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Hard Lessons Learned And New Developments On Battlefields Of Ukraine

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Hard Lessons Learned And New Developments On Battlefields Of Ukraine

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Hard Lessons Learned And New Developments On Battlefields Of Ukraine
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Hard Lessons Learned And New Developments On Battlefields Of Ukraine

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

The conflict in Ukraine is gaining momentum. On the front lines in the Donbas region, the People’s Militias of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, with the support of the Russian Army, are achieving tactical successes, but face fierce resistance from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Russian forces do not carry out any major assault operations in the area of the city of Kharkiv. Positional battles continue in the Zolochevskiy region, near Stary Saltov, as well as near the town of Chuguev. Fighting for control over the village of Russkaya Lozovaya is ongoing.

The AFU are attempting to counter-attack and repel Russian forces from the fortified areas in Tsirkuni and Cherkasski Tishki. The Ukrainian command is trying to gain a foothold in the area, but the AFU are suffering major losses.

According to unconfirmed reports, the Russian Armed Forces managed to recapture the villages of Turovo and Makarovo to the south of the town of Kozacha Lopan located near the Russian border.

So far, the situation in the Kharkiv region remains stable. The Russian grouping in the region is not aimed at taking control of the city of Kharkiv, but rather to distract Ukrainian forces away from the Izyum area, where the Russian offensive continues.

To the west of Izyum, there are battles for Bolshaya Kamyshevaha. To the south, fighting continues in Kurulka and Pashkovo. The village of Dovghenkoe reportedly came under Russian control.

One of the hotspots in the region is the Oskol reservoir, where about a thousand AFU soldiers fell into an operational encirclement and are deprived of supplies.

Having completed the mop up operations in Yampol, Russian and LPR troops have reached the outskirts of Liman from the southeast. Russian fire control over the Liman-Raygorodok road has been established.

Meanwhile, in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region, Russian and LPR troops continue their advance in the town of Rubizhne. After the residential areas were secured, the LPR People’s Militia recently took control of the industrial zone, where the fortified area was turned into the main stronghold of Ukrainian forces.

In the Donetsk People’s Republic, the front lines remain almost unchanged. Positional battles are taking place in Horlivka and in the area of Maryinka. The mop up operations of the LPR continues in the town of Popasna.

On the southern Vasilievka-Orekhov-Gulyaypole front lines, there are no particular changes. Fighting continues on the approaches to Gulyaypole and in the settlements to the east. The AFU are preparing for further Russian advance in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

In the city of Mariupol, evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal facilities continues. On April 30 and May 1, 80 civilians were able to leave the plant.

The tactics of the Russian Army and of the AFU have changed. The key difference between the last five weeks of the Russian military operation is the dramatically reduced losses of the Russian army, both in killed or injured and in prisoners of war. The reason is that the initial tactic of primarily rapid advance has been abandoned and replaced by a war of attrition and material which employs slower advances preceded by heavy artillery preparation and airstrikes. Before the assaults on each subsequent Ukrainian defensive line, the ground advance stops, and artillery and aviation take over the leading role. After the defending Ukrainian forces either retreat or surrender, the advance resumes. One should not expect quick spectacular breakthroughs, but a positive final result is more reliably achieved. The goal is on grinding down the AFU’s manpower.

The AFU, on the other hand, uses slightly different tactics. Large groups of less trained fighters are used as a cannon fodder. First, they are sent to the front line to provoke Russian fire and detect Russian positions. Then Ukrainian fighters open return fire.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn



That’s me

Richard Hoard


The maharaja

Looks like the Chechen decided not to wait for Putin to send more men and started setting up a Volunteer program of their own. They have about 19,000 who have made it to their training center and the first five hundred left a couple days ago for the DPR. They are taking x military from Russia ten days to issue kit refresher on weapons and then into the fight. 20k more would be a serious gut punch considering Russia does not yet bring more troops.


Is Russian army still only have their initial 200k troops deployed on Ukraine?

The maharaja

So far yes. From open source info thats it. Nothing major has been deployed Northern District and Central still have a few formations that would be of value yet they do not deploy. They seem to be content with what they sent nothing more. Some troops were redeployed to the border regions many of those are interior troops, border guards. Keep in mind this is from open sources but clear to see no major formations.

Robert Blake

They also haven’t called up any reserve units yet, anywhere. About 12% of their total manpower is involved.


If Putin declares war he actually is admitting Russias “special operation” was defeated by Ukraine.

Cyric Vigillius

Chechens are the only ones that get things done. As far as military matters go, Putin is shit. I have friends in the Russian military that signed up over a month ago. They already have military experience. They don’t need training by the Chechens, yet that is the only way to get there, they will have no choice.


Putin is a spy not a soldier. He also thinks like a judo sportsman, that everything has to be a fair fight. Its OK to just crush your enemies in war. Put Ramzan in charge.


Experience from the Chechens? You are joking? Experience in clown acts and avoiding the fighting regions yes, but nothing else. They are not provisionals only tik- tokkers. They have balls as big as an elephant with no brains or experience . So big sitting ducks hardly possible to avoid shootin* down. 😊


If Putin declares war he actually is admitting Russias “special operation” was defeated by Ukraine.


Seriously, I understand Russian concerns about national security and the possible placement of certain weapon systems on its borders and vice versa in Kalinigrad. I find it sad the way the West, especially the US, ignored or abused these needs. With me, before the invasion, there was a growing awareness that this needed to be addressed and a counterweight to US military dominance with a European army was growing. See the German resistance to further escalation. With the invasion of Russia, nothing less than a war of aggression, all credit for the Russian concern has turned to horror for the unpredictability, the barbarity and ruthlessness of the Russian aggressor. All the positivity that lived among the European and some American elite has been skilfully bombed to oblivion. This is a global observation, once neutral countries Finland, Sweden, see themselves threatened by the Russia policy and are forced to choose. However positive I looked at cooperation with Russia ( I worked there) and Europe as a counterweight to the aggressive forces in the world has turned out to be a bubble. Now that Russia has become nothing but a greedy, land-grabbing monster that, like Nazi Germany, is on a campaign for Lebensraum and aims to enslave people and their thoughts; enslavement. I am obliged to choose my own values, and they turn out to be at odds with what Russia appears to stand for, even if they are disrupted by a policy that does not always show the necessary respect for other sovereign peoples. I choice for the hope and human diginty en zelbeschikking. Of course western politic is troubled we can and will change it ( as proven in the past) as we are a democracy and governments can be removed, but Russia is in danger of being ruled by an untouchable life-long potentate who has traded all reality for only ruling power politics at the expense of his own people and nation. So I choose the people, the future, self-determination, freedom of thought and messages despite all governments and power centres. A full-scale WWIII or nuclear war will only produce losers, perhaps China will have a small advantage, but I doubt it very much. Russia could still claim a positive victory, a moral victory, and the US would lose face by rejecting this solution, if it could “impose” a ceasefire through a globally recognised peace organisation like the UN, enforcing a mutually respectable peace through negotiations. I use the words ‘impose’ and ‘enforce’ in the sense that I see the UN as morally incontrovertible, as an institution that, in the inexorably powerful politics of world politics, is the only respectable one left.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan
Joseph Day

Who said Russia’s land grabbing, there just helping there donbas mates and cleaning up the nazi scum, again


You put this exact same bullshit pandering tripe in another comment section. Do yourself and everyone else a favour and kill yourself.


You missed it there, like most of western politicians do, be it on purpose or because of lack of understanding. This has nothing to do with ww2, grabbing land, whatever.

This is a conflict much more alike ww1 was, where in fact it’s still hard to pick who was on right side and who was wrong. I even dare to say that the losing side in ww1 had reasons that were justified, but sadly ignored. This conflict is basicly a war against hegemony and unipolar world behind US, UK. War against world, that is very unfair in it’s core. Action from India, China, Brazil, Indonesia, proves that i’m right on this matter. I know those countries are future great powers, and they gain nothing from siding with the West. Anyway, this war started because, as you mentioned, Russia was not even given a small buffer zone on their border. And now Russia is doing percisely this – they are creating buffer zone for themselves. I dont think their primal aim is to sieze territories, i think at the end, if Russia has it’s way, we may see unrecognised indenpendent state (or states), between Ukraine and Russia. Rest of Ukraine will need to sign neutrality, to be left alone. You mentioned Sweden and Finland, i dont think Russia cares much. If you take the map, there is Norway, and Baltic states, already in NATO. Finland changes nothing, rockets from Baltic are always closer. Ukraine however, is another thing.


Your right claiming that both sides wear fault in this matter, but one side stept out of the diplomacy and uses a war of aggression on un guilty people; men, women, children, elder as living bait and blackmail to get his claims realised. This is despicable and it will only create more hardship, suffering and no wins. War is no solution, never, who ever wins or loses. The solution is and will always be an accord, diplomacy, and still it will need a lot of time to settle. Diplomacy by an as neutral as possible organisation representing all nations. The land grab is real and a by Russia already initial mentioned claim, it is the strangulation of Ukraine, the enslavement, the domination and eternal treat, the imposing of submission to Russia. If their is no settlement on reciprocal respect there will no peace and 2014 will repeat itself between serval humbled but angry parties. If the west wins Russia is gone bleed. If Russia wins, I really can not imaging that the Us ever in the next decennia will be defeated. But if, there will be no Russia any more to speak of. So I never compared it to WWI or II, (I would say that also for WWII is hard to pick who was on right side and who was wrong.and who instigated WWII) . WWI and the unrealistic repair demands resulted practical automatic in the reason for WW II) The result is that diplomacy must prevail despite all atrocities snd culprits, if only for all the people of the world. The moral ground will be for the one who can find a human solution. If you want a situation like the Palestine issue but then 100.000 fault of it we must make war and all parties are gone be in fear for at least the next 50 years with sabotage, ieds, bombs, partizans and so on on a scale of US, Canada, Europe, Russia and Azia .

Last edited 2 years ago by ;Johan
Peter The Ungrateful

Stop spamming this shit, stupid bot.


The flaw in the analysis is that you FAILED to mention BOTH of the Minsk accords which would have solved the Donbas issues in a peaceful manner

german-russian friendship

I feel sorry for you. You have read to much western propaganda media! If you are german-it seems so, read “anti-spiegel.ru” and the brilliant analysis of Thomas Röpers. He also reports from on site.

Edgar Zetar

There is your only solution you can provide or imagine to conflict. Shot nuclear missiles and send us all into oblivion… Johan, go back to your cage or we can send you a flight ticket to Ukraine and please go to first line and show us your bravery.


Occupy Bacon, be wise, let the people talk, don’t be hysterical, that’s no good.


“New developments”means more from the old ones.


Ukraine is fighting in the same way as TPLF terrorists were fighting in Ethiopia in 2021 against the government soldiers. The advisors, for both TPLF and Ukrainians are the same western colonizers. They advise the weaker force , in this case TPLF terrorists and Ukraine military, to send large number of less trained militias to weaken the professional fighting force and to create logistical problems, then after this militia attack, a professional group attacks the professionals of the opposing force. Ethiopia defeated this strategy by quickly organizing several thousands of militia who fight with the militia of the terrorists, at the same time drones and fighter jets were focusing on the professionals of the enemy who were behind.


Its no accident that Ukraine seems to have adopted ISIS tactics. I’ve heard they even have Captagon addicted soldiers, just like ISIS did. Would explain stuff like the shooting of POWs.


I’m not surprised. Tigray forces are also western proxies, to use against both Eritrea and Ethiopia. I guess this is a price nations must pay to be free and actually work for themselves, and not for the Western neocolonists.

Robert Blake

Same approach was used against the Syrian Army in Syria, as well. Hordes of low-quality jihadis out of Iraq, Aghanistan to weaken Assad’s army, then in comes the CIA-backed Al-Nusra and Isis to finish the job. It almost worked.


I like what is happening, but imagine what even 50,000 more troops could do for Russia.

Overwhelming force saves lives – on both sides.


Russia is fighting with one eye on NATO. That’s why they sent the C team to Ukraine with a couple B and A specialists

Peter The Ungrateful

Well, according to Scott Ritter they definitely sent the A team as tanks go, the 1st Guards Tank Army, the very same that took Berlin in 1945. That alone shows they mean serious business and don’t fuck around.

Plus, what seems to go missing in most of the reporting and perception is that Russia is “only” supporting D/LPR forces as per the agreement of military support of Feb 21. Alexander Mercouris of The Duran pointed that out the other day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Robert Blake

Ritter is wrong in this case. The 1st Guards Tank Army is in the Western District opposing Poland, and comprised of, among other principle units, 2nd Guard Motor Rifle Division ‘Tamanskaya’ (Moscow Oblast) and 4th Guards Tank Division ‘Kantemirovskaya’ (Moscow Oblast). Both have very distinctive unit markings and insignias, and neither have been sighted in Ukraine. They’re guarding the Western border, as is their raison d’etre.

Ritter may simply be repeated Ukrainian claims, which are pretty outlandish and often rely entirely on unconfirmable and frankly laughable evidence, such as a whatsapp audio message allegedly recorded by a unidentified woman in Aleysk, Russia, and then reported in the Kyiv Independent (which is anything but “independent”) as truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert Blake
Peter The Ungrateful

Where are those distinctive markings? Wouldn’t they be removed for actual combat operations? I wouldn’t rely too much on available footage either. They are obviously the pride and poster child of the army, so I’d expect discipline to be the highest there, meaning that you won’t find vanity footage from any of their servicemen and they don’t advertise being there, which could attract extra attention from all the wrong sides. Other than the O, V, Z markings I could not see any distinguishing insignia or markings in all the footage I have seen so far.

But yes, Ritter could be wrong, his brains sometimes seem to struggle to keep up with his tongue, so he confuses details, like when he talks about the Odessa massacre in “The House of Culture”, to name but a trivial example. But it would make sense to use the A team given the numerical disadvantage. What the Russians lack in numbers they make up for in effectiveness.

At yay yay

Would some kind psychiatrist out there please come and haul this JHK away?

If no psychiatrists respond, would animal control please send a team?

Edgar Zetar

lol! hahaha animal control could suffer some bites while trying to get JHK


Sempre grandissimi! Competenza, puntualità, precisione. Graze davvero!!


errore di trascrizione automatica: non ‘pascola davvero’ (non so come sia uscito il ‘pascola’), ma GRAZIE davvero.


Another day in the meat grinder. Every day 1000 Ukrainian troops are killed or wounded and 100s of pieces of military hardware are disabled, destroyed or abandoned. How many weeks and months will this continue until the clown is shot by his own soldiers or flees to safer parts? It sure would be interesting if the clown got caught selling NATO AND US weapons on the Black market to non state actors like ISIS.


Dudes we still fighting for Rubizhne and Avdiivka is kinda disappointing ngl. Unfortunate that all the momentum from the first weeks is stalled for good now. This could not have been the desired outcome


If RF eliminate 100’s of Ukrops every day and associated military hardware with minimal loses, then RF doesn’t need to anything else for next 100 or 1000 days. No offensive is needed. Ukraine has army of some 250,000 men. Say, 500/day, makes 500 days down to zero. Russia does not need to to go on the hunt yet. Just keep doing whatever they are doing now. As long as Ukraine keep sending reinforcement into meat grinder then that works for Russia

Bernard Davis

You don’t need to eliminate every last one of the enemy to win. Armies usually crack when they have suffered 25-30 per cent casualties (dead, wounded, missing, POW}. Ukies must be getting near that point soon.

Peter The Ungrateful

AFU had eight years to dig in. It will go faster by the time their fortifications have been softened up and/or after they need to retreat to unprotected territory.

Robert Blake

Reminder that 20 years of combat in Afghanistan and still the US lost. Give it time.


It’s war, get over it.


Can Hitler’s Jewish background change the curse of Russian military masturbation in Ukraine? Can they now win?

Bernard Davis

Stupid comment. Lavrov was countering the standard Ukie propaganda line ( i.e.that it couldn’t be a pro-Nazi regime in Kiev because the president is allegedly Jewish) by pointing out Hitler’s possible Jewish ancestry. What he was saying is that a person’s supposed ethnic or religious connections are irrelevant: it is their conduct you have to look at. Regarding Hitler, there is allegedly evidence that his grandmother, while in domestic service in Vienna to a wealthy Jewish family, had an illegitimate child with her employer. Did Hitler know about it, and if so did the knowledge influence his behaviour and attitudes toward Jews and others? We don’t know; and Lavrov is saying it doesn’t matter. Jews are no better or worse than any other people.

Edgar Zetar

The way you put it made me laugh hahaha! You are crazy Elgar Snowden hahahah


To be honest, we haven’t seen real push yet from RU. It’s a good question why. Certainly it’s not because Russia would not be able to do it, and deliver fatal blows on different frontlines that would shatter defenses. It must be a decision, either deliberate tactic to grind down the enemy slowly, or simply a decision to not go full force (in that case saving troops ready for chance of potential further escalation, or some other tactical decision). Or simply do it slowly, not to provoke some Western hot heads to jump head on into conflict? I wonder.

But even the way as things stand now things are looking grim for Ukraine. Day to day reports are merciless and numbers are getting from bad to worse for Ukraine. Ofc, as more time passes Ukraine also gets more Western weapons. But believe me, manpads, stingers and javelins were the most suitable and devastating thing the West could arm Ukraine with, for this type of warfare, and they have lots of them now. And still losing ground. Tanks and artillery without air superiority are just sitting ducks, more targets for missiles. Drones and airplanes? Actually the smaller the better, small kamikaze drones would be way more beneficial for Ukraine than fighter jets. Even Bayraktars are mostly not effective and shot down in great numbers. But small drones are seemingly not a match for electronic warfare systems, their use was very limited so far. Ukraine would need effective long range air defense, but S300 they got from eastern europe was mostly destroyed en route or is beeing destroyed now as i write this. Other systems (western made) need training, alot of training. Ukraine has no time for this.


Might be. But do Ukrainians really want to become another old gas station in Russian village? They perhaps compared living in Poland to that in Russia.


Funny thing is, Russia said they can go to EU if they so please. They had 30y without wars and without orders from Russia, in that time they managed to turn the once bread basket of soviet union to one of the poorest places in the Europe. It was their work, their oligarchs, unbridled corruption, black market. Most of the time they also had cheap discounted gas from Russia, and they were recieving transit fee aswell.

Problem for Russia was militarization of the land and a prospect of them entering NATO, which is all but defensive ogranisation. And atleast until US and UK doesn’t abandon imperialistic logic it makes perfect sense to keep them away, if you can.


No. This is the push. Relentless Soviet advance. They tried razzle-dazzle and it didn’t work.


Maybe. But i would expect key points shelled for hours, non stop. Until everything burns or is destroyed. Then advance. Southern front between Zaporozye and Ugledar is more or less in a standstill, i guess Ukrainians suffer heavy, daily loses but there are no changes in the positions. But i think i know the reasons, all those urban settlements are full of people, very likely forced to stay there as a human shield. Rhat’s why it has to be done slowly.

german-russian friendship

Dont`t forget the russian army wants to save the lives of the ukrainian soldiers as well as the russian speaking civilians and not destroy them. They target the cruel horrible nationalists who don’t want to give up. Thus the strategy of the russian army is difficault and slow.

Last edited 2 years ago by german-russian friendship
Crazy cnook the fruitcake

Funker 530 has the truth and show how stupid the russian orcs are


The guerilla tactics of the SAS, you have to watch out for them. Get the two groups of ten SAS from the UK. Find them and get them! They kill, do bridges and go into Russia, since they came there has been more attacks against Russia. Set up more blimps. If they go down expect attacks FROM there. Send more drones to spy. Ask for any info on men about and on English speaking. Surely Volunteers could do some drone, satellite and blimp surveillance, EXTRA eyes to be of help. Teenagers may put music on and look out for you for a while and take turns as WATCHMEN, for periods of time, in shifts. You can do this, you can organize this. They can sign up for one hour, 90 minutes or two hours for 7 days and watch satellite footage, blimp footage and watch drones. Some of them can even use killer drones.

Peter The Ungrateful

Talk about finding a needle in a haystack.

Edgar Zetar

UKraine tactics using his own less trained soldiers as a cannon fodder, dont known why any soldier would fight on Ukraine side War if they known this tactics.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Peter The Ungrateful

They don’t know, that’s the point. Even if they did and showed the slightest hint of resistance there would be someone of the UkraiNaZis threatening to shoot them. So there is the choice of dying on the spot or maybe get lucky and survive the suicide attack.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
Orcrainians are white ISIS

Orcraine will be splintered in two. East of the Dnieper called Novorossiya and the dump west of it of Orcraine




5 or 6: rus, ukr, pol, hung, mold maybe even Belarus gets a piece.


So Southfront is admitting that Russia MISCALCULATED and the the “Victory Parade” March to Kiev was a failure. Pan-Slavism is truly a STUPID ideology

Sgt. Based

Russia needs to hurry and sieze the initiative before NATO imperialists send more of their soldiers to fight under the Ukrainian flag

The new General seems like he should be right for the job but this “planning phase” runs a real risk of handing initiative to the enemy.

jeff montanye

the comments here do not do justice to the quality of the journalism. come on, ad hominem is the weakest of arguments. constantly accusing opponents with homosexual epithets is boring.

scott ritter has an interesting take on the evolution of combat and the current state of play in rt. brandon seems wildly overmatched on the global monetary and trade policy stage, indeed the sanctions continue to give russia valuable assets for nothing as foreign companies (latest renault?) abandon their facilities and trained russian workers for nothing or next to it (renault sold theirs for a ruble). the battle on the ground is more opaque but the west looks like it believes its own propaganda. should have talked to hillary about that.


“Joint Control Commission – Known locally as the Dniester Valley Security Zone, the demilitarized buffer zone was created by the cease-fire agreement ending the War of Transnistria. The Commission’s peacekeeping mission monitors the demilitarized zone which roughly outlines the Dnister river between Moldova and Transnistria. It is 225 kilometers long and from 1 to 15 kilometers wide.”

– Demilitarized zone –


There already is a DMZ along part of Ukraine’s western border. Extending it up to the Belarus border would end the NATO/JWO fueling of the Ukraine conflict with weapons and personnel. Whether Belarus peace keepers would agree to participate in such a force is something that would have to be determined. As part of quelling the conflict on their southern border.

An initial pincer action from the south and north might be required to block NATO intrusion and secure the border territory for it’s establishment as a DMZ.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

I’m planning to start running 30mm gun cameras on my specop and super soldier handgun and long gun weapons systems. For remote wilderness, and if I can obtain access, to the purported subterranean cavern and tunnel systems with non conventional and ET presence, recon ops.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD
No more jew world order

im always afraid the jews have to much power in the kremlin, is this true or not? jews are the biggest enemy of aryan people around the world~. they should be killed


It looks like images has been disabled. That’s to bad. Because that was one of the best features of this site.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

I went back and checked the last image that I posted on a previous thread and it’s gone. Only the link remains. So the site admin is definitely suppressing free speech and truth on the comment boards. That’s unfortunate. Because pictures obviously tell a big part of the story. And comment that participants are trying to convey.

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

What is going on in Crimea? Thousands of Russians are leaving, families, individuals – there is a proper panic mode everywhere. Is Ukraine about to take back the Crimea?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x