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MARCH 2025

Greek Orthodox Church Resists Constantinople’s Attempts To Push Forward Recognition Of ‘Independent’ Ukrainian Church

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Greek Orthodox Church Resists Constantinople's Attempts To Push Forward Recognition Of 'Independent' Ukrainian Church

IMAGE: romfea.gr

Eminence Simeon (Koutsis), the Metropolitan of the Metropolis of New Smyrna, has called on hierarches of the Greek Orthodox Church to avoid making hasty decisions on the Ukraine question.

In a special letter, Metropolitan Simeon addressed the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church, Archbishop Jerome, and members of the Holy Council and Synod describing his position on the “Ukrainian issue”. The full text of the letter was published by the Greek web portal Rompheus.

The letter shows a concern over actions of the Kiev government in the religious sphere and warns that the recognition of the non-canonical ‘independent’ Orthodox Church of Ukraine may lead to the split of the Orthodox World.

However, in fact, such a split already happened due to actions of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople that contributes every possible effort to push forward with the Western-backed project of the non-canonical ‘independent’ church in Ukraine. The Greek Orthodox Church that historically has especially strong links with Constantinople is facing an especially harsh pressure.

If Constantinople achieves a success and ‘convinces’ the Greek Orthodox Church to recognize the non-canonical Ukrainian entity, this will only sharpen the existing tensions within the Orthodox World. Actions of Constantinople are slowly destroying the Orthodox Church as a tradinioal religious system and contributes to its fragmentation.


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Ishyrion Av

It is not the first time in history when Fanar acts with selfish reasons and on behalf of foreign powers against Orthodox Church. But all the time, they came back to the right path, after a Bishop or, in this case, a Patriarch, is replaced… Orthodox Church has already more than 2000 years and it will last until the end of the world.


The post-2014 political, economic, social and cultural destruction of the Ukraine continues unabated.

AM Hants

I must admit, I do like the work Gateway Pundit is doing on Ukraine, including how the Obama Administration were so heavily connected to Russia Gate and Ukraine Gate. Memories of Soros and Obama being behind the violent coup d’etat and not forgetting the Clintons. In the image below, you can also see how the leaders of the Kiev Orthodox Church, appear to be close to the Obama Administration and also not forgetting Alexandra Chalupa, who is connected to ‘Russia Gate’, Prop or Not Media Blacklist and also the Trump Impeachment Campaign. Her ties to the DNC, Clinton Presidential Campaign and the Ukraine Nationalists.

Then you have Geoffrey Pyatt, the US Ambassador to Ukraine, who was chatting on the telephone to Victoria Nuland, (remember the FU EU phone call) and how he moved from Ukraine to Greece. Look how Greece are bending over backwards to keep NATO happy. Which brings us back to Soros and also Biden’s links to Burisma Holdings, who are heavily linked to the NATO think tank/administrators, over in the Atlantic Council. I wonder if you look at the members of the Atlantic Council, how many are related to the Bolshevik and Nazi elite, that found safe passage on Operation Paperclip, back in 1947?

John Solomon Exposes Fired Ukrainian Ambassador’s Links to Radical Soros Group (VIDEO)… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/john-solomon-exposes-fired-ukrainian-ambassadors-links-to-radical-soros-group-video/

EXCLUSIVE: Internet Abuzz – Schiff’s Ukrainian Hoax Linked to Members of Obama’s NSC Including Eric Ciaramella and Charles Kupchan… https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/10/exclusive-internet-abuzz-schiffs-ukrainian-hoax-linked-to-members-of-obamas-nsc-including-eric-ciaramella-and-charles-kupchan/

AM Hants

Obama Administration and Ukraine Links





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