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MARCH 2025

Head Of Russia’s COVID-19 Hospital Who Met With Putin Tests Positive For Disease

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Head Of Russia's COVID-19 Hospital Who Met With Putin Tests Positive For Disease

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Denis Protesenko, the head of the hospital in Moscow’s Kommunarka area where critical COVID-19 patients are treated, has been tested positively for coronavirus, Russian state media reported on March 31.

Protesenko has been one of the first Russian medics that started working to contain the COVID-19 outbreak in the country. He remains in the hospital and continues leading the work to save lives of patients even now, when he’s placed on quarantine.

Earlier this month, President Vladimir Putin recently visited the hospital and met with its personnel. Commenting on the reports, the Kremlin said that the president is regularly being tested for coronavirus and that “everything is okay”.

Sputniknews (source):

The Russian capital, as well as the Moscow Region, previously introduced severe quarantine measures in order to curb the pandemic. President Vladimir Putin also urged people to stay at home, ordering a week with paid leave from 28 March to 5 April.

The head of the hospital in Kommunarka, Moscow, where people with COVID-19 are being treated, Denis Protsenko, has himself been diagnosed with the virus, according to the broadcaster Rossiya24. Later in the day, the medic confirmed that he had tested positive.

Since the doctor recently met with Vladimir Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has addressed the reports, stressing that the president is regularly being tested for coronavirus and that “everything is okay”.

At the moment, Russia is managing to maintain relatively low numbers of infected with 2,337 confirmed cases and 8 fatalities.

The country was among the first to introduce travel restrictions with China back in January and has since promoted self-isolation in order to stop the outbreak of COVID-19.


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Hasbara Hunter

Why is everyone so afraid of this virus?

Ricky Miller

Because MSM hype told them to. Chicken Little, the sky is falling. This virus is a problem, no doubt. But it’s a ten foot monster being blown all out of proportion and dressed up as a fifty foot one. In the end, automobile accidents, and things like obesity and sugar diets will kill vastly more people, yet no one is closing down fast food drive thrus and restricting automobile traffic on the roadways. The vulnerable, the elderly, people tested positive and people they may have spread it to should all be isolated. Those with serious symptoms should be hospitalized but mild sufferers should be sent home. Policymakers should tell everyone crying wolf to stfu and then proceed with sensible measures. We’ll get there when publics all over just finally can’t take the hype and it’s seemingly endless consequences any longer.

Hasbara Hunter

As far as I can see is all sorts of tests in the World how to manage the Herd…sometimes you use sticks to beat Sheeples back inside their homes…Lockdowns are good to kill small businesses, so that the Banksters & Wall Street can buy everything really cheap…some shops only accept banking-cards…next step is only RFID allowed…


Go lick some public doorknobs and handrails to find out, Adolf.

Hasbara Hunter

Go Suck Satanyahu little Whore of Baphomet


But HE is virus +!


Seems the Virus has already turned your brain to mush. Oh wait, it already was that. Never mind.

klove and light

you sure have some deeply concearning mental issues


Pot calls the kettle black.


Washington state virus deaths for the “pandemic”. 10,000 people have died here over the past 2 months. Less than 200 from the virus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2948e4cce3a46d14a035cc3c9966b5469e9bd3bb56c9a888ccee05c67c58768.png

– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 4

Harry Smith

Because of 2 concomitant factors: 1. The speed infection is spreading. 2. Percentage of infected persons, who needs intensive therapy. This leads to the situation when number of patients is bigger than hospitals can heal. So many people die not because they can’t be healed but because they are out of the hospitals capacity.


Speed of spread also dictated by doctor s Lear ing how to diagnose as well as testing sets. There are empirical limits to the spread data, particularly freshly identified ones. Impossible to know also how widespread disease is circa 1 Jan…. maybe already abroad. It is IDd in Wuhan partly because lead virulogical unit is based there.

Harry Smith

The speed of spreading you can estimate basing on the number of patients in the intensive therapy units.


But how many patients actually had covi but not diagnosed as same prior to iID of covi and actual implemention of testing? Really a lot we do not know yet. Bear in mind diagnosis is not easy.


As numbers of doctors increase their competence on the learning curve, part of the US rapid increase will thus represent increased abilities.

Icarus Tanović

How about that somebody’s intentionally spreading virus around spraying everything on his path in some street, say?


Not needed, just commercial airflights are enough. Actually Russian pattern maybe reflect s this with almost all cases in the two major tourist hubs, Moskva Petrograd. First testing in RU actually took place in Novosibirsk and points East… oriented to China. Only isolated cases in far east, Chita in Transbaikal according to friend out there.


Maybe for now. But if the Kremlin wasn’t still playing Soviet with its reporting, the cases and especially the deaths there would be shown as way way higher. Still, they are about to enter the take off phase and there will be no way to hide the true impact. By late next month, the RF will be up there with the worst of them, in reality and reporting.

Ricky Miller

So says you. Russia is still doing way, way better than her western competitors. The SF Chronicle today published the letter from the Capitan of the USS Roosevelt asking for relief. He said he needs sailors off the ship and that there were no reasons that sailors should have to die and that the current navy policy was putting the lives of his sailors at risk unnecessarily. That’s a U.S. Navy Captain, pleading for the life of his crew, 100 of whom have tested positive for the virus. That is not the Russian Navy, who have isolated more than 100 sailors from the submarine Orel onshore with their families, no begging required. Have any of the Orel crew tested positive? Nope. A civilian trying to sell bank mortgages came on board and met with several sailors, but a few days before he had been near to someone who later had a positive test. Russia will be fine in this fight, realitively. They are just plain smarter.


Likely on total cases reported but less so on deaths. It is most important to watch the mortality figures.


Yep. That is where it came from. They had visiting Russians there testing the weaponization of Coronaviruses and likely in yet another Vodka fueled Russian techno fuckup, the damn thing got out. The word is that it might also have happened because the Chinese lab technicians often sell the lab animals in the local Wuhan wet market for needed pocket change.

Ricky Miller

Lying sack. Your predictions all turn to crap. Russia will be fine and recovering by summer, meanwhile the U.S. will be in even greater canyons of debt and the most divisive election campaign in American history. Between two nearly equally numerous sides who both hate one another with a passion and who dominate separate regional areas of the country. Use your crystal ball on that, worm.

Tudor Miron

So many people die? Did you compare COVID fatality numbers with “normal” influenza, flu and all other well known illnesses? Official numbers for past years are published in the open.


In several countries the deaths are running higher than the annual seasonal flu. The rates in Italy and Spain are several times higher.

Hasbara Hunter

Trying to stay below the capacity of the Health-Care…keep enough hospital beds available by spreading the number of patients over a longer period….Flatten the curve… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c53f0e95a15b55c7d242b409cc7f61c12b71f600a5ad42d3f841797a01548a44.png

Harry Smith

“Verenigde Staten” is the coolest thing in the chart. Do not know what it means but it sounds funny. :)

Hasbara Hunter

The Divided States of Murica….

Icarus Tanović

Because CNN told us to be.

Icarus Tanović

Check my comment above.

Bill Wilson

Because COVID 19 is a new strain, nobody has a resistance to it so those with weak immune systems are prone to contract it. Fortunately it produces mild flu symptoms for most folks so they can stay at home for 2 weeks to recuperate and become totally free of the virus. Many sensible US doctors have been pointing out that the vast majority of their family members living with the infected haven’t become ill, which shows that people are capable of developing a resistance to COVID 19 when exposed to it. Most of the people dying over here were old with existing major medical problems before contracting COVID 19. Same thing goes with the younger folks that died from it. Most were reported to have existing respiratory and kidney problems or had been dealing with various long term ailments.


And Karma starts. Up to now the only retired folk the Kremlin has been bringing back to help out are the old KGB agent butt buddies of Vlad Putin the Impaler to work double time at the never closed Soviet Ministry of Truth.

Ricky Miller

Please, you propagandist liar. Russia is still faring far better in this event than is the United States. And if it’s anyone who deserves karma it’s the Americans, who have started so many wars and overthrown governments, causing chaos and suffering both left and right. The U.S. has more deaths from this epidemic than Russia has patients who have tested positive. It’s the U.S. who is running up huge debts, again. Not Russia. It’s in Pittsburgh this morning where a food bank was overwhelmed by needy people. The organizers thought they’d serve 1500 cars in a drive thru food bank but had a line of 1700 cars before it even opened. Russia is doing far better than the U.S. Your prediction is yet proving to be crap.


If you missed it, dingbat, my prediction is for late next month, NOT today. Try to focus. I know that’s hard with all your Vodka binging but really try.

Ricky Miller

No, no. That’s your third recent prediction. First you said two weeks, but clearly events were not proceeding to back up your hypothesis of hate. So, then you boldly began stating a month before dire hell began to whip Russia into the dustbin of history. But wait, it’s America’s neoliberal empire including the bund homeland who is getting thrashed so now instead of two weeks or a month from now you say the end of next month. Not sure if you mean end of April or the end of May and I don’t care because your predictions will fall flat and you’ll choose a new time frame, at least until the day a mob rolls into your neighborhood because they’ve been cheated out of their pension or are hungry and then we will never hear from you again.


LOL…well, clueless one, you just made a prediction. And in English, next month means next month, not the month after next month. Let’s see what happens first riots in my Bay Area City where I am with them coming after me. Or your RF heading into economic, political and even social collapse. Enjoy, Igor. Pass the popcorn. Bye bye.

Ricky Miller

Russia will be fine. Compared to the U.S. she’s fine now. Russia has more financial reserves to power recovery, her people still mostly respect law and order and Russia has more natural resources for the future, by far. It’s the United States mismanaging itself into a well deserved oblivion, time-line unknown but way sooner than you think.


Given history, Russian constructs have bitten the dust already twice in the relatively short time since the US was formed. And a third is on the way. The RF will be long gone before the US. But there will still be that little residual dropping called Russia. And the vast area with all the natural resources will be speaking Mandarin.

Ricky Miller

And yet Russia is still there. Russian speaking, honoring Soviet and Imperial Era unit flags, same cities, same capital, same national narrative, same seat at the UNSC. It’s America’s turn for a collapse and I doubt that the U.S. has the staying power.


you re a deranged


Nahhhhhhhh…this is SF if you missed it. And when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Harry Smith

Hey Jake when you look in the mirror is there Putin looking at you?


Nahhhhhhhhh…a wee bit more like Trotsky or maybe Richard Dreyfuss.

Harry Smith

Shall I send you icebreaker on Christmas? ROFL.

Icarus Tanović

Somebody’s spreading the disease intentionally, spraying the shit all around. In Italy, Spain, France, Germany, even UK. Ask Hasbara Hunter about this.


And those doing it have been heard speaking Russian. Damn, everyone knows this Virus is a creation of the Great and Glorious Mother Russia bio-weapons lab. And the Russians are obviously in Italy checking up on their handiwork.

Ricky Miller

Actually no one knows that. If Russia had invented a bio weapon it would have been targeted at America from across the migrant routes over the Rio Grande. Russia and China are working cooperatively to create a Eurasia free of American dominance to offset the neoliberal unipolarity. You can lie about the viral origin all you want but it’s still not going to be true.


Russia and China sure were cooperating…on a Coronavirus weapon and that’s how this Pandemic obviously got started. And you know this narrative is just as valid as the one being peddled by both the Chinese and Russian Ministries of Truth pointing a finger at the US, along with all their little minions around here and elsewhere on Social Media. Anyway, this is South Front, a dutiful front for Putz Putin the Poisoner’s Kremlin Party Line. So when in Rome I do as the Romans do.

Ricky Miller

There is no Russian or Chinese ministry of truth. You make that up just like you do everything else you claim here.


Likely. But for sure, you sure are the clueless one.

Ricky Miller

Says the man who predicted that Benny Gantz was ousting Netanyahu as Prime Minister. Oh, now Gantz is Netanyahu’s errand boy. More predictions from loserville, oh please.

Ricky Miller

I said man but really I meant empire punk.

Arch Bungle

Look whose talking. This entire site knows you’re a liar and bullshitter.

Arch Bungle

Bullshit as usual.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahahaha you filthy ZioNazis Always Blame the others…it was developed in a Lab in Hell Aviv…

Bill Wilson

I’m sure it’s being spread by the LGBT community since the virus is present in the urine and fecal matter of those infected with the Kung Flu.

Azriel Herskowitz

Is Putin infected? Maybe this virus will avenge the people of Idlib who live under constant Russian warplane bombardment.


We can only hope and pray for that.

Arch Bungle

You and your entire hasbara crew are going to be taken out soon. Better start writing your will, Shlomo.


Again, what will YOU do about it. Nothing, keep talking tough, we’re all laughing

Arch Bungle

I don’t have to. I’m in the audience cheering on!


You’re the little nothing who doesn’t have the balls to do anything more than write comments with keyboard muscles. You’re pathetic

Arch Bungle

Good thing your opinion counts for 0 in this world.


Says the guy responding to my opinion. Try harder….


Your the pimply loser watching a movie and cheering for the bad guy – bad guy always loses, but you’re a loser so it fits

Arch Bungle

This virus is going to clean out all you shitty inbred khazarians from Palestine. That’s going to save Gaza from constant bombardment.

Azriel Herskowitz

In your dreams, Nazi.

Arch Bungle

Very soon Shitstein.


Tough guy, remind us again when you’re moving to Gaza. Vittorio Arrigoni is waiting for you there.

Arch Bungle

You’re senile. I never said anything about going to Gaza. Don’t know this Vittorio cunt you bring up either.


Look him up. There’s this cool thing called google. And no, you didn’t say anything about going to Gaza bc you’re a coward who talks tough about killing Jews but you’re a little Bi%}*ch who can’t/won’t do anything himself. Back to the basement little boy

Arch Bungle

Don’t have the time to google all the random crap you throw into the forum. As for killing zionist jews, I’ve done my fair share. So suck it Shitstein!


Oh please, you’re probably a pimply loser sitting in your mommy’s basement. But if you really are the tough guy you dream you are, come to NYC to prove it. I’m waiting


That’s because 1. You’re a coward and 2. You’re too stupid to even google his name, retard



https://www.infowars.com/15-times-infowars-predicted-a-bioweapon-release-would-turn-into-worldwide-tyranny/ 3


LMFAO…quoting Putz Putin’s Sputnik News was not bad enough? Now you cite InfoWars? You truly are entertaining in a sick and ignorant way, Adolf.


People can read the study and judge for themselves:

“A Rockefeller Foundation report produced 10 years ago imagined a viral pandemic as the perfect catalyst to implement “tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership,” eerily similar to what’s unfolding during the current coronavirus outbreak.

The 2010 report, entitled, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” outlines several possible future global scenarios, including a “Lock Step” vision in which a “new influenza strain… infects nearly 20 percent of the global population… killing 8 million in just seven months…””

– GLOBALIST THINK TANK LAID OUT SCENARIO WHERE VIRUS OUTBREAK PROMPTS AUTHORITARIAN CRACKDOWN Decade-old Rockefeller Foundation report described virus as catalyst for top-down government control –



LMFAO…and there have been hundreds of movies and SiFi books with a similar narrative. So what? Damn, you sure are gullible and dumb.


Than disprove that the study exists and that what it outlines isn’t happening according to plan by those with the ability to implement it.


LMFAO…you get more desperately demented all the time, Adolf. Go lick those public doorknobs and handrails.


You’ve just verified that you can’t disprove what I’ve written with your depraved reply.


You never disproved you don’t rape your kids and didn’t murdered your wife. That’s a wee bit more serious, dodo.

Arch Bungle

Non meaning. Non- statement #4

Arch Bungle

Non meaning Non statement #3.

Ricky Miller

That’s uou, for sure. The entire system here in the U.S. is corrupt and on the edge of collapse. But here you are ignoring the mess at your doorstep and amongst your own countrymen to focus on and hype up the challenges that Russia faces. Blindness is more than just a novel written by Portuguese Nobel laureate Jose Saramago; it’s also your modus operand, at least in reasoning skills.


Nahhhhhhhh…just my little bit of getting back at our enemies along with knowing my enemies better. That’s all. And again, this is SF a tool of Putz Putin’s Kremlin if you missed it. So when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Ricky Miller

It is not, it’s primarily a site for haters of empire and supporters of Russia standing up to that Empire. No need for Kremlin interference we already know the truth. And that truth is that it’s the United States spreading lies and violating treaties left and right. And exploiting people along the way, including it’s own, breaking away from democratic controls and waging endless wars that have led to the mass murders of hundreds of thousands of people, most of them poor with limited means of self defense. That’s the truth, and we don’t need the Kremlin to tell us the situation but it sure feels good when they do. I have mad respect for Russia, especially when they block yet another one of America’s wicked schemes.


Maybe. But, boy, do the Russians love murdering their own people and others close at hand by the thousands, millions and tens of millions, Igor. Give credit where credit is due.

Ricky Miller

The Russian Federation is not murdering their own people. That’s how you see things but it doesn’t represent reality.

Arch Bungle

Lie #1. Making a long list …


You’re such a Zionist shill that you ignore a policy paper designed for implementation put out by people with the capability and intent to implement it.

Arch Bungle

Non-meaning non-statement #2



– Scenarios for the Future OfTechnology and International Development –



And you can watch PANDEMIC on NetFlix right now. So? Oh, to a high school dropout like you it proves in your vacuous mind that without doubt NetFlix is behind this Pandemic.

Ricky Miller

What you should be watching on Netflix is Dirty Money. See the American rot, the exploitation? Watch the episode about the theft from the elderly, aided and abetted by the state. It’s so wrotten here in the disunited states that outright systematic theft of the elderly is a growth industry.


But way worse is the Russian bio-weapons Virus which especially kills the elderly. The Russians didn’t worry too much about this because their Vodka binging kills them off before they become elderly.

Ricky Miller

Russia didn’t create this virus. In fact, it is the United States that operates weapons labs in other countries and who samples the DNA of other countries population. Is that your job here, worm? To deflect America’s responsibility at a website operated for western detractors of the American supersrate? It’s your post. That must be why you repeat the same loser talking points over and over, just changing the time frames a bit.


LOL…there you go again, Igor. At least this site is not as bad as RI. But it sometimes tries to be.

Ricky Miller

No it doesn’t. SF has it’s flaws but R.I. is a right wing website who admires Russia for being Christian and white, and conservative. SF is a site for Westerners who support Russia and hate on America’s neoliberal empire for violating the UN Charter and attacking small countries like a bully. It’s easy to read the coverage and discern the difference, although both pages draw a significant number of anti-semitic types, at SF that’s collateral and at R.I. it’s deliberate.

Ricky Miller

Thanks for that link. That website is a treasure trove. This tidbit is the only positive thing to ever come out of a Jake 321 exchange, at least for me.


He’s an inflammatory Zionist liar trying disrupt the debate with hasbara disinfo and stupidity.


You’re the Zionist under house arrest and martial law shilling for the Gaza concentration camp. How many unarmed demonstrators have the Jews murdered this week there?


LMFAO…there you go again. Letting your inner Adolf out again, Adolf. You truly are sickly entertaining.


You’re the anti Semite supporting this depravity who’s falsely accusing others of what you’re guilty of.


LMFAO…sure, Adolf.


Your reply doesn’t disprove what I’ve written. It only shows that you can’t disprove what every rational person reading this who’s familiar with your insanity knows is true.


Especially your fellow escapes from the the Daily Stormer nut house, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

Adolf was a hero. Pity he only wiped out a few million shlomos. A job half done.


Maybe, but you, you’re a nothing. You just talk tough. I bet you like to dress up like adolph and parade around your trailer, but skulk quietly to the unemployment office to pick up your check trying to make yourself as invisible as possible


Coming from a Zionist that claims only the lying Jew media is credible your rejection of verifiable information is laughable.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KUw1Rzbde5U a very interesting watch

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