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MARCH 2025

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’s SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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On January 12, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham used a suicide vehicle borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) made up from the BMP-1 armoured vehicle during its counter-attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies south of the Abu al-Duhur airbase in the province of Idlib. The SVBIED was used during the attack on the village of Sinjar. MORE DETAILS ABOUT ATTACK HERE

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham often uses SVBIEDs to break defenses of pro-government factions in its operations across Syria. The group used especially high number of SVBIEDs during the 2016 battle for Aleppo and offensives in northern Hama in 2017. The fact that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham once again started using suicide bombers against the SAA in southern Idlib shows that the group is serious about repelling the government advance on Abu al-Duhur. SVBIEDs AND THE MEANS TO COMBAT THEM

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Suicide bomber – Abu Hudhayfah al-Homsi:

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham's SVBIED Made Up From BMP-1 Armoured Vehicle During Abu al-Duhur Counter-Attack (Photos, Videos)

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What’s really stored up there?


Children’s toys and food for the oppressed people of Syria of course . What else could it be ?

Zainab Ali

these zio ameritard slaves are desperadoes for perm hell/united with lucifer


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Judging from the typos Wilma, you must be a crack-head and your mama enjoys visits from the local gang-bangers as they run trains on her booty………… please, get the fuck outta here.


Hey look, moderates.

Jozsef Osztronkovics

The zionist western terror against the humanity


Doesn’t that last picture spell full on retard? It’s good to see that Al Nusra has a work program for these people rather then hide them away in some back room. Make them feel fully valued members of society. They’re obviously trying to appeal to the Western media with their social programs so they can be labeled as ‘moderates’ so they can win cash and prizes again.


Western Diversity at its best. I fully expect to see a suicide attack vehicle flying the Rainbow flag soon with the driver wearing a White helmet just to show the world how despicable the SAA is when they fire at these VBIED’s that are only trying to deliver American Democratic Values to Syria. :)

Gary Sellars

HTS – Wahabbi version of the “sheltered workshop” :-)


This is not gonna help much, it’s ressource draining. Turkey must stop supplying weapons to these desperate people and instead encourage them to go to Astana.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This was a sad waste of a young man’s life as he is dead in the failed attempt on the SAA and the brainwashing and radicalizing him for the greater glory as they are taught.

This is how the Muslim Brotherhood helps radicalize Youth today World Wide they seem no different the Wahhabism spreading it’s brand of radicalism. They only select the easily influenced to indoctrinate as they will spread their message easiest and that is when the real ideology gets ingrained to their brains, this is how cults work.


As I understand it , the Muslim Brotherhood is Salafist , or Wahhabi , that is ultra conservative . However the Muslim Brotherhood believes in using deceit to achieve the goal of conversion . For example , Obama gave the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood $800 million for election expenses . They were able to get elected because they hid their ideology . Only after getting elected did the Egyptians discover the party they voted for were Muslim Brotherhood . Then as you know hundreds of thousands took to the streets all across Egypt demanding the Egyptian Army to take over the government . Which after several weeks of demonstrations they did . You are right , a sad waste of a young mans life ,… and all of the jihadists lives . Saudi Arabia , Qatar , Kuwait , UAE , these nations for the last 30 years have opened Wahhabi schools in all Sunni nations . This war in Syria is the warning of the future if those schools are not redirected .


i would have loved to fire the rocket to blow up that VBIED

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