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Hay’at Tahrir Violates Agreement With Fa Ithbatu, Launches Large Attack In Western Idlib

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Hay’at Tahrir Violates Agreement With Fa Ithbatu, Launches Large Attack In Western Idlib

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Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has violated its recent agreement with the Fa Ithbatu Operations Room by launching a large attack on its factions in western Aleppo.

Under the initial agreement, which was reached early on June 25, both sides agreed to suspend their movements in western Idlib to de-escalate the situation.

According to opposition sources, HTS has violated the agreement by launching an attack on Horas al-Din and Ansar al-Din in the afternoon. The attack targeted some positions and checkpoints of the two groups in the towns of al-Yacubiyeh and al-Janoudiyah.

The sources also reported that heavy clashes are now taking place around the town of Arab Said, a stronghold of Fa Ithabtu.

Before launching its new attack, HTS accused Horas al-Din and Ansar al-Din of looting, claiming that they didn’t take part in the recent battle against the Syrian Arab Army.

“They [Horas al-Din and Ansar al-Din] didn’t witness a war, or keep security [in Greater Idlib],” the statement reads.

HTS claimed in the statement that it is ready for a ceasefire and an agreement with Horas al-Din and Ansar al-Din. However, only if the two groups meet its demands, which include the removal of all the newly-established checkpoints in Idlib.

The conflict between HTS and the Fa Ithbatu Operations Room will likely escalate further in the upcoming few days as both sides appear to be determined to continue their struggle.


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Nothing news my friend, this is something expected, thanks to Russia-Turkey(NATO member) cease fire agreement. Russia must stop pleasing Erdogan.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Turkey versus HTS, what more could Assad hope for. I’ve noticed this instalment of Turkey’s newest terrorist alliance doesn’t include the NFL anymore, but that’s just Erdogan reshuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic, the ships still sinking, smirk.

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