Comparative size of the armored HMMWV and the M-ATV. The ubiquitous “Hummer” was never meant to be an armored car, and hundreds were destroyed by IEDs in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
On February 18, a convoy moving supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition in Iraq was targeted by an anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM).
According to the UAE-based al-Arabiya TV, the convoy was targeted in the southern province of Basra. No casualties were reported as a result of the attack.
Iraqi sources reported that two other US-led coalition convoys were targeted on the same day. An Iraqi private military contractor was injured in one of the attacks.
At least 26 convoys were attacked in the last two months.
While most recent attacks on US-led coalition convoys in Iraq were carried out with improvised explosive devices, the use of ATGMs was reported before. On October 1 of 2020, a convoy was targeted by a guided missile in the southern Iraqi province of al-Diwaniyah.
A number of Iraqi armed groups supporting Iran are behind the recent wave of attacks on US-led coalition convoys and troops in the country.
These attacks, which will not likely stop anytime soon, are meant to push US forces out from Iraq. However, this goal seems far. A day earlier, the NATO announced that it will be increasing its troops in Iraq from 500 to around 4,000. The US will contribute to the increase.
America just doesn’t learn by its failures, just get out & let them sort out their problems!
U.S. is not in charge of the U.S..
Israeli and US axis is in deep quagmire in the ME.
Everybody is “in deep quagmire in the ME” even ME is in “quagmire” in ME. US can abandon everything and go back home, others can’t ! They live there !
If US is out of ME, Israel has to carry its own projects of destabilization, something they will not do, given their limitations. Sunnis and Shias despite their differences could get along if Russia holds a tight leash on Turkey.
“something they will not do, given their limitations” Not so sure….Desperate people, do desperate things…. One thing is sure….US will not return to US yet, until they make total mess out of the ME (and accuse Muslims for everything they did wrong )
I do hope that Sunnis and Shias will come to their senses and join the forces to get rid of Ashkenazim Zionist pest in Palestine. That would change geopolitical situation globally and put Muslims very high as global power to be reckoned with.
Jewish military doctrine comprises of short wars as a result of lightening attacks, always aware of potential casualties. They will not attempt to venture far from their borders, because of military pitfalls of not having the element of surprise on their side. They will not engage in a war of attrition or a war of occupation that would lead to a bloody counterinsurgecy.
Israel is an artificial British imperialist creation and the US is its main sustenance, but the problem is that both are hated by the local populations and hunkered down in a bunker mentality that is costly and unsustainable. Iran is a local power that has been around for over three millennium and controls the tempo and temperature of resistance and can turn it off and on as it pleases..
America’s elite profit from it’s failures. There’s no incentive to learn.
It’s the stupefied American proletariat who should learn but never do …
The US proletariats are under the thumb of the MSM/Big Tech oligarchs propaganda and have been completely gaslighted. They haven’t a clue….
How can you have ATGM or IED attacks on 26 convoys and suffer no casualties?
Easy! one must only have totally controlled media that reports only what they are told to report… what they didn’t report = didn’t happen.
“”” what they didn’t report = didn’t happen.””” Anybody with some common sense would see the BS. Wars are not won by the lying media, while the military bleeds.
No but the people must support the war. And if the media report new deaths every day the support will go away, so of course the media play an important part
Americans in general don’t care what happens in Iraq.
Americans and ignorant, greedy, racist and totally obsessed with money and are fed garbage by the MSM and are servile by nature and therefore are easy led like sheeple.
Most of the NATO poodles are beset by internal problems and unrest from France to Spain so they really don’t want to acknowledge that their puppet soldiers and “contractors” are getting whacked every day. The US even bans the coffin flights into Dover airbase in senile moron Biden’s “home state”of Delaware, whatever that means in the merely 200 year old “American” context as Irish now claim Biden to their son.
Yet “lying media” functions like that from the day they were created to the present day…
If that was the case they could report that an Iraqi military convoy was hit by a missile. Or no incident at all.
That report was from a Saudi owned news organization based in Dubai. No US based media covered the story … google it for yourself. Unless Americans include sites like SF in their daily news they’ll never hear about it.
Probably because the US media is busy to report the Iraq attack that actually killed a contractir and wounded two others.
“No casualties were reported as a result of the attack.”
They’re just not reporting them.
Or very likely the bodies were so vaporised they couldn’t find them – all “missing persons” now.
Or the aliens picked them up.
If they were private military contractors – those casualities are almost never reported.
US has history of lies and “contractors”, CIA agents and hired puppets from European and third world shitholes are not considered human to be reported as casualties. Reliable independent estimates of these unannounced casualties from Afghanistan and Iraq now exceed 10,000, but are never reported as they have no value.
Anyone with military training willing to risk their live for $5000-$7000/mo, could go in Iraq as contractor. It’s much moola even for muricans. Personally I know someone who was in Iraq as contractor, when the war was hot. He estimated 16000 of them, more than 10 years ago.
Absolutely right. The third world “contractors” are not even counted as they are the ones driving these occupation trucks and in one attack last week 20 tankers were destroyed and most of the drivers were incinerated, but not a peep in the Jew MSM. Even the US and NATO casualties are censored. A Spanish female captain had her legs blown up by an IED near Basra last week, but even the puppet Spanish media hushed it up as the people would question why the Spanish poodles are in Iraq? when their police is suppressing the Catalans and firing into crowds demonstrating about the Rothschild corrupt King Felipe.
Some NATO casualities are censored but not many. It’s too dangerous if the family of the victim decides to sue. But about the dead contractors, not a word. And I understand that you hate them so much but many are not from third world, shithole countries, many dutch and other west europeans are among them. Dangerous missions like such transports add very consistant bonusses.
A number of Iraqi armed groups supporting Irak Sovranity are behind the recent wave of attacks on US-led coalition convoys and troops in the country.
It’s Iraq not Irak.
He must be a German
European education systems are not very good at history or knowledge of ancient civilizations. Most history is revisionist and delivered by Youtube.
I don’t think the name Iraq has anything to do with revisionism. All maps I have seen had Iraq not Irak, but you are free to hate anyone you want :)
US invaded Iraq on totally false WMD premise and disinformation campaign orchestrated by AIPAC and the Zionist lobby. This endless sapping war has bankrupted the US economy and even “allies” are now questioning the wisdom of such idiocy.
U.S. friends and foes Cry Hypocrisy as Millions in Texas Remain Without Power The Biden administration should spend more time trying to take care of its own citizens of the US and in Texas and elsewhere than denouncing other countries, and pushing more conflicts for Israel’s benefit. More than half the US adult population is unemployed and millions are now in absolute economic destitution while aid to Israel is reaching new highs.
as long a traitor sits in the presidents palace, there is absolutly ZERO chance of US forces leaving iraq……..see the worthless law passed by parlament on the withdrawl of US(foreign) forces…………that was when ?????
no chance…….might as well give them a full onslaught on the US embassy in bagdad, the largest in the world with 18000+ employes(probably 90% CIA and 9 % Mossad 1% diplomats)…and take the whole fucking lot hostage……..with the following message
100 a day !!!!!!!! till alll US (foreign) forces leave iraq………
every attack on iraq (PMF) forces will result in tit for tat…… 25 fighters killed……25 hostages killed!!!!
anything bringing harm to the forces of the disunited states of exceptional morons is a good thing and if there is harm to the jews in palestine so much better. in short shoot, burn and blow to kingdom come any jews showing on the streets of tel aviv or haifa or or.
It is unlikely that these attacks are meant to push U.S forces out of Iraq. Iran knows that nothing short of a blood unwinnable war, like Afghanistan, would force the U.S out. What is happening now is a tit-for-tat attack between Iran and the U.S.A. the oil tanker explosions followed a series of attacks on U.S convoys and counter attack by the U.S on Iran-backed militias in Syria. It seems the oil truck incidents at the Iran-Afghan border was not an accident. http://criticalwatcher.site/2021/02/19/was-the-oil-truck-explosion-sabotage-against-iran/ Iran could be introducing new weapons to deter Biden from escalating this tit-for-tat attack.
Of course, Iran wants some U.S presence in Iraq to serve as ‘hostage’ if a major conflict breaks out.
U.S forces in Iraq benefit Iran in multiple ways.
War of attrition is based on stamina, effort, and effectiveness. US ground forces in Iraq have none of the attributes to fight a war of attrition.
main purpose of the disunited states of exceptional morons’ forces is to prevent anything untowards being constructed against the jews, the oil in iraq is now in the hands of russia and china so that is something theyankee-twats can keep an eye on but the up front payment both russsia and china has executed is hard tomatch for a skint nation – the disunited states of A.
You are a delusional idiot who changes his propaganda every day. Last week you moron was blabbing about Biden being tough on Iran and soon Iranian militias will “stop attacks” bla bla, Idiot get a brain first.
You’re the idiot and moron because you obviously do not understand the comment you are replying to. Bombing and Iranian weapons shipment on 11th, killing 12 Iran-militias on that same day, and blowing up 500 trucks two days later is certainly being tough on Iran. All these in response to about four or five attacks on U.S convoys in Iraq. Iran is the bigger loser in this tit-for-tat because 12 of its terrorists got killed in Syria, and 7 people died in the oil blast. An Iranian customs outpost was burnt to the ground, over 60 wounded, and up to $50 million in losses at a time of dire economic stress. If that is not being tough on Iran, then I don’t know what being tough would look like to you – maybe a drone strike on Ismail Ghani is what you want before admitting that the U.S, under Biden, is hitting back hard. I never knew that most Iranians are such arrogant nasty idiots until I encounter you guys on South Front. And my verdict is that you deserve everything that the U.S and Israel are doing to you guys. But being tough doesn’t mean Biden isn’t going to look for a way to ease tensions with Iran. Maybe if you had understood the article I linked to earlier, you would know that my conclusion that Iran’s use of new weapons might actually be an attempt to deter a U.S escalation. But you didn’t, because of that empty space in your skull you call a brain. So, you don’t have the capacity to understand the meanings of these strikes and counter-strikes.
LOL, you are Wahhabi madrassa idiot who posts utter RUBBISH. How old you Abdul?
You’ve just been added to my block-list specially reserved for Iranian trolls. My time is too important to waste talking to blockheads. However, I’ll continue to share my point of view (which is highly critical of Iran), until many are aware of the True nature and ambitions of the Mullahs. Don’t you ever think a bunch of Iranian trolls can mislead the entire Sunni Muslim Ummah.
ATGM — the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every AngloZioNazi motherf*cker in your country, accept no substitutes.
Well, if those ATGMs are worth anything there’ll be no need for bodybags, muahahahah!
Resistance in its third phase is just beginning and all occupation forces, their bases and supply convoys will be hit. The only real option is for US dumbass child killers and their NATO poodles must leave Iraq and the region. If NATO poodles increase their LGBITQIA soldiers then more body bags will reach Europe and for nothing.
The AngloZioNazi Empire of Evil is crumbling right in front of our eyes…and that is a very Good thing…
The Jews destroyed US in mere 70 years with corruption, plunder and endless wars for Zionism. The average brainwashed obese American now lives worse than most African countries even and has a dogs life. US life span is decreasing every year as even basic health care is not available and now there is no electricity, jobs, or home. Millions are homeless while the Jew Bilderberg make billions.
They are jumping from host to host taking their Reserve currencies with them…Sucking their Victims bone-dry…I wonder where they are going to jump next…because more & more people wake up…they will have no place to run to…no place to hide…
Bilderberg The first conference was held at the Bilderberg Hotel (Hotel de Bilderberg) in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954…for that matter I am in the Lion’s Den…
Reserve Currency: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/39ef36594149340d9cd2171e949a572be382e28de622909443ee5a778b7566ff.jpg
China is now the biggest EU trading partner and soon the dollar will have to be dumped as reserve currency as the US national debt is 300% of its deadbeat declining economy. China, Russia, Iran and other Jew free nations must start their own international banking system.
I bet they are working on it…but in the end every Nation on this Planet has got to get rid of these Khazarian Mobsters on all Top-positions…the Netherlands (especially The Hague) is thoroughly Zio-Rat-Infested..
Russia is the most vulnerable at this stage as the Khazar criminals have totally penetrated the Kremlin and now are an official 5th column. China and Iran are more homogeneous so the Jews did not succeed there. I think the US Jews who run the government will now turn their attention to Russia as it offers the last frontier for exploitation. Europian sheeple are pretty dumbed down and brainwashed so getting rid of Jews will take time, but people are waking up around the world.
Russians must be completely done with these Bolshevik-Oligarch-Parasites who raped their motherland and killed Millions upon Millions of innocent Russians & Orthodox Christians in the most horrific way…Kill me once, shame on you, kill me twice, shame on me…Russia has developed impressive High Tech Weapons in the past decades…2015 was their showcase in Syria…the US doesn’t have an answer…just sum obsolete Nukes, a couple of sitting duck aircraft carriers…Cannonfodder that is tired of bein’ Cannonfodder…the Joint strike fighter…Bwahahaha…
Russia needs another nationalistic pogrom do deal with the criminal Khazars.
These Khazarian-AshkeNazi-Bolshevik-Oligarch-Parasites now have a home courtesy of the isreali apartheid regime. It has made for a nice little bolt hole for all those involved in the so-called Russian revolution.
The US and nato hasn’t yet learned its lesson from invading Afghanistan. The Afghans seem like friends and take US sweets and dollars, but they’re not really friends. Those that do work with the US are hoping for a flight to the land of the brave and home of the free.:) As also occurred in Vietnam, which also didn’t go according to plan.
No casualties? I doubt, because Americans hide theirs killed and severly wounded soliders or so called ‘contractors’. These contractors are peaceful agricultural workers in the radioactive fields of Iraq, that was bombes to smithereens by Bush H.W. and sons with depleted uranium, because the name, con-tractors. They’re working with tractors.
US invaded Iraq and destroyed one of the oldest civilizations at par with India’s Indus valley. So resistance is natural and obligatory. The US needs to leave Iraq as it has already impoverished it.
They bombed it with depleted utanium and bombed civilian atomic shelter with bunker buster bombs and Napalm. War criminal H.W.Bush first did that, and did highway of hell and sanctioned Iraq “Oil for food”, so when Iraq becomes soft they finish it. How many casualties? No one knows.
The sanctions alone killed half a million children and the Jew witch Madeleine Albright was very happy about that gloated about it and even got a rebuke from India, which had good relations with Iraq and trained their pilots.
Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed … Madeleine Albright, then the US Secretary of State boasted and laughed at the UN, at the death of millions of Iraqis.
I’m not sure about Albright, but I’m very sure in what I’m saying about bush, Powell, Chaney Clinton too.
So what are you guys waiting for? Unleash the ATGMs on U.S forces in Iraq, or shut up and hand those ATGMs to the Taliban to see how real heroes fight.
Iran takes care of the ATGM-Delivery….Houthis got more & more…you know the outcome
The Houthis are not fighting a super power. The Taliban is.
I know…
Yeah, this is exactly why the Taliban must continue fighting U.S forces until they withdraw. I read somewhere that opium is creating many nutcases in Afghanistan in areas not controlled by the Taliban.
Lets all hold a moment of silence for all the tires that gave their lives in this unfortunate attack. Thankfully, once again, no ZioAmerican was hurt.
” No casualties were reported as a result of the attack. “
NO! Those are joo tires. They should go to hell too!
Well, since you put it that way.
No casualties were reported as a result of the attack.
Oh come on!
Every time!
“A day earlier, the NATO announced that it will be increasing its troops in Iraq from 500 to around 4,000”. Sigh… typical deep-state rats, just can’t let a war end. That’d be bad for business.
genetically engineered biological weapons, cyber weapons, space weapons, nuclear weapons, laser weapons, chemical weapons, autonomous guided weapons, robot weapons, psychological weapons… slowly i can understand how the lakota was feeling when a steam engine first arrived at the canyon…
Lol, the McDonalds Defense Forces are so scared to leave their bases. So they use civilian contractors and Iraqis to transport their equipment.
On Saturday, Iraq’s National Security Adviser, Qassim al-Araji described NATO’s plan to increase the number of its troops in the country as advisory.
“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is working in Iraq with the consent of the government, and is coordination with it. Its mission is advisory, training and non-combat,” he wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.
حلف الناتو يعمل مع العراق و بموافقة الحكومة العراقية وبالتنسيق معها، ومهمته استشارية تدريبية وليست قتالية.. نتعاون مع دول العالم، ونستفيد من خبراتها في المشورة والتدريب، لتعزيز الأمن والاستقرار و لا اتفاق عن اعداد المدربين .
— قاسم الاعرجي (@qassimalaraji) February 19, 2021
always said so…the current iraq gov. is full of traitors, starting from the very top.
death to america death to israel curse on the jews–houhti
war in a place far far away from home is ideal for the disunited states of exceptional morons, hardly any causalities, and the mic having sufficient work to make a mint of two and the lawmakers can expect to make a mint or two as well, bought and paid by the mic, the fic and the jewry. the perpetual war is a dream come true for the yankee-twats, fodder for the marines from the no education no work fly over states and a number of minor enemies that can defend themselves to some extent but not cause any serious problems for the aggressor and at the same time the yankee-twats can prop up the jews illegally occupying palestine.
as long as these conditions remain the same, there is no end to the war in the middle east.