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MARCH 2025

Head Of Mozart Group: F*ked Up People Running Ukraine! Corrupt, F*ked Up Society!

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In November, Andrew Milburn, retired U.S. Marine colonel Deputy Commander of Special Operations Command Central who created the Mozart Group PMC, gave an interview on YouTube.

In the 2hours long interview he provided a lot of interesting details of his military experience, including in Ukraine. He also described his attitude towards the country he came to “protect against the Russian invaders”.

“A corrupt, fucked up society. I’m not a big fan of Ukraine. Ukrainians violate the Hague Convention. They should not film their crimes on video, so as not to attract the attention of the media. Yes, Ukrainians are violating… They film a number of things they do with prisoners of war, violating the law on military conflicts. Guys, the murder of Russian prisoners (a common thing).

It’s not about Ukraine. I had the Ukrainian flag tied to my bag, but I’m not “Oh my God, Ukraine is so awesome!” No, cause… fucked up people are running Ukraine!”

However, the conclusion he made is that Putin is to be blamed.

Andrew Milburn, who leads the group of American mercenaries, including those deployed in Bakhmut, earlier claimed that members of his “humanitarian” group cannot stay the city because they are being targeted by Russian missiles. As the name suggests, Mozart Group was intended as a counterpoint to Wagner, but was unable to provide decent opposition to the Russian PMC. LINK, LINK


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John Tosh

The people running Ukraine are the people poisoning people globally, the people who topple governments, the people who have captured the American government and held it captive to their whims. THEY ARE THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY…. even the Bible calls them “666” while Edgar Cayce calls them “The entity”.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

HE IS HONEST AT LEAST even tho he still hates Putin I can admire this

Peter Jennings

Andrew Milburn cannot say any other narrative than the one from his nato employers, and that is that the President of Russia is to blame for the chaos in Ukraine. If Andrew was a really brave man he would have told it as it is, instead of facilitating the US gov’t and nato to cheat new recruits into false pretenses, getting them killed in the process.

Sorry Mr Millburn, one cannot have it both ways, and half way makes you look like an idiot.


A limey globalist flake admits Ukraine’s atrocities … a confession of the murder of Russian POWs and the corruption in Ukraine.. crimes that NATO and the media ignore to promote their proxy war scheme. Yet he goes along with it by choice .

Fee Fi Fo Fum

I think he was referring to the global norm back in 1943.


This drunk is commanding a group of mercs in Ukraine? They’re all doomed. He is complicate in war crimes. Russia is watching, taking note.

Last edited 2 years ago by JGarbo
Stinging Metal

Honestly If I was Russia, I would stop at NOTHING. I would sent a capture team to go grab these guys.

Fee Fi Fo Fum

Complicit. Anyway, I doubt he’ll live that long. If not from the battlefield, from a swan dive off a balcony.

That’s usually what happens with Brits that sign on to neocon wars.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fee Fi Fo Fum

Ukraine is the definition of war crime. The whole country is a war crime. They’re so shockingly evil that even some of their allies can’t just go along with it anymore.



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

But again the West has a long history of supporting terrorist groups – did people forgot Zionists/Wahhabis/EU/US/UK and their puppets supporting terrorists in the Middle East. The West still doing that – in Syria and Iraq they support Wahhabis and Kurdish terrorist groups behind close door – they support MEK – and in Ukraine fully back Neo-Nazis.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

The USA expressed mathematically:

Avge. I.Q. <= Avge. BMI

Raptar Driver

Yes of course they are messed up and this clown still fights for them? Typical American mentality, just doing his job?


“This is a fucked up society. I’m not a big fan of Ukraine. Ukrainians violate the Hague Convention. They should not film their crimes on video, so as not to attract the attention of the media. Yes, Ukrainians are violating… They film a number of things they do with prisoners of war, violating the law on military conflicts. Guys, the murder of Russian prisoners (a common thing).”…

Only as corrupt and “fucked up” as the one this P0$ comes from that did THIS https://www.ae911truth.org/ to it’s own that made the Maidan coup possible thanks in large part to the Jew$ that own F-U.K.U.$. as well as Vladimir Putin and the majority of the Russian Federation’s banks and energy!…

Let’s not mince words… Putin & his ” compliant government” to the Western CBs could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the last 8 years in Ukraine and millions more with his votes at the UN club house by demanding an investigation when China and India aided and abetted the crime scene in lower Manhattan in 2001, and the the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria that followed!… He of course chose not to… With the worst insult of all to his own people being the introduction of “SPUTNIK” as an option to the COVID madness playing his little part in the game… And he has made both he and his Country a vassal of the West by staying put in the UN whore H0u$e by allowing the Western CB establishment to set the price for ALL of Russia’s commodities!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

You know vaccines have been around for hundreds of years and nearly everyone gets a bunch of them as kids? Plus the elderly get flu vaccines, travellers are vaccinated when they go abroad, it’s very common. The lockdowns were ineffective in China from the outset yet most places kept repeating the same failed idea, that was a bit of an over-reaction. Belarus did well in that respect as Lukashenko never went along with that. Many Westerners seem to find it difficult to accept Putin is the kindly defender of righteousness, saving the Ukrainians from Nazi oppression, due to their inaccurate preconceived ideas.


He only says “there should be no filming of war crimes”, not saying that they shouldn’t do war crimes lol. Classic imperialist maggot.

The Crunge

Didn’t this guy say his Mozart group had a 70 percent casualty rate? Maybe his military skills are a little fucked up. Is that Putin’s fault as well?


He mostly laughed at russian forces losing 20k men, half of them wagner’s nazis against 1k Azovs in Mariupol 😆😆😆

Joseph Day

How did you get 1k Azov, 2k of the maggots surrendered after claiming to the death


Last I saw, the Nazi Azov lost 80% of their original strength in the first 3~4 months and had to be completely rebuilt from the ground up abroad with foreign mercenaries.


You can’t get much lower than 3rd party government contracted mercenaries. These people become billionaires after “serving” their country. It shows you how degenerate all aspects of US society have become, destroying the country for money, a society full of Judases.


I completely agree with your first statement regarding the mercs but not so much your last statement. The vast majority of Americans have absolutely no idea that these mercenary groups exist. These groups are kept completely secret from the American public. Most Americans because of the massive brainwashing still believe that we are the global force of good. American society overall, specially when you leave the big urban liberal shi#tholes is still a very correct, based society. There are a lot of good people here just like there are plenty of good people in western Europe and the rest of the empire of lies where our federal governments have been usurped many years ago.


The point is, there are countless ex-military working for them, society has a money-first mentality, if you can get rich, don’t question the means. I think Americans choose not to deal with anything confrontational so these people get away with anything. Look at Ukraine, any depth of observation is looked down upon, just go along with the narrative, the society has a way of threatening anybody who questions the status quo. It’s like St Augustine’s City of God where he says people are afraid to stand up to the most corrupt because their conscience is guilty about their lesser sins. Americans like comfort, it’s a corrupt, psychotic, pagan society, self-serving types always get their way, people don’t want to defend children, look at the disgusting series and commercials people watch, can’t claim innocence, the rot spread to the masses decades ago.


That’s funny coming from a man who leads a a group of fucked up psychopaths on behalf of a group of extremely corrupt fucked up psychopaths on Washington.


During a previous press release russia announced they would shoot foreign mercenaries. Russia means to lower the boom on zelensky and his gay jewish neonazi death squads, dont be there when it happens…


This article should help every single person understand why in the United States military approximately 22 Servicemen commit suicide every single day. When you are told to go fight immoral wars overseas, slaughter innocent people who have done you no harm, when you are given orders to defend a despotic dictatorship against innocent civilians, eventually your evil deeds, your conscience will defeat you and you will prefer to be dead than to live with the guilt of your crimes. All the mercs from the Mozart group are x military personnel. If the Russians don’t obliterate them in Ukraine, the few survivors will eventually take their own lives and do humanity a huge favor.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Green Orc

“Mozart” is currently regrouping and reorganizing under the more appropriate name “Liberace”.

Waste Water Engineer

I think they should take the old Black Water name. Seems appropriate for sewer rats.


these guy are just as Fucked up as the Ukrainians and maybe worst as they should know better. Russia gets done with Ukraine will they hunt down these people and have the killed as their just actions.


RUN YOU NAZI FUCKER RUN you are crying because RUSSIA is targeting you this is not CALL OF DUTY you dumb nazi fuck of course the Russians are going to shoot back, you dumb fucking nazi wimp. WAGNER IS COMING FOR YOU run boy run. =Z=

Last edited 2 years ago by kymsheba

“This is a fucked up society. I’m not a big fan of Ukraine. Ukrainians violate the Hague Convention. They should not film their crimes on video, so as not to attract the attention of the media. Yes, Ukrainians are violating… They film a number of things they do with prisoners of war, violating the law on military conflicts. Guys, the murder of Russian prisoners (a common thing).”…

Only as corrupt and “fucked up” as the one this P0$ comes from that did THIS https://www.ae911truth.org/ to it’s own that made the Maidan coup possible thanks in large part to the Jew$ that own F-U.K.U.$. as well as Vladimir Putin and the majority of the Russian Federation’s banks and energy!…

Let’s not mince words… Putin & his ” compliant government” to the Western CBs could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over the last 8 years in Ukraine and millions more with his votes by demanding an investigation when China and India aided and abetted the crime scene in lower Manhattan in 2001, and the the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria that followed!… He of course chose not to… With the worst insult of all to his own people being the introduction of “SPUTNIK” vaccine as an option to the COVID madness playing his little part in the game… And he has made both he and his Country a vassal of the West by staying put in the UN whore H0u$e by allowing the Western CB establishment to set the price for ALL of Russia’s commodities!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Sputnik was a big red flag, he’s better than most leaders, but seems to purposely not finish things, it’s like he’s in on the scheme. Why did he back off in Syria and let the Turks and Americans get away with their land and oil grab. We know the US military is a big bluff, so why not confront them so Syria can support itself with their oil fields? He’s saying that the conflict in Ukraine will last a long time, is he profiting off of its prolongment?


Andrew Milburn suffers from long term drug abuse !! Obvious lack of formal education which is very normal in US military !! Hes nothing but a rag tag warrior, when it got hot he ren just like his comrades did in Afganistan !! He believed his Washington hawks that Russia is some too bit army that will be defeated within a few weeks, and he would then become a general !! FCKING LOSER !!


You are right. Lack of formal education is notable both in the US and Canadian AF. There is much noise about LGBT penetration (pun intended) into US military. But people most often forget that Canadian military spearheaded LGBT intrusion into military since 1980’s. Therefore, if you have joined ranks of CAF from 1990, you were probably sodomized or exposed to various freakish “sexual” acts they call “initiation of recruits”. There is no greater LGBT army than Canadian one. They are even more advanced – they are LGBTP army, where “P” stands for pedophile, following steps of great Canadian prime ministers like Pierre Trudeau…


…British Royal family that owns all of Canada and from time to time take some native orphaned children for a “pleasent journey with royals” after they vanish in a thin air (not royals unfortunately but those poor orphans). Canadian national anthem goes like: “Go and see what the boys in the backroom will have…” and a charge tune of Canadian AF is “YMCA”. Yes this Milburn is an arrogant idiot but such hubris is omnipresent in the entire North America.


There is a saying, that fools, drunks and infant speak the truth. Based on sound byes of this interview, since you are not a infant, I believe are you a fool or a drunk.

You f*ked up, supporting the “F*ked up people running Ukraine! Corrupt, f*ked” up society” A government who by your words commits crimes as defined by the law of war. Then you f*ked by giving an interview while drunk exposing the corruption and war crimes against humanity. The interview you would of generated an Article 32 investigation, had you worn an American uniform.

Now my question to you, Mr. Andrew Milburn, will you man up and do what is honorable and right?


Well, going by this quote, “They should not film their crimes on video, so as not to attract the attention of the media.” and what that seems to infer, I doubt this ass will be manning up any time soon.


Mr. Milburn, a man of British origin and on US pay goes by the standard British approach, that is if you do the crimes against humanity you ought to cover it up in order to support the narrative of God given rights to the scaled Family to rule the world (oceans, Solar System, Milky Way…). All from that shitty island on the west of Europe, whose sinking into cold Atlantic is way overdue.



… More like since 1992 starting with the subversion of Chechnya… followed by the Kursk… and the “Beslan massacre”???…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Those ugly deeds related to Chechenya like Beslan were run by Brits, not Americans.


what a pathetic drunk, Milburn

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