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Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia

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Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia

On December 24th, leaked plans for possible provocations in Donbass by Ukraine were posted on the hacker website Cyber Berkut. After this, the website came under attack after the information was posted, however there is a mirror provided.

According to the Cyber Berkut report, over the last few days the hacker group received information from completely different sources on possible dates for Ukrainian (and thus US and NATO) provocations against the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Russia. The report provided an overview of alleged goals and objectives as well as the dates for possible provocations:

The direct leadership and the “curation” of the entire political and military life in Ukraine is exercised by its “Western partners” in the face of the US and the UK. A conglomerate of official staff, security and intelligence officers operate a sort of “operational headquarters.” It has four primary tasks:

  1. Provision of direct assistance and overseeing the development of strategic plans for the defense of Ukraine from external threats (Russia more than anything);
  2. Developing plans for land and naval offensive operations by the Ukrainian Navy and Armed Forces. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is allegedly obliged to take these plans into account;
  3. Controlling the process of re-equipping, re-arming and training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Creating a “new” Ukrainian army that will counter Russia in the possible upcoming war;
  4. Ensuring the activities and management of the Information and Psychological Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is to be used in the possible escalation scenario;

The fourth point of the tasks is significant, since it is common for the US in recent years to begin conflicts with “information warfare” operations.

Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia

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Finally, a list of possible provocations on the territory of Ukraine or along the border with the DPR/LPR and Russia, which could take place between December 24th and January 7th:

  1. A “breakthrough” of Ukrainian Navy warships through the Kerch Strait into the Sea of Azov. Unlike the November 25th incident, this time it would supposedly be larger and heavily armed so that the warships manage to actually break through. The provocation will be larger, should include usage of weapons in the conflict and must necessarily end up with a significant number of casualties;

    Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia

    Click to see the full-size image

  2. Organization of provocations along the contact line between Ukraine and DPR/LPR with a requirement of civilian casualties, as well as military personnel deaths for Ukraine. According to the information, the most likely scenario is an imitation of artillery shelling from the DPR, during which a large number of Ukrainian civilians and military personnel are struck. For the purpose, he Ukrainian side has already manufactured unguided rocket and artillery shells similar to DPR/LPR ones, which will be used in the provocation;

    Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia

    Click to see the full-size image

  3. Similarly to the second scenario, this one would happen along the contact line and would again involve Ukrainian civilian and military casualties. The DPR/LPR will allegedly employ chemical weapons against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, killing a large number of civilians and military personnel. To implement the plan, the “operational headquarters” and the General Staff of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense collected fragments of shells from beyond the withdrawal lines, which will be treated with chemical warfare agents. After imitating the use of chemical weapons by DPR/LPR it will present evidence of Russian chemical weapon’s use in the form of fragments of shells with traces of toxic substances;
    Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia
  4. Finally, the Ukrainian special services will carry out several sabotage operations in the government-controlled territories and blame the special services of the DPR/LPR and Russia. According to the information, sabotage operations can happen on the territory of several enterprises which use chlorine, ammonia and other hazardous substances in their manufacturing process:
    Hacker Group Reveals Scenarios Of Possible Ukrainian Provocations Against DPR, LPR And Russia
  • Severodonetsk Azot Association, Severodonetsk;
  • Konstantinovsky Chemical Plant, Konstantinovka;
  • Avdiivka Coke Plant, Avdiivka;
  • Dzerzhinsky phenol plant, urban-type settlement Novgorod;
  • Kharkov Chemical reagents plant, Kharkov;
  • Azovstal iron and steel works.

It is yet to be seen if any of these plans are true and will be implemented.


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I think this illustrates well what I have been observing since 2014; Russia is way ahead of the curve. The release of this ‘information’ to the public is their way of trying to tell people that they are well aware and eating for them. Usually, nobody listens. However, I give Russia much credit for doing due diligence and attempting to take sense into fools.

Further; Hey jackasses, this is not 2014 or even 1965. Stop playing with fire. It is pretty much guaranteed that the first private homes and secret/reinforced residences of the clowns who initiate a real shooting war with Russia, will be among those first hit. That type of revenge has already been publicly alluded to. So if you do not have love for humanity, at least think about your own families a bit.

My take. I wish a better New Year to all!

Zo Fu

I don’t give a fuck about what you think about Russian due diligence and what you wish to ppl during Christmas. 10.000 civilians already died in vain because WEAK PUTIN was VERY BUSY with his stupid SOCHI WINTER GAMES and underestimated Nuland’s cookies and 5 bilion dollars “EuroMaidan” revolution. This revolution should be curbed since the first day. What Putin did in Crimea was just limited damage control and reaction, not proactivity or due diligence. In other words – Putin screwed it up and was caught unprepared. This war is coming to escalate on the very Russian borders and it is Putin’s – Lavrov’s fail. They have NATO army on Russian borders and they are mumbling something about Minsk Protocols instead of protecting east Ukraine against Poroshenko and genocide of cilians by Ukronazi military force. Stupid idiots.


You have your take Fu. But, I don’t care what you think either.

Russia has done well with what was arrayed against them and what they had to work with all of these years. It has repeatedly notified the Occidentals that their moves were under watch and well anticipated. Russia doesn’t do the finger nails with the plyers routine. They slowly get you to ‘volunteer’ to tear them out yourself.

Never get too confident about how the game is going to go in the second inning. There are 9 of them. Good holidays to you Fu.

Zo Fu

British soldiers are on Russian borders already. Ukrainian special forces are derailing trains in Russia. War was already declared in Ukrainian parliament. This is not time to wish anybody happy Christmas. This is a time to hang Poroshenko on street lamp.


Last time Igor Strelkov said Putin is weak… well it didn’t ended well :)

AM Hants

Do believe the President of Russia is President Putin. Eastern Ukraine is in a civil war, courtesy of the President of Ukraine, who is not President Putin… https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/12/23/organ-traders-terrorists-looters-evidence-against-syrian-white-helmets-presented-at-un/

Jim Allen

So, in what way is Putin responsible for any of this ? He didn’t overthrow Ukraine’s legitimate Government and install the Pooroshenko puppet. I’m thinking you expect too much. You’re not Putin’s only problem, there’s more, and bigger issues Russia must address while taking care of itself, so it’s able to continue what it’s been doing.Which is more than you’re doing on a world scale. Count your blessings, you have very capable hands backing you. We’ve nothing here even watching our back, here. Russia doesn’t want it’s people dead. US Government does want it’s people dead.


The United States refuse to fight for the transnational financiers

by Thierry Meyssan

The US withdrawal from Syria and Afghanistan, as well as the resignation of General Mattis, attest to the upheaval that is shaking the current world order. The United States are no longer the leaders, either on the economic or the military stage. They refuse to keep fighting for the sole interests of the transnational financiers. The alliances that they used to lead will begin to unravel, but without their erstwhile allies admitting the powerful ascension of Russia and China.




Donald Trump refuses to accept that his fellow citizens should continue to pay for the realisation of the global financiers’ imperial dream.

On 19 December 2018, the announcement of the partial withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and the total withdrawal from Syria sounded like a thunderclap. It was followed the next day by the resignation of Secretary for Defense, James Mattis. Contrary to the affirmation of President Trump’s opposition, the two men hold one another in high esteem, and their difference of opinion has nothing to do with the withdrawals, but with the manner in which the consequences should be managed. The United States are facing a choice which will mark a separation and transform the world.

Before anything else, in order to avoid barking up the wrong tree, we should remember the conditions and the aim of the collaboration between between Trump and Mattis.

As soon as he entered the White House, Donald Trump was careful to surround himself with three senior military officers with enough authority to reposition the armed forces. Michael Flynn, John Kelly and especially James Mattis, have since left or are in the process of leaving. All three men are great soldiers who together had opposed their hierarchy during Obama’s presidency [1]. They did not accept the strategy implemented by ambassador John Negroponte for the creation of terrorist groups tasked with stirring up a civil war in Iraq [2]. All three stood with President Trump to annul Washington’s support for the jihadists. Nonetheless, each of them had his own vision of the role of the United States in the world, and ended up clashing with the President.

The storm whipped up by the mid-term elections has arrived [3]. The time has come to rethink international relations.


When in April, as he had promised, Donald Trump mentioned US withdrawal from Syria, the Pentagon persuaded him to stay. Not that a few thousand men could turn the tide of war, but because their presence acted as a counterweight to the Russian influence and a backup for Israël.

However, the transfer of Russian weapons of defence to the Syrian Arab Army, particularly the S-300 missiles and ultra-sophisticated radars coordinated by the automated command and control system Polyana D4M1, changed the balance of forces [4]. From that moment on, US military presence became counter-productive – any ground attack by pro-US mercenaries could no longer be supported by US aviation without the risk of losing aircraft.

By withdrawing now, the Pentagon avoids the test of power and the humiliation of an inevitable defeat. Indeed, Russia has successively refused to give the United States and Israël the security codes for the missiles delivered to Syria. This means that after years of Western arrogance, Moscow has declined the sharing of control of Syria that it had accepted during the first Geneva Conference in 2012, and that Washington had violated a few weeks later.

Apart from this, Moscow recognised a long time ago that US presence is illegal in terms of International Law, and that Syria can legitimately act in self-defence.

General Aharon Haliva came to Moscow at the head of an Israëli delegation on 17 December 2018. He informed his Russian counterparts about Tsahal’s on-going operations and asked them for the codes to the Syrian missiles. In vain.

The consequences

The decision to withdraw from Syria is loaded with consequences.

1— Pseudo-Kurdistan

The Western project for the creation of a colonial state in the North-East of Syria which would be attributed to the Kurds will not happen. Indeed, fewer and fewer Kurds give it their support, considering that this conquest would be comparable to the unilateral proclamation of a state – Israël – by Jewish militia, in 1948.

As we have often explained, Kurdistan would only be legitimate within the boundaries which were recognised by the Conférence de Sèvres in 1920, in other words, in what is now Turkey, and nowhere else [5]. Yet only a few weeks ago, the United States and France were still considering the possibility of creating a pseudo-Kurdistan on Arab land, and having it administered under a UN mandate by the French ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bernard Kouchner [6].

2— The Cebrowski strategy

The Pentagon project for the last seventeen years in the « Greater Middle East » will not happen. Conceived by Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, it was aimed at destroying all the state structures in the region, with the exception of Israël, Jordan and Lebanon [7]. This plan, which began in Afghanistan, spread as far as Libya, and is still under way, will come to an end on Syrian territory.

It is no longer acceptable that US armies fight with taxpayers’ funds for the sole financial interests of global financiers, even if they are US citizens.

3— US military supremacy

The post-Soviet world order based on US military supremacy is now dead. This may be difficult to accept, but that changes nothing. The Russian Federation is now more powerful, both in terms of conventional weaponry (since 2015) and nuclear weaponry (since 2018 [8]). The fact that the Russian armies are one third less numerous than those of the US, and have only isolated troop presence overseas, cancels out the hypothesis of Russian imperialism.

The Victors and the Vanquished

The war against Syria will end in the moths to come for lack of mercenaries. The delivery of weapons by certain states, coordinated by KKR funds, may drag the crime on for a short time, but does not offer the hope of changing the course of events.

Without any possible doubt, the victors of this war are Syria, Russia and Iran, while the vanquished are the 114 states which joined the « Friends of Syria ». Some of these have not awaited defeat to correct their foreign policy. Indeed, the United Arab Emirates have just announced the forthcoming reopening of their embassy in Damascus.

However, the case of the United States is more complex. The Bush Jr. and Obama administrations shoulder the entire responsibility for this war. They were the ones who planned it and realised it within the framework of a unipolar world. On the other hand, as a candidate, Donald Trump accused these administrations of having failed to protect US citizens, but instead having served the interests of transnational finance. As soon as he became President, Mr. Trump persistently cut his country’s support for the jihadists and withdrew his men from the Greater Middle East. He must therefore be considered as one of the victors of this war, and could therefore logically avoid the US obligation to pay for war damage caused by the transnational companies implicated [9]. For him, it is now a question of reorienting the armed forces towards the defence of US territory, ending the whole imperial system, and developing the US economy.


For the last few months, the United States have been discreetly negotiating with the Taliban for the conditions of their withdrawal from Afghanistan. A first round of contact with ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad took place in Qatar. A second round has just begun in the United Arab Emirates. Apart from the two US and Taliban delegations, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan are also participating. A delegation from the Afghan government has also arrived, in the hope of joining in.

It has been seventeen years since the United States and the United Kingdom invaded Afghanistan, officially in retaliation for the attacks of 9/11. However, this war followed the 2001 negotiations in Berlin and Geneva. The invasion was not aimed at stabilising this country in order to exploit it economically, but to destroy any form of a state in order to control its exploitation. So far, this has worked, since every day the situation is worse than the day before.

Let’s note that Afghanistan’s misery began during the Carter presidency. National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzeziński, called on the Muslim Brotherhood and Israël to launch a campaign of terrorism against the Communist government [10]. Terrified, the government appealed to the Soviets to maintain order. The result was a fourteen-year war, followed by a civil war, and then followed by the Anglo-US invasion.

After forty years of uninterrupted destruction, President Trump states that US military presence is not the solution for Afghanistan, it’s the problem.

General James Mattis promised to dissociate US armed forces from the jihadists, not to dislocate the alliance around the United States.

The place of the United States in today’s world

By withdrawing half of the US troops legally stationed in Afghanistan and all of those illegally occupying Syria, President Trump is keeping one of his electoral promises. He still has to withdraw the 7,000 men and women who remain.

It is in this context that General Mattis asked a fundamental question in his letter of resignation [11]. He writes: « “One core belief I have always held is that our strength as a nation is inextricably linked to the strength of our unique and comprehensive system of alliances and partnerships. While the US remains the indispensable nation in the free world, we cannot protect our interests or serve that role effectively without maintaining strong alliances and showing respect to those allies. Like you, I have said from the beginning that the armed forces of the United States should not be the policeman of the world. Instead, we must use all tools of American power to provide for the common defense, including providing effective leadership to our alliances. 29 democracies demonstrated that strength in their commitment to fighting alongside us following the 9-11 attack on America. The Defeat-ISIS coalition of 74 nations is further proof.”

In other words, James Mattis does not contest the logic of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and Syria, but what will probably follow – the dislocation of the alliances around the United States and finally, the possible dismantling of NATO. For the Secretary for Defense, the United States must reassure their allies by giving them the impression that they know what they are doing and that they are the strongest. It matters little whether this is true or not, the point is to maintain the cohesion between the allies, whatever the cost. However, for the President, there is a clear and present danger. The United States have already lost their first economic status to China, and now their first military place to Russia. It is necessary to cease being the one-eyed man leading the blind, but first to look after ones own.

In this affair, James Mattis is acting like a military man. He knows that a nation without allies is lost from the start. Donald Trump thinks like the CEO of a company. He must first clean up the deficient affiliates which are threatening to sink his enterprise.

Thierry Meyssan


Pete Kimberley

[1] Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, Michael Gordon & Bernard Trainor, Atlantic Book, 2006.

[2] ISIS is US: The Shocking Truth Behind the Army of Terror, George Washington’s Blog, Wayne Madsen, Webster Griffin Tarpley, Syrian Girl Partisan, Progressive Press, 2016.

[3] “International relations: the calm before the storm?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 9 October 2018.

[4] “Why is the United States suddenly withdrawing from Syria?”, by Valentin Vasilescu, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 21 December 2018.

[5] “The Kurdistan projects”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 5 September 2016.

[6] “Bernard Kouchner enters Syria illegally”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 14 December 2018.

[7] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[8] “Vladimir Putin Address to the Russian Federal Assembly”, by Vladimir Putin, Voltaire Network, 1 March 2018. “The new Russian nuclear arsenal restores world bipolarity”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 6 March 2018. « Les moyens russes de Défense hypersonique », par Valentin Vasilescu, Traduction Avic, Réseau Voltaire, 28 mai 2016.

[9] “Seize the transnational corporations to rebuild Syria?”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 14 August 2018.

[10] « Brzezinski : “Oui, la CIA est entrée en Afghanistan avant les Russes …” », par Zbigniew Brzeziński, Le Nouvel Observateur (France) , Réseau Voltaire, 15 janvier 1998. Charlie Wilson’s War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History, George Crile III, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2003.

[11] “Resignation letter from James Mattis”, by James Mattis, Voltaire Network, 20 December 2018.

Zo Fu

If scenario described in the article happens I’d suggest something like full scale Russian invasion. It means tanks army breakthrough, paratroopers, strategic bombers & ballistic missiles. The output would be decisive Russian victory and Poroshenko and his generals captured, trialed as war criminals by Russian authorities and then sentenced to death. Poroshenko hanging on rope like Saddam Hussein would be nice Christmas gift for Ukraine people. Then it would be a good time for talking the issue with “dear Western partners” and in UN (it is Putin’s – Lavrov’s favourite activity BTW). Because – believe me or not – the best way to prevent full scale nuclear WW3 is show dear “West partners” some military force. This is the only thing they understand. Talking is for pussies.


I bet every the last maid in Kremlin is busy reading your precious advises on cleaning toilets. They even take notes on toilet paper.


This “Cyber Berkut” is the official face of the cyber war waged by Russia against Ukraine. The name is inspired by the disbanded unit of the pro-Russian riot police troopers in Ukraine that lately joined Donbas terrorists. https://cdni.rt.com/files/news/23/d8/d0/00/berkut.si.jpg

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The real terrorists are the US/EU/NATO gangsters that started the war against the Donbass people in which 11,000+ people have died. This time, it will not end for those US/EU/NATO gangsters who are caught in the Donbass.


“gangsters caught in the Donbass”? I this a title from the Monkeys Planet magazine?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Yes, the very same US/EU/NATO gangsters that are arming and training the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis militias to kill their own people in the Donbass. I hope that when caught, they will be treated appropriately as “illegal combatants” and war criminals by the Donbass Republics. Fancy roasted and toasted bacon???

Carne João Pasta

Terrorists huh? FU dirt bag


Imperialist terrorists, worse than the islamic terrorists


Which you support

AM Hants

Integrity Initiative NGO, 95% funded by the UK Government, US State Department and Nato, so comes to mind.




AM Hants

Do not wish my taxes to be used to fund the demonsation of Russia or the White Helmets.

White Helmet Funding



Funny, how same crowd funds ‘Integrity Initiative NGO’.


Everybody with half a brain knows that White Helmets = Al-Qaeda but that doesn’t contradict what I said about the current article.

AM Hants

Inside The Temple Of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative & UK’s Scandalous Information War… https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-25/inside-temple-covert-propaganda-integrity-initiative-uks-scandalous-information-war

Andrej Kiska

Shalom Shlomo, what is the weather in Tel Aviv? Shalom shalom.

AM Hants

Provision of direct assistance and overseeing the development of strategic plans for the defense of Ukraine from external threats (Russia more than anything); – belieiving the spin of the ‘Integrity Initiative NGO’. ……………………………….

Developing plans for land and naval offensive operations by the Ukrainian Navy and Armed Forces. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is allegedly obliged to take these plans into account; – compost fodder for the future cauldrons. ……………………………….. Controlling the process of re-equipping, re-arming and training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Creating a “new” Ukrainian army that will counter Russia in the possible upcoming war; = Funny, but, how many of the trainers were around when the Nato and Kiev Forces got left in the cauldrons and Donetsk airport. Lessons not learnt. That was when the DPR and LPR were mainly farmers and miners, with minimal training, but, were defending their land and people. Defensive Forces, are far stronger then offensive forces. Like the Kiev conscripts and Nazi Forces, they too, will have spent the last four years, experiencing professional training, by, superior instructors.


Ensuring the activities and management of the Information and Psychological Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is to be used in the possible escalation scenario; – Integrity Initiative NGO, which is getting lots of attention, but nought positive.


Similarly to the second scenario, this one would happen along the contact line and would again involve Ukrainian civilian and military casualties. The DPR/LPR will allegedly employ chemical weapons against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, killing a large number of civilians and military personnel. To implement the plan, the “operational headquarters” and the General Staff of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense collected fragments of shells from beyond the withdrawal lines, which will be treated with chemical warfare agents. After imitating the use of chemical weapons by DPR/LPR it will present evidence of Russian chemical weapon’s use in the form of fragments of shells with traces of toxic substances;

White Helmets, moved to Ukraine, no doubt with the fake Larry Diamond videos, whilst using whatever the numerous, US bio-chemical labs, provide locally, in order to blame Russia. Seriously needs an audit trail of their actions, prior to the incident, which no doubt the MSM will heavily report.


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