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MARCH 2025

Head Of Ukrainian Military Intelligence Confirms Kiev Regime Is Terrorist One

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Head Of Ukrainian Military Intelligence Confirms Kiev Regime Is Terrorist One

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In his interview published by The Washington Post on January 30, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, admitted the responsibility of the Kiev regime for the terrorist attacks on the Russian territory.

The “young and brave Ukrainian” who is serving as the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine tried his best to assure the interviewer that Ukrainian intelligence keeps Russia in awe; but in fact, he confirmed the terrorist nature of the Kiev regime.

In his interview, he assured that Kiev has its agents in Russia involved in preparation of various attacks.

“There are people who plant explosives. There are drones. Until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, there will be problems inside Russia.” he said.

The head of Ukrainian military intelligence also claimed that Kiev is trying to recruit Russians “who understand that Russia should be different.”

So far, the Kiev regime attempted to deny its links to any attacks in Russia.

Earlier, Russian officials have repeatedly stressed that Ukraine is trying to stage terrorist attacks on Russian territory. In particular, President Vladimir Putin said that the Kiev authorities use terrorist methods, including arranging explosions on power lines around the Kursk NPP, pipelines and Crimean Bridge. After the terrorist Kiev regime ignored warnings from Moscow, the Russian military began strikes on the energy infrastructure facilities throughout Ukraine.

So far, the attempts of the so-called “Ukrainian agents” led to no significant damage to the Russian military or civilian infrastructure and Russian security services promptly identify Ukrainian accomplices.

Confession of the Ukrainian intelligence are likely to remain unnoticed by the MSM readers, assured that Russia which is waging war in accordance to international war laws is a “terrorist state”, not the Kiev regime which is openly declaring its terrorist methods in one of the most popular newspapers in whole world.


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Nazi country like this shouldn’t be expected. They’re already finding themselves the big ones now, but the dismemberment will happen is the humiliation won’t stop until zelensky is killed.


If the cage Stalin had ready to display Adolf with is still handy, it might be a fitting place to hold and display this monkey when they find him hiding under his wifes skirt.

L du Plessis

God blwss this guy for speaking the truth!!🏆


The scumbag is proud of it.

Max Schmidt

It’s game over for the Nazi junta. Nuremberg 2.0 will be waiting for you. Prepare the gallows.


Right. Putler and his lackeys should be hanged slowly.

Dud billions to africa to fail,completely:

Law of the land rules,not savvy gimps,Law of the land rules,not savvy gimps,Biden + co are despewrate scumbags of the worse kind, conversely there is absolutely no future in tyrannical fascism nor their lgbtq,its all a disease and the disease will be stopped one way or another,holding christians at ransom won’t cut it either,they will fail in their evil deeds just as soros will die as the eternal loser it fkn well always been in its quest to finalise it resolve in the salt lake of fire,just like ythe rest of the begotten evil bio lab weaponeers who are allready getting the beltings of their miserable lifetimes along with they who failed to take out these vile evil parasites unlike Russia whoms doing a top job in dealing with these vile record breaking cowardly,pathedic insolent satanic mob whos quest for supremacy shall only amount into masses in exodus destined to keep on losing ever so patrhedicaly unless the pull their fugly heads outta one anothers ass and learn to grow to be adults instead of the impotent spastics they truly are,where even i noticed there was more maturity along other kids back in kingdergarden to say the very least,either way Russia will not be subdued into any teorrist blackmail (period) they will persists and destroy each and every demon along with their sponsors,untill it is understood once and for all the nazis shall never prosper in anything god as our witness!

Heck,even the devils pissed off,he told the creeps to be greedy,not fekn just stupid,crikey moses:

Last edited 2 years ago by Dud billions to africa to fail,completely:

excellent, striking nazis inside russia!

Dud billions to africa to fail,completely:

No where near excellent as getting right into the sodomites/nato in their turf though,NEVER ENOUGH:


The US UK Mossad all engage heavily in terrorism.


“The report, titled Operation Greenwich is the latest in a series of damning investigations carried out into state collusion with loyalist paramilitaries, in north and west Belfast, South Down, County Armagh and highlights the importation of the South African arms shipment by Ulster Resistance in 1988 which saw the re-arming loyalist death squads.” https://www.anphoblacht.com/contents/28243


“The CIA-backed paramilitary network included units in Belgium, France, Greece, West Germany and the Netherlands, according to European newspaper and news-service reports “The operation was expanded to all of Western Europe by 1959,” including neutral Sweden and Switzerland, according to a story scheduled to appear Wednesday in the German newspaper Die Welt. The investigation revealed that the explosives used in a 1972 car-bombing came from one of the 139 secret weapons depots kept for the use of Gladio forces. The bomb, which killed three policemen near the town of Gorizia in northeast Italy, was placed by neo-fascist activist Vincenzo Vinciguerra, who was sentenced to life imprisonment.”


“The Lavon affair (“Esek Habish” – the shameful affair) was one of the most bizarre chapters in Israeli history. In 1954, the Israeli secret service set up a spy ring in Egypt, with the purpose of blowing up US and British targets. The operation was code-named “Susanah.” The terrorist hits were to be blamed on the regime of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, with the purpose of alienating the US and Britain from Egypt and Nasser and somehow preventing Egyptian nationalization of the Suez canal.” http://www.mideastweb.org/lavon.htm


Head explode material……CHeck howmuch Iron ore has been mined and consider how many inactive mines there are in EUrope with pre built facilitites ready togo. Then consider Undegroun rail tunnels and strategic defense facilitties beneath cities.. Gladio Alpha Gladio Beta. Gladio Omega is coming. Logistics networks from the COLD WAR will be reacitvated this time in abandoned industrial centers.


The history of warfare is full of ‘terrorism’, war itself is terrifying and always a crime pretty much and people sneaking around and shooting others and setting fires and blowing stuff up is par for the course. Surprise attacks, barrages, bombardments, midnight bombing raids, deliberate and willful destruction, raining down despair and misery on the heads of the general populace, leaving a trail of corpses and mayhem…but when you start talking about torture, disfigurement, violent willful abuse of prisoners even unto death, there are the regular things that can happen in war and then there are the actions of people that are beyond the pale, things in the past that have resulted in the Geneva conventions and laws of war protecting prisoners and civilians presumably. Problem is, some people don’t care, and neither does flying ordnance and who will arrest or stop them.


He’ll get himself killed or wind up hidng out in Langley. Zelensky has gotten smarter about NATO and Ukrainain assets not mixing well. He’s going to u run a tight authoritrian ship. I would consider the FSB Ethics committe to leave people alone because Zelensky, CIA, NATO and everyone else will kill them. He’s still far short of Dark Lord material but its like a Latin American dirty war with everyone below a general going missing or hiding in safe house in Miami calling the embassy to show they are busy. Afghan astronughts and generals were driving Tacis around D.C. Until he gets full support in D.C, NATO Rome and the British cave they are all dead men walking until further notice. NATO generals will start going down after the next or offensive after.


Its nasty but people have to adjust. A Ukraine VS Russia misisng KIA politicians list needs to be collected so people can remember and gauge who was likely murdered, assaisnated, vanished, ran off. War crimes tribunal, manhunt, peace settlement or even truth and reconcilliations commmitte will thank everyone. The burn after reading all documents expunged shit has to stop because if it goes nuclear it’ll vanish off western history like Afghan War leadership or other small conflicts. Armenia?

Isser Harel

This man is admitting to planning terrorist attacks and is even boastful about it. He needs to be targeted as soon as possible to prevent loss of life. Israel would not hesitate neither should Russia.

Dud billions to africa to fail,completely:

Take them out,you can’t blackmail forever and expect to get away with it,TAKE SOROS-CIA OUT!


This guy is a member of a secret cult with other Ukrainian, American, English, Jewish people… and he ordered the assassination of Darya Dugina, Kyrill Stremusov and others who could see what this war is REALLY all about. The SBU should have taken him out yesterday. But SBU is infiltrated too…

Isser Harel

That cult organization is in every city and every state. People need to learn to identify them in every location. They really do worship satan and they really are waging war against all of this beautiful earth, because it is part of gods works. Prepare accordingly.


These reprehensible ukrainian nazi racists just cannot help or stop themselves. they think it should be ok to do what they do. todays headline “The FA ‘opens an investigation’ into Mykhailo Mudryk’s racial slur in TikTok video that saw the £88m Chelsea star use the N-word while reciting song lyrics… after the Ukrainian apologised for the historical post”


The reason Russia s there is the installation of scumbag zionut slime Victoria Nudleman by commie Phagg0t H0M0BAMA who installed Yats the yid who attacked Russians in the East the bastard slime are STILL shekling and murdering.


The very fact that he’s still alive is a proof that Putler is weak and idiot.

Raze this fucking Kiev entirely.

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