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Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Executes Former Member Of Syrian Parliament (Photos)

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On April 1, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) executed a former member of the Syrian Parliament who was accused of spying for the government’s intelligence service.

The former MP, Rifaat Mahmoud al-Daqqah, was executed by HTS personnel in an unknown location in Greater Idlib. Opposition activists shared images showing the MP’s dead body. HTS is yet to announce the execution.

68-year old al-Daqqah was arrested by HTS security forces in May of 2019. He was accused of providing the Syrian intelligence with information on militants’ positions in the southwestern part of Greater Idlib, mainly around the town of Kabani in northern Lattakia.

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Executes Former Member Of Syrian Parliament (Photos)

Rifaat Mahmoud al-Daqqah after his arrest by HTS security forces in May of 2019.

Al-Daqqah, originally from the town of al-Janoudiyah, “defected” from the Syrian Parliament in 2011 in the early days of the crisis. Back then, militants pressured many local Syrian officials and service members to defect by threatening their families or business.

HTS arrested many civilians after accusing them of spying for the Syrian or the Russian intelligence over the last year. In no case a real evidence was presented to back these accusations. Most of these detainees end up executed in an ISIS-like style.

These executions are an example of HTS’ dictatorial rule over Greater Idlib. All of this is happening under the eyes of the Turkish military, which maintains a large force in the Syrian region.


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rightiswrong rightiswrong

The Turks and their head chopping Jewhadis enjoy shooting old men.

Kopeks, all of them.

Mustafa Mehmet

Köpekler sikecek seni pesevek

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your moms a Kopek Musthaveashit, and your sisters are even worse.

Mustafa Mehmet

But I’m in love with your mum she does a job

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You don’t have an EU passport Musthaveashit, and the Greeks are kicking shit out of your goat fucking friends.

The Kopek Erdogan has withdrawn your terrorist mob from the border, just like he ordered your piss army to quieten down in Idlib, before the Russkies tear a new arsehole from them.

I fucked your mom and sisters while holidaying in Izmir last season, she loves it up her ass, as she says that is what her dad does to her brothers.

Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Kopek is Turkish for dog.

noHoper19 is a Turd, and his buddies online ranting has taught me their words for erDogan.

Who would have thought that dogs and goats would breed together. lol


if this is true then the Syrian military must resume its operations. even if the former MP was deserter he was still an elected government official and hes blood must be avenge.

Mustafa Mehmet

Sooner the better no worry

Peter Jennings

Well done Turkish army. Another low point. It must be the nato training, or perhaps not.

Mustafa Mehmet

no they are all Iranian molla and Hezbollah training and assad gangs

Peter Jennings

Of course they are, and they have a contingent of Umperlumpa digging tunnels for them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That’s how the Turkish military and police operate in Turkey itself under Erdogan’s authority, HTS aren’t doing anything different here in Syria. Was he really spying for the government or was that just an excuse to get rid of him, who knows, if it was just an excuse it’ll make someone somewhere mighty unhappy, revenge is important to these people, this is possibly just the start of yet another ongoing dispute between some of the rebel/terrorist factions.

Mustafa Mehmet

What? f****** mad c*** what you talking about we got democracy. not dictatorship like asssd

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Is that why Erdogan has to lock up half of his military command, half the Judiciary, half the police force, half of the bureaucrats, and half of the education faculty in Turkey, is that how Turkish democracy works now, but Assad doesn’t have to do that to run the Syrian democracy, he’s fighting a 9 y/o war and his jails aren’t anywhere near as full as Turkey’s are, so it seems not all forms of democracy are the same are they.

Mustafa Mehmet

to you half of the Turkish population in prison now not bad… come to your dictator most of the innocent people don’t reach the prison they all disappear that’s why assad he’ll hole is empty.. (no way that’s true)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Not half the whole population, just half of the military command, half the Judiciary, half the police force, half of the bureaucrats, and half of the education faculty. The media isn’t jumping up and down saying people are disappearing in Syria are they?

Mustafa Mehmet

What media you talking about in Syria they got no chance whatsoever …. just listen to Syrian people outside Syria why they left their country inside Syria people can’t say words otherwise they will disappear…. you know that

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I forgot to mention Erdogan’s locked up half of the Turkish journo’s, and he did it because he had to, Assad doesn’t lock up Syrian journo’s because he doesn’t have to, he has nothing to hide.

Mustafa Mehmet

Media not around to say anything because he killed lot simple.. all he got is Sana news which is belong to his family

Peter Jennings

You really need to go back to school and ask your teacher to teach you all about democracies and how they operate.

It could save you further embarrassment.

Gary Sellars

I bet he was regretting his idiotic decision to “defect” from the Syrian parliament. Who’d have guessed that rabid Sunni Wahabbi maniacs with guns might turn out to be murderous thugs?

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