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MARCH 2025

Harbin Z-20 Medium Lift Helicopter (Infographics)

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Harbin Z-20 Medium Lift Helicopter (Infographics)

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The Harbin Z-20 is a medium lift helicopter developed for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.


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Prince Teutonic

Looks like Sikorsky UH-60…


The wheels appear to be of Chinese design. :)

King Cliff

That’s a bloody blackhawk, they steal and copy everything!


not only that, it only goes to 4000 metres! How dumb must a nation be to create a helicopter that flies to only 4000m! Thats only 13320 feet! Thats a disgustingly LOW altitude! There are helicopters made in the 1970’s that fly higher than that! Everything china COPIES and is less than sub par! Its like when u go to thailand, buy a chinese made Kelvin Cline t-shirt and the fucker lasts for like 2 weeks! Its as if the stitching (made by slaves) Dissolves! i mean, would u be caught dead buying this helicopter? Seriously! 13 thousand feet is 2000 feet below THE BARE MINIMUM that a helicopter MUST FLY! For comparison the NH-90 flies to 6000 m (20,000 feet)! I mean what the fuck!!! And there are people on this site who literally suck China’s dick! The Russian Mi-24 CREATED IN MOTHER FUCKING 1969 flies to 15,000 feet! That shows how SHIT China is! Watch all the China pussies make excuses for China! Watch em! Even tho we all know they copy, steal, buy, given tech… watch all the china suck ass’s make excuses! China is shit! Everything they make is SHIT! And NO…. quantity is NOT a quality in this case! Its just Fish in a barrel! Thats all it is!


According to this video, Russia is ALLOWING China to copy! INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY THEFT! China is being kicked out of the WTO for this! 2021! WATCH!

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

We can agree that it is a pure copy of the Blackhawk and that China makes ALOT of shit products, but the only one to blame for that is the consumers themselves, nobody wants to pay for quality and “homemade” products anymore, everyone wants more for less, nobody has enough, everyone wants more, bigger and “smarter”, nobody shops with intelligence anymore, yet so many bitch and moan and complain about China, its shits products and how enslaved their are, whos fault is that?

Dont forget that China probally makes 95% of all products going into the US and EU to feed a hypocritical consumerism population.

Look in the mirror and tell me with an honest mind that you are NOT a slave to technology and to “smart living”, you cant right? People are enslaved to their mobilephone and “smart” products, the only thing thats more stupid than those products are you, the average consumer.

And think of it, why have our governments giving us the rank of consumer and not customer? To engrave the consumerism into us and to let us consume, nothing random happens in politics, its all planned and thought through (Kind of :-D).


“Dont forget that China probally makes 95% of all products going into the US and EU to feed a hypocritical consumerism population.”!

Thats changing very soon!

They do this because its cheaper to make Western products (tech in china) because china made a deal with their rare earth minerals! That China will supply the minerals at cost price IF they can also produce them! Therefore the tech companies accepted this deal! Taiwan was the other option as they are also rich in Rare Earths but labour costs more!

But guess what?? China (shhh this is an open secret) is going to be sanctioned and kicked from the WTO for IP theft in 2021!

Guess who replaces China for rare earths?? Go on guess!

AUSTRALIA! (google Australian State dinner)

China no longer holds the cards!

So, im gonna tell u 2 more open secrets! u ready? Greenland becomes the US 53rd state (handed over just like Alaska was) Australia to become a republic (voted) and will become a twin to the USA (new constitution)! Hence why Australia is going to be involved heavily with NASA now!

Guess who gets the Chinese slave labour?? INDIA gets most of it (reason why they got the F-21 deal) Also central America (a deal made to stem migrants from illegally immigrating to the US)

Problem solved!

China is FUCKED! Revolutions to come (in all cities)! WATCH especially when the jobs disappear!

Fuck China, they were welcomed into the WTO and they lied and cheated! Copied our tech, made it cheaper with slave labour and then banned the inventors of the tech to compete in China!

So fuck them and Fuck Huweai and the modems they have in our houses! fuck their 5G and fuck those commie cunts! Fuck em all! If people think the USA is in debt, they need to know the TRUE debt of China!

46 trillion in debt! 4 x their GDP! China has a false economy! China is FUCKED!

The worlds population will drop by 500 million because China is going to DIE (from starvation) and revolution!

Mark my fucking words, write them down! Take a picture! Sanctions coming in 2020/21 (election interference)

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Relax on the swearing, it does help you a bit, on the contrary.

Australia cant take over Chinas production and then sell the products at the same prices. Water, electricity, insurance, living standards, fuel, heat and food prices are higher in Australia, therefore salary must be higher, ergo end user price is higher proportionally.

Alaska wasn handed over, it was sold and i doubt the Danish government will sell Greenland. The Danish government is gready as hell, so they would demand a hansome amount, in what shape that will be, i have no idea.

Only time will tell if you and your sources are right, time will tell.


Yes, but i didnt give u the whole story! Wilbur Ross was just in Australia a few days a go! The US is investing heavily into Australia! We will create much of the US intellectual sensitive technologies whilst India will be the cheap labour market! so dont worry, TV’s and iphone will still be cheap :) India will become a power to counter China! Rare earths today are like finding oil in the middle east at the beginning of the industrial revolution! But unlike oil, rare earths are found in mainly 5 nations where as oil is everywhere! This means those nations with rare earths own the future tech! Future tach is EVERYTHING!!!! The 5 nations with the most rare earths are: USA, China, Taiwan (amazingly), Australia and India! Guess who has the most rare earth concentrations?? AUSTRALIA! But youre right its more expensive to dig it up! OR IS IT?? Well China has a concentration of 60 parts per million! Australia has a Concentration of 6600 parts per million! Australia have 2 mines, china has 1! The USA has 1 Australia has only explored 20% of its land for rare earths! How much money does the world (including the USA) lose in IP theft to China?

Are u sure its cheaper in China?

Youre wrong, its not cheaper in China!

As for Greenland!, when i say “handed over” i mean at a bargain price of say 100 billion dollars! You see the Danish Royal family are closely involved with the Epstein debacle! And u know what happens to Royal familes when they get caught fucking the common peoples kids! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

Yes i know alaska was a debt owed by Russia to the USA which is why i said “handed over”!

Oh my sources are right my friend! Right now u can find this info yourself! i can send u endless WHITE HOUSE youtube channel videos of Trump and The director of Commerce and even the Sec Of State telling u that Australia is teaming up for rare earths, electronic manufacturing (for the secret tech stuff) and the brand new ASA (Australian space agency) is literally going to be working hand in hand with NASA! Because as u know, Space tech is largely dependent of rare earths! Also u need a nation on the opposite side of the world!

This is main stream news!

As for Greenland, thats more of an insiders info but its reliable! its not just prince andrew (BP) dicking kids u know! Many of the Royals do too! Thats why they needed him dead! But THEY have the info! Thats why Trump telegraphed (as a troll) “we will buy Denmark cheap”!


if u want info on the Australia deal, let me know, i can hammer u with this stuff and it wont be text (although i could send text) i can let u hear it straight from the horses mouth!

oh yeah….. and FUCK CHINA!


Who is the fat lady in the middle? :) Bye bye China!



but the only one to blame for that is the consumers themselves, nobody wants to pay for quality and “homemade” products anymore, everyone wants more for less, nobody has enough, everyone wants more, bigger and “smarter”, nobody shops with intelligence anymore,

Maybe if our wages had kept pace with increases in production, instead of disappearing into the pockets of CEO’s and shareholders we could afford homemade products and businesses. But we can’t, and if it weren’t for cheap Chinese stuff a lot of people would suddenly be confronted by how much poorer we’ve all become these past decades.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

True, living expenses climbs faster than salarys, except the big boss salarys.

Kell McBanned

A Blackhawkski or whatever the Chinese equivilent of -ski would be

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