0 $
2,500 $
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100 $

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Chief Propagandist Offers Bounty For Killing Russian Journalists

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On March 15, Tahir al-Omar, a propagandist of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), offered a bounty for killing Russian journalists escorting the Russian-Turkish joint patrol on the M4 highway in northwest Syria.

In a post on his Telegram channel, al-Omar said that he would pay up to $25,000 to any militant who would kill Evgeny Poddubnyy or Oleg Blokhin.

Poddubnyy is the head of the state-run Russia-24’s bureau in the Middle East and North Africa, while Blokhin is a reporter of the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA). Both journalists have been covering the conflict in Syria for years.

“The heroes of the anti-tank [squads], the snipers and the Mujahedeen in general anyone who would kill any of them [the Russian journalists] will be granted a prize of 25 thousand Dollars from a one side,” al-Omar’s post, which included photos of Poddubnyy and Blokhin, reads.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Chief Propagandist Offers Bounty For Killing Russian Journalists

Tahir al-Omar’s post

Opposition activists raised al-Omar’s prize, offering up to $50,000 for any militant who would snipe Poddubnyy. The activists also offered a total of $100,000 for the capture of the said journalist or any Russian service member taking part in the joint patrol.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Chief Propagandist Offers Bounty For Killing Russian Journalists

A post by “Idlib’s Reporter” Telegram group raising the prize offered by Tahir al-Omar.

Russian and Turkish forces were not able to conduct the joint patrol on the highway. Only a limited patrol was carried out to the west of Saraqib city in southeast Idlib because the Turkish side failed to secure highway.

The failure of the patrol and the threats against Russian journalists and service members were not a surprise. HTS rejected the recent Russian-Turkish agreement earlier this month. The terrorist group also vowed to keep fighting against Russian forces.

The terrorist group’s hostile behavior and threats could sabotage the Russian-Turkish agreement. In this case, Syrian government forces and their Russian and Iranian allies will likely resume their operations in Greater Idlib.


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Rafik Chauhan

yes that’s what SAA wants that turkey backed terriost sabotage the cesasefire and Rsusia and SAAa resune Offensive till they reach all of idlib border.

namulit emperor

They would have to do it in one push, though…

Damien C

Evgeny and Oleg will wear that like a badge of honour, to get to them these head-choppers would need to roll over a Russian patrol ….. Hasn’t happened yet … Won’t happen now!


looks like russian attack choppers will be reactivated… Been years now since they have been used.

John Wallace

Perhaps that is the objective to motivate attacks on the Russian patrols using the two journalists as the attractive cherry .


I just hope the Russians won’t get attacked inside Idlib by the Jihadists.

Lone Ranger

Russia knows how to deal with mossadciaisis dont worry.


Putin really risks that his military and journalists could get killed by the Jihadists.


What a peaceful moderate militant, they act like terrorist…….Oh sorry they are the terrorist

Lone Ranger

CIA money, no question about it. Hope a SAA or Spetznaz sniper will take out these HTS trash. Sooner the better. Make them cry and rage ;)


in this case i doubt its CIA! its Turkey! WHY? Because these journalists can film everything! They can literally prove anything Turkey is doing to aid terrorists as they traverse these opposition road ways with Turkey also fighting any fight that the Russians run into! This means Turks killing its own militia hahahaha! This means that Turkey CANT aid terrorists! Understand? Therefore Turkey needs a media blackout! How do u create a Russian media blackout if u are Turkey? Get Your minions to kill them FOR MONEY! 25k to a Syrian opposition fighter is like 25 million to a western fighter! its worth the risk and the man power! Turkey is doing this! Think about it! Russia has forced turkey (who has not only lost land but also a strategic Main Supply Route) to play ball! Thos “JOINT” Turkey / Russian convoy = Russian intel and also eyes and ears that can PROVE Turkey’s aid to TERRORIST not “Resistance fighters”!

If u cant see that Turkey has the most blood on its hands then u are a fool! This is Turkey’s back yard! The CIA gave up a long time ago if u havent noticed! This is all Turkey now!

Karen Bartlett

I don’t believe it. CIA has the money and the motive.And this is their type of move, to use a proxy for their ends. They don’t want any news to get out about Turkey, or themselves, aiding terrorists, either.


its a new Administration! Those links are cut now! FSA/ HTS only have Turkey left! You should know this by the US abandoning MOST of its bases! Would the CIA give up Tabqua? Would they give up Manbij? Would they upset the Kurds like they did under Trump? All thats left in this war are the locals! The USA is just taking oil and thats it!

Karen Bartlett

Well, maybe.But I doubt the CIA is going to give up its “work” just because of a new administration.


CIA worked for globalists! They were the globalist intelligence agency who were involved in trying to keep Trump from taking office, trying to create false intel to get Trump out of office and blaming Russia for everything!

New people are in charge of the DOJ, FBI and CIA! In fact many of them have ongoing investigations and indictments! Also, McCain is dead! Yeah McCain who met with bagdaddi and crew! In fact Bagdaddi is dead!

loose ends have been taken out and the US is trying to get the hell out of the middle east and Afghanistan! TRYING! Attacks dont allow them to exit!

Furthermore, the whole world is collapsing with this Corona virus shit! Even though i think its hyped, i dont think the economy collapsing is hyped! This without a doubt is a psyop! No idea who started it but remember this virus occurred in Wuhan China! Wuhan has the only level 4 virus research center in China! Now either the Chinese were duped into a false flag OR the Chinese released this on purpose or by accident! in Fact George Soros funds this labratory! NO SHIT! What is Soros? A fucking Globalist!

Shit has hit the fan! Forget Syria for a minute!

Karen Bartlett

Well, Maybe Covid-19 originated in China, and maybe it didn’t:China’s Coronavirus: Did It Originate in the US? https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/03/no_author/chinas-coronavirus-a-shocking-update-did-the-virus-originate-in-the-us/

And do you think Mr. Trump doesn’t work for globalists as well?

Johnny Beaubitch

America nourishes, formats, directs and protects like a father the Islamists of the new world order and the Ukrainian Nazis. True reality The enemy of peoples is Freemason Zionism La France embrasse la Grande Russie


I like the 1st sentence…not sure about the rest!

good american

It is interesting that they would offer to pay in US currency. Why, and how, would they have so much at their disposal?

Marcus Porcius Cato

You do realise they’re on the CIA’s payroll, right?

good american

Just an exercise of critical thinking for those unfamiliar with US Machiavellian machinations. Like most of the people I know and hang out with, unfortunately.


Sorry for my englando, dont copy pasterino

good american

Esta bien. Solo nessecita mas practica. No eres un cabron inteligente, verdad?

Concrete Mike

Simple, its your tax dollars, who else but americans have a serious hate on for russians?

good american

I’m hoping it’s from Afgani opium sales and not my tax dollars!


Your English is not native

good american

What you talkin’ ’bout, Willis?


You are not an American

good american

Sure am, buddy That is the first time I’ve been accused of not being one. I think I write English rather well, thank you kindly.


Can you give me a list of fuck idioms? :)

good american

I try not to be a potty-mouth. You know what Jonx means?


If it’s not a friend of yours I don’t see why capitalize it

good american

It’s old DC slang. As in ”Best not come at me with that JONX.” Though it will be rather silly for me to try to prove my Americanism to you.

Karen Bartlett

Do they learn them in Hasbara troll school?


yes with your mom

Karen Bartlett

Enjoy. My mom’s 91 years old. Dumb fuck.


And your real name is Karen

Karen Bartlett

Yeah, and yours is occupybacon. That’s my actual name, You’re probably some entitled kid who lives in a city, PO’d at grownups and thinks they know just everything and are real brave online.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, he is.

Karen Bartlett

Yes, it is.


The huge anti-russian propaganda of the Dems demonstrate that they need that because the normal american citizen doesn’t hate russians or even care about russia

good american

It’s on both sides of the aisle, the Repubs just aren’t as vociferous about it at the moment. They will do the same thing when it suits their purpose. Such as Graham, Cotton, and the rest of the loonies.


‘Russia bad’ not ‘Russian people bad’

good american

That fine distinction is lost on the average idiot.


I never heard of an average american that hate someone jyst because is russian

Karen Bartlett


St. Augustine

I’ll just sit here and wait for the US/UK government to condemn the terrorists for not respecting ‘media freedom’.


your hair will fall off before then.

Séamus Ó Néill

I hope you’ve copious amounts of food and water !


Turkey should realise the grim reaper is at their border crossing and once in, its lights out. Its better to prepare now when having the chance than have the SAA show up in istanbul to arrest erdo.

Karen Bartlett

The SAA won’t invade Turkey.


would it be illegal to crowdsource bounties on hts leaders and other terrorist rats? It is illegal in Norway i will bet without checking..

Karen Bartlett

No doubt it’s illegal.

cechas vodobenikov

unsurprising—these US funded humanitarians fear the truth—already officially banned in Russia as terrorists….only $25,000 as the US economy shrinks”readjusts” —their FED had to inject $1.5 trillion of fake paper money last week into Wall Street as a result of the damage Russia produced to their overpriced shale oil…


wow, i’ll bet his mommy is proud of him. “kill the journalists” you overweight POS. now that your foto is posted on all over the net, you are dead meat.

George King

Are you talking about this guys photo Tahir al-Omar? https://syrianobserver.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Al-Golani.jpg




Russian agression and occupation is responsible, stop killing syrians in their own country and homes , so go out to moscou and no one will threaten you. If you dont you must assume consequences.

Icarus Tanović

Stupid bum.

Karen Bartlett

God protect Oleg and Evgeny!

Miguel Salcido

La reapertura de la autopista M4, que une la ciudad costera de Lattakia con la ciudad de Aleppo, es la piedra angular del reciente acuerdo ruso-turco sobre Greater Idlib.

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