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MARCH 2025

Greek Coast Guard Opened Fire At Turkish Boat In Aegean Sea

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Greek Coast Guard Opened Fire At Turkish Boat In Aegean Sea

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On August 11, the Greek Coast Guard opened fire at a Turkish boat  off the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. According to the Turkish side, two Turkish and one Syrian nationals were injured and the boat sank due to the attack.

The incident took place at 0040GMT in the Greek waters. The injured people were taken to the Marmaris State Hospital by the Turkish rescue team, it added.

Tensions in the region are on the rise due to the Turkish exploration and drilling activities of the hydrocarbon sources in the Mediterranean Sea.

Earlier, Turkey sent a ship to conduct a seismic survey in a disputed area of the eastern Mediterranean. Ankara is conducting the search for potentially rich oil and gas deposits south of the Greek island of Kastellorizo.

The Oruc Reis is accompanied by two auxiliary vessels and this mission goes contrary to the Greek-Egyptian gas exploration deal. The Greek said described the situation as a “new serious escalation” which “exposed” Turkey’s “destabilising role”.


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there is no proof of that…99.9% chance its turkish propaganda


Do Turkeys swim well ?


They might float like the turds they are.

Ashok Varma

Turkey is a very strangle country that is at war with all its neighbours. Erdogan is a Islamist disaster like Pakistan.

Mustafa Mehmet

Yes of course 99p boy you deal with Kashmir problem first then. talk


Erdogan is conflict based individual – he has driven conflict within Turkey itself against political opposition, and is driving conflict with immediate border neighbors and increasingly more distant regional state of Egypt over Libya. Erdogan is standard narcissist, insecure, opportunistic and self-grandiose, but equally easily manipulated by those who understand this very pathology – ie NATO leadership, who so easily persuaded Erdogan how he would benefit, from Turkey being the primary base of operations for decade long assault against neighboring Syria.


Only when plucked and stuffed, PZI4J. :)


swim only when they are stuffed with large African dick, but they can dive to the bottom like rock

Cihan Şekercioğlu

Do you know from experience, you naughty you?


No, since not my type of pleasure, but I am sure that you will tell me how it was.


Greece knows better. Many drowned while fleeing Izmir, but now they have learned. LOL

Mustafa Mehmet

ask your mama she was flying last night with smiling face naughty girls…..

Cihan Şekercioğlu

We cant swim as well as fleeing Greeks, that we forced into the see from Izmir. .


Gotta see how big of a fuss Erdowank makes about this. Any day NATO cuntries shoot at each other will be a good day.


They did before.

Zionism = EVIL

NATO is a paper alliance, half its members are at war with each other, the Spaniards hate the British cunts over the illegal occupation of Gibraltar, Italy is siding with Turkeys in Libyan oil rip off, the French as usual are trying to exploit anyone, the Krauts are confused and bi-polar, the mini state NATO pimpdoms like Denmark, Belgium, Norway etc simply are toothless faggot colonies. NATO has no meaning or function except lick Americunt arse in fanning Russophobia, Sinophobia and lately Iranophobia.


This news is misleading EEZ and territorial waters are 2 different things. Sailing through territorial waters without clearance is illegal, while sailing through EEZ is totally fine. The maps shows EEZ which is irrelevant to the news on territorial water violation.

Smith Ricky

Who cares, sink all their isis boats.


In territorial waters, yes full green light. EEZ, well depends what that boat is doing there. Sinking without reason, would be a piracy/terrorist act or war crime, depending on the end result.


Again, like i wrote above:

The map does not show the position of the boat, where do you see such a thing? According to other sources, the boat was NOT in EEZ but in territorial warters, so stop spreading misinformation. And your constant pro-Turkish trolling while you are at it.


answer below.


Also when I red “Graphic” I clicked thinking: I will see some nasty stuff here. And here I am… https://media0.giphy.com/media/XDFKKNx0Cf8duTDqdT/giphy.gif


uuuu, someone is interested in nasty things:)))))


I pray everyday to Jesus to send me only nasty things.


SF clickbait us it has become usual now.


I am the victim of my own naivity :)


As far as i can see, naivitee is not a huge problem for you, compared to others ;)


I have so many problems, I’m glad I found someone to understand how hard it is.


Bacon, do you need a South front support group? If so, count me out. :)


Thank you. I need a safe space. NATO is sending more soldiers in Poland, near Russian border. I can’t sleep at night.


The map does not show the position of the boat, where do you see such a thing? According to other sources, the boat was NOT in EEZ but in territorial warters, so stop spreading misinformation. And your constant pro-Turkish trolling while you are at it.


read again what i wrote initially, and come back. if you still have questions, i will answer.


Ah, my fault.

I their defence, SF did not mark the map with anything related to this incident though.

But i can see why it would make sense to do so.

I never expected a map for this incident from SF, mostly they do not take the time for this. While even small Twitter/Bloggers like me do take the time.



Traiano Welcome

And it’s the Trojan war all over again …


“two Turkish and one Syrian nationals”

What is this: Turkish terrorist jihad express cruise service to Libya?


Most likely. Turks have now coordinated the smuggling of their Syrian Jihadi sympatizers to Greece, to pressure Greece and the EU. It has been going on for months now, with Greek troops stopping 10000s of illegal entrys. Turks have no more need for the Syrians in Turkey they pushed into war against Assad. The Turkish population wants them gone, so Erdogan tries to swat to flies with one hit: Getting them out of Turkey so he gets more votes, and pressure Greece and EU with potentially millions of pro Jihadi oppostion Syrian nationals.

Greece have managed to prevent most entrys, and incidents like this show that Greece is willing to risk even military escalation to protect its territory and security.

cechas vodobenikov

turkey needs the Syrian “refugees”—they supply proxy soldiers in Syria/Libya’ ; EU pays Turkey billions of Euros to imprison them


No they testing the waters. been doing this for years just now is getting very hot.


they want to force the hand and play the victim to have “proof” for their NATO allays about aggressive Greeks?


In this world we live today, it doesn’t matter as all is prearranged and Greece has had traitors and push overs for governments for the last century. The greeks are seem to be in coma so….. we see what happens. In any case we are prepared for what ever eventuality and if the politicians do nothing then we will. In a way none expecting it. Turks and their allies like UK/Germany they pay a very heavy price. They think conventional and are stuck in the dance of governments and all think they control the game.

When we send them into stone ages they will understand and then is up to the populations to take control of their countries.

Mustafa Mehmet

You are one ungrateful idiot UK save your ass from German how can you forget then again what can I say



yes moron been a mongoloid must take is toll on your single cell. But then is common among you turkeys. When was it that Uk saved us shit4brains?

Mustafa Mehmet

Mind you you lot been brainwashed by the gay priest that’s why you don’t remember anything go back to school again …shit4brains dumbo



Mustafa Mehmet

https://media2.giphy.com/media/tHTbmxxUW6Lxm/giphy.gif FUCK GREEKGAY


We will choose when, where and how. We will set the terms, the environment, the conditions, the time, the moment. Exocet are everywhere in the Aegean;)


good luck and be careful about Turkish surprise…never to underestimate opponent also..


You mean THIS surprise????


Mustafa Mehmet

Your surprise on the way not to worry but again let me give you a clue??


Make any mistake such as attacking us and forget Aegean sea and Thessaloniki forever:)


Must be joking Mehmet, you cant even win against Kurds, you cant win against the exhausted Syrian army from a 10 year war, you losing in Libya and you think you can open another front against a peer adversary, an adversary that has equally sized air-force, navy but also the advantage of controlling all the Aegean by having troops and missiles in all islands ready to strike and also one of the largest and most dense air-defences in the world. And you really dreaming taking Thessaloniki? lol Delusional bob.


We don’t need to take all islands at once. Lesvos, Chios, Rhodes and Kastelorizo would be a good start. They’re already near Anatolia. We have much greater advantage for attack. And using those islands as new bases, the rest will be easier. Hmm, Crete looks nice too. Just make that mistake:) We’re always ready for that. Thessalloniki? You’re not even a close match against us on the ground, boy lol


you ll probably just loose smyrna and northen cyprus along with imbros and tenedos..


You couldnt take a piece of land after ww1 when all our army was totally disarmed and our population was halved. And you couldn’t even move your finger when we took half of Cyprus with old tech weapons and without defense industry which is not the case now. Listen to my warnings, Greek friends. We’re much more powerful than you compared to those times. A war will be a destruction especially for you.

cechas vodobenikov

in turkis 1/3 = 1/2? LOL

Sos Zoltan

haha,in CONSTANTINOPLE Putin will make a huge army parade in FIVE years to now, alongside with GREAT ARMENIA ,GREAT GREECE and GREAT KURDISTAN,motherfucker

Mustafa Mehmet

? Nah ??


we actually rolfstomped you up to Ankara little monkey u forgot that? and in Cyprus you only fought vs civilians and still suffered massive casualties…remember we made you sink your own fleet with your air-force….aahhahah so usless…you think you have a chance vs Greece?

Mustafa Mehmet

To much bake beans again https://media0.giphy.com/media/xT1XGDGD71yWMoX2s8/giphy.gif


haha You are so funny mongol Mehmet. You cant take shit, you dont have the power for that, win first against the Kurds and then we talking again mongol lol. You better pack up your things and go back to Anatolia in the Steppes where you came from. And dont be delusional bob. And what mistake bob are you talking about lol, we did our agreement with Egypt and you cant do shit, you dont even dare to go drill in this area that you illegally claimed in the accord with GNA lol. Scared boy? Every one around you is ganging up against you and you dont even realize it. Your lira has become a toilet paper with 8 liras for 1 Euro lol and you bobs are dreaming about the days of Ottoman Empire which will never happen again. You can sit in the corner and watch us taking advantage of our legal agreements with all the neighbour countries that will allow us to drill. Hey Mehmet everything you see around you is Greek and I know that bothers you lol, every island, all the Aegean, even the tourist sites and monuments that you show to the tourist are Greek lol. You have nothing of yours because you don’t belong here, you never did.


We started drilling with Oruç Reis in disputed areas, yesterday. Come and stop if you dare lol. Of course you can’t. You just go and beg to EU.


haha bob you dont even know what you saying. Thats not a drilling ship but a survey ship and you didn’t dare to go in the Greco-Egyptian EEZ zone as you claimed that you will do, you just walking around in the edge of an area which has not yet legally declared and signed with the neighbour countries like Cyprus, once this area also get legally its EEZ, you will do nothing once more.


We’re right in the middle of the disputed area. Don’t panic, boy. Also you don’t have any border with Egypt and Cyprus. Those signed deals are toilet papers. https://twitter.com/tcsavunma/status/1293239717933330433


Sorry I cant read mongoloid, and no bob, better check the map again, here let me show you Mehmet. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54b772d92cc198781e444525b0c463561c7955231a19ce0e50fe318dca8e12ae.png

As you see, the Orus Reic is on the edge of an area which haven’t yet legally signed an EEZ with the neighbour countries, once this area also get its EEZ like Greco-Cyprus EEZ and the rest Greco-Egyptian EEZ is finalized(only a part of the Greco-Egyptian zone so far has been signed), then you will have nothing and you will just sit in the corner and cry once more as your Sultan does everyday.

And those deals are legally recognized by international Law of the Sea(UNCLOS), so you cant do shit about it. And better learn geography Mehmet, we do have borders with Cyprus, Egypt, Libya, you on the other side you dont border with Egypt or Libya, I know the truth bothers you and the propaganda that you swallow from your Sultan is enormous but time to wake up from your dream.


You disproove yourself with the location of the ship you send, retard. Those are the waters that Türkiye and Greece make claims and we’re there. Who cares what you signed or not? Totally worthless. You disobey the international laws by claiming that islands have huge territorial waters just like mainlands. That’s funny and do not obey any law. It’s called bullying and you got the answer yesterday. Come, we’re waiting for you chickens.


Omg bob Mehmet still dont get it right, I dont blame you, you apes do not have the capacity for such high end thoughts.

I will repeat it once more and for the last time, the area that the Orus Reic has enter doesn’t have yet legally an EEZ so going there its allowed so far, once this area get its own EEZ in which we are in negotiations as we speak with our neighbour countries, then and only then it would be a violation of Greek EEZ and you will be forced out.

The Greco-Egyptian EEZ agreement few days ago wasn’t for the entire Greco-Egyptian border but only a part between Crete and up to west side of Rhodes in the 28o parallel, that deal with Egypt basically banned your illegally claimed memorandum with GNA. You said that you gonna drill and send survey ships there,but you didn’t dare to do it. Your Orus Reic has not cross the 28o parallel and didn’t have the balls to enter in the Greco-Egyptian EEZ(as I say a part of it, not full) as you claimed you will do. Once the rest of the Greco-Egyptian part finalized and also the Greco-Cyprus EEZ signed, then you will have nothing.

And again, UNCLOS is the only legitimate treaty to sign EEZ, We have done already with Italy which has recnorize that islands have EEZ, we done it with Egypt which also recnorized that islands have EEZ, we are in negotioations now as I said to finish the rest Greco-Egyptian EEZ, also with Cyprus and we are talking with the gov of LNA to sign Greco-Libya EEZ as well, then you can go back to your hole and cry.

As you see here, in the first 2 pics, the one shows the semi-part Greco-Egyptian EEZ and the other pic where your Orus Reic is. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36b9c3d014cfbbf786cf35b3d0e1334350c621071039f04252d4ef0b28aac7c0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c40f5011ca83917eefbc11d62c84a547344058767d4b2cc988d57fcaf97df25c.png

As you can see your survey ship is not in the Greco-Egyptian EEZ, didn’t dare to go in, once we finish the rest remaining EEZ with Egypt and Cyprus its all over.

Also we are in negotiations with Libya for EEZ. https://twitter.com/MLNA2020/status/1292884998371016706


Summary: ”But we haven’t completed the deal even with Egypt and Cyprus yet. That’s why we’re chickening and watching Turkish drills in our proclaimed waters.”


Mehmet you have no idea how international Law works, dont you? We cant force anyone out(yet) without a legitimate EEZ agreement, Greece and Turkey can claim all they want, unless there is an official deal there is no legitimate way to force someone out. Thats why I said wait till we finish the rest of the zones with Egypt and Cyprus and then we will talk again who is gonna chicken out.

Mustafa Mehmet

Why you call German for ? help.. re no 1 can save you.. ORUÇ REİS in the area you just watching. re kalamara


No one call the Germans for help bob, Germany has the EU presidency now and they took the initiative to intervene. In fact from the transcriptions that went public basically the Germans saved you as they did told you that Greece was ready to battle if u dont withdraw and you did lol, we were ready to sink your little ship. As for Orus Reic I explained the situation Mehmet to the other guy below, I wont repeat the same things just because you mongol apes dont get it. Your survey ship just walking around in an unclaimed area doing nothing so far.

Mustafa Mehmet

Re yanni all we need is 1 shot from kalamara I’m sure you can do that much. Then we take over from there to you lot every single country in Mediterranean belong Greece… what’s your back ORUÇ REIS behind you


First learn English Mehmet because that made no sense whatsoever and second dont push your lack, I dont want to see all your ships, jets and thousands of your soldiers dead just because of your madman Sultan.

Mustafa Mehmet

Re yaniko you just fire first towards any turkish ship .. in one week you will loose your capital too.


You mean in one week Greek forces will do a party in Ankara right?

Cihan Şekercioğlu

are you delusional? All greek population is less than half of Istanbul. the last time we fought with you guys we had no army no money no government and we were also fighting against the english, the french, the italians and the armenians and still we managed to beat the shit out of your sorry asses.

don’t make me laugh.

jeez being a greek must suck..


You are the one who delusional. First after we defeat your forces then we will force the population to move out from Constantinople, it doesn’t matter how many are they in the first place. And second, you need to read history Mehmet. It was the Brits, French and Soviet Union that helped you in 1922 by providing you money and weapons, otherwise you all would be gone. Greek army reached just few km outside Ankara, at that point the “Great Powers” decide to intervene because they didn’t want Greece to go that far, so they helped you to change the course of the war.

Cihan Şekercioğlu

You were betrayed by france and english and the italian? This is the most stupid thing i’ve heard. Your english masters let you to take advantage after the Great War- a war you werent even man enough to fight – to share the spoils. You thought it was easy pickings but we kicked your sorry asses so hard that you are still butthurt even after a century.

If your allies have betrayed you. Why did we had to kill their poor soldiers then? the French were not even beaten by the army, but the civillians, the locals without the help of the army Thats why we put honorific names like Kahraman(Heroic)Maraş. Şanlı(Illustrous)Urfa, Gazi(Veteran)Antep.

But what you know of honour.

Even your whole population is less then half of Istanbul (not Constantinople) If you are stupid enough to invade, we can drown you by just spitting.

Take a long look at this


Take a deep breath and realize Greece have absolutely no chance in war. And pray it will never come to that.

Now fuck off and die in your corner.

cechas vodobenikov

another insecure turkey—a dying economy rampant w poverty and extreme poverty…keep drilling so that Greece can claim whatever u find

Mustafa Mehmet

Keep trying re sivtaki. You can do jackshit… Well we have to send Ali pasha back ..to liberate all our Island back


You are so funny Mehmet, all the islands belong to us as they did for thousands of years long before you came to this region and you cant do shit and that bothers you lol.

Zionism = EVIL

Greece is much smaller, but I believe that would be no push-over. The Turkeys are out of control and the Arabs are too weak, fractured and cowardly to challenge them, so it is left to Greece to fend for itself. I have stated before, Greece needs to support Syria and bog the Turkeys in an already costly war of attrition. Greece is a NATO military and will give a good account of itself if push comes to shove. The Turkeys have been daily provoking Greece, but may be in for a surprise if they push their luck too far.


” Greece is much smaller”.... Only in an area of its territory.

” The Turkeys are out of control ” …. Because she thinks that those who put her to do all this will continue to support it. Wrong is the useful idiot and just meat for the war machine of others. Of course we will be alone when the time comes to fight the Turks , after all we do not want help ..we want all the pleasure for us….We just want no one to help her…neither America, nor Russia … nor Iran, nor any other country….and then you will see what Turkey has to suffer

.” Greece is a NATO military and will give a good account of itself if push comes to shove ”

.Or we can create a smaller NATO within NATO . In any case, NATO is divided into two parts. And at some point it will dissolve completely, and another coalition will take its place.

Cihan Şekercioğlu

I agree that from a war between you guys the only winners would be others, Americans? I’m not sure but I am sure that Russia and China will be very happy that two NATO allies fighting each other.

You guys are relying on your European masters but you will find no support from NATO. Because NATO cannot lose a Country like Turkey to Russia.

I’m no supporter of erdoğan but the maps you draw are ridiculous. We will protect our sovereign rights too. Just look at the map above and tell me neighbor do you really think that is fair? Even the secular guys like me are supporting Erdoğan on this.

By the way turkey money having no value etc, it doesn’t matter. When we were fighting the greeks the last time we were fighting against the English, the French, the Italians, Armenians, and the Ottomans too. And we didnt had a proper governance let alone any money. All greek population is less than half of Istanbul.

Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t let your politicians to draw you into an impossible war.


You found a comment I made a month ago. !!! ha ha ha The brainwashing they have done to you is so great that from what you said in only one you are right.

” I’m not sure but I am sure that Russia and China will be very happy that two NATO allies fighting each other.”

That is right. In the others … the exact opposite has happened. Greece has no support from the EU, and especially from Germany, which is on the side of Turkey. Russia Germany and NATO are on your side.Although 1921 is only 99 years behind us…We were betrayed by the “allies” the French and the Italians and lastly the British. After securing the confessions they sought in Syria and Cilicia, they abandoned them, leaving our backs and sides uncovered. Thus releasing the Turkish troops from 2 more fronts, while leaving, they handed over their weapons depots intact to Kemal. And Russia supported you financially ….So don’t talk to me about European bastards … nor about NATO or the others MALAKES.!! In countries there are no friendships or sympathies, but INTERESTS

.” Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t let your politicians to draw you into an impossible war”

. There will be a war and do you know why ??? I invade in your house, I occupy your living room. If you try to get me out, I throw something at you for a peaceful dialogue, to find a solution that benefits us all, my child. If you refuse and react, you are a divisive, pro-war, monophagous, etc. My name is Turkey. The situation has reached the point of ZERO … either you or us. In any case, a lot of blood will be shed.

Cihan Şekercioğlu

You were betrayed by france and english and the italian? This is the most stupid thing i’ve heard. Your english masters let you to take advantage after the Great War- a war you werent even man enough to fight – to share the spoils. You thought it was easy pickings but we kicked your sorry asses so hard that you are still butthurt even after a century.

If your allies have betrayed you. Why did we had to kill their poor soldiers then? the French were not even beaten by the army, but the civillians, the locals without the help of the army Thats why we put honorific names like Kahraman(Heroic)Maraş. Şanlı(Illustrous)Urfa, Gazi(Veteran)Antep.

But what you know of honour.

Even your whole population is less then half of Istanbul (not Constantinople) If you are stupid enough to invade, we can drown you by just spitting.

Take a long look at this


Take a deep breath and realize Greece have absolutely no chance in war. And pray it will never come to that.

Now fuck off and die in your corner.


” Even your whole population is less then half of Istanbul (not Constantinople) If you are stupid enough to invade, we can drown you by just spitting.”

Of the 15 million inhabitants of Constantinople..7 million are Kurds.!! The Kurds are NOT Turks ….MALAKA. fuck off and die in your corner.

Cihan Şekercioğlu

Kurds and Turks fought shoulders to shoulder while happily kicking Greek ass out of Anatolia before.


That is why they are now slaughtering each other. This is what they call Divine Judgment.

Cihan Şekercioğlu

We are not slaughtering each other as you would like to believe. What we are slaughtering is PKK terrorists, Which are recognised by U.S. and the rest of the world as terrorists.

They are Kurds agitated by Europeans. as a revenge of turkish interference in Cyprus.

When greeks and rums were slaughtering Turkish populace in Cyprus. Ecevit, the prime minister of Turkey at that time said, “Please stop it! You are slaughtering Turks there. We will take action if you don’t stop.”

Europeans intervened and said, “Well, its their folk so its their own issue don’t intervene.”

Then Ecevit said “There are many folks not one folk.” And then intervened.

After that Europeans thought “Well, there are also “folks” in Turkey too.. Let’s agitate them…”


ben senin anani sikerim orospu cocu yavsak


It does not matter if you are a secularist or a supporter of Erdogan , if you are a Kemalist or a follower of Islamists , Turkey pursues a SINGLE FOREIGN POLICY towards Greece, whoever is in government. You do not know who you are talking to … there are many who would pay for my military analysis.Here, where we are geographically SUPER POWER, no one ever becomes, remember the Yugoslavia of the 80’s, with its culture, its industry and its existence in general, Whoever went to raise his head was eaten in time dt, only Israel remained for obvious reasons.

The roads to Turkey are 2, if he continues this tactic or exiles itself like Iran and threatens everyone or eats its slap like the others and Kurdistan is created ..


From a war between Greece and Turkey,the only winners will be the Americans, the Russians and the Jews. But this does not mean that we will not defend our sovereign rights. But that we will fight to the end … until one for HELLAS and for no one else.


Greek Archilochias EMTH and the Deputy Commander of the unit exchange stories from Bosnia, when their owner had dropped a phalanx M113 and scared the British allies into a naughty flight…cry from laughter.



In case of a full-scale war between Turkiye and Greece, Greece should not trust their EU and US masters. If EU and US takes side with Greece; then Russia, Iran and Azerbaycan will take side with Turkiye. Just like in 1919.


EU and US will not take active side… They’ll not take active but passive support.


I also believe so, at least at the beginning. The same goes for Russia. We’re their potential allies and geostrategic partners against NATO, which they know very well. We have s400s and numerous economical and military ties with them. These possible events may result in accelerating the purchase of su-35s, closing US airbases in Türkiye and leaving NATO forever.


If Turkey lives NATO the economic sanctions will be harsher than those imposed to Russia and Turkey doesn’t have those natural resources to survive.


Turkey could realistically be backed up by China, Russia and Iran but there are some preconditions that their interests can’t be opposed either. At the moment Turk position is not clear to anybody. War would force clarification of their position US Sanctions would be of no importance


Not only US sanctions but EU too. EU is the main trade partner of Turkey. Do you think replacing that is an easy peasy, don’t you?


Fuck of your “sanctions” you MORON ! China alone is bigger market than US and EU combined and China is by far the biggest industrial power in the world so why the fuck would Russia need your fucking West you stupid RETARD when they can turn to China and rest of the Asia? Fuck of stupid, you and your idiotic comments!


Exactly, cancel NS2 and sell Siberia to China.


You can stick up that US propaganda up your Ukrainian arse!


You don’t need the West to hurt yourself. Btw how is Ruble doing, is it a cent already?


i think we will. Joining Shanghai Cooperation Organisation would help a lot.


You are ‘observer’ in SCO and as future Euro-Asian member you would be of big importance for all (China, Russia and Iran)


Worth giving a try ;)


Turkey is still in NATO and it will be interesting to see if NATO could survive conflict of two of its old member countries I do not want to jump on conclusions about anything else.

Sos Zoltan

haha,Putin shure thing will help you,with some special forces in Constantinople,maybe


Does it mean they fired at refugee boat and pretend it was a Turkish battleship?

It’s very strange if the “Turkish” boat was military, Hellenic armed forces proved they lack a spine to punch Turks in the nose and show them where they should sit. Wake me up whenever Greece shot down a Turkish fighter “violating” their airspace, or hit an actually armed ship.


It’s about time Greece responded. Greek airspace has been systematically violated by Turkish warplanes on weekly basis for years – as deliberate and aggressive Turkish regional provocation. The only way to stand up to a bully is to push back hard – but, never react on their terms, always respond on your own terms (time-frame and location).

Mustafa Mehmet

yes Bob the builder you right

James Adams

Greece needs to deploy in Libya and unify with South Cyprus.

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