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MARCH 2025

Growing Threat: Prospects Of Israeli Invasion Of Syria’s ‘Unstable’ Southern Region

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Growing Threat: Prospects Of Israeli Invasion Of Syria’s ‘Unstable’ Southern Region


The unstable situation in southern Syria requires an intervention by Israel, a recent report by the Israeli National Security Institute (INSS) concluded.

The report, which was published on December 16, was written by researcher Carmit Valensi and INSS Director Udi Dekel.

The report urges Israel to intervene in southern Syria, claiming that the region is far from stable and that the Iranian-Russian struggle for influence is taking place there.

“The prevailing dynamic in southern Syria in recent months and the frequent clashes between groups under Iranian influence and those affiliated with Russia indicate growing competition for influence between Russia and Iran and reflect those actors’ conflicting interests in the region, despite their partnership in the pro-Assad coalition,” the report reads.

The Tel Aviv-based think tanks said Iran is anchoring its presence in the southern Syrian provinces close to the Israeli border in order to create an additional front of friction and conflict with Israel through its proxies.

Valensi and Dekel said Israel should take advantage of the weakness of the Iranian-Shiite axis, including Damascus, in order to stop Iranian influence in southern Syria.

“It [Israel] can use its mechanism for coordination and deconfliction with Russia to adopt a proactive policy in southern Syria and attack the Iranian proxies there, including Hezbollah forces,” the report reads. “At the same time, Israel should strengthen local forces, both Sunni and Druze, and forge connections by means of humanitarian aid – food, fuel, and health services – with elements in the local population that oppose the regime.”

The report argued that an Israel intervention will create an “island of Israeli influence,” thereby disrupting Iranian influence in southern Syria.

While the INSS report suggests a limited Israeli intervention in southern Syria, sources in the Syrian opposition told the North Press Agency that Tel Aviv is actually planning a full-on invasion of the region.

“Israel, along with an Arab NATO, is approaching to storm southern Syria,” an unnamed activist told the outlet. “The incursion will be under the pretext of protecting the people of al-Suwayda and Daraa from Iran and Hezbollah, who are seeking systematic demographic change in the southern region.”

Israel followed a similar logic when it invaded Lebanon in 1976 and in 1982 to end the Palestinian resistance. However, the move backfired. A far more capable and determined local Lebanese resistance movement replaced the Palestinians.

The situation in southern Syria is indeed unstable. However, an Israeli intervention could only further destabilize the region. Such an intervention may also backfire at Tel Aviv.


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Jens Holm

Thats just a scenario as in the old wargames movie. They have several others.

Its very much a matter of keep. Being against Assads, which many are, is not the same as being with Israel.

An unrealistic science fiction could be some kind of Greater Golan Autonome. I wouldnt do that. They are killing each other and Russia wont allow it.


Looks like on top of retarded, you’re deaf and blind and illiterate. The terrorist Ziojews were openly giving weapons and medical attention to their terrorist ISlamist ISIS/al-Qaeda peers when active combat was raging in south Syria.

If any of your trolling neurons still work, you could even search for Western Ziocorporate media articles, the kind you trolls love, reporting exactly that Ziojew-Ziowahhabi cooperation.

Alekai Mordechai

Back in 2014 VICE made a piece on IDF’s involvement in southern syria.

Back then IDF was aiding al nusra group and affiliates under the garb of “Good neighbor” project.

I guess many have already watched it.



Stupid … jargon punk

Alekai Mordechai

IDF pulling a 1982 lebanon on southern Syria is a reality. Tell tzatz, he’s unit can give you more details.


Let’s hope we won’t come to that Alekai, because we can and will use our ground forces to protect our interests if needed.

Alekai Mordechai

israel has been protecting its interest by aiding ferocious al nusra.

Deep inside you and your people wanna come to that. Gulf Arabs are there to finance that!! Bitter fact.


There is no way in this world that NAZI-Jew attack on Syria would be tolerated by Syria or any of her allays (Russia,Iran and Hezb). It was IsraHell’s plan to destroy Syria and now they complain for having Iranin’s next door. This situation is of Jew making, so they must find the way to accept it, weather they like it or not.

Alekai Mordechai

israel has been carrying out air strikes on damascus since 2013. It intensified in june and july of this year.


I was not talkin abbout “air-strikes” but “invasion” Read the title of the article and try again with the comment…

Alekai Mordechai

Anything’s possible.

Grounds are laid just for that.

Proxies failed, not Arab paid natanyahu to do the heavy lifting in Syrian Golan.


Not sure that I get the last sentence…. Anyways… I sincerely doubt that IsraHell’s adventurism and any attempt of “invasion” will be tolerated by Syria and allays .. I would say specially not with Russia (even though some think that Russia is extremely lenient with Israel) I think that Russian reaction will be very aggressive, if that happens.


I cannot see the IDF at the front of any invasion of Syria. Biden or Trump would be told to sacrifice US troops instead.


True. But than they can get carried away, believing that Syria is just another Lebanon now. Walk in the park (even though they had their a s s kicked hard last time tried to invade Lebanon) … I think that they can hardly achieve anything conclusive with their air-attacks. And proximity of Iranian troops makes them s*it their pants and lose their sleep.


Idiotic … your ‘take’ is simply wrong


Idiotic …

Ashok Varma

Russia is largely influenced by the same Jew lobby and more strident oligarchs. It will not challenge Israel and serves more of a protector.

Me&Myself None

I am willing to put my reputation on the line here and predict that — if it happens, Russia will not lift a finger to help Syria. However, I can also predict with certainty that Russia will have all types of excuses for why they wouldn’t help Syria.

Jaime Galarza

Syria probably won’t need Russia. Enough with Iran and Hezbollah.


OK we have the bet! And payment is that if life proves you wrong than you will stop badmouthing Russia (because of benefit of doubt). The same goes with me but in opposite direction, if future shows that you are right in your predictions I will stop to defend Russia completely.

Me&Myself None

Ok, the bet is on. It is so easy, it is like taking candy from a baby; I know deep within yourself you know that you already lost that bet.


The bet is valid only if there is real Israeli invasion of more Syrian territory with Israeli troops and Russia doesn’t react on that. No other combinations or alternatives are acceptable.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Why do the Israelis need to invade Syria, the Israelis and the Arab league already have the 60,000 strong Southern Front Alliance on their side, so if Israel attacks the Iranians in Syria there’s 60,000 well armed fighters already on the ground, then add the Druze fighters [also well armed], that’s possibly another 50,000+ fighters, and the remnants of the FSA, another 10,000, and maybe a few other anti Iranian anti Government groups as well, so that’s a pretty big ground force without one Israeli soldier even having to cross the border. And the Southern Front Alliance still have all their heavy weapons, tanks, artillery, mortars, ect, so it won’t be the sort of war you’re imagining it will be, it’ll be more like an Israeli backed insurgency that has full Israeli and US air support, that’s the sort of war it’ll be.

Vox Populi

You are not Russian and a third world wanna be, Stop insulting real Russians.


I have never said I was Russian and will never permit to scum like you to spit on Russia You are Erdogan’s a$$ licker and Islamist would be EUropean.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russians want Iran to get out of Syria altogether, they know the money needed to rebuild Syria will never be available while Iran continues to keep military forces in Syria, you really should read more official statements from official Russian sources, THEY ALL SAY IRAN’S THE REAL PROBLEM, and they never ever say ISRAELS THE PROBLEM, only people like you do, the Russians actually say Israel should become part of the solution. Try rereading this article again and try to understand why there are absolutely no disclaimers on SF’s part, NOT A SINGLE ONE, which is what usually happens when SF republishes contentious stuff from Israeli sources, but no disclaimers this time, not a single one. The cats being let out of the bag so it’s time for you and all your followers to catch up, you’re about 2 years behind real events and Russian policy changes. And no I’m not referring to official Russian Government policy, they’re not stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot by telling you what you should already have worked out for yourself, I’m talking about their unofficial policy that is becoming more and more evident every day, and this article should’ve been a real eye opener for most people who read SF, but it wasn’t, so I guess the poor old Russians will have to spell it out for some of you before you understand what they’re trying to tell you, this article obviously didn’t do the job.


The Rothschild neocolony in Palestine is the epitome of terrorist Ziocorporate globalism, only a little behind the US regime, and any nations wishing to escape the grip of those terrorists should be developing nuke, missile and AI capabilities.

ISISraelies consider this scenarios knowing that Iran won’t directly react unless Iranian territory is attacked, and Russia is 100% pro-business and partnership with Ziocorporate globalism and generally in very good terms with the Ziojews, and a great way to tell Russia to reduce ties to Iran/Hezbollah.


after all the threats the jews in palestine and in the disunited states of morons have heaped on Iran and all the hardship the jews have caused and are causing Iran, you better rethink the issue and that Iran will be perfectly happy to finish off the illegal occupation of the jews in palestine, and rightly so. just think soleimani and recently the head of nuclear scientist and before him the 10 other scientists killed by the jews and that’s just for starters. the jews in paletine deserve to be wiped off the face of palestine. basta!


South Syria is an area where there is political jockeying between Russia and Iran, Russia wanting to avoid a regional conflict, while Iran wants to get as close as possible to Israel. A lot of Syrian units have Iranians imbedded with them, making their presence in South Syria problematic for Russia. I do not see Israel invading southern Syria, because Syrian Iranian and Hezbollah forces will account themselves effectively. Israeli planes flying over Syria will be subject to new dangers and technological challenges. Israeli air fields and bases will be choice targets for Hezzbolah and Iranian missiles. Of course Syria can use Iskanders and Tochkah missiles to supplement their striking power.


And Damescus is only 60KM away from us and well in our range or artillary, using Iskanders would force us to flatten Damescus to the ground. So no, not a good idea.


You are not the only ones who can flatten things. Iskanders and Iranian and Hezzbolah missiles can flatten things in Haifa and Tel Aviv and many airfields.


And Demona.

Vox Populi

Hezbollah will go tit for tit this time, a building for building.


They might, but we have better AD system that can cope with that. Most of their rockets are short ranged ones so the damage would be limited to Northern Israel, but we can remove Beirut and Damascus and make sure no one will be able to live there anymore. We are not crazy to do it on a normal day, but rest assured that in a war they will pay hundreds times more than us. If they are stupid enough to let Iran drag them into a war against us, so be it.

Rhodium 10

Israeli AD is not such reliable…we have seen many Palestinian rockets hit Israel..even many months ago 2 Fajr 5 hit Tel Aviv…another video posted show a Fajr5 hit IDF assets in Mount Hermon…I have doubts if Israel population can resist a heavy rain of Missile/drones and Ballistic missile launched from Syria, lebanon, Gaza and even Iran….


Most of us have shelters it’s built in our homes, so civilians can stay there as much as needed when the rockets fall down, just look at Sderot for example. But the equation has changed – if they deliberately target our civilians then we will target theirs till there is not one city left. My role model has always been Russia and how they have won the Caucasus wars, they came in big and flattened everything. That’s the only way the other side understands.

Rhodium 10

I dont think that Israel will do that!…because population in Israel cannot resist such scenario..even in 2006 with few rockets falling in Haifa…the life in the city was stopped and it caused among population that Israel was not able to defeat Hezbollah…

Ashok Varma

Hezbollah in 2021 is a far superior fighting force with a growing arsenal of precision weaponry. The Zionists will not invade Syria as they are well aware of the immense casualties they will suffer both in civilian and military terms. It will also turn into a sapping asymmetrical war that will require long term mobilization that is costly and unsustainable. The very reason they have been pushing disinformation in media is because are are frightful of land conflict. With the US now in total meltdown, and China rising, the Zionist position is much weaker and they are not likely to commit suicide by opening up a Pandora’s Box.

Jim Allen

The arrogant sociopaths, and lunatic pretenders, cannot be counted on to not guarantee their own destruction. As they fancy themselves to be Royalty, or Demi-God’s, yet don’t recognize any God. They also have a penchant for grossly underestimating, their chosen enemies military capabilities, while grossly overestimating their own. With positively no historical evidence to suggest a superior military capability. The pretenders have a consistent record of being 86’d out of every country their presense has contaminated. Some twice.

Jim Allen

“if they deliberately target our civilians”….. You’re absolutely a wanker, and a joke, a pathetic unfunny joke. The only terrorist organisation, and supporter of terrorism in the Middle East is your fake State of Israel. I suppose you mean to say, if Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and associated forces makes a terrorist attack like the IAF blundered false flag attack on Lebanon’s civilian infrastructure, and civilian population with a 6 kiloton tactical nuke on the port in Beirut, (by definition a terrorist act, a war crime, a crime against humanity) then your ever so delicate pretend sensibilities will be overwhelmed with mock moral outrage. Certainly provoking not simply, the obligatory “wailing, and the gnashing of teeth,” but mass quantities of Zionist Khazar “Crying, and Raging.” (special thanks to Lone Ranger) You impotent putz, “What goes around, comes around,” this is after all a round world. “Ye shall reap what ye have sown.” “Kharma is a bitch.” Just STFU !!! You should expect to be repaid in your own currency, vermin. But, fortunately for your unuseful idiocy, the enemy’s your pretend kind have chosen to make are not terrorists, “evil dictators,” or war criminals, instead are level headed, honest, honorable, and credible Government’s that do not attack civilian infrastructure, or populations. There is always the risk, and reality of collateral damage, however this is not intentional, or completely avoidable when the enemy is so cowardly as to shield itself behind the civilian population, like the terrorist’s you are. Pretender lives matter. Not a single fuck given. Pitiful overpaid re-run troll.

Vox Populi

Recently, the Israeli Ombudsman report clearly spelled out that the IDF is overrated and has managed to bamboozle the largely uneducated Arab world. They highlighted the overrated nature of the IDF which has largely been used as a brutal occupation force against unarmed Palestinians. in the military sense it did not fare well even against a small, but highly motivated non-state actor as the Hezbollah. In real terms that it is only sustained by nearly 4 billion in US aid to Israel every year. Military prowess counts for nothing if one cannot pay one’s fare. Even IDF internal classified analysis just last week concluded their army is not prepared for war. The military skills of the country’s ground forces have eroded over time and its enemies now more advanced in both combat experience and technology. Israel has largely been spared from a major assault, mostly due to Russian protection in Syria, which so far has restrained Iran from retaliation. However, the status quo in Syria and Lebanon is not likely to last for long.


“” . So no, not a good idea.””

Not good for who? You flatten Damascus and in return Haifa Tel Aviv and airfields are flattened. You like that deal?


They can’t, on the first 48 hours most of their rockets will be gone along with the Lebanese that host them, even if we take down what is left of Beirut.


You are a wanker kid with vivid imagination. Do get out once in while from the basement.

Ashok Varma


Ron Wheeler

Unfortunately Zion represents the white pasty “Ashkanazi” mindset, the Semitic Jew impersonator.

Vox Populi

He also claims to be an Iraqi Jew, so is confused teenager at best. The Sephardic Jews from Arab world are second class citizens and never given any position of power. All Zionist leaders have been AshkeNAZI. The Falasha are treated worse than South Afrikaners treated the African population.


I did alot more than that you clown, another SF fool who thinks he knows me.


More wishful dreaming, you do not know how many ballistic missiles are deployed to strike Israel, you carry the first sortie and these missiles are going to target the airfields and damage them, if your planes manage to land while refueling and rearming another salvo of missiles would catch them on the ground. These are missiles with a tight CEP, and no one will signal in advance what is going to happen.


Our AD systems have been battle proven to deal with them, if they can take down Qasam light rockets then they can take down the heavy ones too.


Your AD system gets quickly overwhelmed, David’s sling is a POS.


Yes thats how we know types like u. Pretty obvious. Demjanjuk kind

Vox Populi

Don’t take this idiot boy child seriously, he has been promoting war for years now and is now way past puberty. It also shows the petrified state of the Zionists.

I believe that The Zionist government’s Armed Forces are not at all as powerful as we are thought by mainstream media. The IDF is overrated and has never fought a capable enemy yet. Moreoever, the Jew has

been known in history for many things but military capability is not one of those things. The Jew is a an intriguer and savage but not a warrior. The recent “diplomatic ties” with Wahhabis are a part of Jew effort to incite Muslim and Arab fratricide.

Israel is overrated and would get destroyed in a matter of months by a country like, say, Iran or Turkey:

Israeli Armed Forces are too small. In a war of attrition. Iran and the battle hardened Axis of Resistance would deplete Israel’s resources rather fast, also Hamas, Hizbullah and other groups would immediately attack Israel from north, south, east and west. Israel would be destroyed.

Israel’s only chance to win is a swift victory which is not possible (leaving nukes aside, this is just a fantasy and using nukes would be instant suicide) as Iranian armed and allies are 1 million plus with a Shia diaspora of 300 million.

Iranian Armed Forces and hundreds of thousands reserves and police military are all in the youngest age cohort in the region. With a educated youthful population, 60 million Iranians are fit for military service. All military equipment and military training is mostly hybrid standard. So swift victory for Israel is impossible as it is totally dependent on western aid and weaponry. The war would be a long war of attrition and the outcome of the war would be the final destruction of the Zionist government and Armed Forces and the liberation of Palestine.


Iran would raise the white flag immediately … 200,000 Dead in the first 48 hrs

Jews … in Christian Europe weren’t sovereign and few advanced to armed services … the few who made it were ALWAYS looked at cross-eyed … Israel is a sovereign state and is equipped to kill … Chief of Staff Kochavi has imposed ‘Momentum’ a blitzkreig war doctrine … lethal and fast

The F-35 squadrons will tear the enemy apart …

Syria is a dessicated shell … Assad has no ability to attack … knowing Russia will NOT back him up

Great Khan

hahahaaha Jew cockroach scared…..IRan brother STRONK!


Strong smell after the dead bodies are lying in the streets … STRONK!


Great Khan

Great Khan like ……Iran brother STRONK!

Vox Populi

Thank you Khan :)

John Brown

Yes you are right but now Israel is conquering Saudi Judea Arabia and the the Golf countries without firing a shot.

They will and are conquering Mecca and Medina which are part of Israel in the Yinon plan.

Soon Israel will tear down the Temple mount and build the throne of their messia the anti Christ and also tear down and destroy Mecca and Medina as Saudi and the gulf states are now slaves of Israel and the Jewish people.

Vox Populi

The Jews are globally hated now and a few puppet Arab regimes in bed with them will make no difference to the strategic equation. UAE and Bahrain are hardly major powers, but tiny and shaky imperialist outposts on borrowed time. Bahrain has a 80% Shia majority and UAE’s local Bedouin population is less than a million. A single Iranian missile or long range artillery shell will empty out the place.


the accord with the gulf states is nothing but a construct on clay and will fail at the first stress test. the saudi clown prince is delighted by the importance he feels is bestowed on him and the uae idiot is happy to get the f35s which his own people cant fly (will be flown by jews from palestine of course) and so on. kuwait is not part of the accord and neither is oman and so on. and in egypt the great unwashed public hate the jews in palestine even if there is an agreement of sorts. and qatar is well advised to stay a long way away from the jew/gulf state accord.

so all in all, the accord isn’t all that important and even the dumb arabs will come to realize that they are the buffer the jews are trying to put in place between the jews in palestine and Iran and will realise that Iran can finish off their thriving oil business in no time.

John Brown

I don’t know. Most of the ruling class in Zio Arabia and the Gulf states are alcoholic homosexuals ripe for Zio conquest.


Yes never mind civiians,thats what you bastards like to do,try your luck with Hezbollah you twat.


We will, and why should we spare the Shia population in Sl that supports Hezbollah? they will be punished too.

Jimmy Jim


Ron Wheeler

Let me translate Zion’s comment – “We will, and why should we spare the Shia population in Sl that supports Hezbollah? they will be punished along with all you goyims too.”

Vox Populi

Hezbollah today is far better prepared to take a daunting toll of the Zionists. These types are articles are generally posted in a psy-ops environment to deter enemies, in reality the Zionists are petrified of a coming war with a very strong Axis of Resistance and Russia will not be able to protect them for long. As expected a Turkish and Iranian common position is emerging on Palestine along with Algeria which is now in the forefront of Pan-Arab independent nations.


On January 31, 2008, when the Winograd Commission submitted its final

report on the Second Lebanese War of July 2006, this was a first in

Israeli history: a report on why the Israeli military had failed in a

war. The geo-strategic equation on the cusp of 2021 is far worse for Israel and basically focused on creating a Wahhabi-Zionist axis for proxy wars, but Israel is handicapped by the fragile nature of the vassal Persian Gulf puppet regimes and imploding house of Saud.

Meanwhile Hezbollah too has prepared. Without fanfare, but with dedication, discipline, skill, and cunning, the Hezbollah leaders and their backers have rapidly assembled an impressive arsenal of precision missiles replacing the low-tech rockets as well with more advanced missiles; they have built secret bunkers; they laid out defensible communications; they have

acquired capabilities in electronic warfare; they used drones and eaves-dropping equipment to gather information; they placed spies inside Israel; they study their enemy round the clock; and, most importantly, they have planned and trained, while maintaining the highest secrecy. Hezbollah today is a full fledged combat tested asymmetrical military prepared and ready to engage in mortal combat with a weakened Israel. The Party of God is ready and waiting.

Great Khan

Hezbollah brother STRONK!


Frankly, you are a wanker kid, but in reality the Zionists are too scared of death after the bitter Hezbollah experience in Lebanon, they will never wage a land invasion. These are just slow news day rantings.


Okay Frank, tell us more about what we think and how much we are scared. It’s funny, you don’t even know our mentality.

Ashok Varma

Silly boy, still posting juvenile nonsense. Post some photos of lunda bazaar Vietnam era uniforms, crib soldier :)


I don’t get why you’re stuck on my uniforms Ashok, different IDF units have different uniforms. Watch the uniforms of our commando brigade for example, it’s bit lighter than the olive green of the ground forces. The Air Force has also light brown uniforms, it all depends where you serve. I’ve seen from a close distance how brave your Hezbollah rats are, been waiting for them one month in the cold and they did jack shit.

klove and light

u dont have iskanders………

get a life zionist child fucker

Vox Populi

They are just scared of Hezbollah. This time the resistance will be as merciless and destroy Zionist cities if Arab civilians are targeted.

Séamus Ó Néill

Yes, and there would be plenty of children, the IDF’s favourite target, in Damascus to murder !


There is no way the Zionists will engage in a costly land war with the Axis of Resistance as it would grind up their cowardly IDF, and that is exactly what the Hezbollah and Shia militias want. Jews by nature are evil bastards and want others to die for them, lately the stupid Americans, but that is coming to an end too.

Vox Populi

Iran signs up $2 billion in arms exports

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami unveiled plans for the export of homegrown weapons under new contracts with a number of foreign countries amounting to over $2 billion in sales.

In detailed comments on Wednesday, the Iranian defense minister said contracts have been signed with a number of countries to export arms and provide military training.

He noted that negotiations are underway for the purchase of arms from various countries as well. The key nations are China and Russia. There are reports that the latest Chinese J-10B with thrust vectoring capability is being examined by the Iranian air force.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran’s arms cooperation with some countries has been pursued very well in the period that the Americans made attempts and imposed arms sanctions on us, and after the termination of embargo,” Brigadier General Hatami said’


Iran likely to be the first overseas customer of the latest Chinese J-10B

Ashok Varma

Your assessment is largely spot on. The Israelis are averse to casualties and will not invade either Syria or Lebanon after the dubbing they received from Hezbollah in 2006. An all out war will bring in various external pan-Islamic forces from Algeria to Pakistan in the form of Jihadis and even Turkey is now hardening its position towards the Zionists as the scathing editorial in Jerusalem Post yesterday propagated.

Turkey vows to mobilize ‘Islamic ummah’ against Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem. The comments were reported in Turkish on T24 media which echoes Erdogan’s views. The subsequent anti-Zionist, anti-U.S., and anti-Israeli views have become more strident in recent days as the US imposed limited sanctions on Turkey after the purchase of Russian S-400 air defence systems. Turkish position is now aligning more closely with Iran in its shared view of Zionist threats.

Vox Populi

Iran’s large helicopter/drone carrier and transport ship Makran ready for launch by Persian New Year 2021.


The IRIN Makran at Bandar Abbas construction dry dock.

Vox Populi

The Hebrew-language online newspaper Yediot Aharonot (Ynet) reported that it had documented the presence of a sensitive device and top secret military documents that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) left in one of its staging locations on the border with the Gaza Strip.

The newspaper pointed out that “in recent weeks, the Israeli army in their eagerness to flee a Hamas ambush left a military site on the border with the Gaza Strip, leaving behind military equipment and secret documents.”

This latest embarassing investigation by Yediot Aharonot comes just a few months after weapons went missing at an Israeli military base in the Upper Galilee region near the Lebanese border. Hezbollah later displayed some of the IDF weaponry it is stated to have “acquired”. These regular professional lapses in the IDF show a growing erosion of capabilities,


Armies comprising of western Y generation soldiers are of poor quality, since individual values are about self preservation and doing as little as possible.


Western globalist militarism + Islamic Wahhabi radicalism = Zionist jihad

Fleecing Rabbi

Meshugenah Putz, read the article first. Putin is our man, we own Russia. Mazal Tov and Happy Hanukah.

It [Israel] can use its mechanism for coordination and deconfliction with Russia to adopt a proactive policy in southern Syria and attack the Iranian proxies there, including Hezbollah forces.


Eat sh*t and suck Erdogan’s c o c k Wahhabi monkey.


This always was the plan of the Christian Jews. Look at their map Great- Israël. Syria and Irak are parts of it.


I like the “Christian Jews” because quite accurate. Because Zonist Christians = “Christian Jews” have nothing to do really with Christianity in substance. Only in form. Those people are really not Christians but followers of Judaism stack with the Jesus for some (to me unknown) reason..


Old testament, land of Abraham, the choosen people. Supported by at least 30 million idiots in the US. Like Pence and Trump.


Lets not forget a main clown, Pompeo.




sure but Turkey is on the map and in their view the jews in palestine are in the way and must go. what caused it was the attack on Syria by the jews and the disunited states of morons and that provided the perfect opportunity for Erdogan to step in. remember that the disunited states and cia/mossad worked a coup against erdogan in favour of Gulen, which failed but rest assured that Erdogan won’t forget ever.


hm..not sure. Turdy and Israël seem to have found eachother in common interests. Like in Karabach. I wont be surprised if Turdistan and Israël will work together against Assad / Iran in Syria


Why shouldn’t we? Israel from the south and Turkey from the North, sounds good for me.

Jaime Galarza

In this you show your real self: thievery. What worries you is not the “threat” that your opponent represent. What you want is to steal because that’s how you were born: stealing land.

Vox Populi

Turkish and Zionist interests are already colliding as Turkey looks east and to the leadership of the Sunni world with the stated goal of liberating Jerusalem. An armed clash is almost a certainty now.


*Grabs the popcorn*


I think there is a stomach bug going around in SAA causing projectile vomiting, when thinking about this whole situation: why are the invaders of Syria still not driven out from the country.

Black Waters

Kosher nostra is a danger to the free world.

Vox Populi

The Jews have destroyed the western world for sure.


wishfull thinking but not something they could do – Iran is too far advanced in the Syrian golan-heights and will respond full tilt forward together with hezbollah and loads of missiles, drones and whatnot the jews in palestine would not be able to defend against, iron dome or not. but obviously the jews are nervous and desperate and must engage the disunited states of unbelievable morons in the defense of the stolen property, i. e. the 80 pct of palestine they have stolen over the last 60 years, the defense of their concentration camp Gaza so that the genocidal program, extinguish the palestinian people, can continue uninterrupted. but please note that the world is wary of the war crimes and the crimes against humanity and the ethnic cleansing and the rest perpetrated by the jews so they can’t expect to be excused today. no way.


i have said it many times, when our red lines are crossed the IDF will push into Lebanon and Syria to clean the border and make sure no one will be able to operate against us for the next decades. If Syria and Lebanon don’t want to lose more lands, they need to stop Hezbollah and Iran before we will do it ourselves. Techincally speaking we are still at a state of war, so no one can tell us not to do it.


you are and will remain totally deluded or in other words, an idiot.


“”” IDF will push into Lebanon and Syria to clean the border and make sure no one will be able to operate against us for the next decades”””

Sweet dreams, IDF is not what it used to be, you have Generation Y troops that are sissified unlike their parents or grandparents; don’t expect technology to help you much, Iranian and Hezbollah will neutralize such advantage with EW and inflict serious losses on you.


Incorrect, we have very loyal and motivated youths that want to serve in the top units of the IDF, as I have. You’re confused between us and our political leadership that is stopping us from operating freely on all fronts. You might find that in an all out war those limits will be off, I pray for the day Hezbollah tests us again been waiting for them for about a month.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Hezbollah was created to protect Lebanon from Israeli aggression and is made up of people from all Arab countries. Naturally, Hezbollah sends troops to the places where US Zionists are creating unrest and war. But first and foremost, Hezbollah is there to protect Lebanon.

Emad Irani

If Pentagon cannot do it, then IDF will also not be able to do this


Our American friends have a small force in Syria and they are not trying to take down Assad. But Assad knows damn well that we are very serious when it comes to our security, and you don’t want to see 100-130K IDF troops coming for you and wiping out everything on our way.


If you were serious about your security you would stop invading and attacking other Countries you moron.


First thouse countries need to stop hurting our security, then we will consider not to invade them. Understood?

Emad Irani

IDF supported FSA understood? You will be surprised soon


Our support was limited to our border area, exactly for that reason – we didn’t want any Iranian proxy there. Assad doesn’t like Iran in his land aswell, but he needs them. We don’t care about him personally, but helping Iran is another issue which we won’t accept.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Your borders are still expanding and seem unstoppable until Greater Israel is a reality. But by all means dream on.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He doesn’t need them in a military sense but he still owes them a lot of money, so I don’t think Assad can get rid of them even if he wanted to. Russia should actually be helping out with the Iranian problem, :] , and I think it is just by letting this story come out on SF. I get called a troll for saying what SF just republished without any clarification or objections.


I have agreed with you many times Willing, and I think that you’re one of the few here along with Objective that see the reality as it is. Let them call you troll, in the end what you write are pure facts.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks. “pure facts”, if only that was true, I make my fair share of mistakes too. :]

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Not only the FSA but the Kurds and IS as well as long as they help preserve the unrest in the Middle East for Israel’s security.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

The state of Israel is based on occupation with weapons in hand and whoever seizes the sword will die with the sword.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Dream On. All false Jews will return to their homelands in Eastern Europe instead of sacrificing their lives for the Zionist dream

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Israel can only exist with weapons in hand. Peace in the Middle East is Israel’s greatest fear.


Not exactly LR, if another conflict starts then we are coming big this time. 12K troops is only one brigade like Golani, we can bring in 10 brigades if we want to and still have more troops for Gaza or the West Bank. The only question is a political one, how far we are willing to go.


Hubris and Jewishness go hand in hand.


Hey Florian good to c u around here bro ?


Thanks. I have had a lot to do recently.


I suppose the answer to that depends on what you really mean :)


The IDF infantry will not fight if their opponent can fight back in my opinion.


Trust our chief Aviv Kochavi, he has been preparing for this war for years now. We will hit them hard for many directions and mostly where it hurt them the most – inside Beirut. There will be no ceasefire like in 2006 because the Israeli public will not accept another undecided war. For Lebanon it means tens of thousands of dead in the first weeks, and much more as it prolongs.


Always like to hear out your opinions mate. Sure the rockets would fall by the thousands on our cities but most of them are dumb rockets, we have destroyed many Iranian shipments to Hezbollah which tried to improve their accuracy. I’m not saying it will be easy, it will be bloody and will leave many Israelis dead or injured in addition to hurting our economy. But the more the war prolongs and the IDf starts advancing into Lebanon, the less damage they can make.


So Israel sees the opportunity to steal more land & expand its own borders.


Israel to steal more land ? lol

Eliminate the growing threat on the border … it will be overwhelming and swift …

If Hezbollah adds an attack from Lebanon … 200,000 dead on the first 48 hrs

The IDF is primed and ready … eh?

Comin ya git ya …

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I just read all the comments and not one of you said anything at all important, well no one except for Iron Zion, he at least understands the situation far better than any of the dickheads who trolled him, and trolled him just for telling the simple truth. I think you’re all just mindless slaves with no ability at all to think for yourselves, God help the world. Instead of trolling Iron Zion why aren’t you all trolling SF, and the fact they republished this article with no dissention or objections to the Israeli assertions, no Russian political sources denying the growing tensions between Iran and Russia, no media clarification of the facts the Israelis were asserting, and most importantly actual conformation from SF saying the Israeli intervention would totally destabilize the whole situation in southern Syria, but then also adding it might backfire too. I know why this articles been published on SF without any objections from Russia, I’ve been saying it in my comments for several months now, Iran’s shitting on Russia by cheating in Quneitra/Darra/As Suwayda, the reconciliation agreements that Russia guarantees are being turned to crap thanks to obstinate Iranian behavior, and now I think the Russians have finally gotten sick and tired of it and doing something about it. I’ll repeat again some of the bad things Iran does to Russia in the south of Syria,

Bombs a bus load of Russian 5th corps soldiers because they refused to violently put down an anti Iranian protest in Darra, a dozen killed and many wounded, after that dozens of 5th corps soldiers defected out of the 5th corps back to the FSA.

They fund pro Iranian groups and anti Russian groups to counter Russian influence in local populations, then the locals always accuse those Iranian funded groups of being overly violent and extremist, and drug runners, smugglers, extortionist, and religious fundamentalists, and they’re mostly right, they are all those things.

But lately the Iranians have been trying to recruit more soldiers to their own SAA backed groups [the 4th division, Syrian Military Intelligence], and trying to stop any recruits joining the Russian backed 5th army corps, and they’ve been undermining the Russian reconciliation agreements in the process. If you want to join the Russian reconciliation process you have to travel to the Russian recruitment center, but if you live in Iranian controlled territory you have to go through an Iranian controlled checkpoint to do it, but you can’t anymore, because if you do the Iranians will lock you up and put you in jail, and even if you do have all your relevant papers you still might get locked up. That’s not very fair to Russia is it, they won’t get too many more recruits while that’s happening.

But here’s the best reason to understand there’s definitely a rift between Russia and Iran in Syria, the commander of the Russian backed 5th corps 8th brigade recently went to Jordan and discussed measures to counter Iranian influence in southern Syria. His discussions were with Jordanian Intelligence so it was really big news on opposition media, and he’s still the commander of the 8th Brigade after that, the Russians didn’t sack him for telling everyone just how much of a problem Iran is for Russia and Syria, and the Russians would’ve sacked him if he wasn’t telling the truth, but he’s still the commander of the 8th brigade and he’s still saying the same thing.

So many morons on SF have called me a troll and claim I’m anti Russian for saying some of the things I do, but I know I’m more pro Russian than any of the morons who’ve ever said I wasn’t, because even when a 100% pro Russian news site tells them the complete truth, most of the pro Russian supporters just want to troll Iron Zion for telling the simple truth, the simple truth the article they just read also told them, LOL. Bunch of useless idiots one and all, why don’t you instead discuss the repercussions of what this article is actually telling you, and it’s not really telling you ” the nasty Israelis are about to ruin everything”, it’s actually telling you the nasty Iranians are ruining everything. It’s nearly funny, the REAL pro Russian supporters have known for 2 years what’s really been happening in Syria between Iran and Russia, but the people who just think they support Russia have no idea what’s really going on, and that’s even after a pro Russian news site just tells them the truth, and their only response to the article, they all pack onto Iron Zion for telling them the same truth that SF just did, and I have for nearly 2 years now, poor simple slaves.

GOOD ON YOU SF, this is your best article ever and the lack of your disclaimers was the best part of the article, it’s just a pity the simpletons haven’t picked up on it yet, maybe they will eventually.



Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can’t tell if you’re referring to my comment or the SF article, you obviously understood neither.


Like Turks did same in north.

Arch Bungle

If chicken is enough to make israeli goons shit themselves, they’re going to need diapers to cross into Syria:


“Nine-year-old Hussein Chartouni, from the southern village of Meiss Al-Jabal, chased his frightened fowl towards the border, triggering panic among Israeli soldiers who fired a round of warning shots.”

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