyfat manlet ;)

Антон С

Real men looks like these ones: first man in space and man who crushed the brown plague (nazism).



Fog of War

Greece and other countries are wasting their money. Barriers will not stop the ” Soros ” sponsored human tsunami as the migrants have no fear of any repercussions. The only way to stop this component of 4th generation warfare is to make the migrants fear, basically , next time they attempt to storm the borders in a ” human wave ” Greece needs to open fire. After a few die the rest will realize its not worth it and go home. Otherwise these human waves will just continue forever. Its time time to take the gloves off.

Brother Ma Rumi for Sencer

Absolutely agree with you . Shoot to kill the invaders and let Ngo’s ,Turks ,the other Natoists and Israelis nurse them BEHIND the Turk side of the border.

Lazy Gamer

BS. The repercussions from such an act will result in the opposite.

Fog of War

Alright, I’ll bite. How ?? Give us full details.

Lazy Gamer

What? You already see it in governments who “snipe” protesters. You see it when parents and children are separated from the border. You see it when Assad “gasses” the civilians. They all prompt a solution. Someone out there (US, leftists, etc) will be exerting pressure.

Fog of War

So your answer is do nothing and let the respective nations self destruct or collapse into an eventual genocide or civil war ?

Lazy Gamer

There are lots of solutions. lol

Fog of War

Final ones ?


Good, defend Europe from Erdogans demographic warfare.

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