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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) acknowledged its defeat in the last battle in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib in a new video release.

The video, titled Wa Tuhadithu Akhbaraha [Telling Its Stories], documents the battle from HTS’ point of view. The video was released by the group’s media agency, Amjad, on August 3.

In the documentary, HTS explains how its terrorists attempted to stop the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) attack on Greater Idlib in 2019 using an array of tactics.

The group built its entire strategy around a single principle, “the best defense is a good offense.” Under this strategy the group’s terrorists launched a series of counter-attacks and raids at the beginning of the battle.

While this tactic granted HTS some limited, temporary success in the battlefield, it failed to stop the SAA. In the first phase of the battle, the army managed to secure vast areas in northern Hama and southern Idlib, including the town of Khan Shaykhun.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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As the army began advancing on the Damascus-Aleppo highway, the M5, in early 2020, HTS started to rely on more radical tactics.

The group launched large-scale attacks on other fronts, mainly Aleppo, to distract the army. The group also carried out more suicide attacks with booby-trapped vehicles and well-trained fighters who were left behind as sleeper cells.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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Despite these efforts, HTS failed and sustained heavy losses. The army managed to reopen and secure the M5 highway by March of 2020.

HTS’ commander tried to justify their defeat with the heavy fire power of the SAA and the support of its allies, Russia and Iran. The group ignored the vast support it received from Turkey, which inflicted heavy losses on the Syrian Army.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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The documentary featured Abu Mohamad al-Julani, the leader of HTS, who acknowledged that the group was defeated and attempted to reflect this as an “achievement.”

“The battle has not ended yet, yes, we lost a round in the last eleven months, but the battle is not over and we should stay determined,” al-Julani said, adding “Even if we were left with a single inch of this land.”

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Acknowledged Defeat In Greater Idlib Battle In New Video Release

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In the documentary the group also acknowledged the loss of some its top military commanders, like Abu Ubaidah Kansafra, Saif al-Rahman al-Uzbaki, al-Mu’tasim bi’llah al-Madani, Mansour al-Daghistani, Abu Suleiman al-Hamwi and Abu Jihad al-Shafei al-Ansari.

The documentary was released by HTS following reports of an upcoming attack by the SAA on Greater Idlib. The army is already amassing troops around the region.

By releasing this documentary, HTS is not only trying to justify its defeat but also to amass public support for a new battle with the SAA. The full elimination of the terrorist group is among the top goals of the army and its allies.


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The Ziowahhabi terrorist scum won’t be defeated until they’re exterminated and no part of Syria remains under their yoke, that goes from Hasaka in the NE to the Golan in the SW. There’s unfortunately still lots of filthy piles of US/Turk/ISIS/Kurd/al-Qaeda/Ziojew shit to clean up.

Mustafa Mehmet

do not forget hezbullocks and molla Iranian and russki and new comer sisi gangs. then Syria will be heaven land



Concrete Mike

I disagree. We are better than these barbarians.

Mutilating the dead is something barbarians do, we are better than that. If your going to start doing that, you might as well just surrender to Israel and the west now, for you will have become just as vile and evil as we are.

SAA has superior firepower in theater, they will blast all the jihadis to bits anyways.


This shows why the SAA should have continued,put that scum under the ground.

John Wallace

They should have but it appears that Russia did a deal with Turkey to stop the war. Assad told to be happy with what you got back from what little you had left and remember he was never interested in being President in the first place. So does pragmatism win the day . Idlib is also full of ex fighters that accepted being moved there in exchange for stopping fighting. HTS were never part of the truce .


You should provide origin link that people will trust. https://amjad.media/tuhadith-akhbaraha/


“Even if we are left with a single inch”…al-Julani

He missed the memo “Not One inch”….The Lion of Damascus


Don’t worry Golani, the Syrians will let you have more than an inch, six feet to be exact!

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