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Group Of Israeli Troops Entered Gaza Strip Amid Devastating Airstrikes

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Group Of Israeli Troops Entered Gaza Strip Amid Devastating Airstrikes

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The last night marked one of the heaviest waves of Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip. Attacks did not stop on October 23, while the number of casualties is rapidly growing. 

Over the past day, the Israeli military has hit more than 320 targets in the Gaza Strip, the IDF declared on October 23. According to the Israeli military, the targets were facilities of “terrorist infrastructure” in the region, including underground tunnels, operational headquarters and observation posts of Hamas. The strikes were also targeted facilities that could pose a threat to Israeli forces deployed around the enclave, which are preparing for a ground operation, the report said.

Israel continues to demolish buildings with US-made JDAM bombs:



The IDF published footage of the strikes with the 120 mm Cardom mortar system with high-precision IronSting mines on targets in the Gaza Strip:




While the Israeli military is ‘destroying military infrastructure of Hamas’, hundreds more civilians died as a result of Israeli strikes. Most of the dead were women and children. Their bodies were recovered from the ruins of destroyed buildings. The Gaza Health Ministry reported that 436 Palestinians were killed, including 182 children, as a result of Israeli strikes on Gaza in the last 24 hours.

The death toll in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 5 thousand people, of which more than 2 thousand are children, the enclave’s Ministry of Health said. 15, 200 people received various injuries.

In Israel, more than 1, 400 people were killed, 4, 600 thousand were wounded. More than 200 citizens are being held hostage by Hamas, according to the IDF.

The An-Nur al-Muhammadi mosque in Gaza was completely destroyed by the strikes. There were people hiding in the building. Jabalia refugee camp located north of the town of Jabalia also came under fire. Dozens of civilians were killed and wounded as a result of the attack. In the west of the Gaza Strip, Israeli aircraft hit the area near two hospitals. Several rockets hit the buildings located near the Al-Shifa hospital, which houses a large number of wounded and medical staff.







In response to the strike on the Gaza Strip, Hamas continues rocket attacks on the Israeli territory. On October 23, the militant wing of Hamas announced a new rocket attack on the Israeli city of Beersheba. In the south of Israel, air alarm is sounding.

At about midday, the Israeli military declared that “a limited number of troops entered Gaza to search for hostages.” The number of people on the Hamas hostage list has increased to 222. On the other hand, the IDF reported that at least a thousand captured Hamas supporters are in their hands, among them there are already dead.

Hamas and Israel confirmed the clash of ground forces in the Gaza Strip.

Thus, a ground grouping of Israeli troops is already operating on the territory of the Palestinian enclave, but its number is still small. The IDF’s large-scale ground operation in Gaza has not yet begun. LINK


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Only Jesus can save America!

i’m about to go to the store and purchase what i need for this work week. meanwhile these people are being slaughtered by these damn zionists and my government are their accomplices.

Psionists slaves of America

am about to go to the store and purchase a guns & ammo which is what i need this week. these people being slaughtered need retribution.


they’re not zionists. they’re jewish supremacists. zionism ended with the creation of a jewish supremacist state in palestine.


same shit. racists. nazis.

Lo Hung Testicle

youre both wrong… they are neither.

the filthy vermin jew for the most part are luciferians and they actually worship the devil… they are not satanists- who are lost kids who are aetheists… no the jew hard core believes that lucifer is god and anyone who knows anything about the cult of judaism know that there is nothing positive contributed to society by the disease which is the jew man

Son of the kingdom

america has been judged already, the lord showed me on the 21 of september at 2:30 am as i opened my eyes it was written: isaiah 13 and chapter 33.

Helen Quest

why do you take sides in something you don’t understand? lol you remind me of students at harvard. they have no understanding of history but they have strong opinions anyway. “better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” — abraham lincoln.

nothing can save america

did you ever shed a tear for donbass civilians in any of the 8 years ukraine was slaughtering them under your nose?

corn pop

cnn told me they were killing themselves in mass suicides over the grief of being separated from their dearly beloved ukraine.

harvard freshman

samuel clemens said that

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

que jesus o que seu nazista disfarçado de cristão!

nothing can save america

be sure whatever you buy is kosher certified


result of sectarianism caused by religions, very typical of humans all around the world.


if you believe that the zionists belong to any other religion, except of satanism, then your lost.

Finality of Destiny

all religions have extremist zealots. in judaism you have torah jews and talmudic satanic supremacist “hasidic” jews. torah jews can vary from moderate non zionist (anti israel) to far right zionists.

christianity is similar in that there are many sects. some are also far-right zionists and inadvertently satanic. same with muslims like isis / takfiris.

a moral infidel is more likely to attain spiritual ascension than a misguided satanic religious zealot

Warrior Nation

however all moslems revere the name of a 7th century mass murdering terrorist. while christians revere a man who harmed no one!

Emerald Tablet

a vast majority of muslims not only acknowledge yhwh — but revere him as a prophet. unlike jews who consider him an apostate at best, even though he was judaic — and deem all christians as inferior idiots for worshiping an apostate jew. i am not muslim, btw. but the core belief system is peaceful. it’s zealots like in any religion as mentioned by someone that warp it into satanism. whereas judaism in talmudism / kabbalism verges on organized satanism and organized practice of dark arts.

Finality of Destiny

“and when you talk about jewish conspiracies i cannot for the world understand why you do not mention the destruction of rome and the whole civilization of antiquity concentrated under her banners, at the hands of jewish christianity.”

Finality of Destiny

“you call us subverters, agitators, revolution-mongers. it is the truth, and i cower at your discovery. it could be shown with only the slightest straining and juggling of the facts that we have been at the bottom of all the major revolutions in your history.”

Finality of Destiny

“we undoubtedly had a sizable finger in the lutheran rebellion, and it is simply a fact that we were the prime movers in the bourgeois democratic revolutions of the century before the last, both in france and america. if we were not, we did not know our own interests.”

nothing can save america

some jewish sect or other has a tradition of spitting on christians as they pass them. religion can make people bonkers as often as not.

Last edited 1 year ago by nothing can save america
nothing can save america

not to worry. christians have slaughtered their fair share of civilians right up to the present day.


from the torah, deuteronomy 15:6 : ” for the lord your god will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.” soooo spiritual, so peaceful…


utter nonsense. this is the result of racist imperialism and it’s hand-maiden capitalism. jewish power derives from capitalism, and the jewish supremacist state is an expression of jewish power.

Finality of Destiny

“but even these plots and revolutions are as nothing compared with the great conspiracy which we engineered at the beginning of this era and which was destined to make the creed of a jewish sect the religion of the western world.”

Finality of Destiny

“the reformation was not designed in malice purely. it squared us with an ancient enemy and restored our bible to its place of honor in christendom. the republican revolutions of the eighteenth century freed us of our age-long political and social disabilities.”

Finality of Destiny

“they benefited us, but they did you no harm. on the contrary, they prospered and expanded you. you owe your preeminence in the world to them. but the upheaval which brought christianity into europe was—or at least may easily be shown to have been—planned and executed by jews as an act of revenge against a great gentile state.”

Finality of Destiny

“it is unbelievable, but you christians do not seem to know where your religion came from, nor how, nor why. your historians, with one great exception, do not tell you. the documents in the case, which are part of your bible, you chant over but do not read.”

Finality of Destiny

“we have done our work too thoroughly; you believe our propaganda too implicitly. the coming of christianity is to you not an ordinary historical event growing out of other events of the time; it is the fulfillment of a divine jewish prophecy—with suitable amendments of your own.”

Finality of Destiny

“it did not, as you see it, destroy a great gentile civilization and a great gentile empire with which jewry was at war; it did not plunge mankind into barbarism and darkness for a thousand years; it came to bring salvation to the gentile world!“

Finality of Destiny

“yet here, if ever, was a great subversive movement, hatched in palestine, spread by jewish agitators, financed by jewish money, taught in jewish pamphlets and broadsides, at a time when jewry and rome were in a death-struggle, and ending in the collapse of the great gentile empire.”

Emerald Tablet

so far so good. but gibbon did not go far enough. he was born and died, you see, a century before the invention of scientific anti-semitism. he left wholly out of account the element of deliberation. he saw an alien creed sweeping out of the east and overwhelming the fair lands of the west. it never occurred to him that it was precisely to this destructive end that the whole scheme of salvation was dedicated. yet the facts are as plain as you please.

Finality of Destiny

we can’t adapt to an environment we don’t perceive or understand, and we can’t deal with our environment while controlled by fear, anger, and lies about who and what we are. by definition, the social systems which are creating our predicament aren’t going to enable us to escape it.


torah deut 15:6 “for the lord your god will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.” maybe capitalism comes from judaïsm ? ask adam smith.


well, capitalism as it has been experienced since 1688 did arise from the marrano banker overthrow of the english crown, so maybe you’re onto something there.


jews are allowed to commit genocide.

christians enable it.


not surprising really, the god of the old testament is a vicious, infantile, genocidal maniac.


“actual christians”… jews were expelled from 109 countries/cities in history. it’s because goyim are hateful antisemite !


us zealous and brainwashed christians enable it.

Boycott USA the world's bully

boycott usa products and services.


so zionist are wiping out the future generation of palestine by killing a lot of children. so this devil zionist has gone to far now . many arab hypocrite is still keeping quite while children genration are dying


looks like some special forces trying to free hostages. it’s like counterstrike. but never saw a classic counterstrike match where they were mass murdering civilians while doing their job. horrific.


selbst kinder werden in gaza zu terroristen erzogen. deshalb gibt es dort nur terroristen und keine zivilisten !!!


“…the idf reported that at least a thousand captured hamas supporters are in their hands, among them there are already dead.”

translation – the idf is already capturing palestinian civilians and killing them.

nothing can save america

sounds about right. the only good palestinian is a dead palestinian according to most of israel and the us congress

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

a operação kissufim israelense foi uma derrota. entraram em uns poucos metros e saíram correndo com uma saraivada de balas do hamas!

Yedudi Rats of Satan

gods chosen morons should have been finished in 1945

nothing can save america

so, you’re into genocide too then. what do they call that ‘genocide x’?


the parasites are all over the planet now. the only cure to uproad them is exterminate them in every corner to safe humanity and the univers.

Boycott USA the world's bully

hezbollah attacks military installations. israel bombs civilians. who is the terrorist?

Boycott USA the world's bully

boycott usa! starve the beast.


the chosenite demons will never go down the gaza tunnel system and never kill the spirit of the semitic people of occupied palestine even with its nuclear weapons. it is quite impossible. we may well be witnessing the final days of the pariah entity nested like a viper in a region that hates everything about this disgusting zionazi “culture” of greed and evil.


its a civilian genocide!!!

Terrorist Hunter

most of the dead are women and children. so heroic hamas members hiding underground sending women and children to battle ground.

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