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MARCH 2025

Hay’at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city

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On April 8, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) members captured many points inside the Al Minshyah neighborhood in the Syrian city of Daraa. Militants captured Al-La’abeen and Syriatel checkpoints inside the neighborhood. As a result of this advance, HTS is now controlling over 75% of the strategic neighborhood.

HTS announced that its fighters had captured 4 Syrian Army soldiers so far during the battle in Al-Minshyah.

Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city

HTS members also destroyed a Syrian Army HQ in the neighborhood with a heavy self-made rocket.

Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city

Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city

Moreover the group claimed destroying a Syrian tank in Al-Minshyah with a TOW missile, but no video was released so far.
The Syrian and Russian air forces targeted HTS positions in the Daraa Al-Balad area with dozens of airstrikes aiming to stop the group advance. Russian air force also targeted an HTS command center in Al-Taibeh village in the Daraa countryside.

However, the Syrian army failed to stop the HTS attack although many reinforcement from Hezbollah and the National Defense Forces had been sent to support this move. According to sources in the SAA who are now in Daraa city.. the main reason of this fail was an unsuccessful attempt to regroup the deployed forces and a lack of coordination with the SAA’s  allies as well as many wrong orders by the 15th Division Command.

Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city Hay'at Tahrir Al Sham Gaining Ground In Al Minshyah Neighborhood In Daraa city

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Solomon Krupacek

beautiful :((

trustin judeau, the speech is yours!


So how is taking out of local SAA post and capture of 4 SAA soldiers “BEAUTIFUL” ?? No doubt the POW’s will be murdered by the Jihadist scum. Trustin should be back in about 10 hours I think.


I miss him I hope he is alright

Solomon Krupacek

look, i do not know who are you and thegr8rambino, but i have strong doubts about your intellectual capacity…

do you know, what is this?:



Sorry I missed that, thought it was :))


dont worry, we have even stronger doubts about your intellectual capacity :)

Solomon Krupacek

here is democracy, it is yozr right to be fool :)))


True, however I choose to be informed


Pay no attention to Solomon; he has “issues”.


Solomon, do the voices still bother you?

Behold a Pale Horse

Is this even real? I’m starting to question everything about this ‘war’.


It seems little more than a skirmish….


Omar missile was used to break SAA defense lines, its features 2 ton HE warhead https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/850707115425636353

Solomon Krupacek

i wrote several times. if saa will not close the borders, such thing will happen.


SAA doesnt have enough strong srmy to fight on so much fronts

Solomon Krupacek


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