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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Obtained 100 UAVs From Turkey To Use Them In Chemical Attacks: SANA

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The Syrian state-run news agency SANA reports (source):

Jabhat al-Nusra [SF: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham] terrorist organization has obtained 100 drones through one of the Turkish merchants with the aim of carrying out terrorist attacks with chemical substances on civilians and positions of the Syrian Arab Army from Idleb.

In a report published on Monday, Russian Sputnik Agency quoted local sources as saying that drones had been transported from Harem town in vicinity of the Turkish borders to one of the positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization in Ma’ar Masrin town, about 9 km to the north of Idleb City.

The drones were handed over to Moroccan and Libyan terrorists, the sources added.

“Terrorists are working under the supervision of a British expert to make modifications on the drones to become lighter and to able to carry small shells loaded with toxic chemical substances,” according to the sources.

On August 30th, Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization transported 200 drones from Sarmada area in Idleb Countryside to one of its positions in al-Muhandisin neighborhood in Idleb City as Turkish and Chechen experts made technical and electronic modifications on them, and the drones had entered the Syrian territories earlier from Turkey.

On Nov. 25th, local sources and media reports revealed that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization transported about 50 missiles and they were modified by French experts at one of al-Nusra’s positions near Idleb Central Prison, and the heads of the missiles became loaded with chlorine gas and they were distributed among terrorist groups in the countryside of Idleb and Hama.

On November 24, Idlib militants carried out a chemical attack on the government-held city of Aleppo injuring over 100 civilians. The attack was mostly ignored in mainstream media outlets and some of them even circulated speculations that the “bloody Assad regime” had used chemical weapons in the city in order to undermine the ceaesefire regime and to kick off an advance on Idlib.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Obtained 100 UAVs From Turkey To Use Them In Chemical Attacks: SANA

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ohhhhh opppppsss so where are the smartasses here??? so silent today……….espeically that bs article days ago here, with the “opposition figure” telling the donkeys that a “silent” agreement was made between usa,russia,iran,turkey and syria to ( lol i´m cracking up writing this) TOGETHER fight Al-nusra lolololllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

and when i wrote and told u morons that this is another bs story….lol well the smartasses came out as usual…… so where the fuck r u smart asses today???? and your bs stories……

Once again for the donkeys and morons and smartasses



so keep on going with your naive stupid “russia is good,russia is bad,usa is good,usa is bad,uk is good ,uk is bad its all a theatre play for the 99% naive stupid sheep.And sheep get slaughtered day in and day out.

Its simply unbelievable that folks still dont catch the drift, espeically after 9-11………i debunked for u the jfk assasination days ago here at sf when the article about the us admiral getting butchered…. 9-11 …no planes were used…not 1 plane flew in any buildings or at shanksville……..the missiles used are called JASSM 158 the buildings came down due to nuclear devices… each with 150 kilotons planted below the towers WHEN THEY WHERE BUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again , its all a theatre play for the agenda!!! But its perfectly fine with me…if u continue with your bs stories……..osama, osama osama evil trump evil trump evil trump putin the criminal putin the criminal putin the criminal may the bitch may the bitch may the bitch macron the asshole macron the asshole macron the asshole

And those 1% are laughing their asses off each and every day on how INCREDIBLY UNIVERSALLY recognized stupid and naive the 99% have become!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

yes you do sound like them most of the time. A person with an inferiority problems who keep trying to prove itself, by thinking all is stupid but him. Try connecting you fingers to what ever brain you have before posting. you may even make sense, beside self flattering yourself.


stupid monkey donkey…u fokks keep dreaming bs….beieve the moon landing believe 911 stupid naive monkey just like the jews want u to be


smartass..smartass smartass…phone putin and ask him if u can suck his cock…and then the planet is saved

Promitheas Apollonious

I would not deprive your mother from the only income she has to support your drug habits rest assured.


Your arrogant diatribe does nothing to win anyone over, no matter how much truth you manage to hit upon.

Concrete Mike

You are making on mistake…a rather dumb one.

Hear me out.

Your assuming turkey is homogenous entity. Clearly it is not, there are many factions at play within turkey that are outside of erdogan’s control.

Ill give you an example. Trump is president of USA, but its fairly obvious that there are many factions within USA to say that they are not homogenous either.

You can bitch about the astana process or de de escalation zone all you want,as long as you understand that this agreement is only with a certain faction of turkey, not all of it.


How can you even wade through their insanity?

Concrete Mike

Lol its what i do for a living sir…engineering in the field is making sense of nonsense…dissecting insanity to make it work.

Like right now its -20 yet we are working in a brook…its insanity but we find a way.


lol monkey donkey …….

Concrete Mike

Please debate my points like i debated yours.

I take back the dumb comment in order to maintain decorum. So please rebuke my points in a concise and polite manner.

I will reciprocate.


either u a cock sucking jew..lol……..or seriously brain damaged…… “ths agreement is only with a certain faction of turkey” this sentence says it all….dum dumber concrete mike

Concrete Mike

No its not…turkey is not homgenous…thats what were debating here. Stay on topic!!

Your assuming everyone in turkey is following astana process, when its clear forces within turkey do not follow the astana process.

Thats exacly what I fucking said.

All you did was insult me, no analysis…nothing.

For someone that hates jews so much you sure act like one.


You’re an obnoxious idiot.


lol smartass monkey donk


next timee u write to me …..write about the facts moronic monkey donk—-believe in the moon landing believe in 911 common moron…go to vote ….do your stuff…sniff cocaine drink booze make them satanic jews happy u degenerate human donk


Your replies prove my point. You’re a very antisocial, sick and twisted character with your mind in the gutter.


Not bad, do you mind if I copy and paste your reply to crackpot later? Maybe tomorrow :)


ps. why dont u suck putins cock??? lol dumbass


Interesting, Turkey providing chemical weapons to terrorists (with or without Erdogn acknowledge). What a wonderful Russia-Turkey peace agreement for the terrorists.


well most smartasses believe that RUSSIA will SAVE the planet LOLOLOLOLOL


According to the state-owned journalists at SANA:

“Terrorists are working under the supervision of a British expert to make modifications on the drones to become lighter and to able to carry small shells loaded with toxic chemical substances……..On August 30th, Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization transported 200 drones from Sarmada area in Idleb Countryside to one of its positions in al-Muhandisin neighborhood in Idleb City as Turkish and Chechen experts made technical and electronic modifications on them……..On Nov. 25th, local sources and media reports revealed that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization transported about 50 missiles and they were modified by French experts at one of al-Nusra’s positions near Idleb Central Prison, and the heads of the missiles became loaded with chlorine gas……

Whatever the state-owned journalists at SANA publish needs confirmation from independent sources. It’s well known that Assad is not happy with the peace agreement between Turkey and Russia – and is itching to reclaim the last stronghold from the “terrorists”. The Russia government is completelyunreliable as well. Maybe if the Syrian government was able to publish some videotaped footage of the so-called “experts” – like the British did using CCTV capturing the GRU agents near the house of the Skripals – that might help build a stronger case.


well foks here still believe in fairy tales here…they ALL dream of lottery wins…they all believe in elections lol and kadashians and cocaine and and and and close to wortless here .. and even if like u ..u quote..they dont care…they still believe in bs…

R Trojson

Hard to believe so much work for a minor chemical weapon, chlorine gas. But it will generate headlines and some response from who ever is on the business end of the rocket.

Would do more damage with real explosives aimed at real targets, not innocents. All involved need to be lined up and shot.

Jim Prendergast

The point of significance is the direct British connection again. Hopefully this will be the end of it.


Why pick on the Brits? Also mentioned is: Moroccan and Libyan terrorists, British expert, Turkish and Chechen experts , modified by French experts. Look out below :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ca6aaca47c830a1b7951249d2a10da8052fe18ecc55bd7ab58664554b90cdfcb.jpg

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