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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Allies Captured T-90 Battle Tank From Syrian Army In Southwestern Aleppo

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On February 2, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) captured a T-90 battle tank and a BMP arounred vehicle from the Syrian Army in southwestern Aleppo.

According to pro-militant sources, the vehicles were captured  during the clashes in the area of Zeitan, which remained contested during the last few days.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Allies Captured T-90 Battle Tank From Syrian Army In Southwestern Aleppo

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Allies Captured T-90 Battle Tank From Syrian Army In Southwestern Aleppo

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham & Allies Captured T-90 Battle Tank From Syrian Army In Southwestern Aleppo

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Damien C

They were in a workshop undergoing mechanical repairs …. hardly a capture of note

opet ja

No matter, still very stupid loosing such jewel of equipment.

Daniel Miller

Another example of syrian incompetance i mean loseing one of their best tanks (witch is not sayibg mutch since the T90 is just anotyer death trap like the T72) to a bunch of terrorists,a sad sight

Aleks Chernyy

Sure, it sucks that terrorist got a propaganda win, i mean depriving jihadists of selfy opportunities is top of assad’s list of to do.

Here is what you should do, fly to syria, join the syrian army, and show those guys how its done. I mean its 2020, how did they make it without you thus far?

I think in the very least, you should make a video for the tank crew, expressing your extreme disappointment in their performance, and their lack of appreciation for this advanced piece of equipment, but dont be too harsh, you wouldnt want to hurt their feelings.

Daniel Miller

Sorry but i dont fight for the govt also makeing a video misses the point since arabs in general seem hopeless in operating advanced equipment the US tryed to train the Saudis and Iraqis it did not seem very effective the Russians tryed the same with Syria and Egyipt again failed.

Peter Jennings

They can now go on to conquer the world with their one tank. :)

Little terrorist victories are becoming ever smaller. The only dept still working to full capacity is their PR dept in the UK/US/isreal. The SOHR may soon have the honour of reporting the end of their Idlib terrorist units. Won’t that be fun!


Idiot, they can hand it over to NATO forces for further evaluation and assessment. You simply do not leave top notch equipment in the hands of the enemy, ever and under no circumstances.. If you can not move because maintenance, you blow it up. SAA has proven time and again as being low quality human material ( not that the Jihadist are any better, just better motivated to fight in the name of Islam)

Peter Jennings

In the name of what? idiot.

The rest of your comment is in the same vein.


Meridus is right on the tank, though. It is Russias state of the art workhorse – probably has the anti tank wepons defense kit attached, … that defenitely is in the interest of NATO/Israel as they are trying to get this kind of module as standardized equipment on their tanks, as well. A look at the competitor never hurts, especially as Russian technique is mostly bang for the buck.

Gregory Louis

You don’t think that the US and NATO have specs on T-90’s already…the T-90 has existed for how long now, the realist question would be how have they not had time to collect that info yet. The T-90 isn’t a secret or anything of the sort, the T-90M and the T-14 are a different story but T-90A’s are all over the damned place.


Never said it´s a secret – and of course anybody would prefer getting an Armata – but getting a hand on a current model in very good shape with a working Shtora is a “nice to have” for NATO. The Russians also adapted night/thermal vision and as far as I remember fire control as well – so why not keeping up with this development.

Gregory Louis

Again like I said even the newest T-90’s specs are known to NATO the T-90 especially the export versions are that available to be studied and taken apart and then analyzed.


I have absolutely no problem with your view and argument. I just don´t share it. I continue to believe that the capture of this tank in nearly perfect condition might interest certain factions – and you say – no it doesn´t there´s no new knowledge to be gained of.

Without constant checks one won´t notice whether the specs have changed even if it´s only in the small detail. I would never ever neglect that fact – otherwise I might end up being dead.

Aleks Chernyy

Because Nato would be so impressed with a t72 variant… you dont know what you are talking about.

Are you aware of export versions of weapons?

There is no danger here, take your prozac, everything will be alright.


They can now go on to conquer the world with their one tank. :)

3D printer :))

Zionism = EVIL

They can’t even take it out of the cave as it will be hit with an airstrike. They have GPS locators anyway.

Zionism = EVIL

As if the dumbass arsehole cowards can move the T-90 around, it is hidden in a garage like a stolen car and will be instantly destroyed if out in the open. These tanks have pretty good GPS locators and the SAA most likely knows it location and the morons will invite an airstrike soon.


this cannot be????

Assad must stay

It’ll be useful for a few days max then they need repairs and fuel and ammo then they’re screwed lmao

Aleks Chernyy

The only thing that the jihadists are going to be able to do with this tank is stick a bomb in it , and drive it at some Syrian troops. This is about as relevant in terms of news as the outbreak of jihadists diarrhea in se idlib

Joe Doe

SAA learn very little about fighting war. Leaving their best military hardware is poor incompetence and poor planning. Looks like many SAA fighters would rather run than fight


The chinese were all over the place after Serbia downed the F117A paying thousends of dollars for every single piece of the downed aircraft they could get.One can only imagine what a T90 is worth,whole or in pieces.How incompetent not to blow it up before abandoning it.Its obviously operational as if it were parked/static the russian would have bombed it to pieces before they could have raised their phones to take the picture.


Do not exaggerate. This is just basic model of T-90 tank And those are introduced in 1993 alredy. They are hardly a “secret” for those who can differ a modern tank from tractor, let alone experts.


india has like over 3000 of the T90’s.. any amerikan was mozy on over and look at it…


worth = 0 usd

old machine, the world knows everything about russian version. the export version is totally uninterest

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

need them to ‘capture’ some equipment laden with explosives, or at the very least a tracker to send a missile after it

Dick Von Dast'Ard

That sounds a most excellent plan…

Not blessed with much IQ are HTS boys.


People here talk as if the army handed it over to TIP and Co. as a freebie…it was captured in battle, what was the alternatives? defend this expensive kit till death using all your men?

Gregory Louis

As the old saying goes you can build a new Tank but you can’t replace the crew’s experience, and training. People truly believe they should stay with that equipment and die in it like that’ll do anything of good.


Idiots as they are, they can only use it for the next carnival parade.

James Kira

They are Muslim and almost all on southfront arent (southfront hates Believers).

Yet, southfront reports whats going on with Muslims everyday.

The irony of hating Islam, yet having to stare at it everyday, ahaha.

Whoops Muslims took a tank from southfronts only chance of having a presence in the middle east.

Can russia really dominate in the Middle East and Africa? By teaming up with China and getting petty invitations from cucks like iran and asshead?

Well you can try and expend your energy cheering all day, but reality is AlQaeda doesnt even lift a finger anymore and the media circus has the kufar in hysterics.

Islam has now reached every nook and cranny of the Earth since 911, an undeniably incredible achievement started by Sheik Osama Bin Laden(rh).


SAA = neverending shit


I think the Syrians deliberately left it there to be captured. We’ve seen this happen every now and then. It could be a plant and be used for surveillance.

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