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MARCH 2025

Hamas Shared More Videos Of Battles In Gaza

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Hamas Shared More Videos Of Battles In Gaza

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Over the past day, Hamas fighters released more footage of their fight against the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.





Yemen’s Houthis also publish footage of kamikaze UAVs launched towards Israel on November 6.




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Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

this video just proves me right a bunch of ill-equipped sandal wearing peasants that are trying to fight against the only superpower in the region israel! yes israel will suffer losses, but every nation suffers losses in war, and it will be very minimal. while the real losses will be on hamas side and unfourtanely on the palestianian citizens side, which the current causality rate is showing.

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

hamas just needs to give themselves up already to save their people, but sadly that will never happen! i guess because of very poor decisions on hamas part they find themselves in the same position that germans did in 1945, that regardless of if they surrender or keep fighting against the incoming russian juggernaut, they will just die anyways, so might as well as fight and take some of them with you to hell!

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

but hamas will be found in their tunnels strung up, tortured, mutilated and killed slowly and israel will humiliate all of them, to send a message to all of their allies what happens when you attack us and after this no one will dare attack israel! and the surviving women might have a fate worser then death, because just like german women in 1945, they will have to shamelessly sleep with the enemy for food, water and protection!


lets wait and see how many months this fightings will go on agains at least 30.000 armed hams members and what losses idf will earn, when the fighting will be face to face on short distances.

Icarus Tanović

remember ibarruri you idiot.

Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

say what you want, but just like the ukrainians encircled by the russians in mariupol, every hamas fighter knows that soon it will be the end, and all of them are going to die a horrible death! and each one of them, right at this moment, are cowering in a dimly lit tunnel, with rats crawling around their feet and bombs going off above them, weeping and in duress!

Last edited 1 year ago by Hamas Is Looking Like A Fool!

weeping and in duress? they are happy to die for their cause.. unlike your globo homo jews that rather be somewhere else..


shlomo can’t find his way back to the kibutzzzzz and is going around in circles here. p.s. nobody ever reads your nonsense…they just thumb your dumb a$$ down.


why waste israeli solder when you can drop a mother of old bomb on top of them


spoken like a true american!


because than may many thousand be dropped from hisbollah and iran on israel?

Abdul Qadeer Khan

remember this is a great recruitment drive for the enemies of pissrael. “gods chosen” wild pigs think they are winning but they are digging their holes deeper. israel reminds me of a mentally ill man who thinks he is the best while throwing feces at his neighbors

Last edited 1 year ago by Abdul Qadeer Khan

gaza will be israel’s stalingrad.

Jorge Manuel

falavam as mesmas coisas dos vietcongues


finally, it does not seem that the weapons supplied to ukraine, such as javelin or nlaw, reached hamas. or maybe they are saving them for longer distance combat, at the moment the rpg doesn’t seem enough, but they are certainly not stones

Last edited 1 year ago by Reader

at the shown distances in the most clips, from 50m to 300m, more than enough to use rpg7 and similar copys. the main mistake here is to mostly shoot only one rpg on each target, whats not enough for such heavy armored targets with partly active portection systems. so 2-3 shots on each target should be much mor effective, especially all at once.

Jorge Manuel

viva o povo oprimido de gaza e os seus valentes combatentes. maldição para os militares israelitas, covardes, que já mataram milhares de crianças, mulheres e anciãos, na sua maioria.


each and every man and woman and transexual still holding a grain of reason in his/her mind on this wakes up with a single thought in his mimd: how to hurt usa establishment.


the civilized world celebrates the ongoing and unstoppable destruction of the anglozionazi empire of filth. it is indeed a sight to finally see the stinking khazar albatro$$ in occupied palestine bring the idiot $lumville golem to its knees. humanity thanks mother russia for yet again destroying zionazi fascism in rump ukraine and the gallant struggle of palestinian freedom fighters against the welfare warfare occupation abomination in their stolen lands.


moar dead shlomo$…makes my day to see lotz of idf diaper headed snakes getting whacked by gallant freedom fighters.

christian reinhard

terrorist actors with fake rpg 29

Allah is SATAN

did they destroyed the armoured vehicle? nope .

it detonated right before it hit the tank. so much for allah snackbars for these retarded tunnel rats

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