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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Released Video Of Suicide Bombing Attack On Syrian Troops In Jarjanaz

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Released Video Of Suicide Bombing Attack On Syrian Troops In Jarjanaz

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham released a video of the December 24 SVBIED (Suicide Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device) attack on positions of the Syrian Army in the town of Jarjanaz in southern Idlib.

The Syrian Army liberated the town a day earlier in the framework of its push to liberate the town of Maarat al-Numan, located on the M5 highway. On December 24, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies launched a counter-attack to retake Jarjanaz. The attack followed an attack by two suicide bombers.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Released Video Of Suicide Bombing Attack On Syrian Troops In Jarjanaz

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“You can stand me up at the gates of Hell, but I won’t back down”. Stay Strong SAA.


Hasbara Hunter

On bended knee is no way to be Free…


MeMad Max



Tried to post the Eddie Vedder version, but it was ‘not available’. So…


The only things what they know to do To kill themselves and destroy other lifes. Fuck you HTS FUCK YOU ALQAEDA FUCK YOU TALIBAN


Taliban is different story, Taliban fights against the US aggression. Al-Qaeda is global, and HTS is Turkey backed bitch.This is nothing. Remember Mosul 2017 what Daesh did. On daily 5-10 VBIEDs on daily basis.


“Taliban fights against the US aggression”and NATO occupation for the liberation of their own country.


They might fight against USA occupation. But dont forget their beliefs. They are not allowing kids to go to school, They are not allowing kids to be kids, They are not allowing Women to go to schools. Absolutely they believe that women they are not made to be smart. They believe that women are only to be enslaved by men. They don’t respect women the same way like men. They dont believe a woman accusing a men of some short of crime. They are forcing kids to learn Jihad. Wich is a prehistoric evil They are teaching kids to kill. I mean they give them guns and put them to shoot. And not the last they are hate Us for living a good lifestyle. They are not belonging to this world


Andrei stop your runt, you might be intelligent guy yet you will leave impression of hysteric guy or leftist snowflake (which is the same).

They are AFGHAN Muslims for fuck sake can’t you understand that ?! And how they want to arrange the life of the people in their own country is NOT your effing business ! They are traditional tribal society with conservative traditional Islamic point of view. They only don’t want girls to go to school. Which is part of their tradition (nothing new or unusual for that part of the world )

Derek Johnson

He reminds me of “Klove and light”

Jason Tribolini

He isn’t an intelligent guy, he is a 17 year old Zionist fan-boy.


I don’t know if he is “intelligent”he sounds young and easily agitated I agree with “17 year old” or similar age. He sure sounds very young and brainwashed and over sensitive like so many youngsters on the West. He has some generalization, a prejudice about Islam. But….Zionist? I don’t know. He was talking plenty of usual Western propaganda bullshit. I didn’t see anything so much Zionist to call him that. Actually Jews are in very good relations with Wahhabi inspired false Jihad

Icarus Tanović

Talibans came from Pakistan, they were created by very CIA and that is very well known, and they started civil war, started jmediately to kill normal Muslims.


CIA have crated Mujaheddin fighter formations against Soviets and Al Qaed but not Taliban. But even if you are right (I personally don’t think so) that CIA still had something to do with Taliban than whole story doesn’t make sense. Your simplistic story explanation doesn’t work since US were and still are fighting somebody. And “Taliban” was most often used word on the news.

So let us call them SMURFS to avoid confusion because their name is not that important really. What counts is that they try to kill US & NATO forces there


Jihad simply means “spiritual struggle”. True sometimes it can be split to 2, The major jihad which involves strengthening one’s will and self-management, whereas the minor jihad involves the defense of land, money, and honor… He wrote a list of people he Hate and what Taliban does in Afghanistan But im sure he never bothered to do a 5 minutes search on the meaning of the word jihad… The problem with words like “Jihad” or “Allah” is that they are given a special connotation by the Ziomedia. But in reality there is nothing particularly unique about those 2 words :)


I’m sure he never bothered to do a 5 minutes search on the complexity of the situation in the Afghanistan . Yet as usual he is ready to shed crocodile tears for the rights of (by WESTERN STANDARDS)”oppressed” women and girls ignoring that everything in Afghan lives turns around those axis of Islamic religion and tradition. The wars were always brought from outside through ideologies (communism) and many foreign invasion with the last (US-NATO). So if they have used so much violence against that country no wonder that some new generations of Afghans are so violent . They don’t remember anything else but the wars. So they also started to preach violence themselves to get rid of foreigners.

As for Andrei… I can not stand any longer that self righteous Western butt hurt womanized assholes whining all the time. And dictate other people and countries how to live their lives. Who is to play God and judge Taliban or anybody else in THEIR OWN COUNTRY what they must or must not do? If there is no sovereignty we are all doomed because that’s the way to start all out war of everybody against everybody. Sovereignty of country and sanctity of household is something that must be respected by everybody at all times as UNIVERSAL INALIENABLE RIGHT. We can NOT enter somebodies house and dictate those people how to live their lives. The same goes for countries.

“But in reality there is nothing particularly unique about those 2 words ” Minimizing problem will not make it go away.

The plan was from the start to change the role of bad guys to remove from NAZI’s Germany and communists to put that label now on Muslims as bad guys to perpetuate wars and rob them blind. And they have made even Muslims participate in that game for money! I wish I can be as optimistic as you are. I personally believe that at the end they will succeed in what they wanted but not the way they wanted. Jews by trying to divide Muslims, they will unite Muslims.


Same, I can’t stand people like him who claim the high moral ground with this vague notion of “freedom”, without realizing that their morals are based on laws. more people nowadays are becoming very legalistic with their aproach to morals, for example if something is legal then it’s moraly okay, if it’s not legal then it’s not okay… not understanding that what can be legal today can be illegal tomorrow… This way of thinking is verry subjective and irrelative. As for Taliban, their ideology is like wahhabism on steroids…But you are right it’s their country and brutally killing them and everyone around them will only make them stronger and giving the people a clear/Unquestionable reason arm up to defend their land and family(Jihad xD), imo the only way to fight this ideology is through education by providing these rural poor people who support taliban with access to all different Islamic centers and schools to help them make up their own mind on which ideology they should to follow if not follow anything at all, since this alligns with their deobandi beliefs.


“SAA in this case can be called as Jihadist in our culture, because they are defending their homeland and families and all the communities” — Very good example. Yet they were dismissed because in service of Assad’s secular government…Immediately labeled to be defenders of (Assad) secular system that is “opposed” to “true” Islam. Thus easily labeled as “enemies of Islam”. So they were executed as “traitors” to Islam I suppose.

Since we as human beings belong to different religions, cultures, traditions we have nothing else but to respect our differences and the space where those differences are manifested. And the only way to mutual respect is to live and let other to live their lives the way they see them fit. If we all accept the same approach of those who invade and exploit the countries and nations. There will be no differences between aggressors and victims any more. From moral point of view we will not be able to condemn their deeds and fight them the way they should be fought against… There is no other way to tackle that problem.

I might be naive but I believe that people have that right to decide who and how will rule their world. But never outside their own country. If that basic principal would be changed than only strong would oppress the weaker through endless fights.


Z.P. Understand where you are coming from on this. “My enemies enemy is my friend”, as a rule can usually be applied. However, there is at least one exception to every rule and I think this is one of those. The Pashtun have adapted and twisted Islam into a horrendously deformed theology which even makes Wahhabism look moderate. The Taliban are Sunni and as you probably already know were originally trained and armed by the SATANIC States to extract a price from the USSR who they believed cost them the war in Vietnam. As if they had some ‘God given right’ to interfere there in the first place. Anyway US Airforce Generalismo Curtis LeMay believed he could bomb the Vietnamese back into the stone age. Well they dropped the equivalent of 300 Hiroshima bombs there before the “Neolithic people of Vietnam”, sent them packing with a lot of grunts hanging out of their evacuation Hueys. —-Sorry about getting side tracked there— So, now we have US armed and trained Taliban killing US grunts, which is I suppose a kinda karma or if you prefer fate biting the Yanki mongrel in the arse. That is some sort of retribution, unfortunately, it is the poor dumb redneck grunts who are paying the price for the Yanki Zionist War Mongering Elite. It is this YZWME who by their actions have also twisted the Pashtun into this misogynistic, fascist, zealots where 9 year old girls are married to 50 year old men, where pubescent males who fail to allow their facial hair to grow will be publicly flogged and if accused and found guilty a third time will have their heads removed. The Taliban ethos is at present just too fucked up to rehabilitate into some sort of reasonable sort of functioning society. As an aside, women and girls had started going to school during the mid 60’s, after the overthrow of the King in the early 70’s it was enshrined in law by the Peoples Democratic Party. Unfortunately, those who became leaders started removing threats. Which in turn led to chaos, eventually the USSR intervened at the behest of the sitting President who was killed before the Soviets arrived. If Brezinski is to be believed it was his master plan to get them involved in a war they couldn’t win. And look at what there is there now…. The Fukin Yanki Scum


Just DO NOT put all the blame on the Taliban. Afghanistan was permanent victim of endless invasions of which every one of them were (falsely) believing to bring Taliban “civilization” despite the fact that they were invaders and oppressor and exploitative! So if Afghanistan was ever more pushed in misery and from that misery pushed into even more extreme backward application of Islamic tradition. There is sign in all that of the society that is deeply WOUNDED and desperately try to recover and prosperous again. Try to apply torture on the living tree while keeping it alive enough to keep growing. That tree will never be formed like all other normal trees. The same is with the society after endless decades of war.

Afghanistan is “guilty” for being on crossroads of very strategically important place. With huge mineral resources and no nukes or anything but old RPG’s and AK-47.


Like i mentioned before Taliban is a western creation while Afghanistan is a conservative place the hardcore Islamists didn’t have much traction untill they received the full backing of the USA im getting sick of people saying good things about those monsters


“They are not allowing kids to be kids”

And I thought it was US and NATO through permanent 20 years war that “don’t let those kids to be kids”


Make no mistake, Taliban is a big no no…and the US deserve everything that is happening to it because it created this mess in the first place. After the invasion,The Taliban problem was going smooth… and here is the most ironic part, Iran played a big role and had good cooperation with the US to the point Iran participated for the first time since 1979 in the US-sponsored Bonn conference…Up to the point where the stupidy of the US hit once again when George Bush called Iran as a member of the “axis of evil”…and that changed the course of afghanistan, Iran went back on focusing on the peacefull means while the US continued and still fighting an unwinable war. Afghanistan is a mess and in this case the US together with Taliban are both the bad guys xD


Merry Christmas Andrei and all the best in New Year.

For those who believe we are God’s children and for those who don’t believe we are all human beings who should have deep respect for each other and respect our differences. And desire to live in peace, harmony and understanding.

Derek Johnson

You forgot Russia twat


Fuck off Derek! You nihilist self righteous, big mouthed peace of shit !

Hasbara Hunter

Fuck Queen Elizabeth II Fuck Rothschild Fuck Wall Street Fuck the MIC Fuck the Vatican Fuck the Pope Fuck the Jesuits Fuck ISraHell Fuck the Mossad Fuck the CIA Fuck MI6 Fuck the Deep State Fuck the Bushes Fuck the B.Liars Fuck the Clintons Fuck the Obummers Fuck the Knights Templar Fuck the Neocons Fuck the ZioNazis And last but not Least Fuck the Ones that I forgot to mention

Merry Christmas & a Happy new Year


And Angela? https://www.aporrea.org/imagenes/2012/06/portada_rajoy_merkel_censurada_por_facebook.jpg

Concrete Mike

Omg dude !!!! Cannot unsee that.


Ha ha ha your Christmas is DOOMED and recovery uncertain ! Parts of the brain where that image was received is destroyed !

Liberal guy

U r so right pal

Liberal guy

Wahhabis are there most worst slaves



Hasbara Hunter

Here are the names of the Illuminati:



“Knowledge is power, and lies diminish the knowledge of deceived dupes, and therefore diminishes the power of the deceived” Damn! these are an interesting thoughts. These links will keep me busy for while.

Hasbara Hunter

My pleasure…:)


Stephen King calls them the low men in yellow coats. thanks for the link too

Jimmy Jim

Merry FUCK YOU to you too :)


If you want freedom I think you should learn more about nazism because you are damning the biggest crusade for freedom in Human history. In order to get freedom we need to be able to see through the bs

Icarus Tanović

They’re all Wahhabi scum call thwm this or that way.

Concrete Mike

Here here and fuck em all

Merry Christmas brother.


Why fuck Iran they are one of the main reasons the forces of evil haven’t got full control of the world if Iran falls we are fucked

Azriel Herskowitz

Liberating their country by murdering civilians, providing a safe haven for Al-Qaeda and indoctrinating the youth to perform Jihad? They are no different from any other terror group.


“Liberating their country by murdering civilians”

Are you sure you are not talking about IsraHell the last racist, terrorist, apartheid country on the planet.

Derek Johnson

Have to agree with you there Azriel

Jason Tribolini

Normally you are a big fan of All-Qaeda, now you are not?

Azriel Herskowitz

I am pro moderate rebel, not Al-Qaeda

Hasbara Hunter

You are a Terrorist yourself…the Women-Terrorizing convict Azrael Wohlkowitz aka Prof. Jacob “the Nose” Wohl Ph.D….aka Eppy Stein the Pedo-Clown…and you sold your Soul & your accounts to the Mossad to stay out of Prison….


Azriel Herskowitz

Jacob is being attacked by antisemitic people under false accusations

Hasbara Hunter

No he is attacking all sorts of people… Women… Kids…I know Jacob “the Nose” Wohlski very well…He is a Terrorist…and he ain’t a Semite…he is an AshkeZioNAZI Crypto-Jew…AshkeZioNAZIS ain’t Semites…


How do you get a Jewish girl’s number? You pull up her sleeve.


What’s the difference between Santa Claus and Jews? Santa comes down the chimney.


A Jewish guy got in a taxi cab…5 min into a ride the driver notice a man beating up a woman on the other side of the street. The driver rush to the scene. He open the door ran out as soon as he did that the Jewish guy roll down his window as fast as he can and shouted, “Stop it, stop it, stop the meter.”


What do the Jews hate most about the Holocaust? The cost.


What is the point of Jewish football? To get the quarter back


Why do Jewish men like to watch porno movies backward? They like the part where the hooker gives the money back.


What did the Jewish peadophile say to the child? “Wanna buy some candy?”


Why do Jewish men have to be circumcised? Because a Jewish women wont touch anything unless it’s 20% off.


Why do jews wear yamakas? Half of a hat, its cheaper.


Why didn’t Anne Frank finish her diary? She needed more concentration.


Why did Hitler kill himself? He opened his gas bill.


How do you say FUCK YOU in Jewish? “Trust me!”


How does a Jew celebrate Christmas? He installs a parking meter on the roof.


Why do Jews have big noses? Because the air is free.

Jimmy Jim

Arabs are the only Semites KIKER!

Azriel Herskowitz

depraved antisemite. go away


Same thing ashole


What’s worse than holocaust? 6M Jews.


Wich fucking civilians?? The ones who protect Alqaeda , ISIS, FSA, white helmets??? They are enemies of the state and country,. And they should be treated adequately


What do you call a Jew with a mental disability? Auschwitztic.

Jimmy Jim

They should liberate Kikestan!


Taliban are controlled by the same people that control NATO and liberation of they’re country cmon afghanistan has been fucked since they reared they’re ugly heads if western governments had left the place alone the Taliban would not exist


OK try to make some sense in the logical way…. If “Taliban are controlled by the same people that control NATO ” you ,are actually saying that for 18 years all this is just staged?!!? To practically end up as defeat of US and NATO by the same people who are in charge of US army and NATO ? I have very hard time to believe that.

To me it does sound far fetched as theory. But if one says that they have lost completely control over the people who were their own terrorist and that they now fighting against US & NATO than that would make sense.


think about it why do you think the Taliban are still there it’s because the US and its allies had no intention of defeating the Taliban I’ve talked to soldiers who have served there and they’re saying the same thing and yes for 18 years it has been staged


OK but if you don’t mind I have really hard time to believe it. I understand that wars for DoD and banks etc are just the way to milk tax payers cash cow . But still on longer run if there are no victories it will destroy whole system on which it was built And that doesn’t make sense. One NEVER kills the goose that lays golden eggs to make stupid soup !!


I don’t think you are aware of the nature of the beast everyone’s up against look at USA that place has been raped and all but destroyed look at Vietnam they could have won that war if they wanted too as well and anyway the people who started this war in Afghanistan have basically achieved they’re goals and that was to make sure there is a corrupt dysfunctional state that isn’t a threat to they’re interests it’s what they’ve done in Africa to great success also i believe as in most wars it was also about hiding history there were some very old tribes in Afghanistan as well as ancient monuments that could have held valuable information that they would like to suppress


US was not only destroyed by endless wars but internal greed and consumerism and systematic dumbing down of the population that persists … Many degenerative processes are visible in society it is difficult to trace origins of all those processes to the same source. It is really difficult to make objective estimate of the whole situation.


I know what you mean nothing fits into a nice little box it reminds me of that line in that rolling stones song sympathy for the devil “what’s puzzling you is the nature of my game”


Are you aware that satanists run the world and these fuckers seem to hate humans that’s why they are trying to drastically reduce the population


Yes I am. Yet I am reluctant to believe that they control everything and everybody. If not they would not be wasting their time on theatrics but go directly towards their objective and desired results.


Im telling you man these fuckers just love killing people and what better way to do that than a war the reason the illuminati are into child sacrificing is that they believe it pleases Satan and he in turn gives them power and wealth and i gotta say it seems to work


How they do it is they control the politicians and the celebritys and the media and then all us plebs seem to fall in line

Derek Johnson

Taliban fights against the US aggression

What total drivel, Taliban were part of the mujahedin funded by the yanks and later by Pakistan, they fought your beloved Russians and beat them!

They are fundamentalist fuckwits that everyone calls here would call “rats” if they were in Syria. They emerged victorious from the Afghan civil war and ruled about 3/4 of the country imposing strict sharia law to establish a pure Islamic society. The only good thing they did was burn the poppy fields. They fought US aggression lol!


Than who is fighting US all these years? You are full of it ! ‘They are fundamentalist fuckwits”

They are NOT in Syria, that is exactly the point ! They defend their country from US-NATO invaders and big mouth “fuckwits’ like yourself!


Derek Johnson; You, Azriel and Andrei are right and wrong. As you said, in part, the mujaheedin were funded by the yanks,

the CIA and Saudi Arabia via Osama bin Laden.

They flew in plane loads of Koran’s with the Wahhabi commentary, and converted regular Sunni into Wahhabi Sunni. The Mujahdeen became “The Base” or translated, “Al Qaeda”. After driving the Soviets out, bin Laden fell out with the CIA and took ‘his guys’ and created “The Taliban” or the student.

The CIA took the bulk of ‘their guys’ to Iraq, and from it branched off ISIS. So in that you are correct. However, bin Laden’s people were locals, who had a clue about what their fellow Afghans needed and wanted. They are TRIBAL , not interested in a central government, and “the American way of life”, “democracy” , taxation etc.. If you ever go there you will see a very poor but self reliant people who’s jihad is not expansionist like Pakistan’s but focused on removing foreigners who keep trying to tell them what and how to do everything. They can’t afford to send their boys to school, so they can earn a buck, the yanks are trying to force them to school the girls. In Sunni culture females do not leave the house. Look carefully at photos, only in Shia areas will you see females out in public.

They earn 2 – 4 US dollars a day on average, so it’s important that at least the boy’s learn to read and count. If the Americans had payed students to go to school, instead of shooting anything that moved, it might have changed things.


Fuck jihad… Dosent have place in our society.. They like pussy…sooo…?? Women are equal to men’s and they show respect that. If they don’t like women to learn and be smart. Taliban they should wank themselves to death…. for the oane who dont understand it means self masturbating till death…☠☠☠ Maybe they will like then gay people ..


Aw another Western mangina !! A snowflake! Western emotionalNAZI terrorist. I was defending you now I know that you are typical Western brainwashed idiot. You want by force to impose the Western way of life to them and neocolonial exploitation?!

Fuck you neocolonial terrorist bitch! If Afghanistan was my country I would kill every motherfucker like you who would put thir filthy foot in my country


I will never do that….


They are TRIBAL society with deep roots in Islamic tradition How can you be so narrow minded and stupid not to understand that?!? Should NATO go to Brazilian Amazon jungle to change lives of tribes there? To change their lives by force and send all girls to school so that ASSHOLES like you can be pleased? You are effing NAZI !!!


The only reason the Taliban still exists is that it receives help from American intelligence the same people that created and control alqaeda so there really isn’t much difference between them seriously guys if the Americans wanted to they could wipe out the Taliban in no time at all and the world would be in a better place. I pose a question Who do think the Taliban would support in syria i can assure you it wouldn’t be assad.

Jimmy Jim

The biggest FUCK JEW to alKIKEA who are acting as ISIS airforce in desperation!

Icarus Tanović

They have remotely controled vans too.

Xoli Xoli

Sorry Andrei Taliban is freedom fighters against NATO oppression. But also yes their used same tactic like own brother killers Turkey HTS and British, and USA Alqaida.


It is OK to have all kinds of opinions as long as they finish with usual; “But that is internal problem of Afghanistan. And it is only up to Afghan people to decide what kind of society they want to live in. And all that without any foreign interference.”

Have you been in Afghanistan and if yes for how long?

Xoli Xoli

Sorry for replying know. Taliban never threaten any country after Russians left.According to Israel rulers and USA administration Saddam was the only threat.

Due to the deteriorating big USA economy USA well educated Sadam,France biggest investor Gaddafi ,arab,Muslims and Christianity protector Aghmidijan were label exist of evil by the real evil once.Self orchestrated terrorist bombing by Israel on USA Twin Towers which Israel was running. False accusations were created to have reason to wage war on powerless Afganistan because of Opium and created Alqaida.Even in last moments when Gaddafi was telling that Alqaida wants to take over the greedy enemies ignored him just to remove him forcefully .Iraq was attack and oil,gas and gold wealth exploited.Libya was attack and oil gas and gold wealth exploited by the same fake greedy evil protectors France,Britain and USA with ww1&2 subdued puppets Germany and Japan. USA and puppets were decapitated innocent children,Women and elderly and wrongly accused men to create hatred to have reason to stay in Afghanistan this have ended my missionary duties in Kandahar.This same tactic is employed and applied in Syria.It almost happened in Venezuela but were prevented by Russia and Iran.God chose Israel to love and care for neighbors but the none chose Israel leaders constant attack neighbors while hiding behind Israel civilians shield as Idlib terrorists does.Donald does not baby sit Satanyahu and Erdogdig but fulfilling God wishes of caring for Vulnerable Israel civilians.


No clue what are you trying to say to me what so ever. I suppose that your comment as an answer to my question means; “NO you haven’t been to Afghanistan”.

Xoli Xoli

I dont owe you any explanation neither my Movement NATO spy.


NATO spy?! Ha ha ha you little Western peace of shit !

Xoli Xoli

I know you are SDF who lost Idlip to SAA.Sorry for being removed from traitors payroll. Just surrender and survive. Dont ignore reality Russian and USA forces have engaged in fist fight.


You are definitely total idiot. I will not waste my time on you any more. You are BLOCKED !

Xoli Xoli

My dear ISIS terrorists go to the toilet zip and pee (ZP) Goodnight.

Xoli Xoli

If I am a idiot fine because one idiot knows other idiot.So we same in common.

MeMad Max

Havent they figured out that suicide bombing doesnt do shit???



They look like kamikases that have lost a war. Conclusion: stupids are done.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What dumb f–ks, at least the Isis fighters used their SVBIED’s tactically and usually got good results using them, there morons weren’t paying attention obviously and have no idea at all, LOL.

Here’s some more interesting news, if we thought the Russians had already worked out a deal with Turkey to abandon the terrorists in Idlib, it seems we may have been a bit premature with that assumption.

“Turkey is talking to Russia with the aim of reaching a new ceasefire after increased bombardment in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalın said Tuesday. We are closely following the process for an end to the attacks, and these attacks should come to an end immediately and implemented under a new ceasefire,” Kalın told a televised news conference. “This is our main expectation from the Russian side. Assad’s regime has repeatedly vowed to take back the area, and bombardment has continued despite a ceasefire. Turkey on Monday sent a delegation to Moscow led by Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Önal for talks on the Idlib issue, after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Ankara cannot handle a new refugee flow on its own. Kalın said Russian authorities told the Turkish delegation that Moscow would try to bring its influence to bear on Assad for a cessation of violence. We are now waiting for (Russia) to begin efforts in the coming 24 hours for an end to the regime attacks in Idlib.” https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2019/12/24/turkey-expects-russia-to-halt-assad-regimes-idlib-assault

So far only the Russians have stopped the military offensive, so the SAA seem to be ignoring any ceasefire that may have been imposed on them, that’s if the Turks did indeed get their way. And sadly today the Russians are on holiday, AGAIN, and they don’t even celebrate Christmas until January, so don’t assume the Russians are having a Christmas break, it’s not Christmas for them yet, so something else is stopping them. The lack of Russian aviation over Idlib today is a very worrying sign, the SAAF and SAA are still continuing operations but on a dramatically reduced level, and as usual after every ceasefire the rebels launch a counter assault, and they’re launching one now, so I’m afraid I’m starting to suspect the Russians have caved into Erdogan again. I hope I’m wrong though, I miss those Russian warplanes already, and so does the SAA, so please don’t abandon us AGAIN.

Arbaches Glaukus

One thing is crisp clear. Syria doesn’t have enough forces, and equipments to finish the Job. I never seen a Syrian army organised artillery fire. At leas one brigade of artillery with 16 piece of 122 mm Howitzer and 32 piece of 122 mm mortar that creates 3 artillery fields 100 m by 100 m each, that appear and disappear like Ghosts, with very unpredictable pattern..

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