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MARCH 2025

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) killed dozens of goovernment troops and seized a T-55 battle tank as well as machine guns and other weapons during their night attack against the Syrian Arab Army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) in the area west of Salamiyah. Col. Muhammad al-Kasih Commander of the NDF in Teldara village was allegedly killed in the attack.

Photos released by the HTS media wing:

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Claims Killing Of Dozens Syrian Soldiers, Capturing Of T-55 Battle Tank (Photos)

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These Syria soldiers sometimes really disappoint me. It looks like that they do not have defense tactic neither attack tactic. Of course, in all wars, some small battles are lost and others are won, but these soldiers attitude of leaving weapons to terrorists and run away from the battle (maybe I am wrong) is not good sign of good soldiers.


In all fairness, it was a very quiet front sector. That always tends to create lax attitudes even in the best of armies. And of all the branches that make up the Syrian army the NDF probably ranks furthest from being the best of armies.


Yes, it has been quiet for a while. Also some outposts perform a trip-wire function. The idea is NOT to die defending them. And as such it fulfilled its function, alert was raised where the attack was coming from, troops came to the rescue, and all points have been recovered. It was a surprise attack. How, gustavo, do you defend against a surprise attack? Apart from the basic precautions, you can’t! It wouldn’t be a surprise if you could. The Syrian soldiers are doing pretty well, time is on their side and I think they all have been told not to die for unnecessary heroics. In this dirty war to survive is to win.


You’re right! Most of the time when facing a surprise attach it is better to retreat, but retreating must be done in a properly way, if you do not retreat in an organised manner than the chances to survive are bigger if you face the attack.


If you did watch the last ISIS attack on SAA, south somewhere near the Iraqi border, the way they defend it is really – really strange and disappointing, as if they did never got even the most basic training!!


That attack was entirely staged. The beginning of the attack is completely unbelievable with the cameraman running alongside a bogus attack. Why didn’t the soldiers fight back? Not much anyway. Because they were unarmed mostly (as if that would happen in an outpost in the middle of daesh territory). These were prisoners dressed up as Syrian soldiers and the clearly inexperienced ISUS fighters got to practice battle by killing unarmed men with automatic weapons in an abandoned SAA outpost. They couldn’t even shoot properly. Purest propaganda you’ll ever see. They are still trying to manage their public image as invincible soldiers (hint: like Israel did!), but they will be toast soon. This movie-making won’t save them, but just confirms that they are cold-blooded killers but not much else. Hell, I’m not even sure this happened in Syria. There is too much flag waving and flag smashing going on. I mean… the attackers even have a flag carrier! It’s BS.


Don’t be to disappointed by these terrorist propaganda. While they recovered some loose equipment I doubt they inflicted much personnel damage, which is critical. These terrorist groups wont miss the chance to parade dead bodies of soldiers so the lack of that makes me believe this is a exenterated case of terrorist propaganda. Dozens of soldiers dead?? really where? T55 are siting ducks for terrorist to use anyways so its not much of a gain. They do much better with capturing light tactical vehicles.

Joe Doe

The major problem SAA have is poor intelligence gathering and planning. Also is true many SAA units have habits to run and leaving military hardware to the enemy.

John Whitehot

never put any doubt in Al-nusra claims. they are known to always speak honestly and truthfully.



You are right! They are fountains of truth and righteousness!


NDF are just untrained civilians! So if u are disappointed, your being too judgemental!

In Vietnam war, the American draftee’s would smoke cigarettes while on patrol, wear after shave, sing songs and walk along existing paths!

Stupidity at its worst! But hey, when u rely on Civilians to hold lines while ur experienced forces fight the enemy and take back hills and lands, this is what happens!


Israel have hired these Terrorists and Israel fund and arm them.

roger temple

Nuts. The photos show nothing at all. Could be anybody anywhere. Crap propaganda.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are old photos why do they rely so heavily on fake propaganda all the videos they put out is very fake , the CIA should know the public is getting better at spotting their fakes by now.

DJ Double D

I am inclining to the believe that many in the NDF are Saboteurs. Almost every single case of running away from their positions involved the NDF. How can one explain that? And still they keep relying on them to defend recaptured territories. And the enemies keep laughing.

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