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MARCH 2025

Head Of Donetsk Republic Says Middle Eastern Volunteers May Arrive In Donbass Soon

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Head Of Donetsk Republic Says Middle Eastern Volunteers May Arrive In Donbass Soon

Illustrative image.

On March 12, Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), said that volunteers from the Middle East may arrive soon to support the armed forces of the Donbass republics.

During an interview with Russia 1, Pushilin revealed that received a large number of applications from residents of the Middle East, who faced “radicalism” that has much in common with Ukrainian “neo-Nazism”.

“There are thousands and thousands of volunteers who are ready to come. I do not rule out that in the very near future they will be with us in the neighboring trenches, shoulder to shoulder with our units for the liberation of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR),” Pushilin said.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu informed President Vladimir Putin during a Russian Security Council meeting on March 11 that more than 16,000 people want to voluntarily go to the DPR and LPR. The President supported the initiative to send the volunteers to the war zone in the Donbass.

Forces from the DPR and LPR have been fighting side by side with the Russian military since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed that the volunteers are mostly Syrians. This was not a surprising considering Russia’s key role in the war on terrorism in Syria.

Syrian sources confirmed that thousands have signed up to go fight in the Donbas as volunteer. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights even put the number as high as 40,000 in a report released on March 13.

All recent reports confirm that not a single volunteer from Syria or any other Middle Eastern state has been moved to the Donbass, so far. Russia will not likely allow anyone to go fight in the region. Volunteers will likely go thought a serious vetting process. Even after this they may not fight in Donbass, but rather help with other needed issues in the war-torn region.


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Putin is wise Not to use Syrian Fighters on front line. This special mission is a calculated process and does not need foreigners causing colateral damage. This also shows Putin is content on how progress is moving forward.

Last edited 2 years ago by AC III

Thats the way i see it.


I believe Hezbollah units are among them. If that’s true, I think the middle eastern volunteers will mainly teach Chechens and other groups guerrilla tactics. It’s obvious the pro Russian Arabs came to help against daesh, so they’ll most likely be seen fighting mainly daesh since they have the experience in fighting daesh and kicking their asses.

Pedo Andy from Windsor

That is true, many media have shown videos Hezbollah and Iranian operating with Russians and Don Bas freedom fighters. It is hard to tell as they look similar, but wear green armbands and Hezbollah patches. IRGC has urban warfare specialists who have helped cut down Russian casualties and changed some combat tactics. They now surround Uki units and then mow them down. The ambush and surrender of a whole Uki “special forces” unit is a typical Hezbollah tactic after isolating them, they did the same with Zionists in 2006.


You mind linking a video, I’m glad our brothers in yellow from Lebanon is assisting. Spetnaz is the reason why Hezbollah is much more effective on the offensive now

jens holm

They are not. Its crap. But You can look for them. Most hesbollahs only has one leg.

Tomorrow it will be Pygmees and the Homo floresiensis.

jens holm

My dead grandmother is there too. We gave her som RPGs into the grave. She got wings and now make hisbolahs to jews over there.

Better food, she says. Ok Hesbollah says: We have none.


Link please

jens holm

Its news to me som Hisbollahs will join Putin.


Only the most competent Presidents and Military Commanders are willing to learn from their more experienced allies. President Putin and his staff are competent.

The US and NATO though are entrenched in a quagmire of mediocracy.


Also the language barrier. Their intentions are good but misheard orders especially over radio can be disastrous where micro-seconds count.


Hezbollah, SAA and Russian Spetnaz have done countless mission together, I doubt the language will hold them back.

jens holm

Syria has no good fighters for that. But the Jihadists and Turkey will take over much more and keep.

I would not mind, if they did.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is just 1 man living in London, with ideology anti Assad and whis hasn’t been in Syria in the last 10 y.ears


His name is Osama bin Laden.

jens holm

Thats not correct. He is coordinator for many sources comming in. He started as Syrian refugee after having been in jail in Syria.

Any can read in wiki about him and his activity. I see his as very reliable information confirmed to others.



for senile nazi jens diaper rash is reliable


HIs sources are Twitter and Facebook. From 2000 he’s living in London.


He also had, or still has, a small clothing shop in a run down area of Coventry, UK.

jens holm

His sources are real persons in Syría and just outside it. Those use hidden sources such as VPN.

I have known all details for years. They are at the internet. He has a homepage as well. Compared to many others, he is very reliable.

Sure he has taken side. He was jailed for free speech and deported.


I’m ashamed to have been born and living in another European country… Sadly I dont have the financial means nor the transportation available to make the trip but I would really like to participate as a foreign volunteer for the Russian Armed Forces

jens holm

I heard they are very hungry


deaf nazi jens only can hear cia


You can fight by not spending anything who can enrich the Europe 1% richest people. So: Just don’t buy anything (no Netflix, no home internet, just 4G, no high VAT produits: just your passions). Never fight everyone. Cut TV. Sell your TV. Build things by yourself or with friendly neighbours. Have fun with people. Go sport or music or art or other. Work less to pay less taxes. Consume less useless things. At least make strategic expenses. Buy old bike to go far without petrol, train every day. Improve your family home materials (bathroom, bedrooms, cave, etc). Many things more in the same way. By doing this, you fight inside your own country against European current rulers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain

I 100% agree with you, and never ever borrow money with interest.


We can borrow to our parents and give them their 2% interest. If we need some money from bank (primary home), we have to race to give back money the fastest way. THIS is the war here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain
jens holm

Im no Russian supporter.

But I say exact the same for people having lack of money. Its often is spending too much for almost nothing too.

I spend every year by tent and bicycle or scooter every year and see details of my Country well. I enjoy my vegatables and fruit from the garden.

I also can visit the whole world by Internet all over, even its not he same as travel.

There are choises.

For many years I have only worked about 30 hours a week instead of 37. So most people can support others, if they are more ultimative and determinant.


I totally agree. Saving money, consume less and work less is the right fight here.

Universal Order

Ah yes, nothing screams ‘liberation’ like sending the brown rape horde into the territory. Bravo Jewtin. What’s next? Indians? Niggers?

Last edited 2 years ago by Universal Order

Suheil al Hassan and his Tigers are all very polite.

Vlad the Impaler

Shut up, faggot. Go back to your nigger transgender boyfriend and stay out of Eastern Europe. We do not want your kind here, your degeneracy is too repulsive.

basement in US embassy in poland

calm the shit down. they are gonna send the whole world against ukraine. it is over and history.

Horse Cock Putin

Nothing screams stupidity more then a Nazi battalion being run by a Jewish Oligarch.


“Nothing screams stupidity more then a Nazi battalion being run by a Jewish Oligarch.”

Just had to repost this.


And so true, LOL


inferior racist arkansas hillbilly raped repeatedly by leroy in arkansas prison—need diapers permanently


The rape hordes are runaway Takfiri who got hounded out of Syria and enjoyed western media, money and weapons.

jens holm

Most of them are serviced by Erdogan.

We also go to school, educate work to enjoy. Unicef is not here.

Thats why Danes prefare Ukra refugees. Thye have thje same traditions as us. More then 50% Syrians has not and think they can implement women slavery here too.


So it is good when the muricans send the brown rape hordes, but it is bad if the russians do the same.


Why do they need more men to kill those few hundred fanatic fascists from Azov?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukrobots have invited foreign mercs. Tit for tat. Fair is fair…

jens holm

Ukras has not invaded Russia.


It’s symbolic.

jens holm

Its much worse then that. Not even Our pigs will eat something like that and normal sheep and goats are a no go.

But here the little gargling roosters with a big mouth hiding they has no brain makes total hatespeach all over.

Their masters only can keep control by fear and hate.

They are npot allowed to debate becaue there aælready are decided andy poosible oppinion for them.


Because the fanatics hide behind women and children. So you need real men that go street by street, house by house and kill them. Sad but true. There will be a lot of bloodshed during the mopping up operations. The only way out is to change the government in Kiev and give orders to the ukrainian army to kill the nazis on the spot.

jens holm

You dont get its a high populated area with million inhabitant areas. You also ignore they want to evacuate those, You name as shield.

You here also ignore urban warfare is in building and not some unarmed almost civilians, which dont dare to shoort back.

The best way is Russian conscripts should be in their own country. This has been Ukranine 30 years with elected president and parlament.

jens holm

Its a propaganda thing. In war they unite by fear and propaganda. According to Putin there are more nazis in Ukraine then there ever was in germany.

They are supported by USA and Russia took the nazis alone and now will do it again.


Putin needs to die and he will , but he will most likely kill himself like a coward.

Cannon Fodder

Zzzzzzzzzzzz…(yawn, fart and rollover) Zzzzzzzzzzzzz…….

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Thats the copy paste SBU ukrobot line for today? You guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel…


diaper rash now affects brain in your nazi arkansas trailer park


“Volunteers”? Wahhabis from Syria getting 3k per mouth and Wahhabis from Iraq getting 4K per month. It is the same case from neo-Nazis from the West, they call them “Volunteers” so their MSM run with BS. Most of them are mercenaries hired by Zion-Nazi-yanquis around the world.


Do you what currency? If that’s USD those fuckers are being paid a lot. There’s too many struggling families in the west who’d die for quarter of that, and USA is just handing that out to daesh. What a shame


And they are sending ME and african mercs too. But hey, when the muricans do it, it is good. So say Jens and the other ukrobots.

jens holm

I never has commented ME and African mercs apart from telling It makes no sense to move Assads and Hesbollah dot supports Russia.

But I do support Ukraine against the whole russian army. 3 days and Zelinsky was a scared barking cat somewhere in Poland or Pentagon. Now those Russians even need help from the white Afrícans in Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

I feel safe too. We see the Russian armed forces are in bad shape compared to Ours. maybee they will reinvent the Walkman too.

jens holm

Its seemes as You has no real knowledge.

About 60.000 Ukra men has returned home from their jobs in Europe. Most of them want to, but all are obligated.

Most of the rest seemes to be older vetérans. Even they are old, they are much better then none.

Your Neon Nazi crap is far out.

many of those ARE THE MEDIA. They put themself on Facebook, Twitter a.s.o.

And You hired by zion tells You know nothing about any facts in these matters. You are minus and from North Korea.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

jens holm

When and where. Everybody want to rule the world in Raisin language making tears for fears.

EWe here the Russians give up there: We are not Russians. We are mongols and friends to China. We bought land here.

It could be true. After many days with no food their legs look like chopstickers.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukrobots thought they would unleash headchoppers on Russia. Well guess what…judo trick… Start running Azovnazis…

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

jens holm

The jihadists – Rubel in not money Putin – You can buy vodka. The Jihadists – No way Putin – You can try or we will invade You too

the jihadists – thats a lie, we love you. Where is the vodka


nazi senile jens more stupid desperate—you fail; we succeed


Putin can pay in gold. Your murican friends can only pay in debt. Soon they will not even have fertilizers to grow their crops. Millions of obese muricans will starve to death.

jens holm

That gold is not enough. Potemkin economy.

Those Ukras are not my friends. If they want to, they can be affiliated partners. I will enjoy that, but its something for something. If they cant produce, they cant buy Our stuf. We also need they has a cheep pay for labor.

jens holm

I am not responsible for their partly homemade problems. I do argue for Ukraine should be a no go for russia and Minsk 2 now only is kept by Nato. We has not invaded them as some terrifying addiction as well.

They already are poor and a should remove their oligarcs. Russian oligarcs are there too. Dont forget that.

Poeple dont starve, if they have money. It not Our fault some countries breed as rabbits and lemmings or dont calibrate with needed improvements. They not even has to invent improvements. They cant even make own copies in their own contexts.

Norway has closed a fertilizer factory because the electricity for it was and are too expensive. By that the fertilizer is that too.


Hopefully chaos reigns when they hit the ground in Ukraine; disorganisation, power outages, few supplies and logistics, poor communication etc……

SF hiding Russian losses.

Both sides using Syrian and Chechen mercenaries to slaughter fellow Christians, shame on Putin and Zelensky for allowing it to sink to this level.

jens holm

It show the Russian military forces well.

jens holm

I heard Putin soon will merry Sara Palin in Fairbanks.

They will sell icecreme to the polarbears to keep them cool.


Basic assumption would be Iranians, Iraqi PMU and maybe, maybe, some Hezbollah personnel. Lot of interesting implications from latter. Hezbollah would send infantry if it meant greater Russia assistance in both arms and protection (their priority would be acquiring basic missile guidance tech and MANPADS). And given the western behavior of flooding Ukraine with masses of ATGMs and MANPADS, the Russians may no longer be so willing to strictly adhere to their past protocols on such arms proliferation, specific to Hezbollah. Bearing in mind Hezbollah are a sort of closed Shia ecosystem, so they would not be horse trading such weapons around, like the NATO sponsored Sunni militant factions in Syria and Iraq do.

Last edited 2 years ago by BabylonGarden
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