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Haftar’s Forces Downed 6 Turkish UAVs And Killed 10 Soldiers At Mitiga Airport

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Haftar's Forces Downed 6 Turkish UAVs And Killed 10 Soldiers At Mitiga Airport

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On February 28th, the Libyan National Army (LNA), commanded by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, reported that it had downed 4 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) belonging to the Government of National Accord’s (GNA) forces.

There are photographs showing the downed UAVs.

The total number of UAVs downed since February 27th sits at 6, as 2 more were downed on the previous day.

Commander of LNA’s western military operations room, Maj. Gen. al-Mabrouk al-Ghazwi confirmed the downing of a Turkish drone south of Tripoli after it took off from “Turkish base in Mitiga,” saying it was a violation of the ceasefire declared in the region.

LNA spokesman, Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Mismari quoted Ghazwi as confirming his units’ readiness to deal with any threat that puts the security and safety of the capital and forces at risk.

On the next day, al-Ghazwi said that the number of downed drones had reached 6.

“The Turkish drones tried to launch a major air operation against the army forces and target more civilian targets,” al-Ghezwi added in a press statement on Saturday morning.

He indicated that the army air defense forces “are still conducting radar reconnaissance operations in order to hunt any enemy drones in the military operations zone in western Libya.”

The LNA is carrying out a heavy push on GNA and Turkish forces, especially in around Mitiga airport.

More than 60 Grad rockets landed on the airport.

According to Al Arabiya, 10 Turkish soldiers were killed in the shelling of Mitiga airport.

On February 29th, heavy clashes are continuing south of Tripoli, and shelling with Grad rockets is on-going.

The GNA said that the LNA is being pushed back by its forces, or at least stopped.


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Peter Jennings

So much for Turkish dominance who are way too late for the nato party. Everyone who isn’t welcome in Libya will soon be leaving. Everyone who doesn’t leave will have the LNA roll over them like a rogue wave. The people of Libya are coming to the end of their nato nightmare and a few turkish soldiers + terrorist sidekicks and Turkish toys aren’t going to stop the LNA taking back the country from foreign pirates.

Let’s hope the Turkish invaders don’t run into the Greek navy on their way back home.


I rather hope the Turkish invaders run into the Greek Navy on their way home, the Greeks will be only too happy to introduce them to 72 virgins.


So let me get this right: Haftar downs 6 Turkish UAVs but somehow similar UAVs “cause catastrophic losses” among SAA, destroying MBTs, Pantsir 1 among an assortment of equipment while killing 2000 SAA soldiers?

Legis Legis Juscius

2000?its nonseense, oficial confirmed numbers are not even 100, also thats strike was not in idlib it was in libya, turks showed same igame to give impresions that they are doing well

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Turkey did not destroy any Pantsir in Syria. That video footage was taken from the war in Libya

Hanny Benny

please give a source

indeed it would be very important if its true




Good find. This casts even more doubt on the authenticity of other Turkler claims that were associated with their big drone video dump.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

Official SAA facebook page or see cactus reply


Apparently the pantsir was an export model sold to one of the Gulf States that supports the LNA in Libya. That model was built on a German MAN chassis that was specified by the Gulf State.

All the Syrian pantsir’s are built on a Russian Kamaz chassis.


So you’re trolling us and you want us to do your military intelligence research as well? Go eat some falafel

Rhodium 10

Avia pro web usually not so many Russia friendly


libya didn’t buy pantsir

Codenamed 'Gordon'

It was Pantsir S1 from UAE


The UAE did, and the UAE supply’s weapons and money to the Haftars LNA.

Lone Ranger

Thats why you shouldnt take turkish claims too serious, its mossad news…


They provided evidence this time, and all major pro SAA sources ADMIT it is TRUE. Believing it not to be true does no good.

Lone Ranger



When you say soo.. I guess SAA sources in the field dont know the reality better than you. okay.

Lone Ranger

Mossad sources*


Yeah, bad news is always just moassad dis info. You can keep your cognitive dissonace to yourself or get a therapy. i dont give a shit.

Lone Ranger

Obviously you did… Keep crying Shlomo…


You have unequivocally proven yourself not only to be of low iq gender,but also to speak on behalf your outdated and uninspirational milita complex in general has been the major factor in disintegrating it’s effect yes,why not fake x it a bit,drr Well,real world intelligence has you covered from the north to the south pole,it ain’t about blood money nor zombie stocks and shares but the way I see it more your zombie apocalypse and no you ain’t getting your ww3 either other than hell!


The last time I checked there was nothing on RT, Sputnik or SANA about catastrophic losses from drones flying with impunity over Idlib and massacarring Syrian government coalition forces. Though I’m sure that there’s a lot on CIA, Mossad and IDF twitter accounts.


All major “pro SAA” sources do not admit that it’s true. To the contrary official government media says that the Turks are lying:

“the reporter added that the exaggeration of the Turkish regime related to inflicting losses upon the Syrian Arab army aim at covering the large defeats inflected upon it, its terrorist tools and its criminal schemes against the Syrian people.

Syrian army units engaged in fierce clashes with Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and the terrorist groups backed by the Turkish regime on direction of Saraqeb in Idleb southeastern countryside in parallel with carrying out rocket strikes targeting the areas and farms, west of Saraqeb city, where the terrorist groups are spreading, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists in personnel and equipment.”

– Erdogan uses misleading and lying policy, claims destruction of chemical weapons facilities in Syria –


Fuckturkius Sraloukranius

Yes, they provided some evidences, but even if you count the targets during the 15 nearly minutes video, you will find out that we cannot talk about 2500 killed and injured and over 200 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed. The Turkish scum are multiplying the number at least by 10 times.

Constellation 2023

That’s what a delusional lunatic said. LOL

Lone Ranger

Indeed you did…

Bruno Gama

Simply. The Syrians are sleeping, probably.


LNA destroys them inside their location or when they just take off. Turks dont have terrain depth to deploy them. In Syria they use UAVs to give target and hit with artillery guided shells

Game Over

That’s a good point I did not think about that. By the time they reach The Syrian Army they are at max altitude.

Game Over

Turks always exaggerate their claims. I find it hard to believe that Libya is shooting them down that easy and Assad is getting slaughtered by them.

Lone Ranger

Turkisis will cry and rage ;)


Ι know, look at this mongol Hyper19 ….hahaha

Constellation 2023

Hey look, two ignoramus sons of bitches confirming each other!!


I may be ignoramus but you are a pretentious twat!

Bruno Gama

I think, looking at the Maps. That SAA “choose” to loose Saraqib in Enchange for a larger area in the South. The claims of Err… Erdogan are “typical” Western/Nato bullshit. 7 Chemical Depots? Really? Where? The question is: News have come that Russia and Turkey have come to an agreement on De-Escalation of the Situation. Well Syria gains were more than looses in this February. And Russia would prefer to mantain the Economic Advantages rather than a direct confront with Turkey, despite the Hawkish Ottoman Rhetoric. Another question is: What is Happening to the Turkish Observation Post inside areas controlled now by SAA? If there´s an Open War, these soldiers are now trapped, and should fight for their lives or surrender… Just see Ruptly to view that´s not the case.

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS (500 years of devsirme childabduction)


Constellation 2023

Hmm, the same devshirme that rose to become the elite Janissaries and Grand Viziers? Why are these sites full of ignoramuses?? How old are you by the way???

Hanny Benny

stf slavehoreson

Bruno Gama

Anyone that can Read a Map, sees that Erdogan is loosing. Despite videos of UAVs hitting “sleeping” SAA soldiers. That´s the motive of the Hawkish rethoric… But Russia stands firm… Another agreement will come soon… Anyway, this shows how Lybia was a better choice for Russia support rather than Syria… Soviet Union has a Navy Base at Tobruk…could rebuild it… So much for 1 naval base and 1 air base


Syria was the first choice, and more important to Russia’s defence. Haftar is important to Libya and Egypt keeping away the Muslim Brotherhood.

Bruno Gama

Let´s remember that was Russia that let the Ottomans take the control of the Province of Idlib, alongside with a “SafeZone” in “Syria Kurdistan”. They say nothing when the “Ottoman Sultan” attacked the Kurds and expels American Troops from there… Now Americans and Europeans are cheering for a possibly “confront” between Turkey and Russia that won´t happen! The Fact is that Erdogan is out of control… and No One did nothing to stop him… If someone looks only at the Middle East it will think that the most powerful countries in the World Are Israel, Turkey and Iran… because they play down US, Europe and Russia… Erdogan plays by Netanyahu playbook… Explores rivalries between the Powers and are prone to Brinkmanship…




Rhodium 10

Turkish drones are fake!….its very easy to shot down them as we have seen in Libya and Yemen…other thing is the propagande machine to save Erdogan face that makes the drones invincible and better than israeli air force….of course other thing is the Turkish artillery vs SAA where Syrian soldiers use to be little cautious and poor trained!…we have seen in Saraqib a SAA soldier captured and he was just out of bed and in flips flops…


huge saa reinforcements gathering in the coastline and heading to idlib front …the next few days will be crucial


..the next few days will be crucial

i read this for long years :DDDDDDDDDDD

Rhodium 10

look Syrian map in 2015..and later look at 2020…

Bruno Gama


Strategies of Turkish Proxy Warfare in Syria… Very useful reading


Interesting article, thank you. The Turkish proxy strategy is very similar to that of the US and Israel. :)


You don’t say




[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/cmKUd0S.png) [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/bEOHMzF.png)


erdogans brain is addled or pickled like gherkins and he knows neither for or against -libya, syria northwest, syria northeast, cyprus and the greek border and the bulgarian border and turkstream and patriot missiles and s-400, and wherever he turns it’s a one way street and no one to unpickle his brain. poor sod.


Well he did fall of a donkey on his head once…. I think he was trying to ride it the wrong way ..! ?? Here is a picture of him riding other animals :




Erdo: fgn smart you think I’m stupid,you see nothing yet,genitile’,yes I have my way fgn’ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7d5f75308f8992db02e88bf82e045c42a02d83d75ec58b8c7df0cc81ed3e5a2c.jpg


I wonder if Erdogan is in the latter stages of Syphilis ? If it’s left untreated for years, syphilis can spread to the brain or other parts of the body and cause serious long-term problems.

“Lin et al.11 conducted a study on NS showing that 52 of the 169 patients presented psychiatric manifestations, and many of those patients had characteristics of more than one syndrome, including COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT, personality disorders, delirium, HOSTILITY, dysarthria, CONFUSION, disruption of their sleep–wake cycle, fecal and urinary incontinence, DYSPHORIA, PARANOIA, hallucinations, EXPANSIVE MOOD, and MANIA. These results indicate that NS mimics almost all psychiatric disorders. Costiniuk and MacPherson5 reported three cases of NS where the treatment was delayed because of the non-specific neurocognitive presentation. The patients presented hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, delusions of grandiosity, seizures, cognitive function impairment, memory alteration,”


actually I’ve had the same thought as well since the symptoms we can see are just spot on.

Prince Teutonic

Good thing for Haftar is he doesn’t have to listen to Russian “advisors”…


Well, Russia is not there to rig the game.


LNA seems to have the right idea concerning Turkey, maybe Russia can get their advice to put a stop to Turkey’s ambition over Syria.


Has SF been punked?

– Debunked: Viral video of ‘Turkish drone’ is from video game –


Assad must stay

excellent haftar keep downing them

Constellation 2023

Terrorist civilian butcher Asad is doomed to fall. Mark our words. You are forgiven and can live to see it happen and let it eat you inside.


Kermin KYUNN that posted the above video on JewTube is a new channel and isn’t the official Turkish military channel.

Constellation 2023

Turkey is the only country that supported the legitimate, UN recognised government of Libya, and can take on the whole world if need be. Never mind that Libya was part of the sublime Ottoman Empire only a hundred years ago! Turkey will not leave its Libyan brothers alone. The righteous will ultimately be victorious.

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