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MARCH 2025

Hamas Threatens To Strike Tel Aviv In Response To Next Israeli Attack On Gaza

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Hamas Threatens To Strike Tel Aviv In Response To Next Israeli Attack On Gaza

Palestinian Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, gives a speech during a rally in Gaza City, Aug. 27, 2014. (AP/Khalil Hamra)

On November 16, Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar stated that the group will strike Tel Aviv if Israel attacks Gaza once again.

“I advise Israel not to try and test us again. This time you did not have a lot of casualties and you managed to rescue your special forces,” he said. “You should not try again, because next time you will have to release thousands of prisoners.”

He also claimed that the next time Israeli forces entered the Gaza Strip, they would only return via a prisoner exchange for “thousands of prisoners.”

On November 13, the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, showcased their new short range rocket named “Ashkelon’s Hell”. The al-Quds Brigades particiapted in the recent escalation over Gaza alongside with Hamas shelling different Israeli targets. According to the group’s statement, it used its new rockets during the encounter.

Earlier in November, the Gaza Strip faced a large-scale encounter between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups after the Israeli military had opened fire at a Hamas patrol during its failed covert operation in the Gaza Strip.

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Lena Jones

The Palestinian David versus the israeli Goliath. We all know how that story ends.


Yeah, because unlike in fiction in real life the bigger bully usually wins. Sadly enough, if I have to place a bet my money is on Israel in this regard. The only thing that the Palestinians have going for them is that Israel has no stomach for a real invasion and re-occupation of the Gaza Strip. That only leaves Israel the option of ‘moving the lawn’. Which only serves to get a lot of Palestinians killed but does not solve the problem in Israel’s favor in the long term.


you’re wrong – it’s all about changing the direction of the tide. Israel is detested like no other ‘nation’ on earth and once a full scale boycott, material and finacial, is agreed on by the world’s nations, Israel will be finished before you have time to say squat (maybe a little longer)! And about 80% of those countries are agreed that Israel needs to go, for the sake of peace and prosperity for the rest of the world.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, historically even in a bar fight, the person or nation willing to take bigger blows and remain standing always wins. The Zionists are living on a Hollywood myth and if faced a determined foe like Hezbollah or Iran, they are history. Their total military age manpower is 2.7 million and if engaged in a protracted urban warfare with daily casualties, they will simply cut and run as they have no roots in Arab Palestine or the region. History has shown that far superior forces have been defeated by determined people who were willing to sacrifice, in our life time Algeria, Vietnam, Afghanistan and even Korea are living examples, even the end of the Apartheid regime.


But please remember how the Jews have the power to make America destroy a country they do not like – like they did to Iraq. Anytime any Arab county is diminished, it is a plus for the Jews because they are so scared to lose Palestine.

Zionism = EVIL

It is true, but even AmeriKKKan trailer trash is tiring of Jews who have bankrupted them and fanned wars from Afghanistan to Libya.


Is that how they beat 5 Arab armies and the local militia while under a US arms embargo in 1947-48z. What about 56, 68, 73….. you’re k owledge of military history is sorely lacking


Mileikowsky aka Ben Nitai aka Netanyahu was speaking unaware he was being recorded and he said that it was so easy to move America in any direction and he said it was absurd that 80% of Americans support the Zionist entity.


Why don’t you start with that boycott. Stop using all things developed or invented in Israel. That would include your computer, after all, flash which was invented in Israel, is foundational tonyour computer’s operation. Please stop. Now.

Lena Jones

Oh shut down that silly hasbara already! Israel’s hi-tech abilities are waaaay inflated – just like your brainwashed ass!


So inflated Israel (8M population) has the highest per capita US-Patent applications in the world. There are more Israeli companies on the tech-oriented NASDAQ than Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and India combined. Are you really this stupid or are you pretending for all the other posters. You realize being a twit is nothing to aspire to

Lena Jones

Exaggeration the already exaggerated! LOL typical jew!

India’s hi-tech wipes the floor with israeli hi-tech, let’s not even mention China, Germany, blah blah. All them mega international tech deals that israel ‘won’, it did so with blackmail and through cronyism – using insider jews to sway corporation votes towards israeli hi-tech. So you can stfu already – the jig is up!

Besides, israeli hi-tech is the MOST insecure in the whole goddam world! One precision missile from Hezbollah on tel aviv and the whole house of cards tof el aviv hi-tech turns to ash. And them Hezbollah missiles are coming sooner than later lol!


Hey bimbo, that was from the GE website. You’re jealousy of Jews has made you blind in addition to dumb. One missile from Hezbollah on Tel Aviv and southern Lebanon becomes a pile of rubble. Meanwhile you’ll be hiding like a coward. Go join Hezb al shaitan and see what happens

Lena Jones

Hey motherfucker hasbara minion: you obviously aren’t aware how the evil jew tribe works, has always worked: brainwash little jew morons like you to parrot lie after lie after lie to serve the rabbinical and the Rothschilds!

I can assure you it won’t be just one Hezbollah missile aimed at your klepto jewy ass, but the whole of tel aviv will be in rubble, regardless of what happens to south Lebanon! One thing is for sure: when the shit hits the fan, the terrorist jews illegally and immorally occupying Historic Palestine will flee like the coward rats they are, NEVER to return to the middle east for the next 1000 years – while the Lebanese will be returning to their INDISPUTABLE native land after a HUUUUUUUGE Hezbollah victory over the genocidal talmudic jew Apartheid fuckers!

So you can start dusting up your second passport, roll it up into a paper dildo and go fuck yourself you little freaking antigentile terrorist!


Look at the mouth on you!!! You kiss your kids with that mouth (lord know what’s been in it). Wait, you don’t have kids because who would want to be with a piece of trash like you, even for free. Still waiting for you to put on your hijab and move over to Lebanon so you can walk the walk. Otherwise you’re just a piece of trash with a third grade education and a hole nobody’s interested in. (Do you really think your jew this, jew that diatribe is going to even get a small rise from me. Don’t you realize that you don’t count. You don’t matter at all and the only thing you have in your life is an internet connection that allows you to bitch to other losers. Pathetic)

Lena Jones

But… I AM IN LEBANON motherfucker lol!

All the way from Venice Beach/sthCal to south Lebanon: been here now for 6+ years – and definitely NO hijab-bijab-blahblah on me, you racist, miserable antigentile cunt!

Fucking klepto coward! It looks like I WALK THE WALK and you crawl on your scumbag gassy belly.

And just look at you attacking my (unarmed) kids and family life – lol yeah typical psycho jew cunt behavior!

And actually, apparently I do matter cuz you keep responding to me, you little terrorist airhead!

Never mind my “education”, you’re about to be educated by professor Hezbollah ;-)

P.S. Every day I flip my middle finger southwards towards the terrorist idf jews while you sit in your bucket-of-shit house and pick your arse.


Really, so provide your GPS coordinates please. I’m sure the IDF would love to know exactly where you are. If you have kids (although i’m sure your master/husband gave you no choice, what are you wife #3?) i’d say having you as a mother is pretty much child abuse. Now, as for “Professor Hezbollah” are you referring to Nasrallah who spends his life hiding in sewers afraid of the IDF? Maybe you’re one of his wives who also lives in a sewer. That would explain your mouth – do you kiss your kids with that dirty mouth? Considering what comes out of it, I can only imagine what (and how many) things go into it. As for responding to you, I do that because it’s amusing. I like calling trash like you out. You get all testy and irritated and angry. Maybe you’re even crying a little. How cute.

Lena Jones

And again with your shitty-headed jewy misogynistic islamophobia! LOL why don’t you and your alcoholic eunuch husband come over to the border bitch?! Wot you need a pussy jewy army to make your bimbo point for you?! You are such a psycho freak it wouldn’t surprise me if one of your klepto-psycho kids stabbed you in the eyeball while you’re sleeping then stole your dirty shekels – it’s what you’ve done to Palestinians after all. Fact is israel will be destroyed, and not a day too soon, and hopefully you and your jewy mouth will be eating liberated Palestine earth filmed for the world to see.

Hezbollah rules and Nasrallah, btw, doesn’t live in a bunker, he lives under your bed, you dual-loyalty brit jew cunt.

And I can assure you I’m far from being “testy” and even further from being a muslim or even an Arab! But of course racist genocidal jew cunts like you are brainwashed to see any resistance to jewish evil as ‘islamic’. LOL in the Lebanese Christian village where I currently live, you can be sure that every single Christian villager will soon enough be storming to liberate the Galilee and to throttle any jew invader in their way with their bare hands. Oh you are so fucking hated for your long list of crimes against humanity and kleptomania that it would be poetic justice to see your whole khazrian tribe turn blue in the face or get ovened and for freaking real this time! You holocaust the Palestinians and the Resistance will just have to holocaust your sorry ass back!

You respond to me cuz you’re a fat jew cunt. It’s as simple as that.

And btw, you are a fucking illiterate pompous asshole to boot! You’re supposed to spell your name ‘Really?!’, not ‘Really!?’ The question mark goes BEFORE the exclamation mark, you uneducated terrorist skank!

And my “coordinates” are right up yer racist arse: go pass them to the idf, why don’t you?! You deserve to be missiled right there by the nazi jew army!


Sugar pie, 1. I don’t have a husband although you probably look like a man. 2. If you’re not a member of a genocidal pedophile worshiping cult, then you’re a Christian in South Lebanon. That explains everything, you poor child – You’re terrified for your life, just like baby Hariri is after the Syrians blew up his daddy. 3. Nasrallah is under my bed? Really? (Hold on). Nope, sorry – not there. Interesting, though. For such a tough guy who threatens Israe all the time (like you – do you have a beard like him too?) he lives in a bunker. What a pussy coward. Maybe you’re really a man pretending to be a woman, that would explain a lot! 4. So we genocide the paLIEstinians (but they’re population keeps increasing. Hmmm interesting. Remind me again about Lebanese law and paLIEstinian land ownership and paLIEstinians obtaining Lebanese citizenship and paLIEstinians holding certain jobs like lawyers and doctors. How’s that apartheid working out for you, but yeah, you’re real worried about those palis. Who was it EXACTLY that pulled the trigger in Sabra & Shatila? Riiiight, the Christian phalange. Ooopsie. 5. I respond to you because it’s amusing watching you get all riled up. Clearly your goat, husband, wife, father isn’t getting the job done in the sack. 6. I’m illiterate and pompous- isn’t that a bit of a contradiction? Why don’t you work on that insult a little more and then come back to me. Regarding my punctuation, Please note that The Corpus of Contemporary American English has 3742 examples of “?!” and 1197 examples of “!?”. Thus, both orderings enjoy substantial usage, although it does appear that “?!” enjoys a majority of usage, probably because most sentences that get the double punctuation treatment are syntactically questions that have an exclamation point added for emphasis. In addition, the British National Corpus, and it has 224 instances of “?!” and 121 instances of “!?”. (How’s that for pompous you ignorant twit) 7. Your coordinates Are “up my arse”. Are you asking to toss my salad? You freak!! CLEARLY none of your husband, Wife, goat, father nor Nasrallah are doing their job. Might I suggest a battery operated substitute? Although that might give your location away to that drone overhead…..boom.

Lena Jones

Didn’t bother to read your paranoid-brainwashed jewy ravings cuz hasbara is just TOO boring and all I can see when I close my eyes is your dusty funeral in Historic Palestine. Nice!

Now put a little kosher salt on the turd I just stuffed in yer pie-hole!

Fucking shit-eating antigentile cunt!


Well of course you didn’t read it, It was largely over your head. Nobody has ever accused you of having a brain, Right scarecrow? You seem awfully analy fixated. Freud would have a field day with that. I just think it peobomeans your father buggered you before you grew grass in the field and now your fixated. Just let your goat do it’s thing and you’ll be fine. Be sure to kiss your kids with that mouth too…..

Lena Jones

So you’re coming to the border or what little jew chicken?

Oh my mistake: you’re too busy eating gentile shit and mass murdering Palestinians.


I’ve been there and crossed the border in 1987. You were being protected by UN peacekeepers bc you couldn’t handle it yourself. Was also in Ashkelon during the first intifada. Little rats throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks. About as effective as you

Lena Jones

Oh an admitted mass murdering invader lol! Oh you just try crossing the border today and you’ll be getting more than just a molotov shoved down your throat.

I’m seeing a Lebanese oven with your name on it!


Well, I did cross the border, Wandered, got bored and went back. Really just a garbage heap. Shame, Lebanon used to be such a nice place before trash like you ruined it. Explain to me more about this oven. Is it self cleaning? Is it a push-in? Personally, I love wolf (red handles on stainless steel look great). Viking too. Miele is overrated if you ask me. But then, you have no idea what I’m talking about since those each cost thousands of dollars and you live in a mud hit and milk Camels with your mouth for a living. Sorry.

Lena Jones

The only one milking camel cunt is your chosenite cunty crooked hands.

Palestine used to be a paradise till the genocidal, kelpto, swindling, mass murdering fake khazar jews invaded. And invaders of the holy land ALWAYS leave on their knees lol – read some fucking history that’s not written by jewish falsifiers of history lol!

The goy know.

The ovens are ready.

Tick tock…


Can you at least try to make an effort and come up with an original insult. It’s boring to have you badly regurgitate mine back to me. Maybe open your legs – the smell is likely so offensive that could work. Israel has been a paradise since 1947 and Judea Samaria is getting there. Just need to get rid of these parasitic worms that live there called PaLIEstinians.

At least we agree about what happens to invaders of the holy land. First the Greek-Syrians, then the Babylonians, Persians, Muslims, Christians, Ottomans, and British. Now the Jews are back. And look have steamed you are about it. Cry more to mommy, tell me how much it hurts inside. Poor wittle baby sad.

Glad ovens are ready, go bake me a challah, bitch.

Lena Jones

The biggest plagiarists and kelptos on the planet are fake khazar jews like you lol! The whole world knows it and laughs at you and your frigging pagan genocidal talmud! You wanna genocide all of gentiledom? Just you try motherfucker! We’re ALL ready for you now, coward anti-christ fucks!

Your rump is already in the oven!


Pagan Talmud. You realize the contradiction there, right? You really can’t get this insult thing right. Maybe you need a break so you can ask a Hezbollah tough guy for some help. Oh, and you realize Christ was a Jewish rabbi, right? Which oven are you putting him in?

Lena Jones

No I’m NOT contradicting! You’re just TOO STUPID to see the paganism in the antigentile and hateful talmud lol!

Go shine your golden calf and suck on its hooves when the moon is full and a red heifer is born, you little cunt moron!

And Jesus is AN EX-JEW! He cursed you and your evil, genocidal talmud – it’s why you tortured and murdered him motherfucker! It’s the NORM for you to kill ALL messengers of peace – no surprised there!

If Jesus was around today, you’d be the first his hands would push into the oven you satantic, superstitious scab-for-brains cunt!


“Jane you ignorant slut” of course you are. First, the Talmud was written in Babylon – far from Europe where paganism flourished. Secondly, paganism is, by definition, polytheistic and Judaism is the original monotheistic religion. So you really are just proving your stupidity. Is it easy or do you have to work at it? I do t think o could be that stupid if I tried.

Second, the Romans killed Jesus. If you could read you’d be able to read all about the passion of Jesus. Even Mel Gibson made a movie about it, you should know, he’s a Jew hater too, just like you! If Jesus were around today he’d curse you for living with the enemies of Christianity. I wonder what Asia Bibi would have to say about you defending the same types of people who want her dead. You’re a very bad Christian. Maybe I’ll take this thread to the local Diosces and see what can be done about having you excommunicated.

Lena Jones

Wow so very brainwashed by jewish falsification of history lol! Even a peasant in the godforsaken sticks of Mongolia knows that the evil jews killed jesus and apparently the jews “would do it again in a heartbeat” according to the jew slut sarah silverman lol! You think you can hide the jewy murder of Jesus as well as the mass murder hundreds of millions of gentiles throughout history behind your bony thumb? LOL motherfucker just get outta town already!

Jews started and paid for the Bolshevik revolution that saw the slaughter of some 40 million Christian Russians. Jews started WW1 and WW2 and ALL the wars in the middle east too. This is just in the past 80 year! You think you can forever get away from the ocean of human blood you’re DIRECTLY responsible for spilling? LOL! Your oven awaits you and your evil jewishness.

Judaea and Sumaria, my ass – it’s FOREVER PALESTINE motherfucker! But do keep letting your jewish genocidal supremicism show – am more than happy to slay the evil jew cunts wherever and whenever I can.

And NO! Jesus would NOT curse me for living in the Christian village of his REAL ancestors! He wouldn’t even curse me if I lived in a muslim village cuz he knows that MUSLIMS LOVE JESUS, unlike the evil jews who had him tortured and murdered and say that he is now in hell “boiling in semen and excrement”!

Let’s face it: Jesus hated the jews and their evil ways – full fucking stop!

Nowhere around THIS FACT, little Apartheid loving, Jesus-hating jew terrorist cunt that you are!


How many times can u say “squat” in 70 years? Israel was there before “verner” was born” and if the miscreant live to 105 Israel will oulast him by another 4,000 years.


Why is the white Jew still lingering on stolen soil when it is so safe for him to return home?


Lena Jones

Do you understand how ‘resistance’ works? Do you understand what just happened in Gaza with israel’s retreat from a ground incursion into Gaza soon as it was established that rockets fired at israel from Gaza suddenly became precision-guided rockets?

Let’s hope so.


The Jews need people to do the work, the Palestinians are their virtual slaves. If they kill them all, who would do the manual labour? Have you ever seen a Jew dig a ditch?, it’s beneath them. That is the chink in their armor, they need others to do their work.

Israel the country could not exist without American financial and military support, and the US is in the process of collapsing. When the US is gone, Israel will cease to be.


Is that the same country that beat 5 Arab armies multiple times while under a US arms embargo? Is that the same country that turned a desert into one of the top economic and technological leaders in the world. Now let’s compare that to India which could only get to a stalemate against Pakistan and let’s China encroach on its northern border year after year.


Approximately 1.5 million Jews fought in the regular Allied armies. They were serving in order to gain combat experience to be used against the indigenous people of Palestine. On the other hand, the Arab armies were newly formed, the Arab countries were barely emerging out of European colonialism and never had the opportunity to organize their armies. In 1973, the Jews in Palestine were finished without America aiding them and supplying them with weapons. That is the reason Jewry asked America to dish out billions to Egypt and Jordan so that the European squatters in Palestine will never have to face the kind of threat they faced in 1973.

When these Arab countries gained independence.

Egypt ……………1922 …… Britain Iraq …………….. 1932 …… Britain Jordan ………… 1946 …… Britain Lebanon …….. 1943 …… France Syria …………. 1946 …… France


The Arab armies were newly formed?!! They were organized at the latest during the First World War by the British to fight the Ottomans. They were further supplied and trained by the British during the mandate years. And since you live Haaretz so much: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/.premium-u-k-intel-goaded-arabs-into-48-war-papers-show-1.5300880


Yes, the Jews defeated the philistines and other Canaanites and David went on to become king, founded Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and established the Israeli nation as a powerful regional entity. Perfect analogy for events of today.

You can call me Al

Shut up you big mouthed cretin. Whilst it makes me want to puke, when I hear how the hooked nosed scum treat you, sometimes just STFU with this nonsense.

Jens Holm

Well puke.


How does the Ashkenazi feel he is entitled to that piece of land?

On the claim that his grandpa was a man called Abraham of Ur?

Zionism = EVIL

There were less than 2000 Sephardi or Mizrahi Arab “Jews” in Palestine on the eve of Balfour declaration. The colluding Arab Wahhabi puppet regimes of Jordan, Saudis and Egypt opened up the flood gates for the AshkeNAZI based on a totally fabricated Zionist narrative and Hollywood fakery.


1) I ask everyone to avoid using the Yiddish words of “Mizrahi” and “Sephardi”. There is no Sephardi DNA and there never was because the Jews of the Iberian Peninsula were of Iberian ancestry who practiced Judaism. Today, the descendants of the Jews expelled out of the Iberian Peninsula are a mixture of many ethnicity (Middle Eastern, Iberian, European, North African) none of which is “Sephardi”.

2) The word “Mizrahi” was created in order to isolate the Arab Jews from their Arab brothers and to make them appear foreign and not Arab. Mizrahi combines all the Jews of North Africa and the Middle East and even the non-Arab Iranians.

3) I am not sure where you got your figure of 2000 “Mizarahi”. The Jews who were in Palestine by 1917 were mostly Yiddish-speaking migrants from Europe and none indigenous. “Mizrahi” exactly from where?

Palestine population

Year ……. Muslims …… Christian …… Jews 1851 …… 300,000 …… 27,000 …… 13,000 1861 …… 325,000 …… 31,000 …… 13,000 1878 …… 386,320 …… 40,588 …… 13,942 1879 …… 390,597 …… 41,331 …… 14,197 1880 …… 394,935 …… 41,089 …… 14,460 1881 …… 399,334 …… 42,864 …… 14,731 1882 …… 403,795 …… 43,659 …… 15,011 Ashkenazi arrived 1883 …… 408,318 …… 44,471 …… 15,300 1884 …… 412,906 …… 45,302 …… 15,599 1885 …… 417,560 …… 46,152 …… 15,908 1914 657,000 81,000 59,000 1922 …… 598,177 …… 71,464 …… 83,790 British Mandate

Zionism = EVIL

There were supposedly a few Arab leftover so-called Jews according to what I have read. Could be more made up Zionist and Brit lies.


Please keep in mind that there were no Palestinian Jews at all living in Palestine going back many centuries and there are none today – and the only Jews in Palestine were not Jews from Arab countries but the Yiddish-speaking migrants from Eastern Europe.


You can read!?! Since when, congratulations!!!! That’s new for you. I’m quite proud you can get through cat in the hat now.


I ask people to stop using the word intelligent when referring to the human mattress Helen.

Jens Holm

Well, arabs are same thing. Go back to yemen or at least the Shammers should go back to Saudi arabia beingg ISIS there instgead of in Raqq, DEZ and Abu Kamal.

The Aleppo and Raqqa districts as well as Tripolis(Latakia) are not and never has been Syria as well as Syria was no country since 1258 and after that mainly has been Greeks, Ottomans and even Armenians.

Go home and take You ancient culture, religion and language with You. Genetics also say, most of You are not even arabs. ”Much like You are Houtis and not Houtis from Yemen”.

A few says ago I heard some Turk trying to ´tell me, that Armenians were an Italian colony driven by Rome and The Greek Roman Empire was driven by Romans as well.

You history books are like mad and bad science fictions even its easy to find, how strange they are.

Even Saladin has 5 pasports. Alexander the Great only had 2. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80368cedfa431dae209d7bdc42e970c39c20679fbc93696f7cb14624781a4c11.jpg


Moron, Jordan didn’t exist at the time of the Balfour declaration. You really are an ignoramus


Maybe the Jews who lived there first ya stupid twit





THESE? https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/Not-Just-News/Snack-Bites/A-View-of-Israel-The-19th-Century-452774/amp


The point is that 95% of world Jewry is the Ashkenazi who is 100% of European ancestry and who faked his way towards Palestine as “returning”. Yes or no?

Neil Gaiman

99.6% Ashkenazi and 0.3% unspecified European 0.1% East Asian

What do you think Gaiman’s 99.6% Ashkenazi is? Is it Middle Eastern or Khazaric?


Jens Holm

Read about it. You never stop. Do You. I say the same to the jews, which look more and more like You.

Go and kill each other – just faster. Then some Christians or sekulars can take over or something.

The last chance for any sensible solution was when You killed Arafat and Rabin Yourself. We even has been feeding arabs there since 1948 waiting for some solution.

My own private gesture would be You all west of Jordan could get East Greenland, so that part of ME could be in peace. We then could parashute pork, bacon and like that to You and the polar bears. ……………………………………………………………..

If everything is runned by West as you tell incl zionist, why dont You let them take over. You show no respondability at all. How in the holes of Your behinds, can You say 12 mio. having no homes in Syria are them/us too. And you have to add 500.000 dead and several millions wounded for life in bodies and souls.

If we had childcare centers here in Denmark runned like that, they were closed yesterday.

Let me repeat.I like jews less and less too. You should mary each other and convert to christinaty or sekulars and eat pork every day. You could try. You semes to have a lack of something.

Jens Holm

The Balkan jews almost all were sefardis and asked by the ottomans to come. So until Hitler came the jews from there emmigrated to Palestine as well. Not many, but some did.


And the archeological, biblical and historical evidence that the Jews are the only survivors of the original inhabitants. YOure welcomez


Be brave and cuck these child butchers (Israel) for ever.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes :)))


Palestine will be free soon

Zionism = EVIL

In strategic military terms, it is very easy to defeat the Zionist cancer if even the Palestinian united, let alone 400 million Arabs. The Zionists are cowards living off western fake guilt charity and moronic brainwashed US taxpayers weaponry. The Zionist population of barely 6 million simply can not sustain a long drawn out asymmetrical warfare that chews down manpower, let the pathetic IDF child killers. The problem with Arabs in general is that they are not ruthless enough as the Zionist criminals and do not impose punishing blows. Hamas could have killed at least 40 Zionist scum if it has hit a bus load of Zionist child killers, instead of an empty bus. In any case Hamas now has 330 mm Fajr 1 rockets that can do a lot of damage in urban infrastructure and have similar impact as a US 500 lb bomb. It is time to target Ben Gurion airport and then see the exit lines as the Zionist cowards run to Europe and North America,


“The Zionist population of barely 6 million”

World Jewry = Zionist!

Zionism = EVIL

Even that is barely 14 million so-called Jews, who have coopted the American morons. Arab population 400 million, Muslims 2 BILLION plus, but not united and have mostly puppet scum regimes like Saudis, Emiratis and Sisi. Quite sad.


Yes, even Haj Amin al-Husseini said at this testimony at the Peel Commission in 1937 that the Arabs had no chance since the Jews controlled Britain – that was 81 years ago and with their conquest of Palestine and declaring a state their power just skyrocketed. They have become so arrogant because they know they US government stands by and for them.


Are you talking about the guy who was hitler’s friend? So you’re a Nazi? Thanks for outing yourself



In March 1946 there were rumors that the British wished to deport the Mufti to the Seychelles, and there ware counter rumors that several Arab countries had offered him refuge. Foreign Secretary Bevin had reputedly made a request to the French Foreign Office for the extradition of the Mufti and had been refused. Bevin then requested that the Mufti be kept under surveillance so that he might not leave France. While members of the French, British and American Intelligence services were checking planes and visas under the suspicion that the Mufti might attempt to leave Paris, the Mufti boarded a TWA flight for Cairo on May 29. He had shaved his beard, dyed his hair, and was the bearer of a Syrian passport, issued to his friend Mar’uf Dawalibi. Dawalibi, then the legal counselor of the Syrian Legation in Paris, was a prominent anti-Western Arab nationalist and a firm collaborator with the Mufti. Before boarding the plane, Haj Amin kindly sent a letter to the British Embassy informing them that he was about to “fly the coop”. The Syrian Master to France, who had assisted in procuring the passport, left hastily and quietly for Geneva. The Mufti, accompanied by his secretary Ali Rushdi man, was seen safely in tho air, while the real Dawalibi was still in Paris. It was several days before the British ascertained that the Mufti had arrived in Cairo. The British Ambassador then requested the Egyptian Government to give no publicity to the presence of the Mufti in Egypt. King Faruq replied that the notice would be in the papers the next day, and it was. In the opinion of American officials in Cairo, this move by King Faruq gave Egypt increased prestige with extreme nationalist leaders in the entire Near East, and served to strengthen Egyptian leadership of the Arab League States where the Mufti was considered the best available threat against the Zionists. In the meanwhile the Mufti’s latest move was hailed in the Muslim press, and he was accorded an unrestrained welcome by the populace. ______________ Prayers were held for the occasion in Al-Ashar Mosque, and cheers for the Mufti developed into anti-British, anti-Government manifestations which grew serious enough to require police interference to quiet the crowd. After promising not to take part in any political activity, the Mufti with four of his followers was established in Villa Aida, at Alexandria on July 1, 1946. Arab leaders at once began to beat a pith to his door, but were always received “unofficially”. Said the Mufti, “if the Jewish Agency is permitted to spread propaganda, collect funds, prepare armies, and buy ammunition, then the Arabs be at least have the right to meet and discuss their plans.” Haj Amin al-Husayni was determined that the Arabs should take up arms in the event of the partition of Palestine. There were indications in the fall of 1946 that the Mufti was in touch with the British, and had their tacit consent for his activities. A Lebanese Christian who interviewed him then said that he had never seen the Multi so pro-British. But the Mufti himself became increasingly discouraged with the situation. He decried the weakness of the Arab League, blamed King Abdullah for creating dissension among the Arabs by his “Greater Syria” project, and felt that Communist agents had made great inroads in the entire Middle East. ______________ The situation in Palestine grew more tense in 1947. The Mufti, under constant attack from Zionists and unalterably determined to fight the partition of Palestine, traveled to Beirut in October, without a Lebanese visa, to participate in an Arab League meeting called to consider the Palestine problem. At this meeting the Mufti met stiff opposition to his plea that all the Arab countries assist the Palestine Arabs to resist the partition of their country. In December he returned to Cairo. When the actual conflict between the Arabs and the Jews came, dissension and jealousy between the followers of the Mufti and the pro-Hashimite adherents of King Abdullah succeeded in negating much of the Arabs’ military power. The Mufti’s choice for leader of the Arab army was the Iraqi General Taha al-Hashimi, while the Syrians insisted on Fauzi Quwugaji; thus two commanders took the field at the start of the campaign, and later the situation was further complicated by the insistence of the Egyptians on still a third separate command. ______________ A so-called Palestine Arab Government was set up in Gaza in September 1948, under the protection of the Egyptian Government. The position of President was left vacant, presumably for the Multi to occupy at a future data. The personnel of the Gaza Government is composed of his followers, and it was believed that the Mufti had had much to do with their choice. If the Gaza Government was intended to rival the Jewish Agency, tho Arabs were ambitious. This small group of Palestine Arabs could net in any way compete with the international organization of the Zionists. The Gaza Arab Government existed for a time, on paper only, and then folded its tents. Moreover, the Arabs in Palestine were divided in their allegiance. One group desired to be incorporated into Jordan, while the Mufti’s group clung unrealistically to their dream ca an indepenaent Palestine Arab state. Gradually the chauvinistic appeal that the Mufti had had lost its attraction for the war-weary Arabs, and the Mufti’s influence reached its nadir in tho winter of 1948-1949. Haj Amin had alienated King Faruq and the members of the Egyptian Government, he had the support of no great power, he had been unable to weld together even the surrounding Arab countries into any unanimity of action or opinion and he had been unable to proclaim a Jihad. ______________ In October 1949, Haj Amin went to Saudi Arabia, endeavoring to obtain support from Ibn Saud for the creation of an independent Arab Palestine. Messages from Whitehall were sent to the British Charge in Jidda, instructing him to inform the Saudi Arabian Government that the British Foreign Office did not in any way approve of the Mufti’s plan. Shortly after this the Mufti left Jidda in King Ibn Saud’s plane on a mission to Damascus. He intended to dissuade the Syrian Government from its rumoured project of union with Iraq. ______________ In February 1951, Haj Amin presided over the World Muslim Conference held at Karachi. Although the Conference was unofficial in character, nearly forty delegates from Muslim countries attended. The principal resolution passed by the Conference was that “no power on earth can break the ties which bind the people of Pakistan and Kashmir”, and all Muslim countries were to direct their representatives at the UN to support Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir. Other resolutions dealt with Palestine, Africa, and Hyderabad, and all stressed the necessity for the cooperation of the Muslim world. From Karachi, Haj Amin went to Kabul in March 1951, where he attempted to resolve Afghanistan-Pakistan differences on the basis of private informal talks. He apparently hoped to encourage a settlement of the “Pushtoonistan” issue by again using the plea for Islamic unity, insisting that this unity is the only protection of the Muslim world against the evils of Communism. It is believed, however, that Haj Amin’s excursion into the affairs of Afghanistan and Pakistan is merely a phase of his most earnest purpose to achieve Muslim unity in order to drive the Zionists out of Palestine. ______________ Latest reports regarding the Mufti indicate that the British Foreign Office would like to effect a rapprochement between Abdullah and Haj Amin, or at least between Abdullah and the followers of Haj Amin, to stabilize and unify the enlarged state of Jordan. Whether such a plan can ever materialize or not, the Mufti is still a power in the Middle East. His small, but well organized group of henchmen penetrate every country in the Muslim world, and the popular appeal of his slogan for Muslim unity cannot be denied, however unrealistic it may appear to be. There is no tangible evidence that he has ever desired Soviet support for his plans, and it is out of character that he ever would. The German Foreign Office could never discern that he strove for anything more than pan-Arab union. While the Zionists consider him slightly worse than Mephistopheles and have used him as a symbol of Nazism, this is false. He cared nothing about Nazism and did not work well with Germans. He regarded them merely as instruments to be used for his own aims. ______________



The AshkeNAZI are far worse than any much maligned “nazi”. They make the SS look like boy scouts.


I could not reply to your earlier comment, received a message saying that it was not active – so I will just post my reply here: _________ And you have all those British or American installed useless Arab monarchies and it is Iran that had been the most steadfast defender of the Palestinian cause. Imagine a scenerio where Iran was ruled by the former Shah who was a friend of America and Britain – which automatically translates into a friend of world Jewry. The Palestinians would have had no one else to stand for them and to defend them.


He said with a total ignorance of current events or history.


Thank you for agreeing and establishing that he was a Jew hating racist who worked with the Nazis. He was also instrumental in developing the Nazi Jew hating ideology. Seems like many people on this thread would make great Nazis and Muslims.


Are you familiar with the term conflation?


I’m familiar with the term, feel free to give an example


Easily done – see your previous remarks


Specific how. What issues are being conflated. So far you’ve used a big word, so kudos, but failed to show how it operates in context.


Hasbara trolling 101 – deflect/divert/demand/insult – simply will not work here


If you’re for Yemen, what are you doing on your computer- go to Yemen, I’m sure you’ll last more than a week.


From paLIEstinian occupation


good, bomb and strike it to kingdom come

H Eccles

This is just fab!

If I’m not mistaken IDF scum had to scurry out of Gaza like cockroaches after they make a balls-up of their ‘mission’ a few days ago. I say mission but it was really an act of terrorism. Thumbs up to the people of Gaza for kicking out the thieving terrorist scum.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

No matter who you are or what ever your cause/reason is, hitting civilian targets is a no go. The goal does not holy the means.

I in no way support the things IDF is doing, but hitting civilian targets is just not the way to go.

For some reasons comments are not enabled in the linked article.


Who gave that land to Europe’s Jewry or what is the claim by European

Jewry to that land based on? Tell me.


The Jews who lived there before the invading Muslims, ya dumb bimbo!




Well that’s wildly irrelevant. Kind of like you. ThT must be why you posted it, birds of a feather and all that.


What else is the reason the Ashkenazi is in Palestine except for the fake and invented ancestry ties to Abraham? What are the chances any Ashkenazi has any Middle Eastern genetic link?


It’s in the blood, silly little girl https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2013/12/20/new-genetic-study-more-evidence-for-modern-ashkenazi-jews-ancient-hebrew-patrimony/


There are a thousand of these fake “studies”.

Do you have any actual DNA results like these?

David Pakman 96.9% Ashkenazi 99% European https://youtu.be/Bf8SvLFbLEM

Bernie Sanders 97.7% Ashkenazi 99% European https://youtu.be/nhU45VFd3Sk


Yes, bimbo, the Stanford University study is fake and your google results are totally real. Maybe you should read the study. It’s likely way over your ditzy head but maybe you’ll get the part where they trace ashkenazi DNA to the levant. Doh! Bimbosity confirmed!



DO NOT hesitate to ask for the source for any of these.


Again, read the Stanford Univerystudy that shows that Ashkenazi DNA points back to the levant. So while there may be no stand alone “middle eastern dna” there doesn’t need to be to establish the relationship. It’s like saying there’s no chicken stock in chicken soup so it’s not chicken soup ignoring the fact that it’s made with chicken.


Ancestry dot com used to have one region for the Ashkenazi called “European -Jewish” but now has 8 different kinds of Ashkenazi Jews. Enlighten me what that means?

European Jewish (ancestry dot com)

1. Jewish Western & Central Europe 2. Jewish Western Ukraine, Moldova & Eastern Romania 3. Jewish Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg 4. Jewish Central & Eastern Europe 5. Jewish Lithuania, Latvia & Belarus 6. Jewish Poland, Slovakia,Hungary & Moravia 7. Jewish Northeast Poland,Lithuania, Latvia & West Belarus 8. Jewish Lithuania, Latvia,Ukraine & Western Russia



Ummm, ancestry.com – the company owned & run by the Mormons, the same people who were posthumously baptising Jews, including Anne Frank, who died in the holocaust. I provide you an academic and scientific study from one of the most respected universities in the US and you come back with ancestry.com. Really? You might as well cite to a comic book. Try again.


Bernie Sanders, Larry David, David Pakman are on video

discussing their DNA results, are they not?




Why the Levant? Abraham, Isaac, Jacob were not from the

Levant but 1000 miles away from Ur, near Basra in Southern Iraq.



Therefore you cannot show me actual DNA results like this one for any Ashenazi who has even 1% Middle Eastern ancestry?


Read the article idiot – The same genetic “signature” popped up on every Levite sampled (as well as a significant number of non-Levite Ashkenazis), strongly implying descent from a single common ancestor who lived in the Fertile Crescent between 1,500 and 2,500 years ago


I read the silly article and here are my responses:

1) over the last couple of thousand years or so, they propagated throughout Europe, So you mean some went to Europe and became white and others went to Africa and became black, that is the nonsense you want intelligent people to believe?

2) Tradition holds, though, that Ashkenazi Jews ultimately trace their origins straight back to ancient Israel, whence most Jews were expelled en masse in 70 CE The Yemeni Jew is Yemeni from time immemorial and the European Jew is European – or else explain why only the Ashkenazi Jews suffer from 40 genetic diseases.

3) Ashkenazis, who constitute half of Israel’s current population, are colonialist interlopers with zero historical claim to the land of Israel. They make up more than 75% and yes,the Ashkenazi at 0% Middle Eastern ancestry faked his way to Arab land as “returning”. Look at them! They look like George Bush’s brothers and cousins – vividly very European.

4) Plausible at the time, the Khazar-origin premise has crumbled under the onslaught of modern molecular genetics. Modern DNA says Bernie Sanders is 97.7% “Ashkenazi”. So you are saying that means 97.7% Middle Eastern? Why not say 97.7% Middle Eastern if Bernie is Middle Easter? But the places they traced Bernie’s DNA was to Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine.

5) of a set of Ashkenazi men claiming descent from Levi, the founder of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Therefore, something is wrong with Bernie Sanders that he is 99% European?

6) (Names such as Levy, Levine and Levitt, for example, bespeak a Levite heritage.) Nonsense! Ashkenazi = Ashkenazi whether your names are Levi or Uri.

7) If Ashkenazis were the spawn of Khazar royals, their DNA would show it. Well, it does! Bernie Sanders is 99% European and 0% Middle Eastern.

8) But those Y chromosomes were as Levantine as a levant sandwich. a) the Jews claim descent from Abraham of Ur-Iraq – 1000 miles away from Palestine b) I would think the Ashkenazi DNA would be as Polish as a Polish sandwich. Stop your delusion.

9) The same genetic “signature” popped up on every Levite sampled Yea? All Ashkenazi DNA I have seen (I have seen hundreds) are 99% European and 0% Middle Eastern. Show me an Ashkenazi who has even 1% Middle Eastern ancestry.

10) a bit of canoodling transpired between Ashkenazi men and local European women, in particular Italian women, early in that two-millenia European sojourn. The Ashkenazi has no trace of Italian or Middle Eastern ancestry. On the other hand, Italians do have significant levels of Middle Eastern ancestry. Why were the Israelite sojourning with the European women? Did they not bring their own Israelite women? Were they left behind all alone?

11) I can relate. My wife is 100 percent Italian by heritage, and my daughter by my first marriage is half-Italian. Well, the equation does not work. The Ashkenazi by definition are Khazars who suffer from 40 genetic diseases. Your daughter will have a reduced risk of inheriting the Ashkenazi diseases due to her mixed DNA.


Actually you’ve refuted nothing. You’ve repeated sections of the article and provided no opposition other than ranonlkng personal thoughts, summing up by trying to resurrect an old trope about the Khzars that has been disproven archeologically, biologically, etc. as for the Khzari DNA none of it is found in Ashkenazi Jews. Sorry, your house of cards has just collapsed. Yes


“It’s in the blood, silly little girl”

Yes it seems to be, you all seem to be aholes.


Says the guy from the country where rape of women is epidemic, 4/5 most polluted cities are located there, 732 million people in India do not have access to toilets and clean sanitation, According to a 2005 report, 60% of India’s children below the age of three were malnourished, which was greater than the statistics of sub-Saharan African of 28%.

So before calling entire race of people (who managed to eradicate malaria from their country), look in the mirror.


2017 — In Israel, one out of every seven women in Israel is raped during her life and one out of every six is a victim of incest http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.798443


Not sure what the point is, but Israel isn’t even mentioned: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/11/25/health/sexual-harassment-violence-abuse-global-levels/index.html


2018 1.8 million Israelis, 842,000 of them children, under poverty line — report https://www.timesofisrael.com/1-8-million-israelis-842000-of-them-children-under-poverty-line-report/

2015 Poverty report downplays number of poor in Israel, says charity http://www.timesofisrael.com/poverty-report-downplays-number-of-poor-in-israel-says-charity/


Palestine is your country as Algeria was the country of the French.

The French were in Algeria for 132 years in 1962 one million French

were forced out. Your time will come, because the Arabs do like

foreigners lingering on their soil.


There’s no such place as Palestine, unless you can provide some evidence – a flag, a currency, some treaties, something. (I’ll help – you can’t)


No you stole the land just like the Franks did, and eventually you will be forced back to Europe just like the Franks.

But because you have forced so many semites to leave their lands, and move to Europe, they will be waiting for you with open knives arms.


If they would temper their rethoric maybe the world could be more sensitive to the real situation


Israel will never temper its rhetoric, screaming for vengeance is all they ever do.


Wait, what?


Jens Holm

Contraseption ??


Yes, but I guess your mother found out too late.

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