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MARCH 2025

Heavy Clashes And Saudi-led Coalition On The Back Foot As The Houthis Push For Marib City (Map, Videos)

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Heavy Clashes And Saudi-led Coalition On The Back Foot As The Houthis Push For Marib City (Map, Videos)

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Over the last several days, and especially on February 15th, heavy clashes are taking place in Yemen’s Marib.

The Houthis have pushed the Saudi-led coalition hard, reaching the city itself and the Marib Dam.

Immediately, the UN began crying foul, saying that a push threatened the civilians, and saying that “the peace process” was under threat.

The peace process in question is Saudi Arabia and Co. bombing civilian targets and not adhering to the al-Hudaydah ceasefire.

The Houthis seek to wrestle control of Marib, closing off Saudi-Arabia’s southern border and taking control of oil fields in the province that would give them leverage in possible peace negotiations.

Alarmed by the Houthis’ renewed push, the Saudi-led coalition bombed their advancing convoys in the sprawling desert around Marib. It also brought in ground enforcements from the government-held provinces of Taiz and Shabwa, the officials said.

So far, it appears that there is little progress on the side of Saudi Arabia.

Marib is the last stronghold of the Saudi-led coalition in the relatively calm central region of Yemen. This would also allow for the Houthis to push towards Saudi Arabia’s southern parts.

News sources claimed that more than 48 fighters were killed and over 120 were wounded on February 10th and 11th, with the majority of the casualties from among the Houthi rebels.

Two unnamed military officials from the Saudi puppet government said at least 16 pro-government forces were killed and 21 wounded in the past 24 hours, adding that “dozens were killed” among Houthi ranks.

The Houthis have cut off supply lines to a district about 50 kilometres south of the city, with “the goal to lay siege to Marib”, one of them said.

On February 14th, the kingdom intercepted two Houthi bomb-laden drones fired towards the southern garrison town of Khamis Mushait, the official Saudi Press Agency cited the Riyadh-led military coalition as saying.

However, a Houthi military spokesman said two rebel drones struck the airport in the nearby city of Abha.

Heavy Clashes And Saudi-led Coalition On The Back Foot As The Houthis Push For Marib City (Map, Videos)

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  • The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 192 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah during the past 24 hours
  • On February 15, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 7 airstrikes on the Zaher area
  • On February 15, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 11 airstrikes on the Sarwah area
  • On February 15, Ansar Allah continued its advances west of Marib and captured the Zour and Hamajira areas
  • On February 16, clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continued in the Talaat al-Hamra area
  • On February 16, Ansar Allah attacked Khamis Mushait Airport with 3 drones


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Kenny Jones ™

When the UN starts worrying, you know the Houthis are winning

Proud Hindu

Islamic circus what can the UN do in it?

Zionism = EVIL

Enough attention seeking dirty Hindu slum dog, now go drink some cow piss and crap in the street :)

Proud Hindu

Stfu rawafid

Zionism = EVIL

Little Hindu filthy slum dog, find a job sweeping floors like all Indians and clean the local mall. So easy to humiliate :)

Proud Hindu

Your hu$$@in was fked by omar worry about that ?

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, my pet monkey.

Proud Hindu

I like it when you shia @$$holes are killed by saudis and gcc countries ?

Arch Bungle

That has never happened, only in your cowdung-smoking dreams shitmonkey.

China owns your miserable species.

Proud Hindu

Did you have sex with hussai or ali??

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, easy to bait my shit monkey :)

Proud Hindu

Rawafid triggered ?

Just Me

Dumbo you got played with and owned lol

Arch Bungle

You need to go build an altar to the Han and worship them.

it’s the only hope for your inferior cowdung-worshipping race.

Al Gathafi Did Nothing Wrong™

better specified “the oppressed peoples begin to win”

Icarus Tanović

Oh yes, indeed.

John Brown

Capture as many oil Saudi fields and mliitary bases as possible and then their pipelines to the Red Sea next. Then if the Saudis don’t end the blockade of Yemin the Houthis can shut down all the pipelines. Kind of surprised the Houthis have not bombed the Saudis pipelines already.

Kenny Jones ™

They have but there are too many

John Brown

Yes but pipelines are very long and very hard to defend against hit and run attacks as well as Houthis drones and missiles and even long range artillery when within range.

Cut off Saudi oil exports, to collapse the Saudi government and the USSA Zio dollar. Its the quickest way to win the war and end the suffering.

Kenny Jones ™

I prefer naval mine warfare, they cost less and will always hit, just mine the Red Sea

Pave Way IV

The Houthis have little interest in Saudi oil or military bases. Yemen is (or at least was) more than self-sufficient on its own oil and less so on it’s few, small refineries. Sana’a previously depended on the Ma`rib refinery and Marib/Shabwa Basin oilfields under control of Hadi, the loyalist army and Sunni tribal mafia thugs aligned with Islah/al Qaeda – all supported by the Saudi chimps.

Sana’a and the north now almost exclusively rely in refined products imported by tankers through Hodeidah – a situation that the US/Israel/Saudi/UAE attempted to exploit in ‘peace’ (occupation) negotiations via the current secret oil embargo (which the UN ignores). Virtually all water supply, sewage treatment, critical infrastructure and hospitals run on diesel generators, so it’s easy to create a humanitarian disaster and somehow blame it on the Houthis, themselves (because that’s what we do). I read the Ma’rib refinery jacked up prices by 4x or 5x and offered to sell a little to the Houthis.

The Houthis responded appropriately: “Time to kick the Saudi’s ass out of Yemen once and for all along with their puppet Hadi and the Islah/al Qaeda oilfield mafia, and take back our own oil.” They don’t give a shit about UN negotiations anymore or any bullshit chimpanzee ‘terms’. Once they have de-chimped Ma’rib and retaken their oilfields and refinery, they can take a break and negotiate with other Yemenis minus their UAE handlers: the STC in the south.

Zionism = EVIL

Saudis economy is faltering and they have huge deficits and the Aramco IPO failed miserably. The airforce is largely grounded as mercenary pilots were not being paid. They have lost 70% of their armor and morale is close to zero as daily Ansarallah drone strikes are causing an exodus of western expats who keep the wretched place going. Even a senile dolt like Biden is now putting pressure in the headchopper MBS.

Captain Freedom

The UN is just doing their job, protecting headchoppas and allowing them to slaughter civilian populations. Just like in the good old times during the yugoslav wars

Kenny Jones ™

Yugoslavia is next to be liberated! Mark my words

Zionism = EVIL

What a surprise that the UN is “concerned” when the Ansarallah are knocking on the gates of Aden. I am sure the Zionist talk fest of UN will be even “severely distressed” then Hezbollah pounds Zionist hovels into the ground soon. Interestingly, the UN is only concerned when the loser dumbarse Americunts and their Zionist/Wahhabi mutts lose.

Proud Hindu

Lol.Thats my only comment.Islamic world has become a circus.


Beats being a cow piss drinker.

Zionism = EVIL

or the national pass time of shitting in the streets.

Arch Bungle

Ho many cows have you raped today?

Proud Hindu

Where is Allah?? Your followers are killing each other

Random Dude

Busy watching congress modi circus.

Proud Hindu

Thats better less bloodshed.Wheres your muhammad?

Arch Bungle

Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the next hindu-built dam to collapse like last week?

Random Dude

Mohammed Bin Salman? Watching over Indian slaves that don’t stop pouring to his country

Proud Hindu

Prophet muhammad is mbs ?

Random Dude

You should be more clear on who you are talking about. Is is MBS or Prophet Muhammad. But still you didn’t answer my question on the slaves. Whats happening dude?

Proud Hindu

You a$$hole muslims can have them as most of them are smelly muslims like your donkey profet

Random Dude

Most of them are Hindu Kumars that managed to escape. The ones who didn’t are are converting to Christianity and Islam. South found the right way, be like south

Proud Hindu

Fk your muhammad and jesus.Islam will collapse soon just like christianity

Random Dude

sure sure. Hinduism is the best religion. The trick: gotta be a Brahman:))))


Grovelling to the Chinese was more fun.


No need to be disrespectful to Islam. Those who try to invade Yemen doesn’t serve Allah but mainly Western Anglo-Zionist interests.

Furkan Sahin

https://yemen.liveuamap.com/en/2021/16-february-us-state-department-the-houthis-must-stop-the look what usa say

Just Me

Proud about squatting and taking a dump anyplace?

Arch Bungle

Do you have sex with your cow or does your cow have sex with you?


The Ansarallah are on a roll. Soon Aden will also fall and then Saudi loses are fini.

Bobby Twoshoes

That first clip was hilarious, those Saudi roaches scattered like the Houthis switched on the light in a junky’s kitchen


Those Saudi mercenaries run away like they are on the motorbikes !! :)


International organizations have left Ma’rib, they wouldn’t if the victory wasn’t near.

And about Saudi claims, monkeys lie ever single time. Here’s a video of effectiveness of Saudi air defence which successfully destroyed the Yemeni projectile with the face of Khamis Mush’ait base!



Nice! What were they singing?

klove and light

push hard brothers…push hard………take marib…..and put another nail in bin-salmans coffin

death to america death tom israel curse on the jews

Icarus Tanović

No stopping until entire Yemen is free.

Arch Bungle


What an unfortunate but appropriate surname for the UN Comissioner.

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