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Gunman Shot After Opening Fire Near Israeli Consulate In Germany’s Munich (Video)

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Gunman Shot After Opening Fire Near Israeli Consulate In Germany’s Munich (Video)

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On September 5, German police officers exchanged fire with a man close to the Israeli Consulate in Munich, the country’s third largest city. 

Police spokesman Andreas Franken said that the officers noticed a man carrying a “long gun” in the Karolinenplatz area, near downtown Munich. There was then an exchange of shots in which the suspect was fatally wounded, but there no was no indication that anyone else was hurt, the spokesman added.

Five officers were at the scene at the time of the shooting, but police deployed to the area in force after the incident. Franken said he had no further details on the suspect.

The man, who was reportedly carrying an old firearm with a repeating mechanism, died at the scene as a result of his wounds.

Bavaria’s top security official, state Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, said the suspect had opened fire at police and they returned fire.

Following the deadly shooting, the Police increased their presence in Munich, but said they had no indication of incidents at any other locations or of any other suspects.

The shooting came on the anniversary of the 1972 Munich Olympics attack, which ended with the death of 11 Israeli team members, a West German police officer and five of the Palestinian attackers. It is unclear however if this was intentional by the suspect.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said the consulate in Munich was closed when the shooting occurred for a memorial event to mark the Olympics attack and that no consulate staff were hurt. The nearby Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism also said all of its employees were unharmed.

The shooting came amid the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip which has so far claimed the lives of more than 40,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Israel has also been on high alert in anticipation of an Iranian retaliation to the assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last July.


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stig anderson

this crazy boy may have been 15 or 16 but this is shirley proofs that anti semitism is on the rise and many germans are new hitlers

germany must pay israel compensation for the trauma they are inflicting on the innocent jewishers peoples all over the worlds a sad day but with the compensation money israel can grow and heal


more likely a staged false flag (“the consulate in munich was closed when the shooting occurred for a memorial event to mark the olympics attack and that no consulate staff were hurt”

what a convenient double coincidence: marking the anniversary date + closed embassy

poor kid was probably brainwashed through some mk ultra type of protocol


now israel can milk the german cow for more weapons and support for their genocide.

nazism never died, but got married with zionism and shifted its hate against arabs/palestinians instead of jews


the three-headed serpentine b€a$t feeding the deranged mutt in khazar occupied palestine; the debauched anglozionazi empire of filth!


unbelievably naive

Real Saxon

arabs/palestinians think israelis are “white” despite the fact making aliyah to israel requires the applicant have had two biologically related grandparents, at least one from their mother’s side and one from their father’s side. 1/4 of israelis came from russia.

80% of jews worldwide are ashkenazis. so-called “white” jews. ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european https: //ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ pmc5380316/

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon

completely irrelevant, not to mention false. ashkenazis have very little historical or biological links with the middle east

Real Saxon

dna studies refute your claims. ashkenazis are not white. they are half middle eastern, half white mongrels.

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 1819

2017 study: ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european https: //ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ pmc5380316/

Real Saxon

ashkenazis look exactly as you’d expect: a random mix of levantine and european phenotypes.

they aren’t “khazars” either. jews lived in the khazarian khaganate, but it was a multi-ethnic empire that also included scythians, uralic people, etc. the ethnic khazars were east asiatic turkic peoples and ashkenazis have no turkic ancestry. they also don’t look turkic at all.

rabbi khan


khazar ashkenazim are filthy turk from the russio steppe

what is now ukraine. name stealers and identity thieves like david cameron real name levittes

no semite blood pure eastern euro filth

Real Saxon

does not change the fact that jews were manipulative sub-humans since biblical times. https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 1819

2017 study: ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european https: //ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ pmc5380316/

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon

almost all ashkenazis are europeans genetically according to other sources also on the internet you need to research the posters thoroughly to determine their position.

Real Saxon

many israelis are evidently brown. https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 1819

2017 study: ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european https: //ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ pmc5380316/

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon

regardless of genes, to win the day/year/decade, israel needs more people able and willing to put on the uniform and take the fight to the enemy. if they’ll join the army and pull a trigger, that’s probably good enough. this thing is far from over, unfortunately. ‘forever war’ etc. iran wants to destroy israel.

Real Saxon

they use shabbos goy to fill the gap because they believe their god made them higher above everyone else, and therefore above manual labor. this is why at auschwitz, the germans put up the sign “arbeit macht frei” (work sets you free). never mind the fact there is no actual documented evidence proving the holocaust, written or forensic. or the fact the words “holocaust” and “six million jews” were mentioned in many jewish-owned publications since the 1800s.

Real Saxon

https: //codoh. com


the truth is that nazism was always joined at the hip with zionism, encouraged by herzl and others including adolf rothschild himslef and his jew banker pals. “hitler” left to argentina and could have been tracked down if the jews who knew wanted. why was hess so closely held and all his secrets? the ‘insane’ tactics of ‘hitler’ like letting the british army escape at dunkirk make more sense. how about the strategy of the jew conflict in ukraine? destruction so they can build back better.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

the ‘blood sacrifice’ that they are so fond of in this case had the payoff of creating the victimhood of jews so they had the acquiescence of the world to slaughter their way to the state of israel. the zionist jews are on the record as having that as their plan. most people don’t want to confront that fact or its implications though, and deserve the world to come. while so many people suffered at the hands of the satanic jews they dug a hole to look in the sand.

rabbi khan

blood libel for the blood lickers the dracula myth is cover

even bradly cooper licks blood in the movie limitless he kills a guy then licks the blood up

pure baal molech moloch baphomet worship


beyond just worship, it is also a poignant expression of their true nature. genetic filth. tainted blood. the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. and they are so filthy, they enjoy flaunting it.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

hello king charles boasts that he’s descended from vlad the impaler


go and look at his construction of the opening and closing ceremonies for his commonwealth games. if you want to see moloch


you’re incredibly inventive.


england held hess in spandau because hitler loved the english monarchy reich means empire he wanted to be emperor he got used and then thrown away.


totally incorrect the nasis were the catholic nazi parties allies and still are right now australias biggest catholic cocaine drug trade dealers being extradited back from dubai. right now the catholic sourh americas got the coke and the english the opium.

stig anderson

you are dangerous with your wordsmiths look at the image the boy is clearly a new hitler on the hunt for innocents rabbi the goyim must pay so we can all heal


he trained rigorously in a militant camp obviously. thus are the culmination of their dastardly plans. see god is looking out for the jews after all, as long as they aren’t in gaza for some reason anyway.


if you believe in the bible at all then you would know how dangerous your opinions are you obviously are ignorant of it, so one wonders then if you are any religion?


what religion was jesus? was he a dogmatic dunce who relied on narrow and wrong interpretations from the authority figures stuffed down his throat? who here do you think you are convincing? your detachment from reality around and calm demeanor while spewing such garbage tells people who know what you are. they know. be quiet.

Björn Ulvaeus


hello stig,

at this point i would like to remind you once again that you still owe me 4.5 million euros in royalties, for which you cheated me, you stupid pig 🐖🐖🐖


—————- the winner takes it all the loser standing small

Real Saxon

there isn’t a single wasp in biden’s cabinet:

https:// t. me/ thuletide/ 6153

antony blinkin (jew), janet yellen (jew), lloyd austin (black), deb haaland (amerindian), merrick garland (jew), tom vilsack (orphan), gina raimondo (italian), marty walsh (irish), xavier becerra (non-white hispanic), marcia fudge (black), pete buttigieg (half-maltese),


according to dna samples the scots are more likely to be anglo saxon than the so called anglo saxons. the english tend to be ancient british stock with a small percentage of friesian and jute. the americans are mostly german, italian and irish.

rabbi khan

the book and the tv series the way we live now is all about the new money of england rotten shield

and how the khazhar. name stealers married into the upper classes that had fallen on hard times.even burke’s peerage. in the 1920s talked of inter marriage on a massive scale

the house of windsor sachs koburg gotha are kosher non semite


they’re iranian descendants go and look at them blue eyed blondes mostly or brown hair with red tints and blue eyes that’s iranian i dream of jeanie knew educated people all know the truth


if one digs deeper, i’d bet a significant number of the non-jews are actually married to jews, or otherwise occultist satanists.


get real the irish italian hispanic are catholics like biden pelosi the chief justice of the supreme court, pence pompeo and almost all of them. wvetone with a mc name an irish name or italian sicilian the most powerful senators in both parties are catholics and have been for decades the fbi the cia the dhs everywhere and especially the top brass in the military


the biden regime is almost 100% kosher. not much diversity there.


yellen, blinken, sullivan, garland, shlomo, shlomo, shlomo, it’s a virtually goy free zone, rule of the jews, by the jews, for the jews, zog in action.

Real Saxon

(cont…) jennifer granholm (irish), miguel cardona (puerto rican), denis mcdonough (irish), alejandro mayorkas (cuban-romanian jew), ron klain (jew), avril haines (jew), michael regan (black), neera tanden (indian), katherine tai (chinese), linda thomas-greenfield (black), isabel guzman (hispanic jew)


hahahaha so people are a colour now to you?

Real Saxon

jewish news media ownership in the usa:


https: //tinyurl. com/ 3ny2zw8s

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon


Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon

murdoch controls the media that matter and he’s catholic like his ancestors


nope, he’s a zionist jew. jewish mommy.

Real Saxon

that’s like saying the antifa faggot aaron bushnell burning himself alive at the israeli embassy in washington dc was a “false flag”.

Karl Heiz Krüger

ob es auf eine falsche flaggen aktion hindeutet, ist fraglich, was aber wirklich erstaunlich ist, wie ruhig und professionell die kamera den typen filmt!

whether it indicates a false flag action is questionable, what is really amazing is how calmly and professionally the camera is filming the guy!


there was a “car bombing” at the zio embassy in london. no casualties, minimal damage. this was an obvious stunt by shlomo himself. the same is true of the “anti semitic incidents.” there were hundreds of bomb threats to us synagogues. all of these were made by a jewish man in israel. jews are always being caught with spray cans vandalising jewish cemeteries, with aipac kvetching and oy veying about a “10 million per cent increase in anti semitic incidents.”


anyone with a moral compass can clearly see what is going on in gaza, the west bank and lebanon, so their lies are only talking points for people who never cared about goodness or truth in the first place. these “poor us” bs media stunts don’t change the opinion of people who care about anything good. it is like the pathetic excuse making of the iraq war, it will fall on deaf ears, but they will commit more atrocities as is their nature.

Real Saxon

there isn’t a single wasp in biden’s cabinet/administration:

https:// t. me/ thuletide/ 6153

antony blinkin (jew), janet yellen (jew), lloyd austin (black), deb haaland (amerindian), merrick garland (jew), tom vilsack (orphan), gina raimondo (italian), marty walsh (irish), xavier becerra (non-white hispanic), marcia fudge (black), pete buttigieg (half-maltese),


so you said

Björn Ulvaeus


hello stig,

at this point i would like to remind you once again that you still owe me 4.5 million euros in royalties, for which you cheated me, you stupid pig 🐖🐖🐖


—————- the winner takes it all the loser standing small


her hitler was a creation from the zionist rotshild bankers, wall street, ford, family bush…… jews ignited that war to chase the jews out of europe and to palestine. as they do not stop the zionists parasites in palestine and the genocide at the palestinians, jews all over the world are a legitime target !! it will become worser, because governments dont move a finger to stop them, we the people will.


hitler was a pawn he was such an average, actually below average that he failed his german exam in his final year of high school had to resit it after summer school but failed again he then had to repeat a year at night school but got such a low pass that he was refused admission to university. he was not a smart man. so that’s why they used him as they do since they’re not terribly clever just born into power or the right family for easy access to the gravy train, not the cattle cart

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
concerned citizen

that boy is no german. he is bonian with a austrian passport. also a islamist.


quite likely that the news is unreliable esp from msm. it is typically


your misguided the germans didnt do it, hitlers party did. the germans were his victims too hitler built the ss exactly on the jesuits as the model, that’s why they wore black his army wore the standard catholic monks colours, grey the lowest, then brown then black then white which he wore on strictly ceremonial occasions.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

it started in egypt its the exact same situation today as jesus faced. it hasn’t changed they dont change. they want the universe.


you’re completely insane, the polar opposite of what you said is closer to reality. zionists declared war on germans, and had millions of them murdered. germany is still enslaved by zionists and this fluff news event looks like completely contrived bullsh!t. kid is prolly not dead, its prolly all fake, he acted like it was his first time firing a rifle, and it sounded like a blank round was used, bigger bang without the training cap supressor on the end of the barrel. shilling for shekles.


wow, this jew loving bs website has been saying 40,000 palestinians have been killed for3 months now.

hey kapo, its closer to 200,000 you corrupt fckn clown!


are you challenged? a site filled to vomatose bag full of anti semitism from hatefilled uneducated ignorant ranting trolls, everyday and you accuse them of being jew lovers?


pity the vertical pork is never there to protect germanistan peasants when merkill’s mohameddans run amok. of course the germanistan gubermint would not want that to become 6 zillion and one chosenites done in by “nazi” krauts.


the nazi party was catholics they represented about 2% of germans, who were lutherans. the last kaiser was lutheran too lutheran ism was americas leading church until about the 1970s.


dumb kid was indoctrinated by zionists to fire a shot vandalizing the consulate so that israel can dramatically overplay the incident to gain sympathy while committing their blatant genocide

stig anderson

he was a mad dog his rucksacks had gaddaffis green book mein kamphs by hitler and the protocols of the elders of zion papers talking points minutes of the first jewish zionist conference in basle in swiss

also many lebanese and syrian passports

Ukros without foab

gaddaffis n dunnit?

Globalist Errand Boy

why would he fill his rucksack with such literature, did he plan to read while attacking the consulate or just a fortunate co-incidence for the zionists


exactly like the passports isis terrorists carry around for easy id. all the jeweywood movies are stale and repetitive trash too. and they fancy themselves good liars. they are just audacious and so ridiculous people are inclined not to believe it’s possible. audacity and dementedness can be very similar.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

it’s called holly wood because england set it up holly is the wood they’re pagan druidic witches use to make the wands to cast their spells they set it up there because it was more amenable to outdoor shoots than england. they had catholics and jews mainly work it for them. kennedy s papa joseph owned what is now called fox.


hikers brin kampfcwas written by a catholic priest thd protocols ars known to be frauds the swiss are the vatican’s sisters city’s. they’re both red and white both have stamp type flags are in each others houses the knights templars who were catholic, that was the only christian church until luther, founded it after establishing banking as we know it. they were all catholics not jews


hitlers mein kampf i said. he did struggle with the german language ultimately he failed.


damn son!

at least kill you some jews before you go down

shame he didn’t get some

Ukros without foab

git r dun?


demented reactionaries some sort of ideoillogical pawns suckered into believing nonsensical political subversive motivations based on greed and megalomania.

Massa John

this stunt was shot on sight and swept under the rug after

Moshe Dayan

yet another mkultra victim manipulated through torture and mind control to create these results. operation gladio is active again in europe: right on schedule for the satanist eugenicists too.otan is the military arm of the criminal wef.


real mkultra victims are too unpredictable, they use desperate actors who are blackmailed and paid off by them. under donald “my daughter has a fine ass” trump, criticizing israel will be treason. see donald trump on howard stern. probably under cackling kamala too.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

you’re very deceived about the fundamentals intentionally.


you’re like a magic 8-ball with canned things to say.


i wont describe your efforts.


most likely just an idiot on drugs a loose unit thinking himself a hero of the farter land or some such idiotolgy


another jeweywood production. if these clowns were patient, they wouldn’t have to make such ridiculous garbage up. jews will be jews.


that ‘star of david’ microdot tattoo will be a really cool way to show your support for israel, those poor mass murders.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

you should stay in your bunker please just out of a sense of decency or respect for normal people.


i don’t bother telling most people because they deserve judgement and the lines have already been drawn. i expect it won’t be long until the seals of judgement are opened. your words are meaningless whispers on the wind and you will be judged and your casual arrogance will do nothing but damn you. be damned in hell.

Boris Orlov

german police is ridiculous. can’t they neutralize such a “threat” without killing it on the spot? losers.


because it is a whit man. do this to a collored or black, germany is burning !!!


germany created “new palestine” to begin with. you just are totally deceived and you don’t know because they hate the truth.


do you remember reiner fuellmich who led the attack upon the covid jab? after costing folks wagon hundreds of millions by proving their frauds in court? well here’s an update on him and an insight into the german legal system reiner fuellmich trial 28th aug 2024 english dubbed 1,065 views · 1 day ago.




look they did a deal to agree to use the jews as their scapegoats because they desperately needed one and the jews first rejected pharoah, slavery and totalitarianism. it’s a class war always has been until you realize you will be deceived.

Terrorist Hunter

another innocent civilian dead


not likely

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