Ukrainian media have shared new video aimed at glorifying foreign mercenaries. However, it shows the defeat of the English-speaking fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
A group of foreign mercenaries tried to take prisoners on the frontlines. They shouted in Russian “Hands up!”, but in response, the Russians offered the foreigners to surrender themselves.
The negotiations failed and the shooting started. As a result, the mercenaries fled the scene.
Due to the lack of victories, the Ukrainian military published the video online to show the ‘braveness’ of foreigners on the front which turned out to be their defeat.
dúfam, že im to tí ruskí vojaci vysvetlili.
these americans have killed millions of muslims since 2001, we have never managed to unite and respond to their attacks. but today thanks to the russians these americans have become the animals to hunt in the ukrainian forests
american hegemony began back 1776, even the british back then were against their own frontier colonial settlers expanding west onto native peoples lands.
there will be an accounting friend. when americas civil war inevitably breaks out there will be a chance for everyone to hunt some orc on their own soil
keep dreamin you dick sucker. no muslim will ever be your friend you gay white bicth. ugly pigs like you will be hanged by the nationalguard and every abdallah get his ass whooped since 425 years by western man lol and it aint gonna change you inbreed cousine fuckers lose every time. also ruskies hate you brown shit skins with a passion. where are even russia bed time stories about sarazens abduls who are subhuman and should be killed
this war is not of you western nazis
how is it going in azerbaijan?
any western nazi captured should be shot on the spot.
fools rush in where others fear to tread
rofl western fighters are like a monty python sketch where as soon as the fighting starts they yell …” run away … run away” and flee for their lives rofl =z=
western video gamers just realized that it’s real shit! 😆😆😆😆
yes no respawning
niggy you call yourself warrior lmao keep you brown shit skin mouth shut you got nothiung to say behinde that keyboard.
russia is on the defensive to save what’s left of its gains following successful ukrainian operations that liberated over 40% territory last year. russia wants ukraine to forgo unliberated territory but zelenzky refuses. all strikes on ukrainian cities is punishment for ukraines continued push against the remainder of russia’s gains. i wrote a 4k word article explaining this situation and predicting the future. have a read to know the real truth.
thats just bull. those “liberated” areas were part of the deal that putin and zelenskyi did – and that zelenskyi betrayted after.
ukraine has gained virtually nothing but 400 000 deaths. people are forced to die in the area where lives ethnic russians. donetsk, luhansk and crimea has never been really part of ukraine as they are ethnic russians.
i believe you deserve a hold medal for putting your head up your stink jew rect um