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MARCH 2025

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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On December 29, several buses carrying dozens of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) fighters left the Western Ghouta region towards the northern Idlib governorate, as a part of an agreement between HTS and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that was reached on December 26.

Syrian oppositions sources said that around 300 fighters of HTS and their families were set to leave to Idlib governorate, according to the agreement, while dozens of Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters will hand over their weapons to the SAA and stay in Western Ghouta.

Earlier, HTS blew up all of its headquarters, ammo depots and training camps in the strategic Beit Jinn town in Western Ghouta as a part of its preparation to hand over the town to the SAA, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Begins Withdrawing From Western Ghouta (Videos, Photos)

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The evacuation process will likely end in the upcoming hours, as the SAA is pressuring HTS to execute the agreement as fast as possible to avoid problems. Over the last few days, several Syrian oppositions activists have reported that many fighters of HTS, mainly foreigners, are not willing to leave Western Ghouta and may try to sabotage the deal.

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Promitheas Apollonious

Mainly foreigners …………


I do hope that the Israeli advisers said to have been active in the area were not allowed to run away :)


ISrael-USA-NATO advisor are the first to go away of a bad situation, always.


Yes, they were on the first flights out of Georgia during the South Ossetian conflict.


SAA must judge syrian HTS for murdering. Foreigners must be killed.


Target those buses with RPGs blow them up to hell

Roddy Wehrmacht

Tour buses!!! LOL sitting ducks

Langaniso Mhlobo

USA instruction to terrorists if cornered surrender all the weapons weight will sent in new wespons with the evacuated terrorists re-enforcement.

Brother Ma

I am so sick of the russians and syrians chaufferring these fucking foreigners from place to place.What does it take for a little navigational error of a plane to torch them.The us did it in Iraq with assange video clip, syrian and russia can to!

Ishyrion Av

Russia and Syria has something US lost for a long time. Is called honor. On the other hand, if you strike one bus you kill some and force the rest to fight for life and death. If they have no hope for getting alive, they will fight desperately, and more Syrians will die. But if you move them in Idlib and close the small pockets, you achieve 2 things: First you have more troops available for the big battle and second, until the big battle, the terrorists will first kill between themselves (on the dispute of who’s muscles are bigger, who’s faith in islam is stronger and why not, who has more money and women). I think Russians and Syrians are not only honorable because they can be trusted on an agreement, but also wise.

Icarus Tanović

I’m with that.

jhon malakiat

well said bro..


I hope the whole thing said here becomes a reality.

Brother Ma

All you say is correct but…in ww 2 us troops generally had honor.si nazi troops would expend all their bullets killing until last one.then kill us soldier then surrender knowing us soldiers would accept and preserve their life.then us soldiers started shooting a few when they were found with no bullets left.

Presto… no more surrenders by germans with no bullets.they would surrender well before last bullet and thus killing americans. Please see my response ro larissa as well.

Larissa Vanderbilt

You don’t get it do you? Each time the SAA does something like this it’s like building a bridge of retreat for all the other opposition and terrorists. As long as the fighters know they can have a comfortable, safe and honorable evacuation it will lower the morale of the other enemy held areas as they know they can always choose between getting surrounding or a free trip to a safer region. The SAA wins either way. It’s something called subtlety, which was no doubt instigated by the Russians who are experts at it . .

Brother Ma

Yes i do get it.i am well aware of the strategy but a stray bomb would also introduce an element of chaos into it. Remember how the us torched its own buses and left them to starve in the wilderness only a month or two ago.too much certainty is no good in war.see response to ishyrion as well please.


They need to get the militants out of these disparate urban pockets – a few hundred militants entrenched in a built up urban area are incredibly difficult to dislodge and can be huge problem tying up and costing the lives of SAA manpower to besiege them. But it is more than just a military problem – a few hundred entrenched extremists can render entire, formerly bustling, city districts completely unusable for years on end, and compounding this problem is fact that looting of the occupied infrastructure and property is the militants primary supplementary form of income. Busing the militants out to Idlib is not perfect – but having them in one place is far better option, not least because it is guaranteed they will in-fight amongst themselves. But the Syrian-Russian have to keep their word on the negotiated transits because if they break their word just once then the strategy will be ruined.

Icarus Tanović

Torch those motherfucckers, that are still there.

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