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Hardcore Hitler on Hitler in Helsinki

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Written by C.J. Hopkins; originally appeared at The Unz Review

Here it comes, the moment we’ve been waiting for, when Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki to officially launch the Destruction of Democracy, and very possibly the Apocalypse itself. That’s right, folks, once again, it appears we’re looking at the end of everything, because according to the corporate media, on July 16, 2018, Trump is probably going to disband NATO so that Putin can invade the Baltic states, then Germany, then the rest of Europe, and then presumably order an all-out thermonuclear strike on the United States, which will pretty much end civilization as we know it. Or perhaps the plan is to do away with NATO, withdraw all American troops from Poland, let Putin rape and pillage Western Europe, and then have North Korea nuke both coasts of the US mainland (and Canada, of course) so that a Putin-Nazified Middle Amerika will have carte blanche to exterminate the Mexicans and make women wear those “Handmaid” costumes, or some other ridiculously paranoid scenario, possibly involving Susan Sarandon as some kind of Putin-Nazi triple agent.

Hardcore Hitler on Hitler in Helsinki

Tragically, the global neoliberal establishment is completely powerless to stop Trump and Putin from carrying out this evil scheme (whatever it turns out to be in the end), because even the US Intelligence Community has to obey the law, after all, and not do anything sneaky, or unethical, not even with the fate of democracy at stake. No, unlike the Russians, who go around blatantly poisoning people with novichok oatmealmore or less whenever they like, the global capitalist ruling classes’ hands are tied by their own integrity. All they can do is watch in horror as these two Hitlerian megalomaniacs destroy their entire global empire and establish a thousand-year Putin-Nazi Reich.

Thank God at least the corporate media are raising their collective voices in protest. In a recent piece in The Washington Post, Max Bergmann of the Center for American Progress warns that “this is a summit about appeasement, and we should be terrified that Trump is going to sell out America and its allies.” According to Bergmann, Trump might “accidentally” share state secrets with Putin, or promise to reduce support for our freedom-loving Ukrainian Nazis, or stop trying to overthrow the Syrian government so that Syria, with the help of Russia and Iran, can launch a sneak attack on Israel and drive “the Jews” into the sea. Worse still, Bergmann speculates, he might make “secret agreements” with Putin without telling the editors of The Washington Post, which … God help us all if that ever happened.

Not to be out-apocalypsed by The PostRoger Cohen of The New York Timespublished a full-blown dystopian vision wherein Trump, Putin, Marine Le Pen, the AfD, and a variety of other globalist-hating Hitler-alikes form “the Alliance of Authoritarian and Reactionary States” (the “AARS”), disband the European Union and NATO, impose international martial law, and start ethnically cleansing the West of immigrants. Matteo Salvini and Horst Seehofer, decked out in full Putin-Nazi regalia, personally supervise the genocidal purges, which frightened Europeans come to support after Putin’s irresistible “fake news” bots brainwash them into believing that a little Russian girl named “Tatiana” has been abducted by Moroccan migrants off a beach along the Costa del Sol.

And as if that wasn’t horrifying enough to whip folks up into a mindless frenzy, The New York Times (which, let’s remember, is an extremely distinguished and respected newspaper, and not at all a cheap propaganda rag) produced this charming little animated film depicting Putin and Trump as … well, a couple of tongue-sucking, titty-pinching homos. I found this kind of weird at first, as I had thought such ugly anti-gay sentiment had disappeared from liberal society, but apparently it’s fine in Resistance circles to stigmatize your enemies as butt-humping queers in order to render them more repulsive in the eyes of your sophisticated, liberal audience. I did a little research, and it appears this “Hitler on Hitler” porno The Times produced is just the latest in a rather long line of Trump on Putin “homo” jokes, which are perfectly harmless when told by liberals, but when told by conservatives are homophobic hate crimes.

Look, I’m not a fan of poofter humor, or the corporate media, or the so-called “Resistance,” but neither am I a fan of Trump, nor am I, technically, an employee of Putin. What I am is a student of propaganda, media manipulation, and mass hysteria, and though I experienced the roll-out of the War on Terror, and assorted other propaganda campaigns (like Obama’s “Hope and Change” routine, Reagan’s “Morning in America” schtick, George H.W. Bush’s “New World Order,” and Bill Clinton’s “Third Way” happy horseshit), I have never witnessed anything like this. Most of those other propaganda campaigns at least bore some vague resemblance to reality. What we’re experiencing now is more akin to the kind of behavior that goes on in cults … where people are conditioned to surrender their reason (and, ultimately, to conform their perception) to whatever paranoid official narrative the leader of the cult has invented, and eventually to direct their fear and hatred, not only at the cult’s official enemy, but at anyone who questions the cult’s “reality.”

If you believe cults work because people are gullible, or stupid, you need to do some research. Cults work because their members are gradually conditioned to detach from “society” (i.e., the social body that conditioned them as children) and conform to the social body of the cult. This conditioning happens systematically, often over the course of years. Scientology cult members are not introduced to the “body thetans” story the day they walk in. Nor were the Manson girls ready to butcher a house full of people for Charlie at first … it took months of orgies, acid trips, and other de- and re-programming techniques to get them to buy into his paranoid prophecy of Imminent Racist Hippie Apocalypse.

Which is what I find so disturbing, presently. The ease with which the neoliberal ruling classes have programmed millions of Western consumers to believe a narrative no less ridiculous than Scientology’s “body thetans,” Manson’s “Helter Skelter” … or take your pick of any number of other cult narratives. The speed at which they switched from the War on Terror narrative to the Putin-Nazi narrative attests to the power of the corporate media and the neoliberal propaganda machine, generally. It really is an amazing achievement. In less than two years, they managed to condition a significant portion of the Western masses to forget about “the Islamic terrorists” that they had been conditioned to live in fear of, and to transfer their fear and hatred to Trump, and Putin, and anyone who appears to support them, or doesn’t sufficiently hate and fear them.

The ruling classes have achieved this feat by generating an ongoing series of episodes of mass hysteria. Most of them last a week or two, but their cumulative effect is powerful and enduring. Fake news, bots, travel bans, Confederate statues, neo-Nazi rallies, “novichok” attacks, kids in cages … anything the corporate media can use to channel more hatred toward Trump and Putin. None of these episodes are generated out of whole cloth. Obviously, the Russians are pursuing their interests, there is a white supremacist subculture in the United States, as there always has been, those kids were put in those cages, and so on … none of which began with Trump, or has anything exclusively to do with Putin, or triggered mass protests and widespread outrage until the neoliberal ruling classes and corporate media decided it should.

The upcoming summit is next on the list. It won’t be as juicy as the baby concentration camps, but it will do as far as reminding people that Trump is a secret Russian operative, or traitor (or quisling, as Paul Krugman would have it), conspiring with Putin to destroy democracy … that is, when they’re not fellating each other. Once the summit has come and gone, and democracy has miraculously survived, they will generate another round of Hitler hysteria, and Resistance cultists will spring into action like salivating Pavlov’s dogs, denouncing whatever unspeakable horror they had completely ignored for the previous eight years, jabbering about concentration camps, and ripping MAGA hats off teenagers. Purely for the sake of entertainment, I’m hoping it will be the secret Nazi code the Department of Homeland Security is embedding in its press materials, presumably to alert the Underground Network of Putin-Nazi Militias to stand by for imminent government takeover, the “securing of the future for white people and their children,” and the weeks of homosexual Odinist orgies that are sure to follow.

Seriously, though, the absolute genius of the ruling classes’ Putin-Nazi narrative (which rational people are underestimating) is that it is virtually impossible to criticize it without being labeled a Trump supporter, a Putin apologist, or a crypto-Nazi. Like Scientology’s Suppressive Persons (i.e., those who criticize Scientology), Putin-Nazi narrative deniers “seek to upset, continuously undermine, spread bad news about and denigrate” the cult. These are typically ex-cult members who no longer subscribe to official cult teachings, and are thus an existential ideological threat. Such persons are to be stigmatized and shunned, “so that others will know not to associate with them.” (Those quotes are from the Scientology website, but the same rules apply in every cult.)

Glenn Greenwald is probably the best example of a prominent Putin-Nazi narrative denier (and he is harassed for it on an daily basis), but an hour or two of research on Twitter will reveal the same dynamic at work against much less famous “pillow biting traitors.” Nor is it just fanatical cultists on Twitter. If you happened to google your humble narrator at any point during the last nine months, and were concerned that the people “People Also Search For” in my “Knowledge Panel” are mostly anti-Semites and “alt-right” types … well, I wrote about that in November of last year. (I have since repeatedly written to Google and advised them to occasionally alternate the anti-Semites they are associating me with, as using the exactly the same ones for months is lazy, and makes it rather difficult to blame their “search results” on some innocent algorithm.)

But what do I know? Maybe I’m just paranoid, and Google isn’t out to get me. Or maybe they know me better than myself, and I really am a crypto-Nazi, or some other kind of Suppressive Person, and democracy really is on the brink of disaster. After all, Glenn Greenwald just flew over to Moscow, and was selfied in the company of Edward Snowden, and Putin is poisoning random people in Amesbury for no apparent reason, and Susan Sarandon hacked the election, or dropped a Sarin bomb on Douma, or else Putin did, or maybe it was Xenu, or the Russians are about to take down the entire American fiberoptic network, and I almost forgot those four hundred white supremacist idiots who are planning to gather and bellow Nazi slogans at each other in Lafayette Square on August 12, and who are already receiving international coverage, because we can’t afford to ignore a few hundred racist morons in polo shirts … if we did, well, who knows what that might lead to? People might actually have a moment to pause and think about what’s going on, and why it’s going on, and who it serves, and try to put it all into some kind of perspective, before they react to the next Pavlovian stimulus the media waves in their faces. Ready? Good. Because here it comes …

C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) and Broadway Play Publishing (USA). His debut novel, ZONE 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. He can reached at cjhopkins.com orconsentfactory.org.

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Now Trump, May and Macron communicating with each other that Russia are smashing our projects in the Middle East. Now they are afraid for their child butchers Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda etc. Their dreams of establishing foothold in the Middle East is now uncertain.

j. jaxson

thats good news. russia is awesome. they did a good job of destroying the jewhadis and their plans. now the pecking is determined. Israel be good now.

j. jaxson

xcuse me sounds like an israeli cry baby.

Kell McBanned

Quite funny but seriously, white people advocating for their right to exist are called White Supreamist morons?

The presumption I assume is we have no right to exist?

He then posts Natsha Lennards article openly calling for leftist violence again, for Antifa terrorists to attack a peaceful pro white rally like they did last time in Charlottesville resulting in 3 deaths and many injuries.

This is the same stupid jew bitch that doxed Mike Enoch of TRS a leading Alt Right podcast causing him to lose his day job and therefore become a fulltime Alt Right podcaster resulting in The Right Stuff Radio in the last year becoming the largest Alt Right website/podcasting service on the planet lol.

These insane hysterically paranoid jews will through their repression, overreaction and huberis bring about the very conditions of their worst nightmares, and I cant wait :D

I hope Natasha Lennard and her ilk enjoy their future life in sunny delightful Guantanimo Bay

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a82926286cf86c89a35592ea77ec3bd486f77ebd2254df615fc5f28eb09f0c04.jpg https://therightstuff.biz/


yes white people have been terrorizing this planet for WAY too long, just start breeding with browner people please, so you become more soft :))))))

Kell McBanned

Terrorising how, by banning slavery, modern medicine and food aid perhaps? Maybe if brown want whitey dead then whitey should leave brown people to sort their own problems out. Whats the brown population now Matt? lol

Jan Tjarks

If you are a student checking into propaganda, please check the hit pieces regarding Elon Musk, quite some propaganda too.

Kell McBanned

Good to see its been 12 hours now without a Musk hit piece, hopefully Southfront has realised how embarrising, childish and unproffesional it looks to others. Hopefully the “genius” who thought that turning a geopolitical analysis page into a page three tabloid/womans weekly was a great idea has recieved a boot in the arse and sent on his way.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Putin and Trump are modern nationalist opposing the globalist empire. The roles are now fully reversed from 80 years ago. The media, the UK-Empire and France and Zionist will always push force for everyone to be zio-socialist, while nationalist will stand up against them and defend the Bible and freedom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSOHj0tvKFc


nationalism is a hoax :))))) and christianity a fraud :))))))

Real Anti-Racist Action

Those are Jewish-slogans to destroy nucleus that holds a people together. Those type of Zionist slogans do not work on modern populations any longer. This is the new century, and we are immune to Zionist teachings. http://faithandheritage.com/


Those are nazi slogans that only work on some idiots on this website and some similiar sites ;)

Kell McBanned

No Matt they are the genocidal slogans of the Globalist capitalist judeo left and only work on some idiots on this website (and in the world) and other looney left sites ;)

Kell McBanned



no, continue!!!!


Brother Ma

And your Judaism?


MY judaism?

You mean my ATHEISM

Brother Ma

Then why not call Islam,Hinduism,Judaism and Buddhism frauds as well?


because he was promoting christ!!!


but ALL are frauds!!!!

happy now?


No. Trump is NOT a “modern nationalist” opposing the Globalist Empire. Trump is NOT MAGA. He is just pretending. Some people have not yet realized it, but Trump was the one selected by the Deep State !! He was a controlled opposition all these years !

How did they fool us? By some clever Trump’s tweets years before the election. By relentlessly using their media, the Muller investigation and various attacks by establishment figures … they created the illusion that Trump was their ennemy. That he was against their NWO agenda. But the opposite is true. In short, it was the media that gave Trump his credibility as opposition figure. And obviously this strategy worked !!

Remove all the propaganda by the media (what they say about Trump. What they think Trump could do. What they are afraid of) … Look only to what is done by him or his government and then you’ll see clearly that the imperialist NWO agenda is being implemented.

” By their fruits you will know them. “


Dont be surprised if Russia and the USA begin to form an alliance! If u follow the Qanon narrative, this is the plan! Since the fall of the Deep State (globalist controlled america) the realisation is that the USA’s known allies are actually their enemies! Ad the US enemies are actually their allies! Think WW2. Think Germany. Trump wanted Putin in the G8. Deals are going to be made! EU in BIG Trouble if / when Trump aligns with Putin! WATCH what happens! Big changes ahead!

Kell McBanned

While I find Qanons stuff interesting im not holding my breath, seems judeosphere really fears a German/Russian axis, German industry with Russian natural resources is a near unstopable combination, Rhinemetal training Russian special ops prior to the Crimea annexation may be an indicator that such an arainment is allready in place just waiting for the moment to depose and imprison sockpuppet traitors like Merkel and finally break from judeosphere.


Considering the Germany is the head of the EU, i doubt it greatly!

Kell McBanned

Yes the judeosphere plan was for Germany and Russia to destroy each other, in hindsite I wonder if it would not have worked out better for Germany if had waited for the Soviet attack as the Americans did with the Japanese in Pearl harbour ie not be baited into an attack and therefore having the rightious of the world behind you not against you.

Brother Ma

Soviet atack? Why ? Stalin never expected to be attacked by Germany not wanted to attack the latter.

Kell McBanned

The Soviets were days away from a full scale invasion of Germany

Brother Ma


Paul Micheals

How are lunatics like Hopkins able to publish such hysterical nonsense?

S Melanson

My that is a peice heavy on the satire, and this coming from me! Well not to be out done, here is my own satirical peice.

Given Liberal hysteria, one would think the Bible should have a second book of revelation devoted to the Trump/Putin Summit and inevitable apocalypse. Wait, the Mandela effect has struck and there are new stunning Bible changes. There is now the Old Testament, the New Testament AND, the New Improved Testament that contains the Book of Revelation of Wikipedia. That is deep.

According to the Revelation of Wikipedia, the Trump/Putin summit will represent consumation of the ultimate evil plan in which Trump will activate the Halo Array (TM) that will eradicate all life in the galaxy. Apparently Trump’s announcement of a space force was the secret coded message to his evil minions that the Halo Array is ready.

Well that is just brilliant. It will eradicate all their enemies and that is what is important. The fact that Trump and all his allies are collateral damage is a minor drawback to the plan. Who designed this plan? Oh there is fine print. It says “Trump being too busy on the gulf course and twitter, delegated design and development of project ‘Mostest Evil Plan’ (TM) to the Saudi/UAE coalition planners.”

Well that explains a lot. Oh there is more. It says “All content in the Book of Revelation of Wikipedia is protected under international copyright laws and is the intellectual property of the CIA and the other 16 agencies that all perfectly agree an all matters including the fact that Trump is a bad bad person. The CIA and it’s other 16 affiliates have been licensed under God to produce Divine Scripture that is infallible and never to be questioned – got it?”

Oh my. Now we know the location of the Second Coming and the Third Temple. Someone needs to tell NetanYahoo that the rebuilding of the Third Temple is to be located at Langley Virginia.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

People never understand satire as some take it too readily as Gospel of The New Improved Testament Authorized version of Mandela Effects and causation.

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