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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Enters Another Town In Western Aleppo And Neutralizes Two Turkish-Backed Groups

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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Enters Another Town In Western Aleppo And Neutralizes Two Turkish-Backed Groups

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At the afternoon of January 5, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched a suprise attack on the town of Atarib in the opposition-held part of the western Aleppo countryside. Syrian oppositions activists reported that the radical group shelled the residential areas inside the strategic town during the attack.

Atarib was under the control of two Turkish-backed groups, Thuwar al-Sham and Byariq al-Islam. Both groups are affiliated with the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, which was defeated by HTS a day earlier.

By the late hours of the day, HTS managed to break the will of the militias defending the town and forced them to accept a surrender agreement, according to the Iba’a news network. Under the agreement, HTS will take over the town, while Thuwar al-Sham and Byariq al-Islam will be dissolved. Turkish-backed militants were also banned from entering Atarib.

The town of Deir Sim’an and its historical citadel fell into the hands of HTS fighters at the early morning. The position of the town, which overlooks the Turkish-occupied areas of Afrin, allowed the radical group to isolate the remaining Turkish-backed militants.

HTS launched its attack on the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement at the beginning of January after accusing the group of assassinating four of its fighters. As expected by many local observers, HTS’s victory over al-Zenki encouraged it to continue its attack on Turkish-backed militants.

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You can call me Al

Against many commentator’s views, I believe that this is a Russian / Turkish plan (remember the Turks removed many Turkish backed groups to fight in the East); shortly both sides can rid Syria of HTS without hurdles.


Possible, but more likely an American operation, to pressure Turkey.


Or a Turkish move to try to atract the SAA for an Idlib’s battle, so the Turks can attack in Manbij and east Euphrates. Questions: why the Tigers were sent to east? Why the Turks don’t send their mercenaries from Manjib to Idlib?

Let the Russian and Sirian air forces, and the syrian missiles and artillery take care of al Qaeda in Idlib, and look at what the Turk does.

You can call me Al

Jorge, I seem to change my view often, to follow the latest Erdy moods and changes.


It’s complicated, the best is always to watch what one’s do, not what he says.

SurfshackTito (TheSecular)

One of the Syrian War’s top villains has won another round against the Turkish backed groups. But the question is. Has Turkey failed to keep its word in erasing jihadist groups in Idlib despite the formation of the TFSA and NFL? To me honestly, they have. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b4c4608205a52ed44bda2806b5adf3db1e34ceb4783d861e4539360bfee0b08c.jpg

Brother Ma

Of course they failed. All horrible jihadists were given safe quarter in Idlib. Turkey dawdled on purpose and did nothing of what it promised. It gave the headchoppers rest and recreation and simply renamed them. Russia achieved nothing but stopping a chemical false flag. That is all. It stopped a potential reason for Fukusis to intervene. It still has to kill the jihadis whether Erdogan likes them or not. When will this happen?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Isn’t it becoming blatantly obvious to even the most simple minded what’s really going on. The Saudis are nearly broke and not giving HTS a red cent anymore [political pressure as well], the Turks have abandoned them since November, and now HTS have no friends left at all, NONE. No resupply lines from anywhere because there are no supplies to send anymore, they’re running out of ammo and equipment, and also isolated by everyone in small pockets scattered all over the place, that’s what any military analyst would call a doomsday scenario. At least that’s the way it was 2 months ago, since then things have changed, now HTS has captured huge areas from the Turkish backed proxies and consolidated small scattered areas into their own expansive holds, and done it all with no help from anyone, no ammo or supplies, and with one of the most powerful militaries in the world backing their enemies, yeah and pigs can fly too. Just because the Turks aren’t allowed [according to the Astana agreement] to have heavy weapons in the demilitarized zone, it doesn’t mean they’re not allowed to be situated in other key locations around Idlib and Aleppo, and not just for for defensive purposes. From what I can understand of the November agreement, it not only allows for the placement and use of heavy Turkish weapons, it also doesn’t inhibit the use of Turkish airpower in the non designated demilitarized zone for either defensive or offensive purposes, the only stipulation in the agreement is that it can only be HTS forces attacked by the Russians, SAA, or Turks or their legal proxies the NFL. Does anyone really believe HTS is capable of doing what they’ve [supposedly] been doing for several months now, I don’t. I actually think the Turks will end up in the north east of Idlib, and HTS will end up in the south and west of idlib, and that’s because that’s exactly the way Erdogan wants it to pan out. Erdogan could finish off HTS in just weeks if he really wanted to, but he’s saving his money and assets for something even more important, he doesn’t want to move into the poverty stricken areas HTS now occupies, they’re even poorer than the areas he wants to stay in, far better from his perspective to let Assad come in and wipe out HTS, let Assad spend his cash on a military campaign, and then pay for the welfare checks afterwards, Erdogan gets to save money for more important things that way.


“and now HTS have no friends left at all, NONE.”

They still have the USA, which seems to keep them well informed and armed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Where do you get your news, it’s time to change to a different source. As far as I’m aware the US has never funded HTS ever, it did fund a few of it’s splinter organizations for certain periods, but that was many years ago now. The French, Germans, Brits, Jordanians, Egyptians and others also funded some of the factions that have now joined HTS, but they don’t anymore. HTS is all alone now, they have no one left to help them. If you have any info contrary to that, please either link or copy and paste it for me, but it has to be since December last year, not before that.


HTS is al Qaeda and the US has been controlling them for decades. HTS like their many predecessors preach the same politics, Salafism. Salafism is an American invention originally developed to kill Russians and other enemies of the USA in terrorist attacks. Their mission remains the same, and they never attack the FUKUS countries, just the enemies of FUKUS.

Changing the name is a common Americun tactic.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US created al Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden was their leader and well respected in US intelligence and military circles, he was a certified hero for the US government for quite a long time, since he was the one most responsible for ousting the Russians from Afghanistan after 7 years of fighting. Before the Russians were finally kicked out, they’d helped the Afghani’s build hospitals, schools, roads and infrastructure, after the US helped Osama kick the Russians out, the country lost everything they’d gained, free education for boys and girls, free medical care for the Afghani’s, and any chance of a positive future. But that was then and this is now, Obama is the man to blame, even Bush, but not Trump. Since long before his run for presidency Trump’s been condemning this sort of behaviour by the US, why would he suddenly want to start doing it himself after decades of saying it was bad. He dropped the FSA before the Daraa/Quneitra campaign to allow Assad an easy victory there, he booted the FSA out of Al Tanf a few months later, and just recently he advised ex FSA fighters not to join Erdogan’s NFL army and invade eastern Syria, the FSA were the guys the US was funding in Syria, but Trump’s dropped the lot of them. Do you really think Trump’s funding HTS now, if he was, Erdogan would know about it and spill the beans just like that. So no, Trump and the US no longer support HTS at all. In Afghanistan they’re still fighting against the Taliban, al Qaeda and Isis, all their own creations, I think Trumps already learnt what comes of US proxy armies, they all come back to bite them in the end.


You have to be American, only Americans are gullible enough to think that changing presidents makes any difference. The last American President to try and stand against the real rulers of the USA was Jack Kennedy. Trump was an accident, a mistake, Clinton had been chosen to start WWIII. Hopefully the US will collapse before the next election and nuclear war can be avoided.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Aussie, not that it make any difference, we’re not that much different to the Americans, the Brits, the French, Italians, Canadians, Germans, ect. If changing Presidents didn’t make a difference no one would do it full stop, they wouldn’t have elections at all and change to a one party system. But answer me this if you think your statement is right, why is it that this change of President this time, has got the deep state so riled up and angry, that they’re actually rebelling against their own leader, if changing presidents doesn’t really make a difference. They all seem to think it does, and for the worse as far as they’re concerned, so they wouldn’t agree with you at all, and I’m afraid I don’t either. -“BUT lets stick to who these guys kill for, it’s the USA, the USA has been using terrorists to control the world ever since Carter”-. And your point is? That’s been going on since before written history by nearly every warlike nation in the world, but Trump is anything but warlike, politically he’s just a dove wearing a tigers cloak, his words are sometimes harsh but his actions so far have been anything but warlike. -“Haven’t you ever wondered why these psycho’s never attack American interests”-. No but I always used to post that is was strange that Isis never hit the US as much as they should have, or on their home soil, the deep state of the US has some of their leaders on the payroll, of that I’m pretty certain, as to all the others at this current time, no, I don’t think Trump has any proxies on the US payroll now, and that’s because he doesn’t want or need them.


“If changing Presidents didn’t make a difference no one would do it full stop, they wouldn’t have elections at all and change to a one party system.” I’m not sure if you are referring to voters or politicians, about half of Americans don’t vote. They allow elections, because it gives people hope, even though there is no hope. This time an outsider got elected, usually the American people are given candidates who know the game and will follow orders. Here in Oz people will still vote for minor parties, which prevents our politicians straying too far from the path. In America those half of Americans who do vote only vote for the 2 supplied teams, a third choice is not acceptable to most Americans.

Here in Oz elections are on Saturday’s, so most can vote, in the US they are held on Tuesday’s to discourage workers from voting. In Australia a Government department controls all aspects of voting and politicians monitor the public servants. In America politicians control the electoral process.

The USA has never been a real democracy, it’s a Hollywood version of a democracy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There is no such thing as democracy full stop, what we call democracy is a farce and far inferior to the system the Chinese have in place. I used to think that forcing people to vote was unfair, now I think it should be illegal. At least in the US silly kids that have no life experience aren’t forced to vote, here in Oz we force the kids to vote, and they’re already brainwashed by the left wing anti family, pro transgenderism ABC and SBS to vote labour or green, I’d prefer to see those kids out having a good time instead of voting, they’re destroying my country with their left wing ideologies. I used to vote labour for 40 years, until I realized they’d been taken over by the LGBTQI organization, as the greens had, and now it looks like the Liberals are setting themselves on the same path, it’s becoming easier for me to switch to Corey or more likely Latham if he takes over from Pauline. I sort of admire Latham, he’s not a transgender puffball in any way shape or form, Latham for Prime minister, but in a different party this time, would that be a first for Australia.


You look like a well posted CIA troll !!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And you’re obviously a pro Transgender troll, and not very intelligent, I support Trump, not the CIA, just like Trump, I see them as the enemy, the pro LGBTQI transgender branches of the US government should all be strangled to death, if you’ve ever read any of my posts you’d know that, and you should have realized it by just reading the post you just replied to. CIA troll, I’ve been anti US for the last 40 out of my 55 years, and I still am anti US establishment, as well as anti celebrity groupie left wing fanatics that make up too much of the US population, but I’m not anti left or right, just smack in between the two, but I am pro Trump, not the man, I despise him, but I love his politics, he says and does things no one else has ever done in my lifetime, and I can’t help but to be impressed. I only try to be polite the first time someone insults me, never the second time.


Ok man keep dreaming.


Why? Where exactly is he trolling?…if you don’t mind my question… If he is one of those MAGA infatuated by Trump guys that doesn’t necessarily make him “troll”. I don’t think that Trump is different from Obama, Clinton and Bush the Idiot but I don’t have hostility to those who don’t agree.


OK then how you call somebody who insists that US never funded HTS? Somebody who doesn’t understand that Trump is a representative of there same deep state that selects the presidents. You may call him a dreamer may be?


OK for HTS I find that little bit over the top… Looks to me like average brainwashed US citizen reading usual MSM propaganda in U.S. and not reading much independent media on the internet… As for the Trump…There are plenty of Trump supporters and it is hard for them to be objective. That man is maybe their last hope! Their only ticket out of very difficult situation. So it takes enormous courage in that situation to accept the facts… I understand you…I might be soft, but I have empathy for those people. They are just regular folks like us and their only sin is to be born in the wrong country in the wrong time

Brother Ma

Very true. Notice it said “dissolved zenki groups”. Ie forced them to join Hts. So HTS only grows stronger. So russia better be smart enough to see what is happening.whether Us or Rurkey supports the choppers means nothing. The Us and Turkey will be friends again soon anyway.

So Russia and Syria better slaughter these HTS soon because if Erdogan publically supports them again then Russia will be unable officially to kill them!


Russia bombed shit out of them before and they will do it again if need be.

But all things in their due time. There will be time for bombing if no other solution is found

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So the US is fighting Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Isis in Afghanistan all at the same time, but then funding HTS in Syria, that’s real clever, fund 1 of the 4 Al Qaeda affiliate groups that’s active in Syria, but then fight the other 3 in Afghanistan. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds. HTS would just funnel the funds back to the other 3 groups in Afghanistan, who the US are fighting, you should think more instead of posting, here’s a wiki link for you too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahrir_al-Sham


The US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and they happen to be the legal Government. The US flew ISIS fighters to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. The US also flew ISIS fighters to the Philippines to create terror. How do you think these animals can travel from one country to another, armed to the teeth? Hint

Air America, the first choice of terrorists for 60 years.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The US is fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, and they happen to be the legal Government”. Taliban, legal government, are you joking? “The US flew ISIS fighters to Afghanistan to fight the Taliban” So you’re saying that the US are flying Isis fighters [offshoot of Al Qaeda] into Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban [another offshoot of Al Qaeda] on US planes, that’s fair enough, it sounds silly but fair enough, what I really want to know is this, who flies out the other Isis fighters that leave Afghanistan to fight in other places around the world, is it the US airlines too, or a different one, do they have one plane that brings in some to fight their brothers the Taliban, then fills up with the ones that are heading out to fight elsewhere, places like Syria, Libya and Yemen, oh and sorry, the Philippines too? “The US also flew ISIS fighters to the Philippines to create terror”, I hope the US picked up a lot of Isis fighters for the trip out after they dropped off the Isis fighters, there’s plenty already there wanting to leave and fight elsewhere, they’d love a free trip out to fight in Syria Yemen or Libya. They’ve had Muslim fanatics there since before I was born 55 years ago, long before Isis, long before the Taliban, and long before even Al Qaeda was even dreamed of. Not one of your comment made the slightest sense to me, I don’t understand how you could believe any of them yourself.

Tudor Miron

“As far as I’m aware the US has never funded HTS ever”(c) Now this is a blatant lie or you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Please show me where and when the US funded HTS the organization, or supported it in any way. The Saudis did but Erdogan took over from the Saudis in June/July, if not long before that, possibly as early as mid 2016, but the US as far as I’m aware has never funded HTS at all, zilch, not one cent and no support. During the Daraa/Quneitra campaign Trump held back support and funds for the FSA, and yet he ordered/pressured them not to assist HTS in the fight against Assad, he didn’t like them back in may/June. There are several groups in HTS that were once funded by the US [some of the most violent I might add], but that was long before or just before they Joined HTS. And to prove to me that you know what you’re talking about, please link or copy and paste the relevant info concerning US funding and support for HTS. Even the slightest hint or simple innuendos will do, I’m not expecting any formal documents, just ANY articles discussing the possibility of collusion between the US and HTS will do, but especially the ones concerning US funding for them. Good luck trying to find them.

Tudor Miron

There’s no point debating something obvious. There’s no point showing something to one who’s not willing to see. Simple truth is queda/isis/rest of the rats are nothing other than irregular armed forces of US/UK/Israel. To be unable to comprehend it one has to be dumb or deliberately ignoring the obvious.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s a cop out Tudor, not the sort of answer I was expecting from you. If that’s what you think of as innuendo, I’m very disappointed, that’s an Isis member not a member of HTS, and I’ve been saying since day one the US has been supplying Isis through their base at Al Tanf, that’s a totally separate argument to the one you initiated, I’ll post your response again, “As far as I’m aware the US has never funded HTS ever”(c) Now this is a blatant lie or you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.” and this was my response “Even the slightest hint or simple innuendos will do, I’m not expecting any formal documents, just ANY articles discussing the possibility of collusion between the US and HTS will do, but especially the ones concerning US funding for them. Good luck trying to find them”. You had no luck trying to find them did you, even the simple innuendos or second rate articles that spout fake news didn’t have anything concerning the matter, and do you know why, it’s because it’s not true. I suggest you do a comprehensive search and find out just how wrong you actually are, you must have done some sort of a search if you sent me this bit of totally irrelevant information that has nothing whatsoever to do with our argument. Look a lot harder and you still won’t find anything, you can google search from now until next week and you still won’t find anything to post me. I’ll help a little, first there was Al Qaeda 1988, then there was the Taliban 1994, then Isis 2014, then HTS 2017 in that order. Please don’t say that HTS is just al Qaeda under a different name, that’s also a cop out, we could say the same thing about Isis and the Taliban if that was the case, and the US is fighting all 3 in Afghanistan at the moment, Al Qaeda, Taliban and Isis, so why would they be fighting 3 Al Qaeda affiliates but fund the fourth one, just think about it sensibly for one minute, If the US is fighting 3 Al Qaeda groups in Afghanistan right now, why would they risk funding a fourth in Syria, no matter how much they wanted to, they’d have to realize the group in Syria would most likely funnel the funds back to Afghanistan, would you yourself be that stupid, I don’t think so, and neither is the US. Here’s what the wiki says, this is as close as you’ll ever get to linking US funding to HTS so listen to what they say about HTS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahrir_al-Sham

Your first post, again, “Now this is a blatant lie or you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I don’t lie and I get upset when I’m called a liar, especially when the person calling me a liar hasn’t got a clue about what he’s talking about, either you’re just being plain ignorant, or trolling me by calling me a liar and not putting up any evidence to back you totally wrong assertion. So once again I’ll ask, back up your easily provable assertion with some evidence, provide links or copy and paste, if you can’t, it either makes you look stupid for being wrong, or worse still, doing what you accused me of doing, Lying, so either put up or shut up and admit your wrong, it’s not hard, the net has all the info you need and it’d only take 10 minutes or so, JUST ONE RELEVANT ARTICLE TO PROVE THE US FUNDS HTS.

Tudor Miron

https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/america-siding-with-terrorists-like-al-nusra-its-not-a-conspiracy-theory-10319370.html https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/how-america-armed-terrorists-in-syria/ http://alwaght.com/en/News/110987/US-Supports-Al-Nusra,-ISIS–in-Syria-Foreign-Minister https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/715977/al-nusra-us-arming-jihadists-syria https://www.mintpressnews.com/al-qaeda-unitedstates-alliance-terrorism-syria/229359/ https://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-hughes/us-support-for-al-qaeda-l_b_10089410.html

There are hundreds more if one is willing to see. But let me tell you one simple thing – articles have nothing to do with proving or disproving something. What matters is developments on the ground. One has to be blind to not being able to see. Do you think that Saudi Arabia is somehow independent of US? This scum regime is nothing other than US/UK tool installed there to pump the oil and do the dirty work on US behalf. If SA was funding HTS it simply means that US is fine with it and supports it inderectly.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not one of those articles mentioned HTS as a recipient of US funds or arms, not even one [I didn’t read the first, add blocker]. They all had something to do with the splinter groups that now make up sections of HTS, or once were a part of it, not the newly formed HTS that’s only been around since 2017. If you re read my post more carefully, –“As far as I’m aware the US has never funded HTS ever, it did fund a few of it’s splinter organizations for certain periods, but that was many years ago now. The French, Germans, Brits, Jordanians, Egyptians and others also funded some of the factions that have now joined HTS, but they don’t anymore”.– I understand the situation far better than you do I’m afraid, so again I’ll assert, The US has never ever funded HTS, NEVER. Some of the groups that did receive support from the US, only joined HTS because the US had already ended their support for them, so contrary to what you assert about HTS, the opposite is in fact the truth. HTS incorporated some of the groups that had lost international support US/UK/Jordan/France/ ect into their organization not to gain funding from the US and pals, it was because these groups had lost funding from their international backers, the only supporter of HTS for the first 4 to 5 months of this year was the Saudis, since then the Arab League have forced them to end support for HTS as well, Erdogan took over but that ended in November with an agreement with Putin at Astana. HTS IS ALL ALONE WITH NO FRIENDS AND NO RESUPPLY LINES. I won’t argue the point any longer, it’s all going to become apparent in the media soon enough, though judging from your statement about HTS which is the total opposite to what the truth is, YOU DON’T READ ENOUGH NEWS, or else you must have stopped paying attention to it back before January this year. Re read all the articles you sent me and argue the point again I dare you, all your articles except the for one, which I didn’t read, all confirmed what I said, and didn’t mention the US funding HTS at all, just the fact the US had previously funded some of the groups that have since joined HTS, that’s not what you said, you said the US FUNDS HTS, re read your own comment. If you check you’ll find the US has only been backing one group of rebels in Syria since about June, the second last group which were FSA affiliated were packed off from Al-Tanf base about that time and sent to Aleppo to join Erdogan. So the articles you sent me only confirm what I said about prior funding for groups that have joined HTS, since they lost all funding from International backers [US+others], some of them years before, but say NOTHING AT ALL about current US or international funding for HTS, nothing at all, not even one of them, they just proved me right and didn’t confirm what you asserted at all. HTS IS MADE UP OF GROUPS THAT CAN’T GET INTERNATIONAL BACKING, NONE WHATSOEVER, NONE, ZILCH,ZERO. THAT’S WHY THEY FORMED, BECAUSE THEY CAN’T.

Tudor Miron

Lets simply end this useless discussion. You refuse to see/read what it said in those articles (deliberately or not – that I don’t know). They don’t talk about direct funding/arming but about simple fact that hts (same as isis) was receiving US help through FSA and other rats. I don’t give a hoot who US claim to support officially – they lie as they breath. Words from professional liers do not cost much whrn one is able to see facts on the ground.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Just after HTS was formed the FSA helped Assad and Russia to blow them to kingdom come in Quneitra, they didn’t cooperate with HTS when the campaign first started, they just left each other to die there, but in Idlib after that, they actually formed an alliance that lasted just 1 month or just over. You have to differentiate between HTS formed 2017, and all the other 3 groups, Isis, Taliban, Al Qaeda, just because they all originated from the Al Qaeda ideals and ideologies, doesn’t mean they’re all exactly alike and cooperate, quite often they actually fight against each other. They’re all run by different leaders with a multitude of splinter organizations that swap and change allegiances in a heartbeat, and they’re all usually making unreasonable demands on the organizations leaders that the leaders can’t fulfil, not even the CIA could keep a track of who’s in and out of each others beds and when. BUT the US has never funded HTS ever, not even once, I still stand by my claim, I know what you’re trying to tell me, but that’s got nothing to do with your first post to me, telling me that the US does fund HTS, in the post I made that you replied to I even said that I knew some of the groups in HTS atm, had previously received funding from the US and others, but you can’t use that as an argument to prove that the US now funds HTS, they don’t, as I stated, HTS only formed from groups who could no longer get funding from anyone, the only person they’ve got a red cent from since January is Erdogan, and he stopped funding them too in the end, about october I’ll guess. So I’m 100% correct and you’re 100% wrong, if you’d said something like, but a lot of the groups that are in HTS now, used to get funding from the US and others, then you too would have been 100% correct, but you said this to me in your post, ” As far as I’m aware the US has never funded HTS ever” (c) Now this is a blatant lie or you simply don’t know what you’re talking about”. But I’m right, I do know what I’m talking about, the US has never funded HTS EVER, and no matter how hard you search, or for how long you look, you’ll never find one article to say they have. You of course are entitled to your own opinion,but I’ll stick to mine thanks.


More important things like to take Manjib and the East Euphrates, besides to defend his “conquests” in north Syria…as we say in my country, with his dreams he is going to be fat! And the turkish planes will fly over Idlib because they have a magic power, and pigs can fly.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If he gets his hands on the Syrian oil fields he’ll get fat for sure.


And if his grandmother would have wheels she would be a truck.

Willing, Mad Rat Bolton has taken Erdogan’s promise to Trump and he’s trying to go on with the war with that, in perfect despair. What Mad Rat Bolton has achieved with that was to alienate the Kurds and all the rest of the East Euphrates people that is in alliance with the Kurds. The Turks only would attack if the yankees would take care of the Russians, and Mad Rat Bolton can’t start a war with Russia, only can return to his farm, following Mattis path.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Trump has the special ability to drive all the imbedded deep state of the US insane, they can’t handle doing everything the opposite way they have been for 70 years and not come away unscathed, being forced to cooperate and be truly inclusive is driving them all insane, they’re just not used to it. Who would have ever thought that getting rid of the deep state of the US would’ve been this easy, just drive them all insane to get rid of them, too easy.


I confess I’m a little amused with Trump’s process, and I only don’t agree with you at 100% because those guys long time ago were already all insane.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And with just a little help from Trump, they’ll all have a breakdown sooner or later.


Lets see. Tuesday there’s a meeting in Turkey.


All that Erdoğan wants is to have Jihadi proxies on his side, because that way is way cheaper to maintain those jihadists, its not his own Turkish army, so if the jihadists die they die and nothing to no one, but if Turkish soldiers die for Erdogan’s agenda, there will be internal pressure from its own government for the purpose of WHY you are wasting Turkish Soldiers lives. America has this long time ago, fulling and throwing some money and weapons to OTHERS to fight and kill each other and never send their own, same as America, Turkey too is afraid or casualties because that’s what the US most afraid to have casualties in its own military. Why its very rare case to see a US soldier to die or something like that, because they are always in second row shooting howitzers from behind and always always attack from Air with Jets or Drones and on the ground are proxies.The last time when the US was fighting with their own soldiers was Vietnam and they lost A LOT of them. And the US gov was almost crucified for that. Since then they never send their own troops directly, only paid proxies. And Erdogan kinda got a taste of all this, someone else brainwashed Jihadi faction to fight your nasty wars its too good and way more better than your own army tho.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So far in 2 years of Turkish intervention the Turks have lost less than 100 soldiers, if they invade Northern Syria that will go up to 100 per month, what the YPG can’t do in Syria, the PKK will do in Turkey itself, they won’t go for the proxies, they’ll go for the Turks themselves. Then when that 60% of the Turkish population who love him, starts to switch to the other 40% who absolutely hate him, he’ll be in big trouble, he could end up like Saddam and hanging from the end of a rope, especially if they could prove he was complicit in dealing with Isis as Russia originally accused him of doing, his son may even hang beside him too. Erdogan admits to having at least 35,000 proxies under his command in both Idlib and Aleppo, that sounds like a lot but it isn’t, not when you compare it to at least 150,000 SAA, 60 to 65,000 SDF [who are now pro Assad], the Arab militias in Ar Raqqah and Al Hasakah, maybe another 20 to 30,000 fighters, Hezbollah admit to having 10,000 fighters in the south, but they have many more in the north too, so another 15 to 20,000 fighters to add to the already enormous tally of soldiers, let’s add up so far, at least 250,000 fighters on Assad’s side versus 35,000 Turkish proxies, then we have to add Russia into the equation too, as well as some of the Kurds from the Iraqi PUK and nearly all the Turkish PKK, I’d hate to be one of the Turks proxies. Trumps the opposite of everything we’ve ever known about the US over at least the last 50 years, he alone has been saying that all these proxy armies the US has funded over the years have done nothing but come back to damage the US in the end, he’s been calling for an end to US support for all and any of them, since he’s been President he’s ended funding for the FSA in Syria which no one expected, and now he’s sending the Kurds back to Assad [not deserting them] also unexpected and strongly opposed to by the US government itself, so Trump has ended support for at least 2 US proxy armies so far, that’s a good start I’d say. Erdogan isn’t as clever as Trump, he’s going to learn the hard way that proxy armies always come back to bite their old masters in the end, I give it just 12 months before Erdogan regrets not letting the SAA and Russians kill the lot of them. Cheers.


“Trumps the opposite of everything we’ve ever known about the US”

Question Do you honestly believe that DoD, Pentagon, CIA have completely gave up on their plans (despite Trump’s “opposition”)? They are changing Trump’s declaration of retreat as we speak (and every day more) despite Trump’s public announcement. Trump himself have beck pedaled over his own words from 30 day retreat to NO fixed date retreat So how is he “opposite” when his foreign policy is practically the SAME like it was before with Obama, Clinton or Bush?

Brother Ma

Us policy is always the same regardless of who is in power. Same as Turkey has always been. The sooner Russia knows this and ACTS on it the better for all Christians of the Eastern Mediterranean and Syria itself.


If we all know that by now….I am sure that Russia knew that before us, long time ago.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No I don’t think “the DoD, Pentagon, CIA have completely gave up on their plans”, I just think Trump’s a lot smarter than those LGBTQI Transgender weirdos you just mentioned, and I think he’s going to shove the lipstick they want to force us all to wear, straight back up their transgender backsides, that’s what I really think. In my SF posts for the last nearly 12 months I’ve been saying that, Trumps trying to force the Kurds to go back to Assad, The Kurds have been on strike and Trumps been replacing them, He’s going to allow Assad to stay in power, He’s given the green light to Russia and Assad to attack Daraa and Quneitra, He’s about to leave Syria and leave the Russians, the French and Assad to look after the Kurds, And that the Arab league have rebelled against the US/Israeli hold over them, and are now beginning a new phase of political posturing that brings the Iranians into the regional dialogue and excludes the Saudis, which effectively ended the war in Syria back in January, and as I say it’s only Erdogan’s madness that’s keeping it going now. I’ve been saying this in my SF posts for 12 months now [a few things for less than 12 months], contrary to what 99.9% of all the the SF posters thought or believed [and they’ve let me know it], and I think all these things that I was predicting, have come about now, or just about to [US pullout pending], so I’ve actually been the most accurate at predicting what’s been really going on in Syria, not just compared to my fellow SF posters, but to any of the military analysts, media commentators or political experts that I’ve read anywhere full stop. Do you think I’m lying about all my predictions, they’re all on the SF archives for anybody to check, do you maybe think I’m bragging about being right about so many things when even the experts were wrong, no I’m not, I know I’m no genius or have any extra special abilities that no one else has, unless of course you count the ability to actually pay attention to what Trump actually said, and then listened to and watched the responses of those he was talking to, and likewise payed attention to what others were saying to Trump, and how he reacted to them, that was the only special ability I had, if you can call it a special ability, but what I didn’t do was, listen to the DoD, Pentagon, or CIA, if I had of, I would have been wrong about everything, lucky for me I didn’t, and I wish you hadn’t of either, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted me.


“He’s going to allow Assad to stay in power,” ?! It would be much more accurate to say; He is going to accept the fact that Assad won and not “allow” him to stay… . “only Erdogan’s madness that’s keeping it going” (Syrian war) And also those you call “LGBTQ Transgender weirdos”=Deep State +Democrats, Israel, AIPAC, ,Military industrial complex, Wallstreet and few others… . “contrary to what 99.9% of all the the SF posters” To be honest that’s why I find your comment interesting because you have completely different angle (doesn’t mean I accept everything you say – we will see what future brings)

“Do you think I’m lying about all my predictions” Why would I think that? I think that you are talking about certain things that you couldn’t possibly know. Because the real facts are hidden (secret) to the public and for reason…if they exist at all…

I think many people read political & military analysts and take those opinions or predictions as God given truth…. But the truth is much more hidden and complex than many of us can imagine.

As total amateur… as person I think that you are giving too much credit to Trump. I don’t see him different from guys before him. They all have same pro-Israel foreign policy in Middle East. Wars in Iraq and Syria are above all wars for Israel… Wars that have spent huge amount of money(trillions) and resources with hardly any benefit for U.S. Planing war against Iran also

One thing is sure I do HOPE that your analyses is right about Trump’s intentions

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We’re all about to find out one way or the other.

Brother Ma

All you say is true but Trump wont be ALLOWED to change US foreign policy as laid down by the real power:ziocons,Deep State and Christian Zionists.Trump is a figurehead. For him to put into action what you say he believes in ,he must break some heads soon amongst those closest to him.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He doesn’t have to break heads, they’re nearly all already halfway insane, all Trump has to do is keep doing what he’s doing, he’ll drive them all insane instead. Some of the rats are already jumping ship because they can’t handle it, so no he doesn’t have to break heads, that would be detrimental to what he actually been doing, and make things worse for himself. Let them all go hang themselves in frustration instead, just like Trumps letting them do, that’s the easiest and best option. Most people need an inside man to help them get rid of an enemy faction, but Trump doesn’t have that option, he only has an outside man to help him, and it’s the biggest enemy his own enemies could possibly have. Trump’s partner in the war against the deep state is the deep states worst enemy, and together they’ve been swarting the deep state of the US at every turn so far, and instead of coming to an end soon, I think it’s just going to keep getting getting better. Can you guess who I think Trump’s real partner in the war against the deep state of the US is?


You give too much credit to Trump You risque to wake up one morning and become VERY disillusioned by the every day reality.

I sincerely hope I am wrong

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Trumps not the one I’m putting my trust in really, it’s the guy Trumps aligned himself to in the war against the deep state of the US that I have faith in. Trump’s politics I agree with to a degree, his nationalistic protectionism, his desire to cut spending on overseas military operations, his non compliance to the deep states desire to meddle in other countries affairs, all good, the man himself needs a good slapping though, and hopefully his new friend Putin will give him one every now and again, just to remind him to stop acting like the transgender weirdos he usually has to deal with, and start acting like a real man instead. If I’m wrong and you’re still a young man now, you’ll have to wear lipstick and a dress before you die of old age, that’s what the deep state of the US has in mind for you and everyone else, that’s if they get rid of Trump and everyone else like him first. I don’t want to wear a dress and put on lipstick, if you don’t either, you better hope Trump wins out over the deep state.


I don’t live in US thank God and I don’t like that “gender” insanity coming from U.S. one bit. No lipstick and a dress for me thank you I like to be what I am!

I have said already and I will repeat again: I HOPE THAT YOU ARE RIGHT about Trump We are definitely on the same side because we are having the same enemies I think LGBTQ-Deep State and endless wars they produce.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We’re on the same side because we haven’t been driven insane yet by the new fad taking over the world, LGBTQI transgenderism, Good on you, but we’re becoming the minority now in the western world, we have to look to Russia and China now for help, we’ve already been swamped and have lost the war already, we need saving now, and since Trump’s to only available lifeline for us in the west, we have to grab hold for dear life. Trump and Putin might disagree on many things, but on the most important thing facing our world today, they both agree completely, so do you and I. Cheers.


I understand you perfectly And I would probably be the same, if from U.S. I am from EU and where I live LGBTQ are not still in charge but we are getting very close to that. Take care.

Brother Ma

Russia/Putin or just the truth/the people.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Spot on.


Long but sounds like truth. Thanks for some new info’s on the situation

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re welcome, I hope I’m very close to being accurate for Idlibs sake, thanks for the reply.


“for Idlibs sake” and for Syria ….and world sake also. You are welcome. In general I try to reply… if I have something to say :))

Brother Ma

Hts was at the end of the day a saudi turco american bunch of cutthroats. Who cares who they are with now. Still invader/collaborators ready for the elimination.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Wait until after orthodox Christmas, Jan 7, it won’t be long after that and you’ll get to see them eliminated, unless they give up first.


This is not good, to be allowed the Al-Qaeda to spread like that so fast, probably the Russians will intensify bombing in this instances.

You can call me Al

So if the Turks are out, as they requested there rebel / terrorist cells to do, leaving AQ; have you missed the point that now the SAA and Turkish troops have a wide open “bomb them like shit” area ?.

Xoli Xoli

HTS have operated for years now In Idlibistan under the presents and watchful eye of Erdogan. This is Erdogan and USA commanders the army generals tactics to gain more territories in Syria.ISIS=SDF with drawal is Ordered by USA terrorists regime to gain more Syrian land under fake all of Sudden SDF operation.Putin open your eyes for Erdogan or else find yourself in Saddam Hossein hiding hall.Saddam were Ordered to destroy all long range missiles and got kill by NATO.Gaddaf abandoned nuclear weapons and got kill by USA NATO.Assad were ordered to destroyed chemical weapons and become Israel and USANATO training field afterwards.ISIS are bred here false accusations war is ongoing.Israel and USA NATO is not fighting ISIS but wants to destroy the unity and strength of Iran and Syrian coalition.Putin plays good boy instead of rejecting wicked Satanyahus phone call.If USA NATO and Israel attacks Russian allies Putin must attack Ukraine.Latvia and Estonia keep it on fifty fifty base strategy.Putin should create close friendship with Saudi Arabia in order to sabotage Israel,USANato interest.Not Erdogan he has nothing just two tongues and big knife to slaughter humans or backstab.Erdogans small bargaining chip is Phophorus closure which Putin so dearly fears.Erdogan has killed Russians,Satanyahu has killed Russians,USA NATO has killed Russians in Syria.Putin did nothing just accepting fake apologies and switching of already operational S400 at Russian base for Israel and aUSA to attack Iran and Syrian forces.

Brother Ma

When did Russians close down s400 at a Russian base?


Interesting article on Syria

“”Sykes-Picot On Acid”: US Considering Syria Partition Plan Amidst Troop Exit” https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-05/sykes-picot-acid-us-considering-syria-partition-plan-amidst-troop-exit

Promitheas Apollonious

So……. if this is true then the master plan of russias, is coming apart at its seams. But then again it does not surprise me, it was expected when you go to bed with whores you get crabs.


The way I see it …those are just wet U.S. dreams,… desires. I doubt that Turds are that stupid to give up completely negotiating with Assad. What possible can US offer to Turkey without betraying Turds in process? Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq ,Russia have no intentions to permit Turd independence. But they accept Turd autonomy. They need survival of Syria as state if not all this war against jihad was useless. I honestly don’t see how Turds can do that with so many key countries opposed (including local Arabs) There are some world tectonic changes in the geopolitics at the moment and everything is projecting through Syria. The way I see it US are only buying time and praying for miracle to happen. Because they have no right answer to the situation.


How many times have we been told that these groups cannot be defeated and that only ‘negotiations’ can bring about their removal? HTS is wiping them out one after another at lightning speed, making that proposed status of the situation just one more piece of BS, fostered by the Occidentals. I adore reality. It always trumps fantasy. :)

Xoli Xoli

S-400 can activate itself if detecting incoming missiles and can only shoot at selected targets.on my tactical special force training I have experienced this. Currently Russian S-400 are covering entire Syria including coalition base which is in reach.

Prince Teutonic

If these “moderate rebels” groups can’t live in peace with each other how could they rule multi-ethnic and multi-religious Syria!? What a mess would Syria be today if U.S. and western agenda came to fruition…

Brother Ma

That was the plan. To destroy it with no hope of rebuilding. To leave it a squabbling murderous place.Many Americanozios should be found at the end of a rope but will most likely get away with murder.

You can call me Al

Based on how they left Libya.


That remains the plan – US/FR/GB/TR + Israel + Saudi are determined to destroy Syria as a nation state and will continue their war to this end


If anyone here believes HTS are capable of carrying out this ongoing offensive without financial, military and intelligence support, I’m sure Santa brought you a load toys this Xmas. Yanki and IsraHelli Cockroaches have found ways to supply the last substantial group of headchopping terrorists with enough of everything to drag out this war for as long as possible. Along with the potential for “another gas attack” with resulting FUKUS retaliation. Yanki scum buckets really want to make Russia “pay a price” for fucking up their master plan for World domination.


Maybe moderate rebels of MaHay’at Tahrir al-Sham regard the activists of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement as insufficiently moderate, and thus requiring utter extermination.

Tudor Miron

Fairly soon all this areas occupied by al queda (hts) will be under SAA control and queda rats will be eliminated. FAB500 time is coming soon.


Wasn’t already used there?

Tudor Miron

That was only beginning.

You can call me Al

Sorry Tudor but what is FAB500 ?

Tudor Miron

A bomb – 500kg bomb.

You can call me Al


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